Membership: Angel (Tom Halloway), Bloodstain (aka Scourge VII), Caprice (aka Scourge VI), Domino (Dunsinane), Scourge I, Scourge II, Scourge IV, unknown amount of others (see comments); (formerly) Priscilla Lyons (Scourge V), Scourge III

The elimination of the costumed/superhuman criminal element through assassination

(Scourge II only) Hulk (Banner);
    (Scourge III only) Crossbones, Crucible, Minister Blood, Mother Night, Number Seven of the Secret Empire, Power Broker, Red Skull (Johann Shmidt), Rust, Sin, Baron Strucker, Taskmaster, Watchdog Prime, Arnim Zola, members of the Sweat Shop, Ultimatum and the Watchdogs

"Scourge's Victims" (not a true group); Anvil, the Basilisk (Basil Elks), Bird-Man (Achille DiBacco), Black Abbott, Blowtorch Brand, Blue Streak, Captain America (Steve Rogers), Captain America/U.S. Agent (Walker), the Cheetah, Cobra, Commander Kraken, the Constrictor, Cyclone, Death Adder, Diamondback (Rachel Leighton), the Enforcer, Firebrand (Gary Gilbert), Gamecock, Grappler, Hammer (Leroy Jackson), Hate-Monger (Psycho-Man construct), Hellrazor, the Hijacker, the Human Fly (Deacon), Jaguar, Keegan, Kraven the Hunter, Letha, Lionfang, the MatadorMegatak, the Melter (Bruno Horgan), Mind-Wave, Miracle Man, Mirage (Charne), Ned Nordstrom, the Phone Ranger, Power Broker, the Rapier, Red Skull (Malik), the Ringer (Davis), Shellshock, the Shocker (Schultz), Spider-Man (Parker), Steelwind, Steeplejack (Plumm), Flash Thompson, Titania (DeVito), Turner D. Century, Vagabond (Lyons), the Vamp, Watchdog imposter, the Wraith (DeWolff), the Wrench

Base of Operations:
The Angel's estate, Southern California, although often mobile

First Appearance:
Iron Man I#194 (May, 1985)






History: (U.S. Agent I#4 (fb) - After a civilian was shot and killed while he chased a criminal, the Golden Age hero known as the Angel (Tom Halloway) retired for decades, disgusted with himself and with the criminal element.  After meeting Dominic Dunsinane, aka Domino, who offered to provide the recruits and information side of the organization, Halloway began to fund the Scourge of the Underworld program.  Domino hired Bloodstain to train the Scourge recruits.



(Iron Man I#194) - Disguised as a homeless baglady, Scourge I shot the Enforcer on a street. This was apparently the first assassination of a convicted criminal performed by the organization.



(Thing I#24) - Ben Grimm, the Thing, got on a bus, unaware he was sitting between a Scourge operative (Scourge I) and his target, the Miracle Man. The Scourge, disguised as a hippie, pestered Grimm on the trip.  When the Miracle Man used his powers to stop the bus, hoping to intercept and free an imprisoned Rhino, Scourge took the opportunity of the chaos created by the battle between the Thing and the Rhino to shoot the Miracle Man.


(Secret Wars II#2) - After being defeated by the Fantastic Four, the Psycho-Man's Hate Monger construct was shot by Scourge I, who used a modified gun this time, emitting a sort of ray instead of a conventional bullet. Before the She-Hulk was able to catch him, Scourge escaped through an alleyway as the Hate Monger construct melted away.

(Thor I#358) - Thor's enemy Megatak was shot and killed by Scourge I, who was disguised as an old man.

(Marvel Age Annual#1) - In the melee of a battle at the offices of Marvel Comics between a group of heroes and a new Lethal Legion, a Scourge agent (possibly Scourge I) took advantage of the situation, shooting the would-be hero the Phone Ranger through the head.

