Real Name: Unrevealed
Human (Brazilian, mutate?) Occupation:
Super-hero Group Membership:
None Affiliations:
None Enemies:
Zeitgeist Known Relatives:
Unidentified wife Aliases:
None Base of Operations:
Brazil First Appearance:
Alpha Flight I#78 (December, 1989)
Captain Forsa appeared to possess superhuman strength. History:
(Alpha Flight I#78) - Captain Forsa was made aware of recent killings among the
superhuman population of South America, and in a briefing with reporters, he
declared that he had no fear, and that whoever was responsible would face his
wrath. A female reporter questioned him on how he would know the killer's
motives, but he remained confident that he would discover them. At his hotel
room, Captain Forsa found the reporter waiting for him, and informed her that he
was just married. She handed him a photograph of himself lying dead on the
floor. The reporter then turned into Zeitgeist, and Captain Forsa lunged at him,
but Zeitgeist disappeared, then reappeared and stabbed him through the chest.
Zeitgeist then used his camera to take a picture of Captain Forsa's death.
(Captain America I#442 - BTS) -
Captain Forsa's murder was investigated by members of the
Schutz-Heiligruppe Comments:
Created by James D. Hudnall, John Calimee and Mike Manley. Captain
Forsa was called "Captain Forza" in Captain America I#442. This is how his name
would be spelled in Spainish. If I'm
interpreting correctly, his name means "Captain Strength." Cisco has
some comments on the spelling of his name: "The word in Portuguese is "Força",
replacing the 's' with a cedilla 'c'. "Forsa" is how it would sound, but it's
also one of the most god-awful typos in the history of the Portuguese language."
by Prime Eternal
CLARIFICATIONS: Images taken from: Alpha Flight I#78 (December,
1989) - James D. Hudnall (writer), John Calimee (penciler), Mike Manley (inker),
Carl Potts (editor)
First Posted: 01/23/2006 Any Additions/Corrections?
let me know.
Non-Marvel Copyright info
Captain Forsa should not be confused with:
Alpha Flight I#78, page 3, panel 3
Alpha Flight I#78, page 7, panel 2
Captain America I#442 (August, 1995) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Dave Hoover,
Sandra Florea (pencilers), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Last updated: 12/15/2006
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