Type: Alternate/Divergent Earth
Environment: Earth-like
Usual means of access: Vibrational attunement
Dominant Life Form: Humanity
Significant Inhabitants: Logan, his boss, a customer
First Appearance: What If II#3/4 (September, 1989)
History: (What If II#3/4) - Logan's boss at the deli told him to get a another pound of the olive loaf, and this time, to slice it thin. Logan complied.
Comments: Created by Rozum, Mielcarek and Ivy
Is that really sanitary? I don't want to accuse Logan of not washing his claws, but I think I'd take my business elsewhere. Dude has killed people with those. It is good to see an employer who is cool with the mutant thing, though.
I can't see Logan keeping the job too long anyway. Surely he'd be attacked by ninjas before his first full week there.
by Patrick D Ryall
Not to be confused with:
Images taken from:
What If II#3, page 28, panel 2
Last updated: 07/23/05
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