Real Name: Presumably Iskelior
Identity/Class: Human magic-user
Occupation: Unrevealed
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Kyllian, Moku;
numerous unidentified animals in her realm;
numerous people brought to her realm
Enemies: Dr. Strange (loose antagonist)
Known Relatives: Unnamed father (presumably deceased)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unnamed
extradimensional realm;
formerly Lixos, an island off the coast of
First Appearance: (BTS) Dr. Strange III#58 (October, 1993)
Powers/Abilities: Iskelior has a number
of magical abilities, including healing spells and releasing
bursts of energy to shove others away. She is resistant to aging.
She lives in peace with the animals of her realm, and claims to
abhor violence.
She used a magical trivet to bring others to her realm.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
(Dr. Strange III#59 (fb) - BTS) <centuries ago> - Iskelior
was from Lixos, an island off of Greece. Her father was rich in
the ways of the mind--persuasion, wisdom, healing, etc. People
came to her father, craving his power, but he refused to follow
their politics or forsake his humanist nature.
(Dr. Strange III#59 (fb) - BTS) - When "the attack came," her father cast a spell shrouded in antiquity, sending Iskelior to an extradimensional realm of refuge. She never learned her father's fate.
(Dr. Strange III#59 (fb) - BTS) - Iskelior's three-legged globe (trivet) was sent to Earth. It glowed when it sensed certain emanations, and it opened a portal between Earth and Iskelior's realm.
(Dr. Strange III#59 (fb) - BTS) - Over the following centuries, a number of people came to Iskelior's realm, allegedly choosing to live out their lives in peace rather than face uncertainty and suffering on Earth. When her visitors died, Iskelior placed their bodies (or just their heads) inside a mausoleum-like structure.
(Dr. Strange III#57 (fb) - BTS) - The trivet was sold at a garage sale to Vicky Barnett, who assumed it to be a lamp. She found that her "lamp" didn't work, though she suspected there was something more to it.
(Dr. Strange III#57 (fb) - BTS) - Vicky Barnett brought her trivet to a lecture featuring Dr. Strange, hoping he could discover its origins and purpose.
(Dr. Strange III#57 - BTS) - The trivet alerted
Dr. Strange to a mystic conflict on Gevaltu, and he traveled
there to investigate. The trivet was taken to Dr. Strange's
sanctum to be watched over by Kyllian. When the globe's former
owner, Vicky Barnett, showed up, the globe began to glow
(Dr. Strange III#58) - Panicking, the untrained Kyllian tried to smash the globe, but it instead released a stinging smoke, and a monstrous hand suddenly reached out and pulled Kyllian into the globe. Kyllian was transported to another dimension, where the creature (Moku) proceeded to strangle him. Desperate, Kyllian unleashed a flame spell from one of his tattoos, causing the beast to flee. As Kyllian rose to his feet, he was greeted by Iskelior.
(Dr. Strange III#59) - Iskelior explained how
Kyllian had been brought to her world, then she introduced Moku,
telling Kyllian that Moku intended no harm, but that Kyllian had
fought him too hard. After Kyllian wandered around, Iskelior met
him in her gazebo, telling him of her past and then asking of his
tattoos as her fingers probed his skin. He nervously stopped her
from going further, then had a vision of his forgotten childhood,
which he shared with her. Desperate to learn more, he grabbed
Iskelior and begged her assistance, but she cast him away with a
burst of energy. She offered to help him, but told him that she
would not tolerate such violence.
Just then Dr. Strange arrived, having followed
Kyllian's trail, and he assumed Kyllian to be under her spell.
When she denied this, Strange exposed her mausoleum, but Iskelior
told him that those within it had chosen to stay there. Kyllian
told Dr. Strange that he, too, wanted to stay with Iskelior, and
when Strange attempted to silence him, Kyllian lashed out,
attacking Dr. Strange repeatedly. Kyllian eventually knocked
Strange to the ground, but Iskelior stopped him, telling him that
violence was an anathema to her. Before there could be any
further discussion, a rift between Earth and Iskelior's realm
opened. Realizing the damage being done by the demonqueen Lilith,
Strange transferred knowledge of a spell into Kyllian's mind and
then left him in Iskelior's realm to close the rift from that
side while Strange did the same on Earth. As he left, Strange
told Kyllian he'd be back when he could. Kyllian and Strange
performed the spell, and Kyllian was left behind with Iskelior.
Comments: Created by Geof Isherwood.
Profile by Snood.
No known connection to:
Iskelior's realm
Type: Alien world
Environment: It appeared to be a lush jungle paradise, though only portions of it were glimpsed.
Usual means of access: Magic
Dominant Life Form: Jungle animals such as leopards and gorillas
Significant Inhabitants: Iskelior, Kyllian, Moku, "go no further", sprite(s); numerous visitors (deceased)
History: Next to nothing is known of Iskelior's realm. She was sent there centuries ago by her father to protect her from an attack. She sent her mystical trivet to Earth, and it opened a portal between Earth and her realm when it sensed certain emanations. She then summoned these people to her realm, where they allegedly lived out their lives in peace. Kyllian chose to remain there initially, but ultimately the choice was taken away from him when Dr. Strange needed him to stay there to seal the rift between it and Earth.
--Dr. Strange III#58 (59 (fb) - BTS, 58-59
Over the centuries, a number of people came to Iskelior's realm, allegedly choosing to live out their lives in peace rather than face uncertainty and suffering on Earth. When her visitors died, Iskelior placed their bodies (or just their heads) inside a mausoleum-like structure.
--Dr. Strange III#59(59 (fb) - BTS, 59
A gorilla serving Iskelior, it grabbed Kyllian and pulled him into her realm. As Kyllian fought, it squeezed his neck tightly until Kyllian blasted it off with a fire spell.
--Dr. Strange III#58 (59
A small humanoid female glimpsed off to the side while Kyllian and Iskelior spoke in her gazebo.
--Dr. Strange III#59
A small figure, it told anyone approaching to stop at a group of trees before they rushed through and over the top of a very tall waterfall.
--Dr. Strange III#59
(Dr. Strange III#59 (fb) - BTS) - Iskelior's three-legged globe (trivet) was sent to Earth. It glowed when it sensed certain emanations, and it opened a portal between Earth and Iskelior's realm.
(Dr. Strange III#57 (fb) - BTS) - The trivet was sold at a garage sale to Vicky Barnett, who assumed it to be a lamp. She found that her "lamp" didn't work, though she suspected there was something more to it.
(Dr. Strange III#57 (fb) - BTS) - Vicky Barnett brought her trivet to a lecture featuring Dr. Strange, hoping he could discover its origins and purpose.
(Dr. Strange III#57 - BTS) - The trivet alerted Dr. Strange to a mystic conflict on Gevaltu, and he traveled there to investigate. The trivet was taken to Dr. Strange's sanctum to be watched over by Kyllian. When the globe's former owner, Vicky Barnett, showed up, the globe began to glow ominously.
(Dr. Strange III#58) - Panicking, the untrained Kyllian tried to smash the globe, but it instead released a stinging smoke, and a monstrous hand suddenly reached out and pulled Kyllian into the globe. Strange later used the trivet to follow Kyllian's trail
--Dr. Strange III#57 (59 (fb) - BTS, 57-59
Dr. Strange III#58, last page
Dr. Strange III#59 cover
p2, panel 4 (Moku)
p3, panel 4 (statue)
p4 (waterfall)
p6, panel 2 (sprite)
p13 (mausoleum)
First Posted: 09/12/2005
Last updated: 09/13/2005
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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