Real Name: Duncan Sebast
Identity/Class: Human mutant
Occupation: Student
Group Membership: Bethlehem High's basketball team
Affiliations: Larry, Josh, Mike, Nelson, Reese and other players, Kate Cook
Enemies: Jared
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Dunk
Base of Operations: Betlhehem High in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
First Appearance: Muties#1 (April, 2002)
Powers/Abilities: He possessed the mutant ability to stretch any bodypart for several feet. The limit of his mutant power is unknown.
Comments: Created by Karl Bollers, Salgood Sam & Peter Ferguson
Profile by Markus Raymond
Duncan Sebast has no known connection to:
Kate Cook has no known connection to:
Jared has no known connection to:
Nelson has no known connection to:
She liked Jared and tried to protect him from the bullies. On his way home she liked to accompany him until they had to part. One day Nelson started hitting on her and she took interest in him. She began dating him and broke Jared's heart when he saw her kissing Nelson in school. For this failure Kate entered Jared's revenge list and the next day Jared opposed Kate, Duncan and Nelson with his father's gun. That day Kate was killed by Jared.
Jared was the most intelligent student in class. He got in Duncan's class when he was allowed to skip third, fourth and fifth grade. He couldn't participate in sports class because of his asthma, had a crush on Kate Cook and was bullied around by Duncan and his friends. Kate was the only one helping him at school. At home he seemingly lived alone with his father, who hated him so much that he threatened him with a gun if he forgot to buy something for him. He still continued with his life of study (and hid revenge list). One day Duncan needed him to write a science report and for awhile Jared was protected by him until the report was finished. Jared realized this too late and was beaten up by Duncan and his friends when he asked him for help to stop the relationship between Kate and Nelson. The next day Jared came to school with his father's gun and shot Duncan and Kate. He was arrested, but everyone believed that Jared was a hero because Duncan revealed his mutant abilities before he died and the people thought that Jared knew about this before he shot Duncan.
Nelson was part of the Bethlehem High basketball team and a friend of Duncan Sebast. He was among the students that bullied around Jared. He took an interest in Kate Cook and started hitting on her. They started to date unbeknown to Jared, but one day he saw them kissing each other in school. The next day after a severe beating by Nelson's friends Jared came to school with a gun. Nelson wasn't hit by one single bullet when Jared began shooting while his girlfriend and Duncan died.
Muties#1, p20, pan3 (Duncan Sebast main image)
p5, pan2 (Duncan Sebast head shot)
p4, pan5 (Kate Cook)
p2 (Jared)
p6, pan3 (Jared's dad)
p9, pan3 (Nelson)
Last updated: 12/05/13
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