The Dr. Doom hologram

Real Name: Not specified

Identity/Class: Hardlight hologram

Occupation: Holographic temporary replacement for Dr. Doom

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Dr. Doom, Dr. Schwanig, Servo-Guards

Enemies: Solarman

Known Relatives: Inapplicable

Aliases: "The presence"

Base of Operations: Beverly Hills, California, U.S.A.

First Appearance: Solarman#2 (May, 1990)

Powers/Abilities: The Dr. Doom hologram had the same basic appearance as Dr. Doom himself, at least sufficient to fool the international community (possibly even his own Servo-Guards). It could be safely assumed that the Dr. Doom hologram's appearance was the same as the real Dr. Doom. Its actual strength was probably enhanced, but this is not supported.

The Dr. Doom hologram was armed with a neuron blaster fired from the right gauntlet that wiped the memory of those attacked by it, although it was utilized only once. It also used a powerful force field that rebounded Solarman's attack upon himself.

Dr. Doom up closeHistory: (Solarman#2 (fb) (BTS)) - Dr. Doom developed a hard light hologram of himself to serve as his replacement when he was incapacitated, such as with the flu. This was probably remote-controlled and probably developed in Latveria.

(Solarman#2) - While standing at a control panel, the Dr. Doom hologram recognized the contribution that Dr. Schwanig had made to realizing the potential of Dr. Doom's Satellite of Death, which was an orbiting sphere that could fire a destructive ray to dissolve the Earth's ozone layer. However, the scientist was suddenly attacked with a neuron blast from the hologram, which watched as he was dragged away. The hologram then appeared on television and made demands of the Earth's nations before it would aid them in stopping the depletion of the ozone layer.

Suspicious, Ben Tucker traveled to Dr. Doom's Beverly Hills mansion on his motor scooter under the pretence of interviewing the exiled monarch for his school paper. Fooled by the boy's act, the Dr. Doom hologram permitted the teenager to enter his mansion. Ben Tucker did not take notes, and the hologram noticed the boy observing the advanced satellite launch equipment. Abruptly halting the interview, the hologram ordered that the student be restrained and he was incarcerated in a plush cell.

In the cell, Ben Tucker used the power of the sun to transform into Solarman, and escaped by smashing through the walls, but was soon pursued by several Servo-Guards on flight sleds, which he promptly demolished in mid-air. After quickly finding the satellite, Solarman found that he could not even dent the deadly satellite, and instead turned the destructive beam at Dr. Doom's mansion. The hologram activated the self-destruct button and the satellite blew up.

Dr. Doom's Californian mansionSolarman then rapidly returned to face the Dr. Doom hologram, but was instead quickly grabbed by two Servo-Guards. However, he destroyed them with ease. The hologram then activated the "weaponry of Dr Doom!", firstly a disorienter ray, which had little effect, then multiple metal tentacles that seemed to come from the walls, but these were ripped apart by the powerful solar hero. Smashing through a wall, Solarman then launched himself at the hologram, yet was repulsed, bouncing off the unaffected Dr. Doom hologram and through another wall. Dazed, Solarman recognized that it was almost sunset and his powers would be affected. The Dr. Doom hologram, presumably because its resources were low with many weapons destroyed, saluted the valor of the solar hero, but suggested a future strike, and the two left at a stalemate.

From a sickbed, the real Dr. Doom, stricken with the flu, watched the end of the battle on a large screen while holding a large remote, and threatened revenge upon Solarman when he recovered.

At no point did Solarman consider the Dr. Doom hologram to be anything but the real Dr. Doom.

With no further threats or news from Dr. Doom, a newsreader later suggested that Dr. Doom's broadcast might have been a media hoax.

Comments: Created by Stan Lee (writer), Mike Zeck (penciler) and Nestor Redondo (inker).

As this Dr. Doom was a hologram and not a Doombot (programmed robot), it is likely that the remote control held by Dr. Doom at the end of the story helped to control the hologram, and could explain the thought-balloons emanating from the hologram. Maybe it's an advanced holographic Doombot?

I'm guessing that the Satellite of Death was at least partially affected by Solarman's assault so that its destructive beam became more focused before Solarman turned the ray on Dr. Doom's mansion, which resulted in more immediately catastrophic effects.