(Captain America I#311) - In the disguise of Nurse Emmett, Scourge I asked Captain America to leave the hospital room of Frank Schlichting, aka the Constrictor.  Fortunately for the criminal, just as the Scourge member pointed his gun at him, Captain America came back in, barely throwing his shield in time to deflect the blast of the gun.  Scourge jumped out the window, escaping while Captain America put out the fire caused by the blast.  Later, Captain America found a latex mask, body padding and a nurse's uniform outside the hospital.


(West Coast Avengers II#3) - As Kraven the Hunter fought Tigra in the middle of Griffith Park, a Scourge operative watched from a crowd. He decided to bide his time, waiting for a clearer, less-public shot at Kraven.

(Avengers I#263 (fb)-BTS) - Scourge I killed the Melter's assistant Keegan and took his place.





(Avengers I#263) - Posing as Keegan, Scourge I shot the Melter, then crushed the villain's melting device beneath his foot.





(Thing I#33) - As the female wrestler and member of the Grapplers known as Titania took a shower, a female Scourge operative (Caprice) entered the showers disguised as Titania's fellow Grappler Golddigger and shot Titania.  As she escaped, she blamed the shooting on a man to Ben Grimm and Battleaxe, who had heard the shot.

(Fantastic Four I#289) - Disguised as a construction worker at the Baxter Building, Scourge I shot the Basilisk out of a window shortly after the villain had finally freed himself from an underground entrapment.






(Marvel Fanfare I#29) - Scourge II took on the disguise of a Native American man, befriending the Hulk in the middle of a desert.  When the Hulk was attacked by his old foes Hammer and Anvil, the Scourge shot Hammer in the face, knowing it would kill Anvil as well, due to their connection through the link they wore.

(Amazing Spider-Man I#276) - Disguised as a trash collector, Scourge I shot and killed the Human Fly.








(Captain America I#318 (fb)-BTS) - Scourge I shot at and hit a Serpent Saucer piloted by Death Adder.

(Captain America I#318) - After crashing the Saucer, Death Adder stopped a taxicab, throwing the passenger out and forcing the driver to drive.  As the Serpent Society member tended to his wounds, the cabbie, actually Scourge I, shot through the seat, killing Death Adder.  Much later, he disguised himself as a truck driver and picked up a hitchhiking Blue Streak, shooting him in the face.

(Captain America I#319) - Scourge I took on the disguise of Jake, a bartender at the Bar With No Name in Medina County, Ohio. As he bid his time there while Gary Gilbert, formerly the Firebrand, organized a meeting of costumed super-villains to discuss the Scourge problem, Captain America became aware of the scope of Scourge's efforts after battling Blacklash.  The Avenger investigated, including talking to an institutionalized Greg Salinger, a.k.a. the Foolkiller.  After a turnout of 17 fellow criminals showed up, Gilbert started his meeting, explaining the Scourge situation with them.  As he talked, "Jake" pulled his gun out from under the bar counter, shooting all 18, leaving them all for dead. (see comments)

(Amazing Spider-Man I#278) - As he listened to a news report about Scourge I's successful massacre, Scourge II put on the disguise of a police officer.  He made his way into a New York police department, where he tried to kill Flash Thompson, then believed to be the Hobgoblin.  Just before he could pull the trigger, he was interrupted by Spider-Man. While making his escape, he ran across Brian DeWolff, the Wraith, and shot him.

(Captain America I#320 (fb)-BTS) - Domino apparently learned the true identity of the Hobgoblin.


