Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Unrevealed
Group Membership: None known
Affiliations: None known
Enemies: Tad Allen, Melanee Carondelet, Eddy, Janice LaPierre, Lizzie Longyear, Althea Neville and the Streetcar Barn,Spicey Simmons, Sub-Mariner, Tess
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None known
Base of Operations: New Orleans, Louisiana
First Appearance: Namor I#51 (June, 1994)
Powers/Abilities: The King-Cake Killer has no known special abilities. He is almost surely mentally ill, and killed at least six people by slashing their throats with a knife.
(Namor I#51 (fb) -
BTS) - Though his true motives were unknown, the police believed that
the King-Cake Killer went on his serial rampage because he or his
family had been black-listed from the Bons' (New Orleans socialites)
parties. In the words of Melanee Carondelet, chief investigator
in this case, "King cakes are part of the Mardi Gras
festival--ring-shaped cakes with colorful icing...cooked with a plastic
baby inside. Nowadays, whoever gets the 'baby' has to supply the
next cake which leads to another excuse for a party...In the old days,
they'd bake a cake with a single gold bean to serve to the young
girls--or debutantes--at each Mardi Gras ball...the girl who got the
slice with the gold bean became queen of the ball, and the rest, her
The mentally ill, stuttering King-Cake Killer chose to use traditional king cakes as his modus operandi. He began killing socialites by attacking at night, slashing their throats, and stuffing a king cake (with one bite out of it) in their mouth. After his third victim was found, the city began to grow fearful.
(Namor I#51 (fb)) - His fourth victim, Janice LaPierre, was publicized in the paper with a note the King-Cake Killer had left on her that read, "I'll pluck your piglets one by one! Bons must DIE!!"
(Namor I#51) - The King-Cake Killer murdered a girl named Tess at a socialite party then rushed off. The next day, he went into Longyear's bakery after a patron named Eddy and his wife left and choked Lizzie Longyear before tossing her aside, grabbing king cakes, and running off. Lizzie reported him to the police. He moved to kill the queen of Bons, the leading socialite, on Mardi Gras day. In order to get to the Muse Club, he killed a guard then moved to the balcony to kill the queen. When Namor threw a clump of beads at the killer, he was knocked over the balcony's edge and landed in the cops' hands. When faced with evidence against him, the killer voiced a full confession. The detective in charge of his capture, Melanee Carondelet, claimed credit for his capture.
Comments: Created by Hollis Bright, Aaron Lopresti, and Ernie Chan.
The King-Cake Killer has no known connections to:
(Namor I#51 (fb) - BTS) - A friend
of Melanee Carondelet, 17-year-old Janice was murdered by New Orleans
King-Cake Killer. She was murdered in the city park at 2:01
am. A king-cake was stuffed in her mouth after her throat was
slit and a note was left on her corpse. Janice's murder was
published in the paper.
--Namor I#51
Althea Neville
and the Streetcar Barn
(Namor I#51) - Althea Neville and her
band, the Streetcar Barn, were playing at a socialite party where,
during the band's break, the King-Cake Killer struck again.
--Namor I#51
(Namor I#51 (fb) - BTS) - After Tad Allen, a school quarterback, won the state championship, he gave Tess his ID bracelet and the two became an item.
(Namor I#51) - While attending a socialite party, Spicey Simmons, known as the biggest flirt in town, flirted with Tad Allen, causing Tess to get angry and throw the ID bracelet back in Tad's face. Tess rushed outside and Tad followed, only to see she'd been murdered by the King-Cake Killer.
--Namor I#51 ( 51 (fb), 51
(Namor I#51 (fb) - BTS) - Tess accepted the ID
bracelet of Tad Allen, quarterback, after he won the state
championship, and the two became an item.
(Namor I#51) - Tess saw Spicey Simmons flirting with
Tad at a socialite party and angrily threw the bracelet in Tad's
face. She rushed outside to the gardens and was murdered by the
King-Cake Killer.
--Namor I#51 ( 51 (fb), 51
(Namor I#51) - After shopping at
Longyear's bakery, Eddy and his wife were leaving when the King-Cake
rushed into the store and attacked Lizzie.
--Namor I#51
(Namor I#51) - In her shop, Longyear's bakery, Lizzie said goodbye to Eddy and his wife before the King-Cake Killer rushed in. Lizzie informed him it was closing time and he began to strangle her before pushing her aside, grabbing some king cakes, and rushing out. A cop came in for a donut and found Lizzie, who told him what had happened.
--Namor I#51
Namor I#51, p27, pan5
Namor I#51, p22, pan3
(Janice LaPierre) Namor I#51, p6, pan4
(Althea Neville and the Streetcar Barn) Namor I#51,
p16, p1
(Spicey Simmons and Tad Allen) Namor I#51
(Tess) - Namor I#51, p16, pan3
(Eddy) - Namor I#51, p22, pan1
(Lizzie) - Namor I#51, p22, pan9
Namor I#51 (June, 1994) - Hollis Bright (writer), Aaron Lopresti (penciler), Ernie Chan (inker), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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