Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human, martial artist
Occupation: Mercenary, assassin
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Harold Meachum
Enemies: Iron Fist (Daniel Rand)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Manhattan, New York
First Appearance: Marvel Premiere#16 (July, 1974)
Powers/Abilities: Scythe was a skilled martial artist, specializing in the use of a Kusari-Gama, a Japanese weapon consisting of a weighted chain designed to pull its victim within range of a razored blade at the other end of the chain.
(Marvel Premiere#16 (fb) - BTS) - When Harold Meachum offered $10, 000 to anyone
who could bring in Iron Fist, Scythe set on to confront him.
Premiere#16) - Scythe located Iron Fist in a Manhattan ally shortly after the
hero had defeated a group of attackers who had also sought the bounty on his
head. Scythe attacked savagely, striking Iron Fist in the head with the
grapple-ball, choking him with the chain, and using it to yank him to the
ground. Though distracted by recent memories, Iron Fist fought back, catching
the scythe by its handle before it could strike him, and he kicked Scythe to the
ground. However, the chain was still around Iron Fist's neck, and Scythe used it
to pull Iron Fist up against a fence while Scythe tried to skewer him by
stabbing through the fence with the blade. Iron Fist smashed the fence, knocking
Scythe down, but the infuriated assassin rushed him again. Summoning his chi,
Iron Fist struck the onrushing blade, vaporizing it. Unable to conceive of such
power, Scythe dropped to the ground and surrendered. He readily gave up
Meachum's name when Iron Fist asked who had sent him. The broken Scythe
collapsed in a heap.
Comments: Created by Len Wein, Dick Giordiano, and Roy Thomas.
Profile by Snood.
No known connection to:
images: (not counting ads)
Marvel Premiere#16, p12, panel 4 (full body)
p18, panel 2 (face)
Last updated: 05/07/05
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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