I believe that the hologram was armed with a force-field because if it was just a case of turning diamond-hard, then it would've been pushed back with Solarman's attack (unless it had an anchor of some sort).

Dr. Doom with faceplate having the gooey flu, yech! What a mess! No wonder he was cranky!

Solarman#2 has similar plotlines to Solarman#1 (both are written by Stan Lee) in that Solarman encounters and battles a technologically powerful despot (Kraal/Dr. Doom), battles his robots, identifies the deadly beam that threatens the Earth being emitted under the control of said despot, and returns the destructive beam to the despot's base. Despot manages to escape in his own fashion and threatens revenge.

Solarman was intended to be an animated series in the late 1980s. Boyd Kirkland, who did layouts for Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends, Spider-Man & Hulk, also drew storyboards for the Solarman animated pilot. On 13 June 2004, he stated that "If I remember correctly, Stan Lee wrote it for another client who funded it (I can't remember who). The intention was to create a new series/toy franchise independent of the Marvel Universe. It never took off."

I think that Solarman#2 was an effort to integrate Solarman closer to the main Marvel universe.

Schwan does translate, from German to English, as swan, so "schwanig" kind of translates into "swanly".

Sure, the plot's simplistic and has holes, but I've read worse.

Profile by Grendel Prime


The Dr. Doom hologram should not be mistaken for:

  • Any of the other multitudes of Dr. Dooms out there, clones or otherwise; you know who you are.
  • Any of the dozens of Doombots running around out there.
  • Dr. Bob Doom, vicious dental surgeon with extensive knowledge in mechanics, robotics and weaponry, @ Sensational She-Hulk#18
  • Doomsmith of Eurth, Dr. Doom counterpart, @ Avataars: Covenant of the Shield#2
  • Dr. Doomsday of Earth-Amalgam, Victor von Doomsday, Dr. Doom + Doomsday, @ DC vs. Marvel#3
  • Dr. Droom, alias of Dr. Druid, explorer of the fantasti,c @ Amazing Adventures I#1
  • Doomprayer, immense green snake and Iron Man "foe", @ Iron Man I#43
  • Doomsman, early creation of Dr. Doom who rebelled and became Andro, @ Astonishing Tales I#1
  • Doomsman, a creation of Dr. Doom empowered by the energies of the Silver Surfer, @ Fantastic Four I#157
  • Doomsday Man, virtually indestructible robot created by Dr. Kronton to steal cobalt bomb, @ Silver Surfer I#13
  • Doomsday Man, energy drainers, @ Captain America and the Campbell Kids
  • Doomsday Man, attempted to use bomb to blow up Darkmoor, @ Knights of Pendragon II#3

Dr. Schwanig gets his neurons blasted

Dr. Schwanig

Dr. Schwanig developed the anti-detection devices that enabled Dr. Doom to launch his Satellite of Death. This also permitted it to evade detection while it orbited the Earth. However, Dr. Schwanig's loyalty was repaid with a neuron blast from the Dr. Doom hologram, which wiped his memory. The stunned man was dragged away by two of Dr. Doom's Servo-Guards.

He was bald and bespectacled with a long white moustache.


Solarman streaks toward Dr. Doom's Satellite of Death

Satellite of Death

Launched in secret by Dr. Doom, the Satellite of Death had anti-detection capabilities that kept it hidden from Earth-based forces. It was spherical in design (about 18-20' in diameter) and had a destructive light green beam that dissolved the Earth's ozone layer.

However, although Solarman was unable to damage it, he was able to turn the satellite so that it bombarded Dr. Doom's Beverly Hills mansion, which forced the Dr. Doom hologram to activate the satellite's self-destruct button, thereby eliminating its threat.


Solarman#2, p27, pan1 (full body),
Solarman#2, p18, pan2 (head),
Solarman#2, p3, pan1 (mansion),
Solarman#2, p3, pan5 (Dr. Schwanig),
Solarman#2, p22, pan1 (Satellite of Death),

Solarman#2 (May, 1990) - Stan Lee (writer), Mike Zeck (pencils), Nestor Redondo (inks), Bob Budiansky (editor)

Last updated: 10/02/05

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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