Real Name: Jolena
Identity/Class: Extradimensional/Asgardian goddess
Occupation: Queen of Skarnheim
Group Membership: Asgardian Gods, people of Skarnheim
Affiliations: Menagerie of Rimthursar, Odin, Thor, Uthar
Enemies: Loki, Wolflings;
formerly Uthar and his armies
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Skarnheim, Asgard
First Appearance: Thor I#320 (June, 1982)
Jolena is a standard Asgardian goddess, possessing superhuman strength (Class
25?), durability, and other physical abilities. She is resistant to aging and
conventional disease, and she is also an experienced warrior.
(Thor I#320 (fb) - BTS) - At some point in the past, presumably before his
relationship with Frigga and the birth of Thor (son of Gaea and Odin), Odin had
a passionate relationship with Jolena. Odin later recalled it as a love that was
far too short when it might well have been forever.
(Thor I#322 (fb)) - A group of conspirators infiltrated the armies of Jolena and Uthar, the king of the realm across a river from Jolena's realm. The conspirators on each side convinced the leader of that realm that the other group wished to cross the river and claim their land, when in truth both sides were content with their domains. The conspirators instigated this conflict because they knew that Odin would be drawn to the battle. They knew of Odin's past love affair with Jolena, and if he intervened on her behalf, he would disgrace both himself and Frigga, Odin's current wife and the woman who had raised Thor. At the same time, if he were unable to involve himself in the conflict, he would demonstrate his impotence as a leader.
(Thor I#320) - Jolena's forces warred against Uthar's, with the conspirators, the Wolflings, perpetuating the struggle and presumably blocking communication between the sides. Odin learned of the battle and Jolena's involvement. Odin's heart stirred to look upon her fair form once more.
(Thor I#321) - Jolena continued to lead her forces against Uthar's with Odin watching from above the battlefield. Odin began to see the truth behind the situation.
(Thor I#322) - Having learned the situation from Odin, Thor and Rimthursar's Menagerie sneaked into the battlefield, where they overhead the Wolflings on one side planning a meeting with the others. Slithgarn brought Uthar to the river, and Kyrie brought Uthar there. The two leaders then overheard the Wolflings conspiring to perpetuate the struggle, and--infuriated by the manipulation--Jolena and Uthar joined Thor and the Menagerie in subduing the Wolflings. The defeated Wolflings were dragged to the battlefield, where Jolena and Uthar commanded the fighting to stop, and they revealed the Wolflings' actions. Odin then arrived on the battlefield, where he embraced Jolena. Odin announced that his love was vast, like his power, and that, like any god, he may love more than one woman. However, he made it clear that the fact that he showed a trace of his former love for Jolena in no way made him unfaithful to Frigga. It merely made him fallible, just as all men and and gods were.
(Thor I#324/2) - Odin visited Jolena again, and the two professed their love for each other, but acknowledged that they must overcome their feelings. Unknown to them both, Loki was spying upon them, and he quickly spread the news throughout Asgard that Odin was an unfaithful husband. Loki and Tyr began to amass an army to overthrow Odin.
(Thor I#325/2) - As Loki and Tyr's army marched towards Odin's palace, Loki was surprised to find that Jolena was outside of the city. When he asked her why, she replied that she and Odin were no longers lovers, and that he had come to break off their affair that time Loki saw them. When Loki realized that he was wrong about Odin, he began to question the continued resistance against his father.
Comments: Created by Doug Moench, Keith Pollard, and
Stone & Tartag. I guess Jolena and Uthar would have met their ends during the
recent Ragnarok (Thor II#85), but we don't know that for sure. Profile by Snood and Prime Eternal. CLARIFICATIONS:
Jolen - Inhuman, mutated by Terrigen, sent to earth as part of reconnaissance mission. Control vegetation--Inhumans
V#1, (named) #2 other "Jol" characters Uthar has no connection to: Uthar was the ruler of a realm in the
Hinterlands; his land was separated from Queen Jolena's land by a river. The
Wolflings infiltrated both Uthar and Jolena's armies and convinced them each
that others' armies intended to cross the river and conquer their land. Uthar
led his forces to war with Jolena's, until Thor, working with Rimthursar's
Menagerie, exposed the Wolflings conspiracy before Uthar and Jolena. After
joining in defeating the Wolflings, Uthar and Jolena commanded their forces to
stop battling, and they revealed the Wolflings' treachery. Uthar is a standard Asgardian god,
possessing superhuman strength (Class 25?), durability, and other physical
abilities. He is resistant to aging and conventional disease, and she is also an
experienced warrior. --Thor I#320 - BTS, 322 ([320-321 - BTS], 322 images: Thor I#321 (July, 1982) - Doug Moench (writer), Alan Kupperberg (pencils), Chic Stone, etc. (inks), Jim Salicrup (editor) Last updated: 03/01/06 Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know. Non-Marvel Copyright info
No known connection to:
Thor I#322, p9, panel 5 (Jolena full body)
p15, panel 1 (Uthar body)
panel 6 (Uthar
p18, panel 2 (Jolena face)
Thor I#322 (August, 1982) - Doug Moench (writer), Alan Kupperberg (pencils), Jim Mooney, etc. (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Thor I#324 (October, 1982) - Doug Moench (writer), Alan Kupperberg (penciler), Jim Mooney (inker), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Thor I#325 (November, 1982) - Doug Moench (writer), Alan Kupperberg (penciler), Jack Abel (inker), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and
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