Real Name: Krago
Identity/Class: Unknown, possibly Deviant mutate
Occupation: Sea creature
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Human Torch (Storm); Llyra; Lymondo; Namor the Sub-Mariner; Tiger Shark
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: He Who Sleeps
Base of Operations: Earth's oceans
First Appearance: Sub-Mariner I#44 (December, 1971)Powers/Abilities: Krago possesses enormous bulk, the ability to survive the ocean's crushing depths, the ability to survive for long periods of time while sleeping, and the ability to jump above the waves. Krago caused enormous devastation by creating waves with his bulk and tearing through ships. The extent of his powers and abilities are unknown.
Traits: Krago is a large two-finned fish, gray in color. He is several times larger than a large boat or submarine.
(Sub-Mariner I#44 (fb)) - Little is known
about Krago's background. He roamed the sea until Namor, the
Sub-Mariner, put Krago into an age-long sleep by using special herbs.
(Sub-Mariner I#44) - Krago was awakened from his age-old
sleep by a
magno-beam fired to the ocean's bottom by Llyra. Krago moved to
the ocean's surface where he devastated some ships until Namor shoved a
large piece of wood into the creature's mouth, sending Krago retreating
beneath the waves in pain. Krago resurfaced again, and took a
blast from the Human Torch, then Namor impaled Krago with the wooden
stake. While thrashing about, Krago jumped above the surface and
struck a flying submarine, taking it, and its occupants Llyra, Lymondo,
and Tiger Shark, crashing below the surface with him. Krago was
seemingly killed.
Comments: Created by Gerry Conway, Marie Severin and Jim Mooney.
Profile by Chadman
No known connection to
Sub-Mariner I#44, p16, pan5
Sub-Mariner I#44, p14, pan1
Last updated: 01/08/06
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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