Real Name: Benjamin "Ben" Pancake
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Grammar vigilante
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Typeface
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Literal Lad, Phrase Phantom
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: Spider-Man's Tangled Web#18 (November, 2002)
Powers/Abilities: Spellcheck has no powers or special abilities, although he's extremely well-versed in grammar and spelling. The checkmark on his cowl may be sharp enough to use as a weapon.
(Spider-Man's Tangled Web#18) - Ben ate his lunch, silently suffering the
atrocious grammar of those around him and watching a news report on the
Penny-Ante Brigade. As he left the diner, he stumbled upon an encounter
between Typeface and the Penny-Ante Brigade. After watching Typeface
defeat the criminals, he offered his service to the vigilante as a sidekick.
When Typeface refused, he made his way to Tess's Surplus, where he assembled a
costume and took on the name of - Spellcheck! In his new guise, Spellcheck
tracked down Typeface and again offered his partnership. When his
interference led to the escape of a member of the Penny-Ante Brigade, however,
Typeface turned him down again. But Spellcheck wasn't about to give up
that easily - he confronted Typeface again, this time threatening him with the
point of the checkmark on his cowl. Typeface responded in kind, blasting
him with Scrabble-tile bombs.
(Spider-Man's Tangled Web#18 - BTS) - Typeface took down the remaining member of the Penny-Ante Brigade and left Spellcheck hanging from a signpost, with a note reading "Please lock this lunatic up pronto! Compliments of your friendly neighborhood Typeface".
(Spider-Man's Tangled Web#18) - The hog-tied SpellCheck was discovered by Spider-Man. Ben criticized the grammar of Typeface's note, and advised the confused wall-crawler to change the punctuation in his name - because "we ask too much of the hyphen."
(Civil War: Battle Damage Report) - Tony Stark considered SpellCheck as a potential Initiative recruit.
Comments: Created by Ted McKeever.
Oh, man. This guy needs to be in the Initiative. Pronto.
SpellCheck's full name was revealed in Civil War: Battle Damage Report.
Typeface has no known connections to:
Full shot - Spider-Man's Tangled Web#18 , p14, panel 1
Head shot - Spider-Man's Tangled Web#18 , p3, panel 4
Spider-Man's Tangled Web#18 (November, 2002) - Ted McKeever
(story and art), John Miesegaes (editor)
Civil War: Battle Damage Report (2007)
Last updated: 02/12/06
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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