(Captain America I#320) - After being alerted to the massacre by the Water Wizard, who had shown up late and inadvertently saved himself, Captain America investigated the crime scene. As he was sleeping in his van, Scourge I was awakened by Domino calling him with information on various super-criminals.  Scourge then asked for the one closest to his current location, which turned out to be Diamondback, who was in a hospital recovering from an injury.  He arrived too late, though, getting there just as Diamondback's fellow Serpent Society member Cobra busted her out.  He shot at the Serpent Saucer they were flying away in, hoping to damage it in the same fashion he had Death Adder's, but did not succeed. Meanwhile, Captain America, with the aid of local authorities devised a plan to catch the Scourge, whom they still believed to be one individual.  Posing as a surviving massacre victim, Mirage, Captain America was taken to a cabin for "safekeeping." Domino trailed him there, and informed Scourge I of "Mirage's" location.  When Scourge arrived, he blasted what appeared to be Mirage sleeping in a bed, but it turned out to be a dummy dressed in the costume.  Captain America chased after the murderer, and finally caught him after Scourge hesitated shooting a non-criminal.  Once unmasked, this Scourge lied to the Avenger, claiming to be the brother of the Enforcer (his first known victim) and the son of a Hollywood director.  Before he could be taken in, Scourge I was shot from a distance by Scourge II, to keep him not only out of custody, but from divulging the true story behind the Scourge program. While Captain America stayed with the dying Scourge I, Scourge II made his escape.


(Captain America I#347 - BTS) - At some point in time, a member of the Scourge program (Scourge III) went renegade and was hired by the Red Skull to act as his own personal Scourge.

(Captain America I#347) - Disguised as a helicopter pilot, this Scourge helped Albert Malik, the communist Red Skull, escape from prison before shooting him out of the side of the 'copter.  He then reported Malik's death to the real Red Skull.

(Captain America I#350) - Scourge III was among the Red Skull agents sent to kill the new Captain America, John Walker.  However, an enraged Walker nearly killed all of them single-handedly.

(Captain America I#351) - At a news conference set up to let Walker hand the title of Captain America back over to Steve Rogers, Walker was "shot" by a government agent disguised as a member of the Watchdogs (in a stunt by the government to fake Walker's death).  As the Watchdog imposter tried to escape, he was shot in the back of the head by Scourge II, who managed to escape amidst the chaos.

(Captain America I#358/2) - Scourge II invaded the compound of Curtiss Jackson, the Power Broker, killing a number of his employees in the process. At the time, Jackson was talking to Priscilla Lyons, aka the former adventurer Vagabond.  After cutting the power to Jackson's mansion, Scourge taunted him over his walkie-talkie.  However, the Power Broker managed to use a hotline to contact General Haywerth, who sent Walker (now using the costumed identity of the U.S. Agent) to investigate.

(Captain America I#359/2) - Upon arriving, U.S. Agent came under fire from Scourge II.  In the meantime, Jackson and Lyons had escaped to an underground chamber.

(Captain America I#360/2) - As Jackson and Lyons entered the chamber where the Power Broker's strength-augmenting equipment was, U.S. Agent continued to be assaulted by the Scourge's firepower.  The Scourge finally stopped shooting at the hero, instead aiming for the ceiling above him.  This caused a cave-in, burying the Agent.  Free to continue his mission, the Scourge placed an explosive on the door protecting Jackson.

(Captain America I#361/2) - With the Scourge agent getting closer to their location, Jackson panicked, and told Lyons to use the strength-augmenting machine on him.  As the equipment began to mutate Jackson, Lyons stripped to her old Vagabond outfit, and pled with the Scourge not to kill her. He decided to wait to dish out her punishment for a moment, wanting to take out the Power Broker first. As he opened the room where Jackson had been, he taunted his prey.

(Captain America I#362/2) - The Scourge attempted to shoot the Power Broker, but Jackson's grossly muscular mutated self only deflected the bullets. Having freed himself, the U.S. Agent confronted Scourge, who tried to take Lyons hostage.  Priscilla managed to free herself, and the Agent pummeled the Scourge.  As he was taken captive, this Scourge claimed that Jackson had mutated his brother into a monster, but moments later was shot to death by Scourge IV. 

(Captain America I#368 - BTS) - Crossbones decided to get in touch with "the Scourge people" shortly after Magneto kidnapped the Red Skull.

(U.S. Agent I#2 (fb)) - Soon after, Lyons was contacted at a bus station by Caprice, aka Scourge VI. Caprice offered Lyons a chance to enter a super-human training program, which turned out to be the Scourge organization.  Over time, she was trained in martial arts, firearms use and how to apply disguises by Bloodstain.

