Real Name: Webber
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Escape artist, patient
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Bud Adams, Gale, Mayhem, Pyromania, Shriek, the Unwanted
Enemies: John Jameson, Spider-Man
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Ravencroft Institute, upstate New York
First Appearance: Web of Spider-Man Annual#10 (1994)
{Edizione Italiana: L'Uomo Ragno#174 Marvel Italia (30 agosto 1995)}
Powers/Abilities: Webber is a normal human (see comments). He is a psychopath and an escape artist.
(Web of Spider-Man Annual#10 - BTS) - Webber was an escape artist, a
psychopath, and probably an assassin. He was declared mad by the law and was sent to the Ravencroft to be studied and,
possibly, cured or rehabilitated.
(Web of Spider-Man Annual#10) - Webber was in one of the security cells when Shriek was taken to the Institute. Thanks to Barker's emotions, Shriek fed enough to free herself and soon killed some people of the Institute before Webber's eyes. Webber appreciated this and recognized Shriek, and she freed him with an energy blast to the chain that blocked his feet, almost wounding him. Then, she also freed Pyromania, Gale, and Mayhem, manipulating them all with her powers. However Mayhem didn't wanted to ally with assassins like them so she attacked them with her toxic mist. Webber was particularly devoted to Shriek, so he saved her and was enveloped by the gas. Pyromania burned the toxic mist, saving Webber from death, and Gale knocked Mayhem down. Soon after, he had to wait as his allies smashed the titanium door that cut them out the rest of the Institute.
They found Spider-Man and John Jameson (the security chief) and a fight started. Webber hid behind Shriek, but she ordered him to open the next door. When Jameson ran to shoot Shriek, Webber saved her by tripping Jameson up. Jameson stunned Gale with his sedative darts, and Gale fell just on Webber, knocking him down.
A few minutes later, Pyromania, Gale, and Webber were being manipulated again by Shriek, who changed idea and directed her energy powers against them. Spider-Man saved them and, after having defeated the shrieking criminal with the help of Jameson, took Webber and the other criminals in their cells.
(Ravencroft#4) - Webber escaped Ravencroft during a mass breakout after they were all released from their cells by Bud Adams and the Unwanted.
Comments: Created by Terry Kavanagh/Mike Lackey, Jerry Bingham and Tom Palmer.
I thought Ravencroft was only for insane super-villains, meaning that Webber may have had superhuman agility and/or speed, etc.
Profile by Spidermay. Mini-Update by Markus Raymond (Ravencroft).
Webber has no known connections to
Web of Spider-Man Annual I#10, p17, pan4 (main)
Web of Spider-Man Annual I#10, p8, pan4 (head shot)
Web of Spider-Man Annual I#10 (1994) - Terry Kavanagh (plot), Mike Lackey (script), Jerry Bingham (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Eric Fein (editor)
Ravencroft#4 (November, 2020) - Frank Tieri (writer), Angel Unzueta (artist), Danny Khazem (editor)
First Posted: 06/10/2005
Last updated: 03/08/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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