Membership: The
Anarchist, Battering
Ram, Bloke,
Coach (although he
turned traitor), Cupric, Doop,
Genie, el
Guapo, Henrietta
the Mysterious
Fan Boy, La
Nuit, the
Orphan/Mister Sensitive, Ostinato,
Anna, Sluk,
Girl, Venus
Dee Milo,
(Myles Alfred), Vulpine,
honorary membership Jesus Diaz
Purpose: To accomplish any mission as long
as the money was right, as well as
make money on their own by selling out merchandising rights
Affiliations: The Avengers (Ant-Man, Black
Panther, Black Widow,
Captain America, Crystal, Giant-Man, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch,
Sub-Mariner, Thor, Vision, Wasp), Black Bolt, Boyz
R Us, Doctor
Swaine, Brandon
Cody, Dead
Doctor Strange, Elektra, the Fantastic Four (Human Torch, Invisible
Mister Fantastic, the Thing), Victor
Filson, Spike
(former), Nick Fury, Sam
Geller, Brad
Gutman (although
all but Dead Girl were unaware of his activities), Officer
Halloran, Lacuna,
Matt Murdock, O-Force
(although they somewhat competed against them in the
beginning), Solomon
Perez, the
Pink Psychos,
Professor X, Silver Surfer, Spider-Man, X-Men (Cyclops, Jean Grey,
Nightcrawler,Wolverine), X-Statix
indirectly Anti-Matter,
Corkscrew, Lightning
Bug, Mant, Mutalien, Nightvoid,
Wash-Out (members of X-Force's Bush Leagues)
Enemies: Agent
Wright and the
C. I. A.
Crack Squad, Diego
Ardilles, Dr.
& Mrs.
Edward Alfred, the
Bad Guy, the
Brotherhood (Mike
Asher, Fagin,
Fingers, Orwell,
Reeves), the
Bush Rangers,
the Coach,
Corby, the
Euro-Trash, the
Fatal Sisters,
Spike Freeman, Sharon
Ginsberg, Graviton, Britney
Lumbermen", Arnie Lundberg (former), Nathan
Malloy, Mister
Code and
his Random
Killers, Omar,
Solomon O'Sullivan (former), Razorhead,
(Dr. Alex Finlay), John
X-Force (Cannonball, Domino, Meltdown, John Proudstar), Hank
Zlotty (he verbally attacked them on television)
Base of
X-Statix Tower in Santa Monica, California (formerly
called X-Force Tower), USA
Appearance: X-Force
I#116 (May, 2001)
History: (Marvel Encyclopedia Vol. 2:
X-Men-X-Statix profile - BTS (fb)) - In
the early 21st century, X-Force (eventually called X-Statix) burst on
the scene
eager to capitalize on the general public's obsession with celebrities.
team chose to take celebrity and become famous, rather than follow the
dream of
mutant leader, Professor Charles Xavier.
Handbook of the Marvel
Universe: Teams 2005-X-Statix profile - BTS (fb)) - X-Force soon become
top-rated television show, airing the group's missions to the public
skyrocketing the X-Force name (and the names of the mutants on the
team) to
instant celebrity status.
(fb)) - On March 19th, the
original X-Force team was entering their headquarters, when Edie Sawyer
Zeitgeist, who eventually asked her to join the team inside. She
saying that she would see him another time.
(fb)) - On April 10th, as
X-Force was returning from a mission, Edie Sawyer accidentally
teleported to
their location, surprising Sluk, Zeitgeist, and Doop.
I#116 (fb)) - X-Force went on
a mission to North Africa, where they were to quell a coup by a group
fanatical tribesmen. During the course of the mission, team member Sluk
(X-Force I#116) -
Following a press conference
that announced the Anarchist as the replacement member to recently
Sluk, X-Force prepared for their upcoming mission to save the boy band
Boyz R
Us from a group of murderous gunmen. After being briefed on the mission
by the
Coach, X-Force had U-Go Girl teleport them into the headquarters of
Sonic TV,
where they attempted to save Boyz R Us. During the scuffle with the
nearly everyone was killed, with Doop, the Anarchist, and U-Go Girl
being the
only survivors of the massacre.
