Real Name: Unknown
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Ultraverse) human mutate
Occupation: Vigilante
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None (possibly female autograph hunters)
Enemies: Purse snatchers
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York, U.S.A.
First Appearance: Warstrike#4 (August, 1994)
Powers/Abilities: Captain USA had powerful musculature, displaying athlete
to peak human strength. His running speed was about enhanced human. He spoke like a cartoon superhero and seemed a tad vain, being easily distracted by female autograph hunters. He wore a garish nationalist/patriot costume stylized after the colors and symbols of the U.S. flag.
Frank and Nathaniel, out with their respective dates, Shelby and Cindy, on a main street in New York City, were interrupted by a purse-snatching youth who ran off with Cindy's purse. Frank and Nathaniel gave chase, but were suddenly overtaken by the speeding and muscular form of Captain USA. He stopped, issued a bold warning, then gave chase, easily and quickly capturing the young thief, who dropped the purse. Holding the purse snatcher aloft, Captain USA returned the purse to Nathaniel.

However, a small crowd was starting to gather around Captain USA (including Alec Swan, aka Firearm), who then proceeded to sign autographs and pose for pictures. It would seem that the purse snatcher managed to slip away in the commotion.
Profile by Grendel Prime
Captain USA has no known connections to:
- Captain America of Revolutionary War (Steven Rogers) - @1781, patriot, ancestor of Captain America of World War II, former blacksmith, used patriotic costume and shield @ Captain America I#194
- Captain America (Steve Rogers) - partner of Bucky Barnes, member of Invaders and Avengers, briefly known as Nomad and the Captain @ Captain America Comics1
- Captain America 2099 - posed as Rogers, figurehead president for John Herod, unknown origin, eventually killed by Doom @ Doom2099#33
- Captain America 2099 - alternate future version of original, recovered by Alchemax, given hammer of Thor, frozen in space following destruction of energy barrier around Earth, recovered in 3099, left for space with hammer of Thor @ 2099: Manifest Destiny
- Captain America - alias of Isaiah Bradley @ Truth#1
- Captain America (also Spirit of '76) - member of All Winners Squad, partner of Bucky/Davis and Golden Girl, adopted identity when Rogers went into suspended animation, fought in World War II until its conclusion, killed by Adam II @ All Winners#19
- Captain America (also Patriot) - member of All Winners Squad, partner of Bucky (Davis) + Golden Girl, replaced Nasland/Spirit of '76, retired and returned to reporting by late 1950s, died of cancer @ What If? I#4
- Captain America (William Burnside) - initially sought government sponsorship to become next Captain America during Korean War, impersonated Rogers during 1950s until captured by U.S. Government and placed in suspended animation @ Young Men#24
- Captain America (Bob Russo) - briefly replaced Steve Rogers, quit after breaking arm @ Captain America I#178
- Captain America ("Scar" Turpin) - briefly replaced Steve Rogers, overpowered by group of criminals, quit @ Captain America I#179
- Captain America (Roscoe) - briefly replaced Rogers when he was Nomad, killed by Red Skull @ Captain America I#178
- Captain America - partner of Bucky/Battlestar, chosen by Commission as replacement for Rogers, became unstable, death faked, became USAgent @ Captain America I#333
- Any Captain America of alternate dimensions/futures (including doppelgangers, clones and impostors)
- Captain Americana ("Charlton Magnum") - reactionary, father of children babysat by Howard the Duck, attempted to kill him @ Howard the Duck II#5/2
- Captain Brooklyn of Earth-NU (New Universe) - costumed hero, killed by Seraph @ Justice#31
- Captain Manhattan of Earth-NU (New Universe) @ D.P.7#30
- Major Liberty (John Liberty) - World War II hero, professor of American history @ USA Comics#1
- USAgent (John F. Walker, aka Jack Daniels) - member of Invaders, Avengers West Coast, Force Works, underwent strength augmentation by Power Broker, temporarily replaced Captain America as government agent, severely beaten by Protocide @ West Coast Avengers II#44
- Any USAgent of alternate dimensions/futures (including doppelgangers, clones and impostors)
- Any other "Captain" or "USA" characters, or those using derivations of the U.S. flag as a costume.
Warstrike#4, p14, panel 3 (clenching fists)
p16, panel 2 ("hello ladies")
p15, panel 4 (returning purse)
Warstrike#4 (August, 1994) - Dan Danko (writer), Hoang Nguyen & Roger Robinson (pencils), Kelly Krantz (inks), Roland Mann (editor)
First Posted: 05/20/2006
Last updated: 05/19/2006
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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