Real Name: Terri O'Doughan
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: None known
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Deathurge (after death), Craig Hollis (eventually known as Mister Immortal)
Enemies: None
Known Relatives: Craig Hollis (foster brother), Mr. O'Doughan (father)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
First Appearance: GLA#1 (June, 2005)
Powers/Abilities: Terri O'Doughan had no superhuman powers.
(GLA#1 (fb)) - When Craig Hollis was eight years old, his father
was killed in an apartment fire and he was moved into the foster care of
Mr. O'Doughan, who was abusive. His daughter, Terri, became Craig's first
real friend, then first crush, and eventually first love. Terri helped Craig
forget about his "imaginary" friend from childhood named Deathurge and
eventually, the two moved into an apartment together. Craig got a job at
a fast food restaurant in an attempt to make ends meet, but one day he came
home and found a suicide note from Terri. Reading the note, Craig discovered
that Terri was secretly haunted by the memories from her childhood and he
soon found her body in the bathtub. He also witnessed Deathurge taking Terri's
body to Oblivion. Horrorstruck, Craig attempted to kill himself, only to
discover his mutant power of immortality.
(GLX-Mas Special#1/2 (fb) - BTS) - Terri's body was buried under a
gravestone marked only with her name and roughly a year later, after
Craig Hollis had joined the Great Lakes Avengers as Mister Immortal,
Hollis visited Terri's grave on their first Christmas apart. His visit
was interrupted by his teammate Dinah Soar and Hollis remarked that the
visit was private and having a big, pink dinosaur woman around was
disrespectful. Immediately regretting his remarks, Hollis apologized to
Dinah and gave her a Christmas present early: a whistle to help her
communicate with others. As the two stood around Terri's grave, Dinah
then bonded with Hollis and revealed that their bond had allowed her to
speak to him, the one person in her lifetime that she could choose to
bond and share her language with.
Comments: Created by Dan Slott, Paul Pelletier, and Rick Magyar.
Terri O'Doughan (or her father) have no known connections to:
Mr. O'Doughan was the abusive father of Terri and the foster father of Craig Hollis.
--GLA#1 (fb)
images: (not counting
GLA#1, p6, pan2 (Mr. O'Doughan)
p6, pan3 (Terri O'Doughan, fullbody shot)
p21, pan5 (Terri O'Doughan, headshot)
GLA#1 (June, 2005) - Dan Slott (writer), Paul Pelletier (penciler), Rick
Magyar (inker), Tom Brevoort (editor)
GLX-Mas Special#1 (February, 2006) - "Days of X-Mas Past" story - Dan
Slott (writer), Georges Jeanty (pencils), Drew Geraci (inks), Tom
Brevoort (editor)
Last updated: 10/09/17
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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