Real Name: Mrrungo-Mu
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Troxx)
Occupation: Formerly all-Highest Overlord of the Enslavers
Group Membership: Enslavers and their soldiers, his pets
Affiliations: Kalldin-Zo, Tnneya
Enemies: Colossus (Piotr Rasputin), Doc Samson, Dr. Doom and his Servo-Guards, Fantastic Four, Galactus, Hulk (Bruce Banner), Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Mr. Fantastic, Namor, Rogue, Shalla Bal, She-Hulk, Silver Surfer, Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Thing (Ben Grimm), Thor, Earl Weygand, Wolverine (Logan/James Howlett)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: All-Highest, All-Mightiest, Lord Enslaver
Base of Operations: An immense
briefly the United Nations Building, Manhattan, New York, USA
First Appearance: Silver Surfer: The Enslavers (1990; Marvel Graphic Novel)
Powers/Abilities: Mrrungo-Mu possesses Class 100
strength and durability.
Via the disc he wore his his forehead, he could drain power from others to increase his own:
initially, he directly drew their powers into him, after which he had victim hooked
into his worldship's power cells that continually beamed him power.
Thus enhanced, he was immensely powerful, possessing incalculable
strength and vast energy powers. He could teleport and form shields, and he was
virtually indestructible. He was unfazed by slashes from Wolverine's claws and
he simultaneously pummeled the Hulk and Namor, as well as a whole group of
powerful heroes. He could also teleport.
At his peak, he was more powerful than the Silver Surfer;
even mighty Galactus avoided a conflict with the Enslavers while he was weakened
by hunger.
(Silver Surfer: The Enslavers (fb) - BTS) - Mrrungo-Mu was the lover of Tnneya.
(Silver Surfer: The Enslavers (fb) - BTS) - The Troxx that would become the Enslavers once dwelled on a dying planet.
Mrrungo-Mu, whose
inherent great power is of unrevealed origin, led his people to conquer and enslave
others, draining their victims power to supplement their own, thus enabling them
to conquer and enslave greater and greater numbers. By this means, Mu saved his
race from extinction.
Initially he did what he did to save his people; however, eventually the savagery needed to accomplish his goals, as well as his lust for ever greater levels of power, drove him mad.
(Silver Surfer: The Enslavers (fb) - BTS) - Led by the power
of Mrrungo-Mu, the Enslavers conquered world after world. Prisoners of the
Enslavers were hooked into machinery that constantly transmitted their power to
Mrrungo-Mu and to the Enslavers' starship.
After the energies of the captives
were exhausted, their corpses served as nourishment to Mu's monstrous royal
(Silver Surfer: The Enslavers (fb) - BTS) - Mu possessed a large harem, but he kept Tnneya as his chosen woman. However, despite his vast physical and military power, and the immense wealth he showered upon her, she hated what he had become, and she denied him her affections, as she sought two things he no longer understood: love and tenderness.
(Silver Surfer: The Enslavers (fb) - BTS) - The Enslavers activities caused Galactus problems in finding suitable planets to consume.
(Silver Surfer: The Enslavers (fb) - BTS) - The Enslavers conquered Zenn-La, enslaving its populace. Shalla Bal was chosen to be amongst Mrrungo-Mu's harem.
(Silver Surfer: The Enslavers) - Voyager III, the space probe
sent from Earth years before, was launched an unrevealed distance at great speed by
Galactus. It approached and was pulled via tractor beam into the Enslavers'
ship. From this, the ship's scientists deciphered the Earthly message of peace
and then used its long-range scanners to locate Earth. They transmitted a
message discussing friendly contact, which was ecstatically received by
Voyager's designer, astrophysicist Earl Weygand.
The Enslavers' soldiers struck, ambushing and capturing the super-heroes and super-villains of Earth. To prove his power, Mu released a group of heroes--Colossus, Doc Samson, Hulk, Namor, Rogue, She-Hulk, Silver Surfer, Thing, Thor, and Wolverine--and then easily incapacitated the lot of them.
Despite these recent additions, Mu's elder engineer Kalldin-Zo pointed out that their massive ship required greater amounts of energy, energy that could only be provided by capturing greater numbers of slaves. Mu vowed to continue conquering worlds and taking ever more slaves, but he warned Zo that he would die most painfully if the power stopped. Mu visited Tnneya, who continued to deny her affections. Pushed to the limit, Mu teleported away, telling her that when he returned, she would welcome him properly.
Tnneya fled the Enslavers' ship in her private yacht as Mu
surveyed a new group of dancers, which included Shalla Bal, whose free will and
emotion Mu began draining. Mu was furious upon learning of Tnneya's departure,
commanding the deaths of both the flight master and the one who brought the message
and then ordering that Tnneya be safely returned.
(Silver Surfer: The Enslavers - BTS) - Rescued
from Mu's agents by the Surfer, Tnneya distorted his perceptions and
romanced him; but after she revealed the Enslavers' threat to Earth,
the Surfer warped them both back to confront the Enslavers.
Meanwhile, the Enslavers sent crafts to Earth, using giant
suction devices to capture and enslave the whole population who were then placed
in individual life support capsules and stored in gigantic holding chambers, to
be preserved until needed.
