of Earth-22490
Membership: Beast,
Stephen Strange III,
Purpose: To defend Earth
Affiliations: Stevie Strange IV
Enemies: None known
Base of Operations: Various (each Defender had a different base of operations)
First Appearance: Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001 (February, 2002)
History: (Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001 - "The Defenders:
Magic is the New Religion" (fb) - BTS) - In December of 3033, magic had become
the new religion and way of life, replacing the science and technology of
the past. With magic the new way of life, a group of secret defenders of
the way of life was needed. That was why the Defenders was formed, to defend
Earth, as the Knights Templar, the Freemasons, and the Illuminati had done
in the past. And thus, four brave souls got together: Doctor Stephen Strange
III, who would act as the leader of the Defenders; Gargoyle, who would be
the guardian of the Earth; Namor, who would guard the air and seas; and the
Beast, who would guard the men and animals of the world.
(Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001 - "The Defenders: Magic is
the New Religion") - As young Stevie Strange IV wrote in his journal about
the Defenders, the Defenders themselves convened and met with one another.
Comments: Created by Dan Fraga.
The Defenders should not be confused with:
This futuristic Beast was the Lord of Man of Animal, also called Father Nature.
--Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001 - "The Defenders: Magic is the
New Religion"
This descendant of Stephen Strange became the leader of the Defenders, also
called the Great Father.
--Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001 - "The Defenders: Magic is the
New Religion"
Gargoyle was the Elemental Terra God, also called Father Earth.
--Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001 - "The Defenders: Magic is the
New Religion"
Namor was the Lord of Sea and Air, also called Father Ocean.
--Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001 - "The Defenders: Magic is the
New Religion"
Marvel Universe Millennial Visions 2001, p39, splash page (all pics in this
profile were from this page)
Last updated: 10/16/05
Any Additions/Corrections? please
let me know.
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