(X-Force I#117) - The
remnants of X-Force soon
met with the Coach, who showed the trio film clips of the mutants who
going to taking the place of the deceased members: Phat, Vivisector,
Bloke, and
Saint Anna. The Coach also mentioned to U-Go Girl, the Anarchist, and
Doop that
X-Force had recently been purchased by thirty-four year old software
trillionaire, Spike Freeman. The new recruits soon arrived at X-Force
where Vivisector and Bloke almost immediately got into an argument over
misquoting Malcolm X. Their argument was interrupted by U-Go Girl and
Anarchist, each vying for the spot of new team leader. The Coach
stopped the bickering amongst X-Force and briefed them on their
mission to retrieve young Paco Perez from the Bastronan government that
taken him from America. Following their briefing, X-Force held a press
conference to announce their new members, where they were attacked by
the team
formerly known as X-Force. After quickly taking care of the former
X-Force, the
team continued their press conference until the Coach appointed the
Orphan the
new X-Force team leader.
I#118) - After an attempt to
scare the Orphan out of leadership by U-Go Girl, the new X-Force
recruits said
goodbye to their families and met back at X-Force Tower, where the
informed them of their Bastronan informant, Diego Ardilles. X-Force
teleported into Bastrona, where the Orphan met with Diego Ardilles, who
planned to ambush X-Force with armed men. As the Orphan dodged the
gunfire, the
other members of X-Force jumped into action, with the Anarchist
blasting men
with his acidic energy bursts and Vivisector raking his way through the
militants. As the battle continued, helicopters began to fire on the
team. In
order to save their informant, Bloke sacrificed his life by shielding
Ardilles from some of the helicopter fire. U-Go Girl quickly teleported
team to safety, where Phat attempted to kill Diego by strangling him
with his
phatted-up arms. The Orphan ordered Phat to drop Diego and then ordered
Anarchist to vaporize Bloke's corpse so that they could continue their
to save Paco Perez. X-Force soon returned to Bastrona and continued
into the
laboratory housing Paco. While the other members of the X-Force battled
militants furiously, the Orphan hesitated when he found Paco connected
various wires.
I#119) - As Saint Anna was
shot down by one of gunmen and Diego Ardilles was killed by stray
gunfire, the
Orphan decided to remove his clothing and use his superhuman senses to
determine which wire to pull from Paco Perez in order to save him.
retrieving Paco, the Orphan ordered U-Go Girl to take them home and a
U-Go Girl quickly teleported the team to her childhood home in the
United States. As Saint Anna died, she asked the Orphan to take her
ring to her father. As soon as U-Go Girl came to, she was shocked at
where she
was and teleported X-Force back to California, though not to their
headquarters, but Sunset Boulevard. That night, the Coach informed the
that X-Force was sent to retrieve Paco so that the United States could
his mutant medicinal abilities for the good of the U. S. When the
Orphan tried
to argue that Paco was just a child, the Coach had his mutant
underlings, Smoke
and Succubus, attack the Orphan. Vivisector, the Anarchist, and Phat
heard the
ruckus and entered the fray until the Orphan broke off the fight,
claiming that
killing each other wouldn't solve a thing. Soon after, the Orphan
Buenos Aires, where he gave Saint Anna's father her ring and asked him
to watch
after Paco Perez, who the Orphan had secretly helped escape the plans
that the
United States had for him. While he was gone, the Coach tapped U-Go
Girl to
help him "get rid" of the Orphan.
I#120) - While Doop took stock
photos of Wolverine trashing an X-Force Store, the Coach held a press
conference attended by the Anarchist, Vivisector, and Phat to announce
despite the recent deaths on the team and the disappearance of the
X-Force was still a team. After U-Go Girl secretly filled the Orphan's
that he used to play Russian Roulette, she joined the Coach in waiting
for the
Orphan to die. While waiting, the Coach drugged U-Go Girl and attempted
violate her, only to be halted by the arrival of the Orphan. The Coach
sent Smoke and Succubus after the Orphan, but that plan failed as well,
to the surprising arrival of the X-Man Wolverine, who killed Smoke.
