Real Name: Dennis Golembuski
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Crimelord
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Constrictor; Jack O'Lantern; Madam Rapier; Shocker (Schultz); unnamed master; (formerly) the Kingpin (Wilson Fisk)
Enemies: The Hood (Robbins); Mosh
Known Relatives: Unnamed wife, son and daughter
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York City, New York
First Appearance: The Hood#2 (August, 2002)
Powers/Abilities: The Golem apparently possesses no powers beyond those of a normal man his age.
History: (Hood#2 (fb)-BTS, Hood#5 (fb)-BTS) - Dennis Golembuski was the grandson of a Polish freedom fighter who immigrated to America. Dennis may or may not have killed a man at the age of eight. He spent some time working as an underboss for Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of Crime, but quit (something rare to occur without death being the result). He began to work for a mysterious new master.
(Hood#2) -
Golembuski had the small-time
super-criminal Mosh brought to him for robbing a liquor store under his
"protection." After insulting the crimelord by calling him the Golem, a
nickname Golembuski personally despised, Mosh refused to hand over a
percentage of his take from the robbery. Golembuski had his
assistant Madam Rapier kill Mosh. Later, the Golem recruited the
Constrictor, Jack O'Lantern and Shocker to help protect a batch of
"bloodstones" (black market diamonds) that he was smuggling into the
country. He asked if any of them were mutants, as his own mutant
daughter had been prodding him to diversify his workforce.
(Hood#3) - The Golem inspected to make sure the three supervillains, along with Madam Rapier, were equipped for the job. After he left, the Hood arrived and stole half the diamonds (worth roughly one and a half million dollars).
(Hood#4) - Golembuski demanded answers from his employees as to why half his shipment was gone. He gave Rapier a list of pawn shops in the area for them to scout, in case the Hood tried to sell them.
(Hood#5) - The Hood, after discovering from whom he'd
stolen the gems, arrived at the Golem's office, shooting one of his
bodyguards in the crotch to prove he meant business. He tried to
make a deal with the mobster, asking for a cut of the diamonds if he
returned the rest undamaged. The Golem agreed, and after the Hood
left, told Madam Rapier to kill the thief at their rendezvous. He
placed a call to FBI agents Infante and Sobell, alerting them to the
(Hood#6) - As Rapier awaited the Hood to appear at
their planned meeting spot in Coney Island, the Golem received a phone
call from his Master. With this mysterious person threatening the
lives of Golembuski's family, the Golem promised the Hood would be dead
within an hour. After the Hood double-crossed Rapier, knowing she
planned to double-cross him, she was killed in a hail of police
gunfire. The Hood confronted Jack O'Lantern and the other two
super-villains, and handed the diamonds over to them, telling them to
tell the Golem to just leave him alone. After they reported back
to him, they could only watch as the Golem cried over a picture of his
family, knowing the consequences of failure. He promised that
nothing was ended between him and the Hood.
Created by Brian K. Vaughan, Kyle Hotz and Eric Powell.
So who was the mysterious master
that the Golem worked for? We may never know.
When first publishing this entry, I
was corrected that Mosh had previously appeared in an issue of
Spectacular Spider-Man. However, although these two characters share
similar traits, Brian K. Vaughan has shared in e-mail that there is no
connection, and his was a wholly new character.
The Golem has no known connections to
Madam Rapier has no known connections to
Mosh has no known connections to
Skilled with a sword, Madam Rapier was the Golem's
right-hand assassin. She was left in charge of the group of
super-villains protecting his shipment of diamonds. When she
arranged a meeting with the Hood to regain the gems, he forced her to
put on a cloak similar to his. Just then, the police arrived and shot
what they believed to be the Hood to death.
--Hood#2 ( 3-6
(Gilbert Lipchitz) A low-level super-criminal who
sometimes used the alias Gil Greene, Mosh gained superhuman strength
using chemicals stolen from his girlfriend's place of employment. He
can lift close to a thousand pounds. Mosh gained the attention of the
Golem by robbing a liquor store that was under the crime boss's
"protection." When Mosh laughed at handing over a percentage of his
stolen money, the Golem had Madam Rapier kill him. His mutilated body
was left in a dumpster for the police to find.
--Hood#2 ( 2 (fb)-BTS, 2
The Hood#5, page 22, panel 5 (full body)
#6, page 4, panel 5 (on phone with Master)
#6, page 21, panels 5&6 (family photo)
#2, page 5, panel 1 (Madam Rapier)
#2, page 2, panel 2 (Mosh)
The Hood#2-6 (August-December, 2002) - Brian K. Vaughn (writer), Kyle Hotz (pencils), Eric Powell (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
First Posted: 08/18/2005
updated: 08/23/2005
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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