Real Name: Don Thomas
Human technology user;
Legal Status: U.S. citizen with a criminal record
Professional criminal;
Group Membership: The Hood (Parker Robbins)'s army of resurrected Scourge victims aka. Deadly Dozen (Basilisk/Basil Elks, Bird-Man/Achille DiBacco, Black Abbott, Cheetah/Esteban Carracus, Cyclone/André Gerard, Death Adder/Roland Burroughs, Firebrand/Gary Gilbert, Hijacker/Howard Mitchell, Human Fly/Richard Deacon, Lascivious/Davida DeVito (formerly Titania), Letha/Helen Feliciano, Megatak/Gregory Nettles, Mind-Wave/Erik Gelden, Miracle Man/Joshua Ayers, Mirage/Desmond Charne, Turner D. Century/Clifford F. Michaels, Wraith/Brian DeWolff), Scourge of the Underworld victims (not a
real group)
"Bart," Charlie, Gary Gilbert
(Firebrand), Justin Hammer, the
Hood, Megatak
Enemies: Captain America, Falcon (Sam Wilson), Nick Fury, Punisher, Henry Russo, Scourge of the Underworld, S.H.I.E.L.D., Vamp
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Blue-Boy (nickname from the Vamp), "The 'Darling' of the Roller Derby" (self-joking nickname)
of Operations: New York City, USA;
First Appearance: Captain America I#217 (January, 1978)
The Blue Streak engaged in regular
exercise and was a highly talented skater, incorporating his
jet-skating into
his fighting style.
Weight: 190 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
(Captain America I#229) - The Blue Streak served as an operative for
subversive organization known as the Corporation who assigned him to
infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D.
(Captain America I#217 (fb) - BTS) - In order to better combat the super-powered agents of the Corporation, S.H.I.E.L.D. put together their own group of Super-Agents. The Blue Streak was a member of this group.
(Captain America I#217) - Nick Fury introduced Captain America and the Falcon to the Super-Agents, and the Blue Streak showed them that he was more than just a simple disco skater...he was a ROCKET-POWERED disco skater. Cap provoked the four agents to see how good they were: the Blue Streak charged Cap, only to be floored by a drop kick. As Cap flattened Texas Twister, the Blue Streak leapt atop Cap's shoulders, then used his rocket skates to fly him towards Marvel Boy, but Cap grabbed a pole to stop himself, sending the Blue Streak crashing into Marvel Boy. Cap then halted the fight and revealed he had just been testing them. Telling them they were good, but needed practice as a team, Cap nonetheless turned down Fury's request to train them, instead recommending the Falcon take the job. The Falcon accepted.
(Captain America I#218) - Sharon Carter walked in on a session in which the Falcon trained the Super-Agents. The Blue Streak cried out after a near miss blast from Marvel Man (formerly Marvel Boy).
America I#228 (fb) - BTS) - The Falcon disappeared
for several days after being captured by the Corporation. Figuring the
was an adult and could take care of himself (or not really caring, in
Blue Streak's case), the Super-Agents made no effort to locate him.
continued their training on their own.
America I#228) - Captain America interrupted a
training session of the Super-Agents by video communication, asking
about the
Falcon, and the Blue Streak told Cap that the Falcon had last said to
that an "old contact told him Jim <Wilson>'s in trouble."
The Blue
Streak then told Cap to get off his back, as he didn't owe the Falcon
America I#229) - Captain America confronted the
Super-Agents in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Los Angeles base's training room,
telling them
that one of them was a spy and he could prove it. In an effort to
prevent Cap
from questioning him further, the Blue Streak told the others that Cap
just provoking them as another test, and led the other Super-Agents to
him. The Blue Streak slammed into Cap first, but his second charge was
with a boot to the gut. After Captain America defeated the rest of the
Super-Agents, the Blue Streak panicked and attempted to flee, admitting
guilt in the process, but Cap dropped him with his shield. The Blue
possibly broke his arm in the fall, but the Vamp--also a Corporation
agent--decided to kill the Blue Streak to prevent him from giving her
too. Pretending to be trying to force the Blue Streak to talk, the Vamp
savagely beating him. Captain America tore off her belt (which allowed
her to
duplicate the abilities of others), and the sudden change in her energy
weakened her. Captain America then confronted the battered Blue Streak,
who--feeling he had nothing else to lose--told Cap that the Falcon was
held on Alcatraz.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Deluxe Edition#5: Justin Hammer) - Hammer designed Blue Streak's equipment and funded his operations in exchange for a percentage of his profits.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Deluxe Edition#20: Blue Streak) - After leaving prison, the Blue Streak led a successful career as a professional criminal in the American Midwest. His rocket skates and laser weaponry enabled him to pursue moving vehicles on highways and rob them.
