Real Name: Serena Ashkenaz
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Earth-Ultraverse) human weapon-user
Occupation: Aladdin agent
Group Membership: Aladdin
Affiliations: Solitaire
Enemies: The Degenerate, Mr. Sparks
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Los Angeles, USA, Earth-Ultraverse
First Appearance: Solitaire#8 (September, 1994)
Powers/Abilities: Serena displayed athlete level capabilities in strength, stamina, agility and reflexes, although given that the gaunt Degenerate was able to keep ahead of her, the redhead's speed was probably normal. She also displayed very good martial arts and stealth skills, and also had violent tendencies.
She was armed with a handgun that included a telescopic sight. She used amplified listening devices and infrared sunglasses for surveillance. Serena utilized a 1" blade attachment to her right thumb on at least one occassion. She also wore an Aladdin ring on her right middle finger, which was like a signet ring with Aladdin's lamp logo on it. She liked to wear green and orange, and sometimes wore brown army boots with a brown utility belt (which probably housed her Aladdin equipment) and brown fingerless gloves.Hair: Red
Eyes: Blue
History: The exact origins of Serena have not been revealed.
(Solitaire#9) - Solitaire was advised that scores of children had been kidnapped, with Serena listening in. The two then separated in efforts to track the Degenerate down. Serena utilized her lithe body to attract men, before assaulting them to get information. Both Solitaire and Serena gained their information separately and violently, and both met up in "Cardboard City", where homeless people often gathered, but found it deserted. However, Solitaire was ambushed by Mr. Sparks, who wielded the Degenerate's flame gun, and Solitaire was once more set aflame. Serena captured the small sidekick, but he offered an extinguisher to her to get free and escaped. She put Solitaire's fire out, and both adults recognized their growing feelings for each other. They found another clue that took them to the Museum of Modern Art, with Serena riding pillion behind Solitaire on his motorbike. Serena leapt at the Degenerate, but was then tackled by some of the Degenerate's cronies. She broke free in time to divert Mr. Sparks' second attack on Solitaire; set on "high", the flame gun instead incinerated the Degenerate and the villains were taken into custody. Having seen the police, Serena, too, made good her escape after managing to steal a kiss from Solitaire.
Comments: Created by Gerard Jones (writer), Jeff Parker (pencils) and John Lowe (inker).
It is possible that Serena Ashkenaz was just an alias.Clarifications:
Serena has no known connections to
Solitaire#8, p10, pan4 (leaping)
Solitaire#8 (September, 1994)
Solitaire#9 (September, 1994) (yep, they're both listed as September, 1994)
First Posted: 09/24/2005
Last updated: 09/14/2005
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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