Type: Divergent Earth
Environment: Earth-like
Usual means of access: Dimensional teleportation
Dominant Life Form: Humans
Significant Inhabitants: The Fashion Police, the F.U.R. (Fashion
Underground Revolutionaries), Q.U.A.N.T.S. (Quasi-Unilateral Anti-Natural
Tactical Squad)
Significant Locations: Londinium
First Appearance: Motormouth#1 (June, 1992)
History: (Motormouth#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Roman Empire conquered the
entire Earth and being a civilization based on style, the Empire made it
a crime to look fashionable unless you were a member of the Fashion Police.
(Motormouth#1) - When Harley Davis donned a Mind Operated Personal
Dematerialization unit disguised as a pair of sneakers, the Mys-Tech Organization
tested the device by teleporting Harley to Londinium, a divergent Earth that
had been conquered by the Romans, in the year MCXLVII. Upon her arrival,
she was approached by members of the Q.U.A.N.T.S., who demanded to see
her papers. She was saved from them by members of F.U.R., who interrogated
her as to where she had gotten her sneakers. Before they could continue the
conversation further, the Q. U. A. N. T. S. caught up to them and attacked.
During the battle that ensued, most of the F. U. R. members were killed and
just as the Q.U.A.N.T.S. confronted Harley, she managed to activate
her MOPeD sneakers again and teleport back to Earth-616.
Comments: Created by Graham Marks, Gary Frank, and Cam Smith.
The divergent point for this Earth occured prior to the fall of the Roman
Earth-Londinium has no known connection to
The F.U.R. (Fashion Underground Revolutionaries) were a group of
anti-establishment revolutionaries who disguised themselves as part of the
general public, but secretly confiscated hip fashions for their own use.
A group of F.U.R. members attempted to take Harley Davis's clothing after
they saved her from the Q.U.A.N.T.S. but before they could do so, they
were attacked by the Q.U.A.N.T.S. again. During the attack, most of
the F.U.R. members present were killed.
The Q.U.A.N.T.S. (or Quasi-Unilateral Anti-Natural Tactical Squad) were
a subgroup of the Fashion Police, who enforced non-stylish clothing on everyone
but themselves. When Harley Davis arrived in Londinium, the Q.U.A.N.T.S. attempted to arrest her but she was saved by members of F.U.R. The Q.U.A.N.T.S. soon caught back up and attacked, killing most of the F.U.R. members present. Before they could reach Harley, however, she teleported
back to her home Earth.
images:(not counting ads)
Motormouth#1, p12, pan2 (Londinium city)
Motormouth#1 (June, 1992) - Graham Marks (story), Gary Frank (pencils), Cam
Smith (inks)
Any Additions/Corrections? please
let me know.
Last Updated: 08/31/06
Non-Marvel Copyright
p20, pan1 (F. U. R.)
p21, pan5 (Q. U. A. N. T. S.)
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