Real Names:
Unrevealed (presumably their last names are Burke, Kroeger,
& Stylles)
Identity/Class: Presumably
Extradimensional (and temporal) human mutants (Earth-1191)
Occupation: Criminals
Group Membership: None
Eye-Beam, Trevor Fitzroy, Styglut, numerous unnamed criminals
from Earth-1191; indirectly Sentinels
Enemies: Bishop, the Hellions
(Bevatron, Catseye, Roulette, Tarot, numerous unnamed mutants), Malcolm,
Randall, White Queen, the X-Men (Archangel, Colossus, Jean Grey, Iceman,
Professor X, Storm)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations:
Earth-616; formerly Earth-1191
First Appearance:
Uncanny X-Men#282 (November, 1991)
Powers/Abilities: Kroeger had the ability to
generate an unknown form of energy and had white skin. Burke did not display
any superhuman powers, but had red skin. Stylles also did not display any
superhuman powers.
(Uncanny X-Men#282) - Once Fitzroy had arrived on Earth-616 and captured
the White Queen and her Hellions, he drew energy from Tarot and generated
a temporal portal that brought Burke, Kroeger, and Stylles to Earth-616 as
well. As soon as they arrived, Fitzroy reminded them of their pact with him,
but Kroeger, thinking himself a free man, declined to work for Fitzroy. Trevor
Fitzroy then tricked Kroeger into thinking that he had the upper hand and
offered Kroeger a portal back to Earth-1191. Kroeger quickly agreed, not
realizing that the portal was one-way. As soon as Kroeger entered the portal,
his energy was absorbed to power it anew and Kroeger was instantly killed.
The X-Men soon arrived to rescue the psyche of Jean Grey, which was active
in the body of the White Queen, and the group made quick work of Burke and
(Uncanny X-Men#283-285 - BTS) - Burke and Stylles were executed by Bishop, Malcolm, and Randall because they had no means of easily returning them to their own world to face incarceration.
Comments: Created by John Byrne,
Whilce Portacio, and Art Thibert.
The few panels that these guys appear on don't help to distinguish them.
According to both a scream in Uncanny X-Men#282 and the Official Marvel Index
to the X-Men II#5, the white guy who got killed was definately Kroeger, despite
the fact that Fitzroy refers to the red guy as Kroeger when they first arrive,
even though Fitzroy later apparently realized his mistake and began calling
the white guy Kroeger. I believe that the panel where Fitzroy called the
red guy Kroeger was a mistake of coloring or the word balloons were coming
out of the wrong mouths. So, in an effort to better distinguish them, here's
an easy explanation of who is who: Kroeger is the white guy, Burke is the
red guy, and Stylles is the Caucasian.
Burke has no known connections to
Kroeger has no known connections to
Stylles has no known connections to
Uncanny X-Men#282 (November, 1991) - John Byrne (scripter), Whilce Portacio
(plotter, penciler), Art Thibert (inker)
First Posted: 09/05/2006 Any Additions/Corrections? please
let me know.
Non-Marvel Copyright
info Special Thanks to www.g-mart.com for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!History:
(Uncanny X-Men#282 (fb) - BTS) - In order to become free, Burke,
Kroeger, and Stylles agreed to work for Trevor Fitzroy.
Uncanny X-Men#282, p14, pan1 (The trio, fullbody
p14, pan3 (The trio, headshots)
Last updated: 08/31/06
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