Hearing a
gunshot, the Orphan rushed to the side of U-Go Girl, who was lying very
with the Coach on top of her, covered in blood. As she slowly came to,
revealed that the blood belonged to the Coach, whom she had just shot.
Wolverine made his leave, he presented the Orphan with a tape that
that the massacre of the past members of X-Force had been planned by
the Coach
and Zeitgeist, who didn't realize that he would be killed as well.
Throwing the
tape away, the Orphan decided to leave and spend a night on the town
with U-Go
- When Graviton
attempted to take over, he captured X-Force, along with most of Earth's
super-heroes, including the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, the Hulk,
and the X-Men.
I#121) - The Orphan, U-Go
Girl, and the Anarchist met to discuss the mutants available as
possible new recruits.
As the discussion went on, Vivisector and Phat met with Spike Freeman
discuss their role on the team. Later, X-Force held a press conference
announce that they had not yet decided who would join the team to
replace the
fallen Bloke and Saint Anna. Various reporters suggested various
mutants such
as Venus Dee Milo and Dead Girl until the conference was interrupted by
mutant calling himself the Spike, who accused the Anarchist of being a
"black man on the outside, but a white man inside."As a fight
appeared to be brewing, the Anarchist turned and walked away. Deciding
to steal
some of the spotlight with the Anarchist gone, Phat and Vivisector
attacked the
Spike for "dissing" their "brother." After the press
conference, the team relaxed poolside and discuss possible new recruits
until a
mutant appeared from virtually nowhere and introduced herself as
Lacuna. She
then threatened to throw herself in the pool water that the Anarchist
recently set to a boil unless X-Force allowed her to join the team.
I#122) - The Orphan then
explained to Lacuna that membership into X-Force does not work that way
that she had to pass rigorous testing and training before becoming an
Lacuna then disappeared between the seconds of time, leaving X-Force
U-Go Girl teleported away as well, as she had to get ready to film the
episode of her new talk show. That night, U-Go Girl asked the Anarchist
and the
Orphan to appear on her show, as well as the Spike. The show was
crashed, however,
when a drunk Phat and Vivisector jumped through the wall attempting to
more spotlight. Lacuna then used that time to travel between seconds
and steal
everyone's clothing on national television, hoping to prove herself to
team. After introducing herself on television, Lacuna returned the
clothing and
disappeared yet again. Soon, over dinner, the Orphan decided to invite
onto the team, much to the disappointment and anger of U-Go Girl, who
was still
mad about Lacuna helping to ruin her TV pilot. Much later, X-Force
appeared at
their press conference, where they announced the membership of the
Spike and
Lacuna, who opted to not join X-Force, but have her own talk show.
I#123) - As X-Force relaxed
inside their headquarters, Doop popped a pimple on its forehead, which
the entire team inside the dimension housed within the body of Doop.
that it had to save its teammates, Doop pulled itself into the
dimension and
began to save the team from the horrors within. Eventually saving them
returning the team to the headquarters, Doop noticed that only a second
of time
had passed and that X-Force appeared to have no memory of ever entering
"Doop Land."
I#124) - Following a mission,
X-Force was accidentally teleported into the ocean by U-Go Girl's
teleportational powers. Trying it again, U-Go Girl teleported the team
into a
forest, where they made their way out and summoned a Fed-Ex plane that
them back to Santa Monica. Back at X-Force Tower, the team discussed
what to do
about U-Go Girl's powers. The Orphan gave her one week to get her
powers back
under control and in order to help her, he convinced her to visit her
and set things right with how she left them. After reuniting with her
long lost,
U-Go Girl's powers returned to full power and she and the Orphan shared
a night
together to celebrate.
Brotherhood#8 - BTS) - X-Force
went on a mission to Tokyo, Japan, where they destroying the Tokyo cell
of the
mutant Brotherhood.
Brotherhood#9) - When X-Force
returned from Tokyo, they were welcomed with a parade in their honor.
the parade, the team was attacked by the New York sect of the mutant
Brotherhood. After making very quick work of the mutant terrorists,
U-Go Girl
replied that there was an end to a revolution.
