Real Name: MX39147
Identity/Class: Android
Legal Status: Property of Roxxon Oil
Occupation: Servitor
Group Membership: Omega Flight, Roxxon Oil Corporation
Affiliations: August D'Angelo, Jerome "Jerry" Jaxon
Enemies: Alpha Flight, Caliber
Known Relatives: Inapplicable
Aliases: James MacDonald Hudson, Guardian
Place of Creation: The Brand Corporation, New York City
Base of Operations: Mobile; formerly New York City
First Appearance: Alpha Flight I#7 (February, 1984)
Powers/Abilities: Delphine Courtney possessed superhuman strength enabling her to lift at least 1000 pounds. Her body was constructed of strong materials, and she possessed superior powers of sight and hearing. While impersonating Guardian, she wore a battlesuit which enabled her to fly and fire blasts of energy. Delphine also possessed a device called "the Influencer," which she used to coerce Omega Flight into working with her.
Height: (as Courtney) 5'9" (as Hudson) 6'2" History: (Alpha Flight I#12 (fb)) - Delphine Courtney was the name assumed by an android designed by Roxxon Oil in their Brand Corporation laboratories. When Jerome "Jerry" Jaxon came to August D'Angelo with information on James MacDonald Hudson, who was Guardian, Delphine was assigned to Jaxon by D'Angelo to be his personal aide as he attempted to obtain revenge on Hudson.
(Alpha Flight I#7) - Delphine Courtney traveled to the Southbrook Mall in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and met Alec Thorne (formerly Smart Alec of Gamma Flight) and recruited him into Omega Flight.
(Alpha Flight I#11 (fb) - BTS) - Delphine Courtney also recruited former Department H agents Diamond Lil and Wild Child (both formerly of Gamma Flight) and Flashback (formerly of Beta Flight).
(Alpha Flight I#11) - Delphine Courtney met with Roger Bochs (formerly Box of Beta Flight) in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, and invited him to join Omega Flight. Bochs agreed, but secretly intended to turn over information on them to James MacDonald Hudson. Later, the assembled Omega Flight were introduced to Jaxon by Delphine Courtney, and prepared to ambush Guardian.
(Alpha Flight I#12) - Delphine Courtney met with Roger Bochs (formerly Box of Beta Flight) in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, and invited him to join Omega Flight. Bochs agreed, but secretly intended to turn over information on them to James MacDonald Hudson. Later, the assembled Omega Flight were introduced to Jaxon by Delphine Courtney, and prepared to ambush Guardian.
(Alpha Flight I#22) - Delphine Courtney, now in the form of James MacDonald Hudson, observed Heather Hudson on a street in Vancouver, British Columbia, as it prepared to obtain revenge upon Alpha Flight for Jaxon's death.
(Alpha Flight I#25) - As Guardian, Delphine fought Alpha Flight's foe Caliber alongside Talisman, and together they defeated him. She was then reunited with Heather, and told her a fabricated story, claiming that Hudson had survived his death by being transported to Ganymede, where his life was saved by the extraterrestrial Quwrlln. "Guardian" also claimed that the Quwrlln had transformed him into a cyborg while healing his injuries.
(Alpha Flight I#26) - "Guardian" participated in a test of the Macro System robots in Red Deer, Alberta alongside Alpha Flight. They then responded to an emergency at West Edmonton Mall, which proved to be the return of Omega Flight. "Guardian" helped Omega Flight defeat Puck, Talisman and Northstar, then confronted Heather and revealed its true identity to her.
(Alpha Flight I#27) - When Shaman, Aurora and Box arrived on the scene, "Guardian" learned from them that Smart Alec had been placed inside of Shaman's pouch, and stole the pouch from Shaman in an attempt to retrieve Smart Alec, but could not pull him out. Instead, it turned the pouch inside out, causing a massive distortion of reality. As Shaman and Talisman fixed the problem, "Guardian" ambushed the newly-arrived Snowbird and threatened her, only to be swiftly knocked down by Shaman.
(Alpha Flight I#28) - "Guardian" fled the mall with Omega Flight while Alpha Flight was distracted by the Beyonder, but they were confronted by Madison Jeffries, the one former Flight member whom Delphine had steered clear of, afraid of his power to control machines. Madison sent a transformed car to attack Omega Flight, and Courtney used one of Flashback's future selves as a human shield against it, killing the future self. This made Madison furious, and he used his power to tear Delphine Courtney apart from the inside out, reducing it to scrap metal.
Comments: Created by John Byrne.
In one of those "only in comics" stories, it turned out that Guardian really did survive his death exactly as Courtney described in Alpha Flight I#89!
Delphine Courtney's Guardian costume was later worn by Heather Hudson as Vindicator.
Thanks to MarvellousLuke for the updated first supplemental.
Profile by CLARIFICATIONS: Images taken from: Last updated: 05/25/15
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Non-Marvel Copyright info Special Thanks to for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!
Weight: (as Courtney) 175 lbs. (as Hudson) 225 lbs.
Eyes: (as Courtney) Green (as Hudson) Brown
Hair: (wig) Black
Delphine Courtney should not be confused with:
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#9, Omega Flight- Delphine Courtney entry
Alpha Flight I#12, page 6, panel 3
Alpha Flight I#25, page 20
Alpha Flight I#7 (February, 1984) - John Byrne (writer/artist), Danny O'Neil (editor)
Alpha Flight I#11-12 (June-July, 1984) - John Byrne (writer/artist), Denny O'Neil (editor)
Alpha Flight I#22 (May, 1985) - John Byrne (writer/pencils), Bob Wiacek (inks), Denny O'Neil (editor)
Alpha Flight I#25-28 (August-November, 1985) - John Byrne (writer/pencils), Bob Wiacek (#25-26) & Keith Williams (#25, 27-28) (inks), Denny O'Neil (editor)
All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and © 1941-2099 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you like this stuff, you should check out the real thing!
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