(Captain America I#318 (fb) - BTS) - Blue Streak visited the Medina County, Ohio branch of the Bar with No Name every other night for six months.
America I#318) - At the Bar with No Name, Blue
Streak checked his equipment with Charlie at the door, then ordered a
from bartender Bart (secretly the Scourge of the Underworld), who
pointed him
towards someone who wanted to see him. Gary Gilbert (formerly
Firebrand) told
Blue Streak about the series of super-villains being assassinated, and
invited Blue Streak to join his underground network to locate and
the killer, but Blue Streak refused: "Sorry, Gilbert. I ain't a
joiner." That
same night, Blue Streak raced down a highway, whipping past Captain
who was traveling cross-country by van, and a police car wrecked trying
pursue the Blue Streak. After rescuing the cop, Cap followed the
trail, and happened across the uncostumed Blue Streak at a rest stop.
Recognizing Blue Streak's face, the similarly uncostumed Steve Rogers
confronted and identified the Blue Streak, then dodged a punch and
him with a submission hold. Fearing his opponent was the
villain-killer, Blue
Streak managed to pull out one of his gauntlets, fire on Rogers, and
free from his grip. Cap ducked the blast, but it hit and blew up a car,
the distraction allowed the Blue Streak to change into costume (which
Cap did
as well). Cap dodged a volley of laser blasts, then hurled his shield
at the
Blue Streak, knocking his feet out from under him and damaging one of
boot-jets. Deciding to cut his losses, Blue Streak fled, but Cap
pursued him
on his motorcycle and caught up to him. Blue Streak fired at him a few
times, then took off around a bend and tried to ambush Cap as he turned
corner. Cap blocked him with his shield, after which Blue Streak tossed
razor sharp jacks across the road in front of him. While Cap cleared
with his shield, Blue Streak took off again, this time faking his death
damaging the guard rail and leaving pieces of his equipment on the
Justice is served, Blue Streak.
(Captain America I#427 (fb) - BTS) - Lou Dexter, aka Dead Ringer, obtained a piece of Blue Streak's tissue.
(Captain America I#427 - BTS) - Dexter adopted the form of Blue Streak to rapidly heal from severe burns after having some hot grease (or soup or coffee or something) dumped on his back. Later, Dexter changed into Blue Streak to battle Quicksilver, but was defeated and captured.
VII#5) - Aided by Dormammu's dark magic, the Hood resurrected Blue
Streak along with several other of Scourge's victims to fight the
(Punisher VII#6) - The Hood addressed the assembled resurrected villains (including Blue Streak), warning them that failure to kill the Punisher would leave them dead again after 30 days, but lying to them that it was the Punisher disguised as Scourge who had killed them. Each one resurrected had been augmented, armed and costumed by the Hood.
(Punisher VII#9) - To stop the Punisher's hacker, Megatak hauled Blue Streak through the electronic interface from the Hood's hideout to Henry Russo's computer-laden van. Blue Streak raced after Henry as he tried to escape on his hovering board, offering a quick death with his wrsit-mounted blades. Henry called his board back and it cracked the neck of Blue Streak.
Comments: Created by Roy Thomas & Don Glut (writers), John Buscema (pencils), and Pablo Marco (inks).
His Deluxe Edition Book of the Dead entry more fully showed his death (we see him shot in the face). -- John McDonagh
The Blue Streak had an entry in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Deluxe Edition#16. His real name was revealed in the Civil War: Battle Damage Report.
Profile by Snood.
Blue Streak (Don Thomas)'s equipment was alter adopted by:
But he has no known connection to:
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Deluxe Edition#16: Blue
(main image)
Captain America I#217, p8, panel 2 (disco version)
Captain America I#229, p11, panel 4 (disco face)
Captain America I#319, p9, panel 3 (later face)
Punisher VII#9, p13, pan1 (rolling with blades)
America I#217 (February, 1978) - Don Glut (writer),
Sal Buscema, Mike Esposito, John(?) Tartag (artists)
Captain America I#228 (December, 1978) - Roger McKenzie (writer), Sal
Buscema, Mike Esposito, John(?) Tartag (artists)
Captain America I#229 (January, 1979) - Roger McKenzie (writer), Sal
(penciler), Don Perlin (embellisher)
Captain America I#318 (June, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul
(penciler), Dennis Ianke (inker)
Punisher VII#5 (July, 2009) - Rick Remender (writer), Jerome Opena
(art), Axel Alonso (editor)
Punisher VII#6 (August, 2009) - Rick Remender (writer), Tan
Eng Huat (art), Axel Alonso (editor)
Punisher VII#9 (November, 2009) - Rick Remender (writer), Tan Eng Huat (art), Axel Alonso (editor)
First Posted: 09/02/2005
Last updated: 12/12/2011
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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