(Captain America I#394 (fb) - BTS) - Scourge III killed the Black Abbot and Wrench. He attempted to kill the Shocker, Steelwind and Gamecock, but failed in these attempts. He later claimed to have also killed Lionfang (see comments).

(Captain America I#393 -BTS) - Scourge III shot the Arnim Zola construct Secondus, which had taken on the form of the Red Skull.

(Captain America I#394) - As part of the real Red Skull's plot to fake his death, he also had his agent Scourge III shoot and kill Tertius and Quaternius, who had taken on the forms of Mother Night and Crossbones.  Later, at a meeting with his various agents, the Red Skull learned of Scourge III's failures to kill designated targets.  Upset, the Skull killed Scourge III by exposing him to the Red Death gas.

(U.S. Agent I#2 (fb)) - As part of her final training, Lyons/Scourge V wore a disguise and followed Scourge IV without his knowledge for a full day.  During so, she witnessed him assassinate some criminal she'd never heard of.

(U.S. Agent I#1) - In her new garb as Scourge V, Priscilla Lyons entered the apartment where Manuel Eloganto, formerly the criminal Matador, was babysitting his sister's children.  Before she could perform her first kill, she found she couldn't go through with it, running out in a panic.  In an attempt to protect herself from the Scourge program, she called the Avengers West Coast compound, getting the attention of U.S. Agent.  When U.S. Agent met up with Lyons at a designated place, a bar, she tried to tell him her name was Lisa Winters, twin sister of the criminal Mysteria. Knowing that there would be a Scourge in the area, U.S. Agent left Lyons in the bar, instead taking out an inflatable doll in her place. The ruse worked, and a Scourge attempted to shoot what it believed to be Lyons.  The Agent pursued the assailant, but this Scourge, apparently Scourge IV, escaped when his van crashed. After picking up Lyons, U.S. Agent realized that she must be a Scourge agent as well, as she knew so much about their methods.

(U.S. Agent I#2) - Scourge IV stalked and killed Blowtorch Brand, at the time watching a movie in an adult theater.  U.S. Agent had Lyons call Domino in order to set a trap, having her claim that she messed up and wanted a second chance.  Domino sent Scourge IV to her location, and the Agent ambushed the Scourge.  After a short chase, U.S. Agent caught the vigilante.  Not wanting to get the Avengers involved, and knowing another Scourge would be ready to kill the captive one, U.S. Agent had no choice but to take the killer to the home of Reverend Ned Nordstrom.  From there, U.S. Agent returned to Lyon's Scourge van, using a voice translator to send a message to Domino, pretending to be Scourge IV.  Claiming to have been shot in the process of killing Lyons, the faux Scourge asked for someone to come get him.  From there, he used Lyon's make-up kit to disguise himself. Caprice, in disguise, arrived and took Agent away.  However, she quickly realized he wasn't Decker, aka Scourge IV, and shot him.

(U.S. Agent I#3) - Surviving, U.S. Agent was captured and taken into interrogation by Caprice and Bloodstain (aka Scourge VII). There, they tortured him and used information he revealed in drug-induced hallucinations.  As they did, Lyons and Nordstrom argued over how to treat their captive. After obtaining information from the U.S. Agent regarding his family, Domino reported to the Angel, telling his employer the progress on their work.  Bloodstain then ordered Caprice to stop the torture, taking U.S. Agent to a secluded room, where he unmasked and claimed to be Walker's brother Mike.  He offered John a position in the organization. As part of his plan, Bloodstain then let Walker go free.  As U.S. Agent was picked up by Caprice, who offered him a ride back to Nordstrom's, Bloodstain called Domino, informing him that U.S. Agent had bought the "big brother" story and would lead them straight to the two missing Scourges.

