Membership: Basilisk, Ben and "May", Bird-Man, Bucky, Cheetah, Cyclone, Egghead, Gwen 1, Gwen 2, Gwen 3, Gwen 4, Kangaroo, Mirage, Porcupine, Red Raven, Ringer, Salem's Seven (Brutacus, Hydron, Reptilla, Thornn, Vakume), Turner D. Century, Vamp-Animus, Whizzer, probably other proto-husks in the Proto-Tubes and other Proto-Husks not yet implanted
Purpose: To serve Zola
Occupation: Servants of Arnim Zola
Affiliations: Arnim Zola (creator)
Enemies: Deadpool
Base of Operations: Dallas, Texas
First Appearance: Deadpool III#0 (December 1998)
Powers/Abilities: They were created by fragments of DNA taken from the dead bodies of various super-humans and implanted into proto-husks. Some proto-husks have all or some of the powers of their counterparts; for those without super-powers Zola equipped them with costumes and weaponry to duplicate the original powers.
(Deadpool III#0 - BTS) - In past years, Arnim Zola retrieved samples of DNA from the
corpses of several super-beings. He grafted pre-formed Proto-Husks with these DNA fragments,
and in few hours created the new forms of life who would become his
servants for financing his experiments for the next years. Zola implanted false
or fragments of memories in the proto-husks.
(Deadpool III#0) - Zola employed Vamp-Animus to steal money from a petroleum producer's flat. She did it and went back to the Mooing Mushroom Veggie Bugger, Zola's lair.
Animus was followed by Deadpool, who looked for some floppy
discs unwittingly stolen by Animus. Zola didn't like Deadpool's intrusion and
ordered the proto-Husks to attack Deadpool.
Deadpool easily killed almost all the "resurrected"
beings and destroyed the Proto-Tubes used to create the Proto-Husks and the
ultimated proto-husks.
Gwen 1, Gwen 2, Gwen 3 and Gwen 4 were donated to Deadpool by Arnim Zola and went to live with Deadpool in San Francisco serving his wishes.
Comments: Created by Joe Kelly, Yancey Labat and Sean Parsons.
These proto-husks have been dubbed on-line as the Corpse Corps, which is as good a name as any.
I refer to a proto-husk as "he" because I
don't know if the proto-husks are synthetic, mechanic or artificial. Deadpool
says they are artificial but Zola didn't specify it (not in the Italian
text). However, they seem as conscious as the Vision, and I refer to him
with "he".
I assumed that the proto-husks without power were created with the DNA of the
original dead criminals or heroes because Zola said so.
Watching as Deadpool easily killed the Corpses, some of them more powerful than Deadpool, it is possible that many
of them got confused and/or weakened because of their awakening from the Proto-Tubes, or they were degenerated
proto-husks or many other possibilities.
I didn't sharply described their powers because the most part of them didn't
demonstrate to have the powers of their original donators.
The four Gwens got an entry in the Spider-Man - Back in Black Handbook as part of the Gwen Stacy Clones entry.
The Basilisk's proto-husk is strongly connected to but is slightly different from
but has no known connections to
Ben and May Parker's proto-husks are strongly connected to but are slightly different from
they also are slightly connected to but different from
and have no known connections to
Bird-Man is strongly connected to but is different from
and has no known connections to
Brutacus is strongly connected to
and has no known connections to anyone else with a similar name.
Bucky is strongly connected to but is different from
and is slightly connected to but is different from
and has no known connections to
Cheetah is strongly connected to
and has no known connections to anyone else with a similar name.
Cyclone is strongly connected to
and has no known connections to
Egghead is strongly connected to but is different from
and has no known connections to
Gwen 1, Gwen 2, Gwen 3 and Gwen 4 are strongly connected to but are different from
they also are slightly connected to but different from
and has no known connections to
Hydron is strongly connected to but is different from
and has no known connections to
Kangaroo is strongly connected to but is different from
has a little connection to
and has no known connections to anyone else with a similar name.
Mirage is strongly connected to
and has no known connections to
The Porcupine is strongly connected to but is different from
and has no known connections to anyone else with a similar name.
Red Raven is strongly connected to but is different from
is slightly connected to
but has no known connections to
Reptilla is strongly connected to but is different from
and has no known connections to anyone else with a similar name.
Ringer is strongly connected to but is different from
has a slight connections to
and has no known connections to anyone else with a similar name.
Thornn is strongly connected to but is different from
and has no known connections to
Turner D. Century is strongly connected to but is different from
and has no known connections to anyone else with a similar name.
Vakume is strongly connected to but is different from
and has no known connections to anyone else with a similar name.
Whizzer strongly connected to but is different from
and has no known connections to
If Arnim Zola took a sample of the original Basilisk/Basil Elks' DNA after his death, it is possible that the resulting proto-husk had all the powers of the original Basilisk after he assumed all the powers of the Alpha and Omega stones. For sure he could fly and project eyeblasts.
(Deadpool III#0) - At Zola's order, Basilisk attacked Deadpool together with his "brothers". He eye-blasted Deadpool but missed him. He tried again but hit Turner D. Century, being involved in the resulting explosions of Century's devices. Later Deadpool slipped two grenades in Basilisk's eyes, killing him.
