Real Name: Charlie (last name unrevealed)
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Mugger and thug Group Membership: None Affiliations: Two unnamed thugs Enemies: The Beyonder, Gertz, the Thing (Ben Grimm) Known Relatives: None Aliases: "Ol' Nose Pin" (term used by the Thing) Base of Operations: Lower Manhattan, New York, USA First Appearance: Marvel Fanfare I#20 (May, 1985) Powers/Abilities: Charlie Carcrash was a young normal human of about 6' in height, but his muscular frame suggests close to athlete strength. His fighting abilities were probably limited to basic brawling skills. His intelligence was that of a juvenile bully (below normal). Charlie Carcrash also wielded a switchblade knife.
History: (Marvel Fanfare I#20) - The Thing was wandering though the streets and alleyways of lower Manhattan after coming back to Earth from a few months offworld to find his "ex-best buddy", Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, involved with his former girlfriend, Alicia (actually a Skrull who posed as her). The Thing then stumbled across Charlie Carcrash hitting a terrified woman, Gertz, to the ground, before threatening her with a switchblade knife and demanding money from her. The Thing picked up a nearby full trashcan, then threw it over Charlie Carcrash's head and used his strength to wrap the trashcan around Carcrash's arms. Carcrash, obviously surprised, threatened reprisal, before running out of the alley, presumably banging into a few walls on the way. Charlie, still with the trashcan over his head, was later seen as part of the people on a Manhattan street in a trance, enthralled to Xandu's will. (Secret Wars II#2 - BTS) - Charlie Carcrash had the trashcan removed, and received a new haircut (from short pastel green to shorter black) and a change of clothing, then rounded up two thuggish companions. (Secret Wars II#2) - Charlie Carcrash and his two accomplices waited for Gertz to return to her alleyway home, then confronted her seeking money. Charlie Carcrash and his two accomplices then attacked the Beyonder's human form, not realizing his full power. The Beyonder did not resist, and only sought to understand the violent experience. Charlie Carcrash and his two accomplices were then exited, having enjoyed the cowardly experience of beating up an individual who did not fight back, leaving the battered body of the Beyonder's human form on the ground, and threatened to return for Gertz's apparent stash.
Comments: Created by Jim Starlin (writer and art), Novak (inker), and Scheele (colorist).Redesigned by Jim Shooter (writer), Al Milgrom (penciler), and Leialoha & Rubinstein inkers).
Charlie Carcrash had an initial penchant for pastel, so if he hadn't been ascribed a name then, he could've gone by way of "the pastel punk". Hence, the colorist is included in the credits. He also spoke in a lot of slang.
His next appearance in Secret Wars II#2 could actually have been another character, as his outfit and hair had suddenly changed. His speech pattern had also changed slightly, suggesting that he was under the influence of something stronger than alcohol in his initial attack on Gertz. He and his brutish thugs liked to flash skin, with exposed arms and open vests, presumably to display their muscles for intimidation. Charlie Carcrash also knew how to accessorize.
Next up: Gertz's skin color change. She appeared Caucasian with the Thing (maybe it was the lighting), but was distinctly darker in skin tone later with the Beyonder. It would be crass to suggest that she was just dirty. This apparent race change of minor characters is not unprecedented.
She could be Turk's mother. -- Prime Eternal
Charlie Carcrash has no known connections to:
Gertz was attacked by Charlie Carcrash in a back alley of lower Manhattan. Charlie Carcrash threatened her with a switchblade knife, but she was rescued by the Thing, with Charlie Carcrash running away. The Thing offered to walk her home, but was stunned when she showed him her makeshift home of wood and a mattress against a building and dumpster, with a bucket that had "Gertz" scribed on it. Gertz initially refused the Thing's offer of cash, but agreed to use it for a couple of nights' stay at the Hotel across the street from her shelter in case Charlie Carcrash ventured back. Gertz's predicament gave the Thing new perspective on his personal situation.
--Marvel Fanfare I#20 (Secret Wars II#2
Carcrash's Thug Accomplices
Two male thugs accompanied Charlie Carcrash in confronting the homeless woman, Gertz, for money; one was Caucasian and the other African American in appearance. They beat up the Beyonder's human form, before Charlie Carcrash pitched in. They displayed similar bully-boy tendencies and appearance to Charlie Carcrash, and seemed to have similar traits to him.--Secret Wars II#2
Marvel Fanfare I#20, p2, pan4 (Charlie Carcrash in pastel)
Marvel Fanfare I#20 (May, 1985) - Jim Starlin (writer/artist), Al Milgrom (inks/editor)Last updated: 09/11/05
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