Real Name: Krupp (first name unrevealed)
Identity/Class: Human mutate
Occupation: Scientist
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: The Gorosaur;
formerly his medical attendant
Enemies: His medical attendant (after learning of Mento's true intentions)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Mento the Mighty
Base of Operations: His laboratory in the dungeon of a European castle
First Appearance: Strange Tales I#78/2 (November, 1960)
Powers/Abilities: When connected to his "brain charging" machine, Mento was granted incredible psionic abilities which included telekinesis, teleportation, remote-viewing, and he was able to restructure matter; however, his powers only worked while the machine had power. After spending several years lying down connected to the machine, Mento was left so physically weak that he found himself paralyzed.
Three years later, Krupp passed another milestone when he was able to create an animal--a gorosaur--simply by thinking it into existence. Dubbing himself "Mento the Mighty," Krupp's ambitions grew to nothing less than world conquest.
In his tenth year of being hooked to the machine, Mento was able to levitate a nearby bridge as the powers of his mind continued to increase. In his fifteenth year, Mento reduced the height of the population of a nearby city to 12 inches, then restored everyone to normal. No longer satisfied with small amusing tricks, Mento was now prepared to take over the world. Seeing the threat that Mento posed, his medical attendant picked up a stone block to wreck the machine, but Mento simply teleported him away to a small island in the South Pacific.
Just as Mento was ready to begin his plans for world conquest, the machine short-circuited, causing him to lose his powers, and all the feats he made happen were undone. As Krupp tried in vain to get up to repair it, he found himself unable to move--all the years he lay immobile had caused his muscles to atrophy, leaving him as helpless as a newborn infant, his plans for world domination were thus ended.
Comments: Created by an unknown writer and Don Heck.
And a big THANK YOU to Dennis Giansante for scanning this story for me!
Profile by John Kaminski
Mento has no known connections to:
Standing about eight feet tall, the gorosaur (half-gorilla/half-dinosaur) was a creature that Mento willed into existence. When Mento's "brain charging" machine short-circuited and lost power, the gorosaur faded away.
--Strange Tales I#78/2
Strange Tales I#78, p11, pan1 (main image)
p10, pan6 (head shot)
p13, pan4 (Gorosaur)
First Posted: 02/28/2006
Last Updated: 10/13/2007
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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