(U.S. Agent I#4) - U.S. Agent returned to Nordstrom's home as Bloodstain and Caprice watched from afar.  When the Agent went to feed Scourge IV, the killer tried to attack him but was quickly subdued.  As the Avenger and Lyons attempted to leave the premises with the killer, they were confronted by Caprice and Bloodstain, both in standard Scourge uniform.  In the process of fighting, Bloodstain shot Scourge IV in the back of the head, and then accidentally wounded Caprice when he shot at Lyons.  Himself wounded by Lyons, Bloodstain made his escape.  U.S. Agent and Lyons took Caprice back into Nordstrom's home, where Walker threatened to let her bleed to death if she didn't tell him who was behind the Scourge program.  She told him only Domino knew.  He also called "Mike Walker," informing him that he was ready to accept his offer.  Tracking Domino down, the U.S. Agent captured him as well, forcing him to take him to the homestead of Tom Halloway. There, Halloway, bound to a wheelchair, recounted the organization's origins to the Agent.  When Walker began to leave to inform the authorities, he was shot in the shoulder by Halloway's nurse, who was actually Bloodstain in disguise.  As the two fought through a garden filled with angelic statues, a round of fire from Bloodstain's gun caused a "domino effect" on the statues, ironically with the last one falling atop Domino, crushing him.  As Bloodstain prepared to fire again upon the U.S. Agent, Walker managed to get his shield up just in time, causing the rounds to ricochet right back into Bloodstain's body.  With all of his agents dead or captured, the former Angel was left on the ground, helpless, as U.S. Agent walked away to call the authorities.

(Incredible Hercules#129) - Residing in Hades one of the deceased Scourge of the Underworld served in Pluto's Jury for Zeus' trial.

(Incredible Hercules#130) - Hercules attacked the Jury, but they overpowered him. The Scourge was later present at Zeus' trial.

(Incredible Hercules#131) - The Scourge attacked Pluto when he refused to honor his promise to release everyone from Hades.

Comments: Scourge concept created by Mark Gruenwald. Scourge program uniform created by John Byrne. Scourge first used in a story created by Denny O'Neil, Luke McDonnell and Akin & Garvey.

    While we strive to not use roman numerals when identifying various characters, it is near impossible to do so when dealing with the various members of the Scourge of the Underworld program. This is only to differentiate when they first appeared. Heck, for all any of us know, Caprice (Scourge VI) could have joined the program before Scourge I, and we just didn't see her activities until later. Most characters are still under the assumption that there is only one Scourge.

    The members of the Scourge program most often used .50 cal Thompson machine guns with sawed-off barrel and stock using special purpose 5-round magazine.  The rounds were equipped with explosive shells. Most Scourge operatives also utilized a mobile van that served as a sort of base of operations, complete with weapons, disguises, computer system and sleeping quarters.

    Part of each Scourge member's training is to claim to be the relative of a super-criminal or other costumed person when captured.  Scourge I claimed to be the brother of the Enforcer, Scourge II claimed his brother was deformed by the Power Broker's machinery, and Bloodstain claimed to be John Walker's sibling.  Even after leaving the program, Lyons used a similar tactic to get Walker's attention.  So...who's to say the Angel's story is true? To me, it seems like maybe it's the same type of claim and there's a possibility he's not truly the Golden Age hero.

    At the time "he" appeared in the OHotMU Deluxe Edition, the Scourge program was not using a signature costume.  The entry improvised, giving him an all-white coat and death-mask, created by John Byrne.  Subsequently, almost every Scourge appearance since has used a variation on this costume. To me, this loses some of the "charm" of the concept, as these masters of disguise rarely put that talent to use again.

    I do not completely buy that Scourge I was responsible for every death before his capture, excepting Hammer and Anvil (published after the first story arc, but taking place within it) and the Wraith.  He surely wasn't disguised as Golddigger (that would have to be Caprice or another female Scourge), and he'd have to be doing some major jetsetting to get to all those places so fast.

    I also don't buy that Scourge II killed the Watchdog imposter, though it's confirmed as such in the Master Edition. That's not the real program's modus operandi. To me, it looks more like the work of Scourge III, working for his employer, the Red Skull. Especially given his mode of transportation (a Cadillac, I believe).

