Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human technology user
Occupation: Robber
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Human Torch (Johnny Storm)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: Hostess Cup Cakes ad "Blown About",
published in Micronauts I#27 (March, 1981) and other Marvel books that
Powers/Abilities: Blow Dryer was armed with a "supersonic hair dryer" - a rifle that looked like a large-scale, hand-held hair dryer. The "supersonic hair dryer" was capable of firing a concentrated blast of air with no recoil; the air blast was strong enough to blow out the Human Torch's flames.
(Hostess Cup Cakes ad "Blown About") - At an outdoor high-society
party, Blow Dryer was attempting to rob the socialites of their
valuables. The Human Torch flew into the area to stop her, but Blow
Dryer blasted him with her "supersonic hair dryer". With his
flames almost extinguished, the Torch spotted some Hostess Cup Cakes
sitting on one of the party tables. The Torch threw some packages of
the chocolatey cake/ icing treats to the follicly-frustrated femme
fatale, causing her to drop her weapon. The Human Torch then swooped
down to take Blow Dryer into custody.
Comments: Created by an unknown writer and an unknown artist - I think the artist might be Sal Buscema.
John Kaminski wanted to give this character, unnamed in her one
appearance, the name "Bad Hair Dayna" but she has appeared as Blow
Dryer in the FF Encyclopedia since then.
In the final panel the Torch carries Dayna away. Looking at her perm, and thinking of the amount of hairspray she must have used to get a 'do like that, I can only imagine she went up like a Roman Candle a few seconds later. - Loki
We used to have a statement in all Hostess character profiles
regarding Icemaster being the only one to bridge the continuity
barrier, but several of the ones that have fought the Fantastic Four
got mentioned in the Fantastic Four Encyclopedia, including Blow Dryer.
You can get the whole story, and some clever commentary from Seanbaby's The Hostess Page. It might not meet with the Comics Code Authority's approval, so kids, ask your parents before checking that out!
Profile by John Kaminski
Blow Dryer has no known connection to:
Hostess ad, various comics, single page
panel 1 (full body shot)
panel 6 (head shot)
panel 3 and 4 (close-up of hairdryer, and hairdryer in
Last updated: 01/12/06
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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