I#125 (fb)) - X-Force went on
a surgical strike to Central America, where they were to find and
arrest a
general wanted for crimes against humanity. The mission had numerous
casualties and the team's mission was protested by the inhabitants of
Central American state.
(X-Force I#125) - The team returned
to Santa Monica
where they were bombarded by the press, asking questions about the
casualties in Central America. Once they entered the X-Force Tower, the
and U-Go Girl spoke to Spike Freeman about what to do about their
Freeman suggested a name change to improve their media relations,
that they didn't actually own the name "X-Force." He also asked them
about whether or not they had decided on a new recruit to replace the
Saint Anna. Later, while trying to come up with names, U-Go Girl, the
Anarchist, and the Orphan visited the graveyard home of Dead Girl in an
to recruit her. A creature soon emerged from the graveyard, pointed a
finger at the three, and then exploded in a burst of worms and dirt.
The trio
decided to just return to Santa Monica, as they now thought the spectre
death was singling them out. Each of the three continued to think they
destined to be killed soon when they joined the other X-Forcers at
mission briefing. Spike Freeman introduced X-Force to Agent Wright of
the C. I.
A., who explained that he hated X-Force and that if it wasn't for him,
the team
would be finished. Agent Wright then claimed that he had to save them
from the
Orphan. The Orphan responded by backhanding Agent Wright to floor.
While the
Orphan and U-Go Girl argued with Agent Wright, the Spike noticed that
Phat and
Vivisector were becoming awfully close to each other. Agent Wright
explained that X-Force was to travel to the Mars 2010 Space Station and get
captured by mutated criminals called the Bush Rangers. Once they were
the C. I. A. were going to save them and improve their image in the
The Anarchist suggested that it was the Orphan who freed Paco Perez and
the C. I. A.'s image and that it should be him who went into space.
Phat and
Vivisector opted to side with the Anarchist, but U-Go Girl and the
Spike decided
that they wanted to accompany the Orphan into space. With three votes
on each
side, X-Force was at a stalemate, until Dead Girl arrived and cast her
with the Orphan. The vote decided, X-Force suited up and prepared to
into outer space.
I#126) - As the team
neared the space station in their shuttle, the Spike noticed that Phat
Vivisector were holding hands. He fired off a spike and demanded to
know what
was going on with the two. The Orphan broke up the fight, allowing Phat
Vivisector time to admit that they had homosexual tendacies towards one
another. X-Force soon arrived aboard the space station, where the
crew" were waiting to get autographs and meet X-Force. X-Force soon
up to find the Bush Rangers, unaware that the "crew" was actually the
Rangers themselves. The Bush Rangers soon ambushed the Anarchist, the
and Dead Girl, where they blasted Dead Girl to pieces. The Orphan and
U-Go Girl
were soon ambushed themselves and U-Go Girl was injured. The Orphan
came to her side and "the Anarchist" arrived as well, asking how she
was doing. The Orphan sensed that "the Anarchist" was actually a Bush
Ranger and kicked him, allowing the real Anarchist time to make his way
and blast the imposter. As the Orphan attempted to discern the severity
of U-Go
Girl's injuries, he, U-Go Girl, and the Anarchist were sealed in an air
Dead Girl soon managed to reform herself and open the air lock, freeing
three senior X-Force members.