    The assassination of the Hate Monger construct is out of character for a Scourge operative as well. Personally, given his use of a fancier laser gun for this hit, I'm theorizing that the Red Skull has been behind the Scourge program from the beginning, and as with Malik, this kill was on a more personal level (given the Skull's connection to the original Hate Monger). - As has been pointed out to me since, the construct went by the name H. M. Unger publicly, not Hate Monger, though the Skull, himself a master of fake names (Dell Rusk, anyone?) may have put 2 and 2 together. - Madison

You guys reference Scourge killing Hate-Monger III with a raygun. But I don't think that's accurate. As I recall, the gun was illustrated and sounded the same as usual. She-Hulk then comments on it being a raygun because Hate-Monger melts before her eyes, but I always interpreted (and OHotMU never states otherwise) that she said so because she didn't know Hate Monger was an artificial life-form.

I'm still convinced that, despite what it looked like, it was what She-Hulk thought it was.

  1. She-Hulk is an attorney and a former member of the Fantastic Four and Avengers. She should be able to tell the difference between a conventional weapon and a "raygun."
  2. Why the hell would the Psycho-Man put so much effort into a plan, and then use a construct that would turn to butter with one bullet?

    For that matter, the attempt on Flash Thompson and the (at the time) murder of the Wraith don't really fit his m.o. either.  Perhaps the organization decided that it was better to get to the person they believed to be the Hobgoblin before he went to prison, and then shot the Wraith, seeing a potential criminal about to attack a police station.

    I placed the Marvel Fanfare where it is because that's where it's placed chronologically in both Scourge's Master Edition profile and in the list of Scourge's victims in the Deluxe Edition's Book of the Dead. Also, in that Book of the Dead entry, it states outright that at the time of its publication  no more Scourge killings had occurred since Scourge I's capture and death.

    I am outright changing part of said chronology though.  Both sources have the Wraith being killed before the massacre at the Bar With No Name.  However, the Bar massacre was an integral part of the opening scenes of Amazing Spider-Man#278, whereas the Wraith's mention in Captain America#319 can be seen as an error. Both issues came out the same month, and each referenced the other as a past account.

    I placed the Marvel Age Annual story where I did, as the book presumably came out in the summer of 1985, as most annuals do. Between August and November of real-time that year, there were no Scourge cameos, so it was the best place to add this one.

    Scourge didn't do his checking very well after the massacre in Cap#319. The Ringer survived and became Strikeback. For that matter, The Wraith also returned, but not quite in the WTF way the Ringer did.

    Lionfang indicated no assassination attempt. So who did Scourge III claim to have killed? An imposter? Part of the Skrulls' secret invasion? Or was he just mistaken in identifying Lionfang?

    It certainly seems that Captain America (Walker) killed Scourge III along with the rest of the Skull's agents in CapII#350, given the pools of blood and the Captain's (Rogers) noting the "bodies" that Walker "apparently killed." Chalk this up to Walker having beaten him really bad, but not quite killing him.

    I'm not listing guys that were scared of Scourge, but whom he never explicitly targeted.  Thus, guys like Blacklash and Water Wizard aren't listed as enemies.

    A Scourge imposter hired by the Kingpin showed up in the Deadly Foes of Spider-Man limited series. He only wore the outfit as psychological warfare against the Shocker, who was deathly afraid of the Scourge. This story should not be confused with the actual attempt on Shocker's life by Scourge III, as reported in Captain America I#394

    Illusions of Scourge were created by Doctor Faustus (Captain America I#326) and Mother Night (Captain America I#395) to disarm/combat Captain America (Rogers).

    A good number of Scourge's victims had their DNA and costumes utilized by Arnim Zola for a group of proto-husks that were killed by Deadpool in Deadpool I#0.

    The nanotech-infected Jack Monroe Scourge used the "Justice is Served!" quote, but had no actual connection to the organization.

