Real Name: Marglar

Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Microverse, Paridisian) technology user (armor-wearer)

Occupation: Former guardian of Paradise III

Group Membership: Church of Science

Affiliations: Former guardian of his people

Enemies: Biotron, Arcturus Rann; everyone else

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Sworn Guardian of Paradise III

Base of Operations: Formerly Paradise III

First Appearance: Micronauts Annual#1 (1979)




Powers/Abilities: Galactic Defender wore an air-tight suit, complete with an aerobionic helmet that kept him free from exposure to outside pollution and infection, as well as protecting him from the ravages of aging; it provided him from limited physical assault, as a laser-blast set to stun cracked it. His rocket pack granted him flight, and he wielded a pair of stun carbines, baton-like rifles which fired energy blasts.

(Micronauts Annual#1 (fb) - BTS) - Millions of years ago, the people of Paradise III had developed an advanced society, a virtual utopia where they were lived happy and healthy, free of wants and needs. However, in their quest for perfection, their genetic pool had become stagnant. Millions of years of inbreeding gave rise to madness.

(Micronauts Annual#1 (fb)) - The Scientists of Paradise III learned that there were other races sharing the cosmos, races they saw as impure, disease-ridden, and barbarous. They decided that they most never come in contact with those lesser lifeforms beyond their world. The scientists created the Force Nexus around their world to keep impurities from ever reaching them. However, the perceived impurities with increasing frequency amongst themselves. The ugly, the crippled, all who were imperfect were gathered and liquidated. Once a criteria of perfection was established, any deviation--including brown eyes (when blue was the norm), or even old age--meant death.

(Micronauts Annual#1 (fb)) - Eventually it was decided that their entire world would withdraw from contact with all that would alter, disfigure, or taint it. The populace proceeded to the Church of Science and there sealed themselves away within stasis tubes in a pure aerobionic environment for all eternity. Only one man was left outside of the stasis tubes: Galactic Defender--his people's champion and warrior supreme, preserved within a sealed suit and his aerobionic helmet. While his people slept, he remained awake, alert to any invasion by the impurities beyond the Force Nexus.
    For a million years he stood guard over his race.

(Micronauts Annual#1 (fb) - BTS) - Over time, the operation of the Force Nexus put undue stress on the planet itself. Geologic upheavals manifested earthquakes of world-shattering proportions. Galactic Defender stood by helplessly and watched the aerobionic cannisters shatter and his people turn to dust.

(Micronauts Annual#1) - One day before their return to Homeworld, Biotron and Arcturus Rann detected the cosmic disturbance of the Force Nexus and decided to investigate it. The Cosmic Tides of the Force Nexus caught the Endeavor and pulled it to Paradise III. Reviving from his stasis, Rann led Biotron to explore the planet, but they were attacked by Galactic Defender, who told them that strangers were not welcome on his world. Ignoring Rann's declaration of peace, Galactic Defender reiterated his vow to keep his world free from the infectious influences of the world beyond the Force Nexus. As Galactic Defender continued his assaults, Rann was forced to fight back, and a blast from his lasersonic (laser handgun) cracked the glass in Galactic Defender's aerobionic helmet.
    Galactic Defender fled back to the Church of Science, and the Micronauts followed him there, finding him sprawled atop its altar. Galactic Defender arose one last time, rapidly aging from his exposure to air. He told them of his people's history and his life mission. Stating that his watch was done, that all he had stood for was gone, and that there was nothing left for him to do but die with his race, he collapsed, crumbling to dust.
    Pitying him, Rann and Biotron departed, continuing their journey back to Homeworld.

Comments: Adapted from the Mego Micronauts toy by Bill Mantlo and Steve Ditko.

You can get more info on the toys by searching the net, but here's one with a decent picture and some commentary:

His real name was revealed in the Microverse entry in OHOTMU A-Z HC#7

Profile by Snood.

No known connection to:

Paradise III has no known connection to:

Paradise III



    Not too distant from Homeworld, it is a breathable atmosphere with luxuriant plant growth

(Micronauts Annual#1 (fb) - BTS) - Millions of years ago, the people of Paradise III had developed an advanced society, a virtual utopia where they were lived happy and healthy, free of wants and needs. However, in their quest for perfection, their genetic pool had become stagnant. Millions of years of inbreeding gave rise to madness.

(Micronauts Annual#1 (fb)) - The Scientists of Paradise III learned that there were other races sharing the cosmos, races they saw as impure, disease-ridden, and barbarous. They decided that they most never come in contact with those lesser lifeforms beyond their world. The scientists created the Force Nexus around their world to keep impurities from ever reaching them. However, the perceived impurities with increasing frequency amongst themselves. The ugly, the crippled, all who were imperfect were gathered and liquidated. Once a criteria of perfection was established, any deviation--including brown eyes (when blue was the norm), or even old age--meant death.




(Micronauts Annual#1 (fb)) - Eventually it was decided that their entire world would withdraw from contact with all that would alter, disfigure, or taint it. The populace proceeded to the Church of Science and there sealed themselves away within stasis tubes in a pure aerobionic environment for all eternity. Only one man was left outside of the stasis tubes: Galactic Defender--his people's champion and warrior supreme, preserved within a sealed suit and his aerobionic helmet. While his people slept, he remained awake, alert to any invasion by the impurities beyond the Force Nexus.
    For a million years he stood guard over his race.

(Micronauts Annual#1 (fb) - BTS) - Over time, the operation of the Force Nexus put undue stress on the planet itself. Geologic upheavals manifested earthquakes of world-shattering proportions. Galactic Defender stood by helplessly and watched the aerobionic cannisters shatter and his people turn to dust.

(Micronauts Annual#1) - When Arcturus Rann and Biotron investigated the Force Nexus, they were pulled down to Paradise III. Galactic Defender attacked them and perished in the subsequent battle.




Presumably there was a Paradise I and II, but there was no mention of them here.

--Micronauts Annual#1 (1 (fbs), 1

Micronauts Annual#1, p5, panel 3 (Galactic Defender full body)
        p9, panel 2 (face)
            panel 6 (Paradise)
        p10, panel 2 (purging)

Last updated: 01/29/06

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