I#127) - The foursome soon met
back with the other members of X-Force, where they sat back and waited
for the
C. I. A. to arrive. The team eventually realized that the Spike was not
their midst and left to search the space station for him. The Orphan,
Girl, and the Anarchist soon found an arcade room on the station,
filled with
Bush Rangers posing as the Spike. "The Spike" soon arrived and joined
in the battle against the Bush Rangers, just as the C. I. A. Crack
arrived onboard the station. Agent Wright made a comment about how
always had a high mortality rate and ordered the Crack Squad to fire on
Anarchist, U-Go Girl, Doop, and the Orphan. U-Go Girl reacted
teleporting the four of them into a small satellite outside the
station. Agent
Wright contacted the satellite and explained that it was heading for
space, where the foursome would surely die. The other X-Forcers soon
and killed most of the Crack Squad, with "the Spike" killing Agent
Wright himself. On the satellite, the Anarchist discovered a small
shuttle that
could house two people and possibly Doop. In order to decide who had to
behind on the satellite, the foursome rolled dice to determine the
Thinking their teammates dead, the rest of X-Force departed the space
in their shuttle, leaving behind someone who bore a striking
resemblance to the
I#128 (fb)) - The Anarchist
purposely used his acidic sweat to affect the outcome of his dice roll
so that
he could allow the Orphan and U-Go Girl a chance to have a life
together. He
then opted to stay behind on the satellite headed for space as the
Doop, and U-Go Girl used the small shuttle to head back to the space
I#128) - Onboard the shuttle,
Vivisector discovered the small shuttle housing two X-Force members and
headed for the space station. Vivisector immediately tried to contact
shuttle to no avail and decided to turn their shuttle back towards the
station to save their missing teammates. They soon made it back to the
where they met with Doop, the Orphan, and U-Go Girl. Realizing that the
Anarchist had affected the dice roll, U-Go Girl and the Orphan found a
way to
save their teammate. The Anarchist soon awoke on the space station,
safe and
sound. As the team rejoiced, the real Spike appeared, revealing "the
Spike" that had been with the team since their battle with the Bush
Rangers to be the last surviving Bush Ranger, Tray. Tray immediately
the team, impaling the real Spike and U-Go Girl in the process, killing
As she died, U-Go Girl asked the Orphan to bury her in space with the
stars and
presented the Orphan with a suitable name for X-Force, since they were
going to
have to change their name for legal reasons. The team mourned the loss
of U-Go
Girl as they jettisoned her corpse into outer space. While the others
the Orphan returned to his daily ritual of Russian Roulette.
X II#1/2 (fb)) - Upon their
return to Earth, the Orphan announced that X-Force would be conducting
tryouts to replace the fallen U-Go Girl and Spike.
I#129) - The Orphan informed
Spike Freeman that U-Go Girl had wanted X-Force's name to be changed to
X-Statix. Spike thought that the name was lousy and asked the Orphan
not to
tell the press of the name change. Angry, the Orphan threw an action
figure of
U-Go Girl at Spike and left the Tower, with Spike yelling at him to not
the public of U-Go Girl's death and the name change. The Orphan
told reporters of U-Go Girl's death, as a drunk Anarchist and Dead Girl
at Spike Freeman. The next day, X-Force visited its bush leagues to
check on
those who showed up for the open tryouts. After meeting the mutant
Wash-Out and finding out the reason for his namesake, X-Force decided
to call
it a day. As they were leaving, mutant talent agent Solomon O'Sullivan
confronted the team and asked if they needed representation. They
made their way through the media circus and back to the X-Force Tower,
the Orphan attempted to play Russian Roulette. His game was interrupted
Lacuna, who invited him to come on her show and talk about U-Go Girl.
Orphan did so, and revealed that U-Go Girl had wanted X-Force to change
name to X-Statix on national television. Later, Spike Freeman spoke
with the
Orphan, where he decided that he did want the name to be X-Statix, due
to the
public's demand since the Orphan's television spot. Spike Freeman then
tried to
claim that he was on the same side as the Orphan. The Orphan demanded
Spike prove it by playing a game of Russian Roulette. Spike did just
surprising the Orphan, who exclaimed that Spike was just as much a
freak as
anyone else on the team. Following the encounter with Spike, the Orphan
and the
rest of X-Force did a public appearance to announce the opening of the
Kiddies Hospital.