    It's been 12 years since the last Scourge saga. There's a few dozen/hundred more lame characters that are begging to be offed by now.

    On a personal note, I'm still mega-#!$$ed that Death Adder was killed. Most of the rest were lame, but I loved this character.

    Oh, and how ticked off must the Power Broker have felt as he sat at a Red Skull meeting just a few seats down from a Scourge?

In Captain America I#319, Cap dismisses the Punisher as a suspect as "he doesn't use disguises like the man who tried to kill the Constrictor did" but as seen in Punisher Armory#1 on page 27, the Punisher does have some disguise paraphernalia. Guided by a man named Joe Laudati (whom Micro knew through the theater), he bought moulage, hydrostone, plaster bandages, positive molds, negative molds, Boa foam, latex formulas, blended edges, dental "plumpers", full scleral contact lenses, ventilated moustaches and wigs, medical adhesive; and make-up: Kelly, Nye, Stein, Kryolan, Mehron. He also purchases items through special effects guru Dick Smith. I imagine that Scourge might use some of this material.
--John McDonagh

Thanks to David A. Zuckerman for correcting a typo.

The Scourge of the Underworld have entries in OHotMU Deluxe Edition#11, OHotMU Master Edition and Marvel Legacy: The 1980s Handbook.

Profile by Madison Carter


The Scourge of the Underworld organization has no known connection to:


Apparently the first recruit for the Scourge of the Underworld program, Scourge I was responsible for nearly, but not all, of the original murders.  After being caught by Captain America, he claimed to be the brother of the criminal known as the Enforcer, and had killed him to avenge his family's name.  This backstory is most likely false, as most Scourge operatives have used similar covers when captured.  Before he could reveal anymore information, he was shot and killed from afar by Scourge II.

-- Iron Man I#194 ( Iron Man I#194, Thing I#24, Secret Wars II#2, Thor I#358, Marvel Age Annual#1, Captain America I#311, West Coast Avengers II#3, Avengers I#263 (fb), Avengers I#263, Fantastic Four I#289, Amazing Spider-Man I#276, Captain America I#318, Captain America I#319, [Amazing Spider-Man I#278], Captain America I#320




Becoming active in the middle of Scourge I's run, Scourge II claimed to have had a brother named Jake who was mutated by the Power Broker's treatment.  He was responsible for the deaths of Hammer and Anvil as well as the Wraith, whom he killed during a failed attempt on Flash Thompson.  When Scourge I was captured, he killed his compatriot to prevent him from revealing any information on their organization.  Some time later, he made his presence known again, killing a government agent posing as a Watchdog.  When he attempted to kill the Power Broker, he was defeated by the U.S. Agent and shot to death by Scourge IV.

-- Amazing Spider-Man I#277 ( Marvel Fanfare I#29, Amazing Spider-Man I#278, [Captain America I#320], Captain America I#351, Captain America I#358/2-362/2






Going rogue from the Scourge program, this Scourge became an agent of the Red Skull, who employed him to continue his mission as he previously had.  He killed Albert Malik, an imposter to the Skull mantle, as well as the Wrench, the Black Abbott and, allegedly, Lionfang (although he re-appeared much later). He was among several Skull employees who were ordered to attack John Walker, Captain America.  Later, the Skull had his Scourge agent shoot three of Arnim Zola's creations posing as the Skull, Crossbones and Mother Night, in an effort to throw the original Captain America (Rogers) off his trail. At a meeting, Scourge III was killed by the Skull for failing to kill some of his targets.

-- Captain America I#347 (Captain America I#347, 350, [394 (fb)], [393], 394





(Decker ???) After killing Scourge II, Scourge IV made a successful hit on Blowtorch Brand before turning his attention on Priscilla Lyons, who had left the Scourge program.  He was captured by U.S. Agent, and held for questioning, but was shot in the head and killed by Bloodstain.

