Real Name: Frank Lowell
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: C.I.A. Representative
Group Membership: C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency)
Affiliations: The C.I.A., Dr. Valerie Cooper, Henry Peter Gyrich, Judge Richard Petrie
Enemies: Superhumans in general
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Washington, D. C.
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men#176 (December, 1983)
Powers/Abilities: Frank Lowell had no superhuman powers, but being a member of the C.I.A., he more than likely had fairly good training at various intelligence-obtaining skills.
History: (Uncanny X-Men#176)
- When Henry Peter Gyrich was called to Washington, D. C. by Judge Richard
Petrie, Gyrich arrived in the middle of a speech given by Frank Lowell, of
the C.I.A. Lowell's speech revolved around how the city of Varykino in
Siberia had been destroyed by Magneto months ago and how Magneto could do
the same to any city on Earth. After Gyrich took his seat, Lowell continued
his speech, explaining that Magneto had issued a world-wide ultimatum demanding
that the world disarm its nuclear weaponry. Lowell continued, explaining
that the Soviets had sent a missile strike against Magneto in retaliation
for Magneto's demands. He went further to explain how Magneto had decided
to make Varykino an example of what would happen should the world attack
him again. Lowell then announced that the C.I.A.'s computers predicted
a strong possibility of success should Magneto or any other superhuman attempt
to conquer the Earth. In the conclusion of his speech, Lowell introduced
the others present to Dr. Valerie Cooper. He continued to stand as Val Cooper
proceeded to give her speech about similar concerns with the superhuman
Comments: Created by Chris Claremont, John Romita Jr., and Bob Wiacek.
Frank Lowell has no known connections to:
images: (not counting
Uncanny X-Men#176, p9, pan6 (Frank Lowell, headshot)
p10, pan4 (Frank Lowell, fullbody shot)
Last updated: 06/30/05
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