(Silver Surfer: The Enslavers) - Mu took up temporary residence in the United Nations Building, and he summoned Earl Wygand, thanking him for leading him to Earth and granting him the reward of one week of freedom. Mu's advisors soon warned him of the Surfer's approach; intrigued by the prospect of testing the power of Galactus, Mu had a laser beacon sent to guide the Surfer directly to him. Mu mocked the Surfer, who struck out at Mu's soldiers, but Mu stopped the fight and ordered all others from the room that he might battle the Surfer unmolested. As the others left, the Surfer--having learned of Mu's power plant from Tnneya--transferred half of his power to Weygang, along with the message to use this power to disable the Enslavers power batteries.
Knowing that with half of his power he could not hope to
stand up to Mu, the Surfer nonetheless fought back with all of his might. Mu
toyed with the Surfer, concluding that since the Surfer was such a small
challenge to him that Galactus must be his inferior as well. However, Weygand
managed to destroy the shields around the power plant at the cost of his own
life. As Weygand died, the Surfer's full power returned, and he fired a beam
into the Enslavers' ship that destroyed the power plant. Though still mighty
even without the power channeled from his ship, Mu proved inferior to the
Surfer's Power Cosmic, and the Surfer defeated him and then prepared to execute
him for his crimes.
Tnneya rushed to Mu's defense, revealing that he was a man
of unbounded courage and fiery passion, discussing how he had become the
Enslaver, and proclaiming her love for him. Moved by her words, the Surfer sent
Mu and Tnneya back to their ship, which departed, leaving behind its captives
and power cells--never to menace the galaxies again!
(Silver Surfer: The Enslavers - BTS) - The Surfer cosmically restructured the Enslavers' former Power Plant and containment facilities to form a massive armada of ships, which he and Shalla led to return to their lost worlds.
Comments: Created by Stan "The Man" Lee and Keith
According to Stan Lee, he wrote this back in 1980, then
didn't hear anything about it until 1988. Upon reading it, he figured that Keith
had lost his plots because it was virtually a different story than he had
written. Nonetheless, Stan said he was quite pleased with how it turned out.
Mrrungo-Mu says the word "be" too much. I be Mrrungo-Mu. We be the Enslavers. Who be you? Now be the time to break that spirit so you be slaves forever.
Since in comics almost every random romantic encounter results in a child, I would think that Tnneya would have born the Surfer's child. Interesting story out there somewhere.
I like the name Choleos for the Enslavers home planet and the Choleon for the name of their race.
Weygand seems to have been patterned after Carl Sagan.
The Enslavers' true name was revealed in their
profile (Troxx) in FF: Fifty Fantastic Years#1 (November, 2011); the
name was provided byStan "The Man" Lee himself.
Profile by Snood.
No known connection to:
Earl Weygand
An astrophysicist, Weygand sent Voyager III into space, carrying with it
information about Earth, intending to encourage peaceful relationships with any
alien race it encountered. The Voyager III encountered Galactus, who
acknowledged it and then launched it into deep space. This enabled it to reach
the worldship of the Enslavers, which scanned it and then used its information
to locate Earth. After the Enslavers captured all of humanity, Mu brought
Weygand before him, thanking him for drawing him to Earth and rewarding him for
this by allowing him to retain a week of freedom.
After the Surfer arrived on Earth to confront Mu, the Surfer transported half of his power to Weygand (transforming his body to match the Surfer's), as well as the message to destroy the Power Plant. Determined to succeed, Weygand flew from Earth to the Worldship, disabling its communication equipment to prevent Mu from being notified, set free Mu's pets to distract the warriors who would oppose him, and then approached the plant. Weygand intended to use his power to survive passing through the shield and then destroy the Plant, but when a number of defense mechanisms began to assault him, he realized that his only choice was to use all of his power against the shield. Weygand destroyed the shield at the cost of his very life, but the Surfer's power was returned to its true owner, and the Surfer then destroyed the Power Plant, enabling him to defeat the Enslavers.
--Silver Surfer: The Enslavers
images: story pages only
Silver Surfer: The Enslavers, p21, panel 3 (Mu, seated);
pg. 23, panel panel 4 (easily withstanding the combined assaults of numerous heroes);
p25, panel 2 (Mu, standing)
p46 (Mu, face)
p58, panel 6 (Weygand as Surfer)
Silver Surfer: The Enslavers (1990;
Marvel Graphic Novel) - Stan Lee (writer), Keith Pollard (penciler), Joe Rubinstein, José Marzan & Chris Ivy (inks), Bobby Chase (editor)
FF: Fifty Fantastic Years (November, 2011) - Jeff Christiansen,
Mike O'Sullivan, & Stuart Vandal (head writers/coordinators),
Markus Raymond & Mike Fichera (writers/assistant coordinators), Ronald
Hugh Byrd Jr., Madison Carter, Jeff Christiansen, Anthony Cotilletta,
Patrick C. Duke, Eduardo Freyre, Kevin Garcia, Seth Johnson, Rob
London, Sean McQuaid, Mike O'Sullivan, Roger Ott, Markus Raymond,
Stuart Vandal (writers), Gus Vasquez (artist), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
First posted: 08/16/2005
Last updated: 07/20/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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