-- U.S. Agent I#1 ( [Captain America I#362/2], U.S. Agent I#1-4





OHotMU Deluxe Edition#11 (main image)
U.S. Agent I#4, page 17, panel 1 (Angel/Domino)
Iron Man I#194, page 17, panel 4 (death of Enforcer)
Thing I#24, page 19, panel 4 (death of Miracle Man)
West Coast Avengers II#3, page 18, panel 5 (Scourge I watching Kraven)
Avengers I#263, page 11, panel 6 (death of Melter)
Thing I#33, page 7, panel 1 (Caprice?/Golddigger)
Marvel Fanfare I#29, page 22, panel 1 (Hulk holding Scourge II's mask)
Captain America I#318, page 4, panel 4 (death of Death Adder)
Captain America I#320, page 9, panel 1 (inside battle-van)
Captain America I#320, page 19, panel 5 (Scourge I in stealth gear)
U.S. Agent I#2, page 8, panel 7 (Lyons meeting trainer/Bloodstain)
Captain America I#320, page 21, panel 4 (Scourge I unmasked)
Captain America I#361, page 24, panel 1 (Scouge II)
Captain America I#394, page 9, panel 2 (Scourge III)
U.S. Agent I#4, page 5, panel 1 (Scourge IV/Decker)

Iron Man I#194 (May, 1985) - Denny O'Neil (writer), Luke McDonnell (pencils), Ian Akin & Brian Garvey (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Thing I#24 (June, 1985) - Mike Carlin (writer), Ron Wilson (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Secret Wars II#2 (August, 1985) - Jim Shooter (writer), Al Milgrom (pencils), Steve Leialoha & Joe Rubinstein (inks), Bob Budiansky (editor)
Thor I#358 (August, 1985) - Walt Simonson (writer/artist), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Marvel Age Annual#1 (1985)
Captain America I#311 (November, 1985) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Neary (pencils), Dennis Janke (inks), Michael Carlin (editor)
West Coast Avengers II#3 (December, 1985) - Steve Englehart (writer), Al Milgrom (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#263 (January, 1986) - Roger Stern (writer), John Buscema (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Thing I#33 (March, 1986) - Mike Carlin (writer), Ron Wilson (pencils), Kim Demulder (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Fantastic Four I#289 (April, 1986) - John Byrne (writer/pencils), Al Gordon (inks), Michael Carlin (editor)
Marvel Fanfare I#29 (November, 1986) - John Byrne (writer/artist), Al Milgrom (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man I#276 (May, 1986) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Ron Frenz (pencils), Brett Breeding (inks), Jim Owsley (editor)
Captain America I#318-319 (June-July, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Neary (pencils), Dennis Janke (inks), Michael Carlin (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man I#278 (July, 1986) - Tom DeFalco, Peter David & Mary Jo Duffy (writers), Mike Harris (pencils), Vince Colletta (inks), Jim Owsley (editor)
Captain America I#320 (August, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Neary (pencils), Dennis Janke (inks), Michael Carlin (editor)
Captain America I#347 (November, 1988) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Kieron Dwyer (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Captain America I#350-351 (February-March, 1989) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Kieron Dwyer (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Captain America I#358-362 (Late September-Mid November, 1989) - Mark Gruenwald (writer9, Mark Bright (pencils), Don Hudson (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Captain America I#394 (November, 1991) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Rik Levins (pencils), Bud LaRosa (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
U.S. Agent#1-4 (June-September, 1993) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), M.C. Wyman (pencils), Keith Williams (inks), Nel Yomtov (editor)
Incredible Hercules#129 (July, 2009) - Greg Pak & Fred Van Lente (writers), Ryan Stegman (pencils), Terry Pallot (inks), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Incredible Hercules#130 (August, 2009) - Greg Pak & Fred Van Lente (writers), Ryan Stegman & Rodney Buchemi (pencils), Terry Pallot (inks), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Incredible Hercules#131 (September, 2009) - Fred Van Lente & Greg Pak (writers), Ryan Stegman (pencils), Terry Pallot (inks), Mark Paniccia (editor)

First Posted: 09/15/2005
Last updated: 09/22/2015

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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