Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (race unrevealed) technology user
Occupation: Unrevealed
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Kid Kaiju (Kei Kawade);
temporarily Abominable
Snowman, Blip,
Crawling Creature, Creature
from Krogarr, Creature
from the Black Bog, Fin
Fan Foom, Googam,
Goom, Gorgilla,
Green Thing,
Insect Man,
It the Living Colossus, Klagg, Kraa,
Monstrom, Moomba, Old
Man Logan, Orrgo,
Pildorr the Plunderer, Quogg,
Rommbu, Sporr,
Thing that Crawled by Night, Tim
Boo Ba, Ulvar,
Monster, Zetora,
Enemies: Humans, Leviathon Tide
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Oog (as called by humans)
Base of Operations: Unidentified home planet in another galaxy;
formerly Earth's Arctic region
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense I#27/1 (March, 1962)
Powers/Abilities: Besides being extremely large and physically strong, this alien possessed many powers that were mentally-derived in nature. He could communicate telepathically with humans, emit a hypnotic beam from his eyes, and project a psychic beam of pure mental energy that could travel into space. He also seemed to have limited telekinesis (see comments).
Height: Unrevealed (20'; by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Brown
(Tales of Suspense I#27/1 (fb)) - "Ages ago," an alien was returning home from an
interstellar voyage when his spaceship's engines suddenly failed. The
ship crash-landed in what would be the Arctic region on Earth, while the
alien was ejected from his spacecraft and knocked unconsciousness. When
he awoke, he found himself trapped in the ice; unable to free himself,
the alien telekinetically etched a distress signal--which resembled the
letters "OOG"--on the ice before going into a sort of hibernation.
(Tales of Suspense I#27/1) - Centuries later, a group of scientists were exploring an uncharted part of the Arctic, where they found the ice-encased body of the alien, whom they believed to be a prehistoric creature from Earth's distant past; noticing the distress signal in the ice, the scientists referred to their frozen find as "Oog". They removed the block of ice with the alien inside and transported it back to civilization.
When the frozen slab of ice with the alien arrived in the United States, it was taken to a laboratory to be studied; but later that night, a janitor unwittingly turned up the heat in the chilly room, which caused the block of ice to thaw, and "Oog" was set free after countless centuries of slumber.
Not quite understanding where he was, "Oog" smashed out of the lab and wandered the streets, causing a panic throughout the city. As people fled in terror, the military was called in to attack. But before the troops could open fire, "Oog" hypnotized them and caused the entire battalion to fall asleep.
A squadron of jets was dispatched to attack the alien, but using his telepathic powers, "Oog" communicated with them and explained how he came to be stranded on Earth; he further mentioned that he was just waiting for rescue, and that Earth had nothing to fear from his race, as humans were too barbaric and savage to ever be of notice to them.
Using his powers again, "Oog" projected a mental beam into space, and only moments later, a rescue spaceship arrived. Without ever acknowledging the people watching them, "Oog" boarded the spacecraft and left the planet, for he felt nothing but contempt for the savage human race.
(Monsters Unleashed II#2) - The Inhuman Kid Kaiju summoned Oog, along with numerous other monsters, to an area outside San Diego, California in defense against the Leviathons.
(Monsters Unleashed II#3 - BTS) - Oog joined the fight against the Leviathons. Earth's heroes watched the monsters summoned by Kid Kaiju defeat the Leviathons. After the battle, Oog and the other monsters were teleported back from where they came.
(Monsters Unleashed II#4) - Oog fought alongside Old Man Logan and Monstrom against a Leviathon in New Orleans until he was teleported away by Kid Kaiju.
Comments: Created by an unidentified writer and Jack Kirby
As with almost all of the sci-fi/horror stories published by Atlas/Marvel in those days, the story was most likely written by either Stan Lee and/or Larry Lieber. However, as no records appear to exist, it remains unknown which, if either, it was. Also, while Dick Ayers was Kirby's usual inker during this period of the monster books, even sources such as comics.org do not have an inker on record for this story, whereas they have Ayers for others stories in the same book.
The story was reprinted in Monsters on the Prowl#20 (December, 1972).
The only depiction of the alien's telekinesis was when he etched the "OOG" distress signal in the ice, so I'm guessing this ability of his was limited in range, otherwise he could have used it to free himself from the ice.
And considering his appearance, I'm surprised Oog never ended up in Big Enilwen's teddy bear collection. -- Ron Fredricks
Profile by Madison Carter. Updated by Markus Raymond (Monsters Unleashed). Expansion by Ron Fredricks.
Oog has no known connections to:
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It was a vessel from another galaxy; unspecified centuries ago, it was traveling through space when its engines suddenly failed. The spacecraft crash-landed in the Arctic region of Earth, and the sole occupant ("Oog") was ejected from it; the alien found himself embedded in ice, and he entered a state of suspended animation. (Comment: I wonder if anyone ever recovered the wreckage of this spacecraft.) --Tales of Suspense I#27/1 (fb) |
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A large spacecraft from another galaxy, it came to Earth when it was summoned by an alien ("Oog") who recently awoke from suspended animation -- centuries earlier, that alien was stranded when his spaceship crashed. While the stranded alien climbed aboard and was greeted by his rescuer, the two extraterrestrials ignored the people surrounding them. When the rescue spaceship took flight and returned home, the people realized that the aliens considered humans to be violent savages and unworthy of their attention. --Tales of Suspense I#27/1 |
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images: (without ads)
Tales of Suspense I#27/1, p1, pan1 (Main Image - "Oog" smashing through building)
Tales of Suspense I#27/1, p5, pan1 (Headshot - "Oog")
Tales of Suspense I#27/1, p7, pan2 ("Oog" telepathically "speaks" to humans)
Monsters Unleashed II#4, p9, pan2 ("Oog" battling Leviathon)
Tales of Suspense I#27/1, p6, pan7 (in flashback, alien encased in ice, etching "OOG" distress signal)
Tales of Suspense I#27/1, p6, pan6 (in flashback, alien ejected as his spaceship crashes in Arctic region)
Tales of Suspense I#27/1, p7, pan5 (rescue spaceship, hovering over city)
Tales of Suspense I#27/1, p7, pan6 ("Oog" greeted by his rescuer, as he climbs aboard rescue spaceship)
Tales of Suspense I#27 (March, 1962) - Jack Kirby (pencils), Stan Lee
Monsters Unleashed II#2 (April, 2017) - Cullen Bunn (writer), Greg Land
(pencils), Jay Leisten (inks), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Monsters Unleashed II#4 (May, 2017) - Cullen Bunn (writer), Salvador
Larroca (artist), Mark Paniccia (editor)
First posted: 02/21/2006
Last updated: 02/26/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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