- The newly-minted
X-Statix went on a mission that was filmed for television filler, where
Orphan seemed very distant to the others. After the mission, the team
to the also newly-minted X-Statix Tower to shower up. The team then got
together to watch the premiere episode of the new reality show, O-Force,
where mutants competed for a place on an actual superteam of the same
Later, the Anarchist, Doop, and the Orphan joined Spike Freeman at the
tryouts, where they met with Venus Dee Milo and watched a mutant named
Corkscrew in action. Shocked at the violence seen in Corkscrew, the
retreated to his trailer, where he watched video footage of Venus in
action. As
he began to see U-Go Girl on the screen, he was interrupted by Spike
and Doop. The next day, the entirety of X-Statix turned out for a press
conference to announce to membership of Venus Dee Milo. Unfortunately,
only one
reporter, Sam Geller, showed up and explained that everyone else was
the first mission of the O-Force team. X-Statix quickly cancelled their
press conference in order to watch the first mission themselves. After
show, the Orphan met personally with Venus Dee Milo, who explained how
apparently killed her family when her powers emerged.
- When the Orphan asked
Venus Dee Milo to teleport X-Statix somewhere quiet, she accidentally
them in the middle of civil war. During the battle, the Orphan saw the
image of
U-Go Girl instead of Dead Girl and Phat's powers stopped working. The
team soon
found a dirty bomb, which the Orphan ordered Venus Dee Milo to teleport
Angered that the Orphan risked Venus Dee Milo's life, the Anarchist
punched the
Orphan in the face. A battle soon broke out between the two senior
members of
X-Statix which was halted when Venus returned. An exhausted Venus soon
in a blast of energy that knocked her teammates to the ground. The team
returned home and the Orphan checked up on Venus Dee Milo, who was
inside a containment machine. That night, to prove how much the media
X-Statix, the Anarchist and Dead Girl robbed a jewelry store and were
because they chose that particular store over any others. At the same
time, the
Orphan and Venus Dee Milo went out for dinner, where Venus was
bombarded by
angry fans of the deceased U-Go Girl. Venus teleported herself and the
back to Santa Monica, where she yelled at the Orphan, accusing him of
what would happen before they went out. Their argument was interrupted
by Spike
Freeman, who informed them of the mutant known as Arnie Lundberg, who
alter reality and had taken over a small town. The Orphan soon deduced
that it
was Arnie who had been making him see images of U-Go Girl. Before
could be done about Arnie, mutant lawyer Sharon Ginsberg arrived and
Spike Freeman with orders that kept Venus from being active on
- Sharon Ginsberg then
explained that Venus Dee Milo had a past contract with Solomon
O'Sullivan and
that she could no longer be active on X-Statix as long as the contract
Dead Girl made a comment about how the Orphan was originally wanting to
get rid
of Venus, which prompted Venus to ask what Dead Girl had against her.
Vivisector soon joined in the argument as well and it continued until
Orphan informed the rest of the team about Arnie Lundberg. The Orphan
that X-Statix stop Arnie, but the Anarchist chose that time to announce
that he
was quitting the team to go on the road. Dead Girl decided to join him
and the
two started up their "Death and Anarchy Roadshow." Still trying to
rally the team against Arnie, the Orphan tried to get Vivisector to
help, but a
drunken Vivisector explained that Phat had also left to return home.
When the
word got around that the O-Force was going to go up against Arnie
Lundberg, the
Orphan visited the offices of Solomon O'Sullivan in an attempt to stop
O-Force managed to subdue the Orphan and went ahead with their plan to
Arnie. Soon after entering the town controlled by Arnie, O-Force was
by an army of the undead and many of the team members were severly
Wanting to help and not getting help from his team, the Orphan
paracuted alone
into the center of town.
- The Orphan managed to
save Ocean from some of the zombies and then confronted Arnie himself.
the Orphan was battling Arnie Lundberg, Venus Dee Milo did her best to
X-Statix by rallying up the scattered team members. Just as the Orphan
tossed into the streets by Arnie and surrounded by zombies, Venus
arrived in
the town with a rebuilt X-Statix. X-Statix quickly battled the zombies
the Orphan once again confronted Arnie in his bedroom. As X-Statix
saved the
inhabitants of the town, the Orphan was convinced not to kill Arnie by
Lundberg, who explained that everyone deserved a chance. Hearing this,
Orphan managed to convince Arnie to use his powers to restore the town
to its
glory and restore the O-Force members to their health. A renewed
X-Statix then
returned to Santa Monica to much praise. Spike Freeman brought up that
the team
still needed one more member to replace the fallen Spike and the Orphan
announced that he had already taken care of that. The Orphan then
X-Statix to its newest member: Arnie Lundberg.