---Deadpool III#0
Only Ben was named by "May" but the two really seemed to be Ben and May Parker. It is unclear how long ago Arnim Zola took the DNA samples of Ben Parker, but at the time of this story, May Parker was still alive, so he took the DNA from a living May or from the actress who impersonated May Parker (the only rational reason I can imagine, that drove Zola to proto-husk them, is an unknown plot linked to Peter Parker/Spider-Man-Jackal/Prof. Warren, another Zola's colleague in cloning techniques; only a supposition). Both the proto-husks had confused memories about their past.
(Deadpool III#0) - Ben and May were in Zola's base, naked, on two beds, covered by sheets and apparently unaware of the murdering chaos which Deadpool was spreading in Zola's laboratory. When Deadpool reached the beds and uncovered them Ben and May called him Peter ,and May offered him a biscuit. They weren't a threat for him but Deadpool shot them repeatedly and killed them.
---Deadpool III#0
Bird-Man could fly. The proto-husk had not super-abilities, probably Zola gave him a copy of the Bird-Man costume.
It is unknown who was the DNA "donator" between Henry Hawk and Achille DiBacco; Deadpool supposition about the Scourge having killed Bird-Man pushes the suspicion on DiBacco, but Deadpool could have been wrong.
(Deadpool III#0) - Bird-Man was in the crowd who attacked Deadpool at Arnim Zola's orders. Unfortunately he was soon hit by Deadpool's shots and died.
---Deadpool III#0
Brutacus' proto-husk should be very strong (Class 80), resistant to injury and fast, but it seemed he had normal strength and reflexes. Probably he had not any knowledge of magic or spells as the original Brutacus. This may suggest that the DNA modifications to the man who was Brutacus affected only his physical aspect and not his superior powers which, instead, depends from magic (knowledge or spell effects).
(Deadpool III#0) - Brutacus attacked Deadpool together the others proto-husks, but when he later tangled with Deadpool alongside Vakume and Hydron he was easily overpowered and then killed.
---Deadpool III#0
Bucky's proto-husk didn't seem to have any super-power. His existence suggests that Zola knows where the corpse of the original Bucky Barnes is. Captain America looked for Bucky Barnes for a very long time, after his awakening in the 60ies, thinking Bucky did not really died on the 40ies. He should ask to Arnim Zola where and when he took the Bucky's DNA samples.
(Deadpool III#0) - Bucky Proto-Husk was the first in the first line of the group who attacked Deadpool, but he didn't dodged the killer's shots and died.
---Deadpool III#0
Cheetah's proto-husk had enhanced strength and agility, sharp claws, and long fur on the head. The Cheetah's proto-husk's powers probably derived in part from the costume because Esteban Carracus had lost the powers granted him by the Kree Sentry.
(Deadpool III#0) - Cheetah immediately acted when Zola ordered to the Corpses Corpse to attack Deadpool, but Deadpool shot in his direction with a machine gun and Cheetah had to dodge the bullets.
(Deadpool III#0 - BTS) - Cheetah was killed by Deadpool.
His body lied in Zola's laboratory.
---Deadpool III#0
The original Cyclone (the Maggia-related one)'s super-powers derived from its costume, so it's likely his proto-husk hadn't superhuman abilities and that his powers wre probably derived by a new (or the old) costume.
(Deadpool III#0) - Cyclone attacked Deadpool alongside other proto-husks. He shot a blast at Deadpool, but was wounded by the killer. After few seconds he was again shot by Deadpool's machine gun and died.
---Deadpool III#0
Egghead did not have super-human abilities. It is unknown if he had developed a superior knowledge and intellect.
(Deadpool III#0) - Although he was not an "action man" Egghead was in the crowd of proto-husks that attacked Deadpool. He was shot to the head by Deadpool.
---Deadpool III#0
Gwen 1, Gwen
2, Gwen 3, Gwen 4
The Gwen Stacy's DNA samples were considered by Zola special and precious exemplars. They don't have super-powers.
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
(Deadpool III#0 - BTS) - Zola created four proto-husks and probably conditioned the four girls to obey to all Deadpool's commands, in exchange for his own life.
(Deadpool III#0) - The four Gwens followed Deadpool and served him in his house in San Francisco, happy to entertain their master.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Spider-Man - Back in Black) - The quartet died in a plane crash.
---Deadpool III#0 (Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Spider-Man - Back in Black
Hydron's proto-husk had a normal strength and had a hydrant instead of his left hand, but didn't show any super-power, probably because he was missing the magic that imbued his namesake.
(Deadpool III#0) - Hydron was in the group that attacked Deadpool at Zola's order. Later when he tangled with Deadpool ,he was easily killed by Deadpool despite being helped by Vakume and Brutacus.
---Deadpool III#0
Kangaroo/Frank Oliver's proto-husk had enhanced strength and the ability of leaping at an Olympic level (possibly superhuman).
(Deadpool III#0) - Kangaroo was in the group that attacked Deadpool at Zola's order, but he wasn't fast enough; he was the second proto-husk to be killed by a single shot.
