Real Name: Kalen
Identity/Class: Human variant? (Homo mermani),
Atlantean citizen
Occupation: Emperor of Atlantis, Warlord
Group Membership: Atlantean (Homo mermani) race
Affiliations: Neptune
Enemies: The Old Ones, Unforgiven Dead (Artys-Gran, Socus, Suma-Ket)
Known Relatives: Stegor
Kamuu (grandfather, deceased), Zartra (presumptive
grandmother), Harran (father, deceased);
Orrek (common ancestry);
Thallo, Thakorr, Fen, Arkus, Beemer, Bobo, Byrrah, Byrrahna,
Dara, Daro, Arkus, Dorma, Namita, Namor, Namora, Namorita, Ossem, others (descendents)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Currently unknown;
formerly Antarctic Atlantis @ 5900 BC
First Appearance: Namor I#38 (May, 1993)
Powers/Abilities: Kalen is a normal member of the Homo mermani, granting him enhanced human strength, the ability to see in near total darkness and withstand the great cold and pressures at the ocean's depths. He can breathe underwater, but would suffocate on land. He used a sword and spear in combat, and he wore the Sacred Armor of Atlantis, which protected him from injury and enabled him to survive wounds that would be otherwise fatal.
(Namor I#38 (fb)) - Kalen--grandson of Kamuu and wearer of the sacred armor of
Atlantis--left Atlantis, undertaking an unspecified long journey.
(Namor I#37 (fb) - BTS /Namor I#38 (fb) - BTS) <5800 BC (see comments)> - In the third decade after the death of Kamuu (while Kalen was away on a long journey), Atlantis was plagued by the savage Faceless Ones. Suma-Ket led the Unforgiven Dead to Atlantis, freeing the city from the Faceless Ones in exchange for being allowed to settle there. In awe of Ket, the Atlanteans followed his lead to slay their king, "Harran" (the son of Kamuu) and proclaim Ket as King of all Atlantis. Under Ket's rule, Atlantis sank into darkness, worshipping the demonic Old Ones.
(Namor I#38 (fb)) - Kalen returned to Atlantis and beheld his people's plight. He urged his people to return to the ways of Neptune; in anger, Kalen slew one of Ket's tribe as she prepared to sacrifice yet another child to her thirsty gods. That act rallied Atlantis, and the people rose up against Ket and Artys-Gran and all their dark court.
(Namor I#37 (fb) - BTS / Namor I#38 (fb)) - Kalen (with the aid of Neptune himself) led the Atlanteans in a bloody battle that turned the oceans indigo with blood. Ket's host was defeated, but the Unforgiven Dead were strong and could not be destroyed.
(Namor I#36 (fb) - BTS) - The lords of Atlantis banished Ket and his court beyond the Earthly plane to the Grey Waters, a mystical prison that was not quite death, but was certainly not life.
(Namor I#38 (fb) - BTS) - Artys-Gran, last of the Unforgiven Dead, was slain and her body hidden. In this way, Suma-Ket's covenant with his dark gods was broken.
(Namor I#36 (fb) - BTS) - As Ket fell, he prophesied that he would return when the blood of his people possessed the blood of Kalen.
(Namor I#37 (fb) - BTS) - Kalen became the new king (or
emperor) of Atlantis, founding the Royal House, from which Thakorr and Namor
would be descended.
(Namor I#37 - BTS) - When Namor was nearly slain by the reborn Suma-Ket, Neptune appeared to him, granting him the Sacred Armor of Atlantis, healing him enough to continue the struggle.
(Namor I#38-40 - BTS) - Namor wore the Sacred Armor of Atlantis to defeat many of Ket's host and ultimately to slay Ket himself.
Comments: Created by Bob Harras, Jae Lee, and Bill Sinkiewicz/Shawn McManus/Chris Ivy/Malcolm Jones/Jimmy Palmotti.
I'm trying to compile a complete list of Namor's Atlantean ancestors and relatives, so let me know who I missed.
Harran's name became canon in Suma-Ket's entry in All-New OHotMU#11.
Harran sub-profile by MarvellousLuke.
Profile by Snood.
No known connection to:
<5800 BC> When Kamuu died, he was succeeded as emperor of Atlantis by his son Harran. He fathered a son known as Kalen with an unidentified woman (possibly Zarta). When Kalen went on a long journey, Atlantis was plagued by the savage Faceless Ones. Suma-Ket led the Unforgiven Dead to Atlantis, freeing the city from the Faceless Ones in exchange for the right to settle there. In awe of Ket, the Atlanteans followed his order to slay their king Harran and proclaimed Ket as King of all Atlantis. Under Ket's rule, Atlantis sank into darkness, marked by their worship of the demonic Old Ones.
--Namor I#37 (fb) - BTS, Namor I#38(fb) - BTS
Namor I#38, p12, panel 1 (Kalen)
Namor I#37, p20 (Namor in Kalen's armor)
Namor I#36-37 (March-April, 1993) - Bob Harras (writer), Jae Lee (artist), Terry Kavanagh (editor)
Namor I#38 (May, 1993) - Bob Harras (writer), Jae Lee (pencils), Bill Sienkiewicz, Shawn McManus, Chris Ivy, Malcolm Jones & Jimmy Palmiotti (inks), Terry Kavanagh (editor)
Namor I#39 (June, 1993) - Bob Harras (writer), Jae Lee (pencils), Howard Rourke (inks), Terry Kavanagh (editor)
Namor I#40 (July, 1993) - Bob Harras (writer), Scot Kolins (artist), Terry Kavanagh (editor)
First Posted: 07/16/2005
Last updated: 04/02/2015
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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