Membership: Hercules, Tatiana Maximoff, Thaddeus Stark, Tannan Six, Thor (Dargo Ktor), Deva Van Dyne
Purpose: To stop Loki
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Loki
Base of Operations: Minneapolis, Minnesota, Earth-Once and Future Thor (see comments)
First Appearance: Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001 (February, 2002)
History: (Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001 - "Avengers: Assembled Once More" (fb) - BTS) - In the future, Loki embraced the technology of the age, becoming much more dangerous than ever. During a battle between him and the current Thor, Dargo Ktor, that cost Dargo his wife, Dargo was left for dead in the ruined city of Minneapolis.
(Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001 - "Avengers: Assembled Once More (fb) - BTS) - As Loki continued to grow in power over the years following his battle with Dargo, one of Loki's loyal shock troopers watched as Loki conquered the entire world. The trooper, Tannan Six, grew curious of Loki's trophy room, where he found the legendary shield of Captain America and a wooden stick. After finding the artifacts, Tannan found himself with the desire to desert Loki's forces and take the artifacts with him. Loki soon discovered Tannan's desertion and made him the most wanted man on the planet Earth. Soon after, while hiding from Loki, Tannan Six encountered the young Tatiana Maximoff, who happened to be a mutant sorceress. She too was forced to flee from Loki after being accused of two execution-level crimes. Tatiana told Tannan of the legend of the Avengers, making Tannan realize what he was carrying. Knowing that he needed to locate Thor to return the wooden stick to him, Tannan enlisted the aid of the legendary Hercules, the wasp-like Deva Van Dyne, and the armored Thaddeus Stark to reform the Avengers.
(Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001 - "Avengers: Assembled Once More (fb) - BTS) - The newly-formed Avengers soon found Dargo Ktor in Minneapolis and convinced him to reclaim the wooden stick, which was in actuality, the Hammer of Thor. Striking the stick on the ground, Dargo once again became Thor and joined the Avengers against Loki.
(Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001 - "Avengers: Assembled Once More") - With the Avengers reborn, Loki once again remembered what it was to be afraid as the Avengers began their crusade against him.
Comments: Created by Chris Batista and Eric Cannon.
It is unclear whether this takes place in the timeline of the Thor/Dargo Ktor of Earth-8710
The Avengers should not be confused with:
Hercules should not be confused with:
Loki should not be confused with:
Tatiana Maximoff should not be confused with:
Thaddeus Stark should not be confused with:
Tannan Six has no known connection to:
Deva Van Dyne should not be confused with:
Hercules was a former Avenger who joined the re-formed team with Tannan Six and the others. He aided them in finding Dargo Ktor.
--Marvel Universe Millennial Visons 2001 - "Avengers: Assembled Once More"
Loki was the half-brother of Thor, and cooperated with the human government of this world, taking an interest in the Cult of Thor. Loki offered his services to the chairman of the Corp to remove the cultists by sending a legion of his trolls after them. However, it was during the skirmish that Dargo Ktor first lifted Mjolnir, and gained the power of Thor. Loki sent his chief troll Tyrus to handle Dargo, but Dargo defeated him, and the chairman was infuriated with Loki. Loki killed the chairman for annoying him. When Dargo allowed Mjolnir to seemingly return to Thor, Loki left Earth to prepare for the true return of his step-brother. However, when the true Thor did not return, Loki returned to Earth, and eventually embraced the technology of the day and in a fierce battle, destroyed Minneapolis and left Dargo for dead. After the defeat of Dargo, Loki took over the world until one of his servants turned on him and escaped with Captain America's shield and Thor's stick/hammer. Loki immediately made his servant a wanted man. The escaped servant, Tannan Six, eventually met with other rogues to form the new Avengers in order to stop Loki and win back the world.
--Thor I#384 (Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001 - "Avengers: Assembled Once More"
Tatiana was a young mutant sorceress who was accused of two execution-level crimes under Loki's rule. She escaped into hiding, where she met another escapee, Tannan Six, and informed of the legendary Avengers. The two then met with other heroes to form the new Avengers and eventually found the defeated Dargo Ktor, who once again became active as Thor.
--Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001 - "Avengers: Assembled Once More"
Thaddeus Stark was a hero who wore a sophisticated suit of armor equipped with various weaponry. He joined other heroes in forming a new team of Avengers and helped find Dargo Ktor in the bombed-out Minneapolis.
--Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001 - "Avengers: Assembled Once More"
Tannan Six was a loyal servant of Loki until he became curious of Loki's trophy room. He snuck into the room, where he found the legendary shield of Captain America and the wooden stick that transformed into the Hammer of Thor. Escaping with the items, Tannan quickly became a wanted man until he met with a young mutant named Tatiana Maximoff who informed him of the legendary Avengers. Tannan then met with other heroes to form a new team of Avengers to find the defeated Dargo Ktor. With Dargo reclaiming his identity of Thor, the heroes formed the new Avengers.
--Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001 - "Avengers: Assembled Once More"
Deva Van Dyne was a hero who fought against Loki and joined other heroes to form the new Avengers. Together with them, she helped fight against Loki's rule using her wings and small wasp-like size.
--Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001 - "Avengers: Assembled Once More"
Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001, p19, splash page (all pics in this profile come from this page/panel combination)
Last updated: 10/11/05
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