---Deadpool III#0
Mirage was created applying Desmond Charne's DNA (Spider-Man's enemy) to a Proto-Husk, so his holographic powers were reproduced by his costume.
(Deadpool III#0) - Mirage attacked Deadpool with the other proto-husks. He tried to trick Deadpool with his false images, but Deadpool managed to find him, grab his helmet, and crush his throat, killing him.
---Deadpool III#0
Porcupine was created applying Alex Gentry's DNA to a Proto-Husk, and his powers were reproduced by his costume.
(Deadpool III#0) - The Porcupine readily attacked Deadpool after Zola's order.
(Deadpool III#0) - When Arnim Zola saw the Proto-Tubes threatened by Deadpool, Zola ordered his proto-husks to stop the killer. Porcupine immediately threw his quills, wounding Deadpool. Deadpool immediately shot back, hitting Turner D. Century who, falling, hit Porcupine with the fire of his flame-thrower umbrella. Porcupine died burning.
---Deadpool III#0
Red Raven was a proto-husk of a normal human and had normal strength. He could fly thanks to his artificial wings and the wings probably can generate a strength level superior than the enhanced level. (The original Red Raven never actually died, so, it's not clear where and when Zola took the DNA, or if it is another robot?)
(Deadpool III#0) - Red Raven was in the group of proto-husks that attacked Deadpool, but Deadpool avoided him. Red Raven kept searching for Deadpool while the killer was killing Ben and May Parker's proto-husks.
(Deadpool III#0 - BTS) - Red Raven was killed by Deadpool who took away the artificial wings using a saw.
(Deadpool III#0) - Deadpool wore Red Raven's wings for some seconds.
---Deadpool III#0
proto-husk had two long serpents at the place of his
arms, a green skin, and a serpent tail instead of the legs.
(Deadpool III#0) - Reptilla was in the crowd of proto-husks that attacked Deadpool.
(Deadpool III#0 - BTS) - Fighting with Deadpool, her snake-arm' heads were spiked with Turner D. Century's umbrella.
(Deadpool III#0) - Immediately later, she was killed by Deadpool who broke her neck.
---Deadpool III#0
The Ringer's proto-husk did not have super-human abilities. The DNA was probably taken after Anthony Davis/Strikeback died. Ringer's proto-husk powers derived from his costume.
(Deadpool III#0) - Ringer attacked Deadpool together with the rest of the proto-husks. He tried to use his rings, but Deadpool was faster than him and his "colleagues," so the killer managed to use his machine gun and kill Ringer.
---Deadpool III#0
Thornn's proto-husk could shoot explosive thorns from his body. It is unknown if he had other super-abilities.
(Deadpool III#0) - Thornn readily attacked Deadpool together the rest of the proto-husks. When Deadpool was grabbing Turner D. Century, Thornn shot his spikes at the killer, but he only hit Turner. The spikes and the Basilisk's eyeblasts triggered some of Turners accessories that exploded killing Turner.
(Deadpool III#0 - BTS) - Deadpool killed Thornn.
---Deadpool III#0
Turned D. Century's proto-husk didn't have any particular powers. His abilities were derived from his devices, such as a flame-throwing umbrella and other deadly weapons hidden in his suit.
(Deadpool III#0) - At Zola's order, Turner attacked Deadpool together with the rest of the proto-husks. He was shot and wounded by Deadpool. When he was hitt he inadvertently shot fire at the Purcupine, killing him. Then he was grabbed by Deadpool and used as shield against Basilisk's eyeblasts and Thornn's thorns, and he was killed in the process.
---Deadpool III#0
Vakume's proto-husk could fly, but it is uncertain if he could become intangible or generate strong air streams as his counterpart of Salem's Seven could.
(Deadpool III#0) - Vakume was in the group of proto-husks that attacked Deadpool.
Vakume was overwhelmed by Deadpool and killed.
---Deadpool III#0
Whizzer's proto-husk could run at super-speed and has super-fast reflexes. He probably had a lot of other super-abilities related to his super-speed. He probably wasn't as fast as the original Whizzer/Robert Frank.
(Deadpool III#0) - Whizzer was very fast to reply at Zola's order to attack Deadpool, but was not fast enough to avoid Deadpool shot that killed him.
---Deadpool III#0
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Corpse Corps)
Deadpool III#0, page 3, panel 6 (Vamp-Animus)
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Basilisk)
Deadpool III#0, page 9, panel 4 (Ben and "May")
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Bird-Man)
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Brutacus)
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Bucky)
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Cheetah)
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Cyclone)
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Egghead)
Deadpool III#0, page 12, panel 3 (Gwen)
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Hydron)
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Kangaroo)
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Mirage)
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Porcupine)
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Red Raven)
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Ringer)
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Reptilla)
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Reptilla's hand)
Deadpool III#0, page 8, panel 5 (Thornn)
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Turner D. Century)
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Vakume)
Deadpool III#0, page 6, panel 1 (Whizzer)
Deadpool III#0 (1998) - Joe Kelly (writer), Yancey Labat (pencils), Sean Parsons (inks), Matt Idelson (editor)
Last updated: 06/22/05
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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