(X-Statix#5) - After Arnie was
introduced as the
Mysterious Fan Boy with his identity kept a secret, Arnie was surprised
to find
that X-Statix was ripe with in-fighting. Disappointed, Arnie closed the
of each member of X-Statix until the Orphan suggested that they all do
Before the team left, X-Statix met inside a bathroom stall and
discussed what
to do about Arnie. The Orphan told them that they would all start
acting like a
team or he would break their necks. Later, at the Chimpanzee's Tea
restaurant, X-Statix's dinner with Arnie was interrupted by Lacuna, who
trying to find out the identity of the Mysterious Fan Boy. The Orphan
Venus to teleport the team home in order to escape Lacuna's prying, but
hitched a ride on their coattails and followed the team back to their
where she revealed the Mysterious Fan Boy's to the public. As payback
Lacuna's intrusion, the Orphan asked her to secretly inject Arnie with
chemicals that would affect his heart. Not long after, the mutant
known as Razorhead escaped his prison in Louisiana. X-Statix was soon
into action against Razorhead, who trounced X-Statix easily.
Eventually, Arnie
managed to take out Razorhead by blowing a hole through his torso using
mutant reality powers. The strain of doing so caused Arnie to have a
heart attack, though, due to the chemicals that had been secretly
injected to
him by Lacuna, who was moving too fast for anyone to see her. After
death, X-Statix watched The Mysterious Fan Boy Funeral
Special on
television, prompting the Anarchist to stand up and question whether
should all start acting like better people. The other members opted to
their internecine warfare and dissing of one another. After the show,
Orphan met with Lacuna on a secluded beach, where she admitted that she
angry because he blackmailed her into killing Arnie. The entire
prompted the Orphan to leave X-Statix.
- While Venus Dee Milo met
with Professor X in an attempt to find her family, the other members of
X-Statix went on Lacuna's television to vote either against or for
returning to X-Statix. After the show, Spike Freeman spoke with the
members about how going on Lacuna's show was going to affect the
property known
as X-Statix. Venus soon arrived and also yelled at the team for going
their one-time friend, the Orphan. Spike Freeman then used that time to
that the team could not afford any loose cannons running around and
that if the
Orphan did not return to X-Statix, X-Statix's next mission would be the
eliminate him. That night, someone broke into Professor X's hall of
and stole many of the experimental suits, using them to go on a crime
wave as
the Bad Guy. As the public thought Bad Guy to be the Orphan himself,
was soon sent after the Bad Guy. Eventually finding him, X-Statix
battled Bad
Guy until the Bad Guy attempting to crush the Anarchist with a giant
piece of
- The Anarchist managed to
save himself by blasting the piece of debris to pieces with a blast of
energy. Dead Girl managed to rake her fingernails across Bad Guy's
causing the Bad Guy to flee. The Anarchist then chose that time to yell
Venus for hesitating to save his life from the Bad Guy, but the stress
Venus to explode in a blast of energy that knocked the team to the
ground. Back
at X-Statix Tower, Lacuna met with X-Statix and made a deal with them
so that
she could accompany them as they unmasked the Bad Guy. Venus then
the team and Lacuna to the Bad Guy's location, but then teleported
herself and
Bad Guy to her family's old home, where Bad Guy unmasked himself.
- Bad Guy revealed himself
to apparently be Venus's deceased cousin, Jamal, and then tried to
drain the
life from Venus's body. His attack was halted by the arrival of the
Orphan, who
asked Venus to teleport them away from the battleground. Back at
Professor X's
lab, Venus was informed that Bad Guy was actually an alien from one of
the Dark
Dimensions that Venus had visited while searching for her family. The
alien had
taken the form of Venus's deceased cousin because it fed off of Venus
Milo's fears and Venus had feared her cousin as a child. The team then
held a
press conference to announce the return of the Orphan. After the
the team experienced a bout of in-fighting, as Venus revealed that
Spike had
been prepared to eliminate the Orphan and replace him as leader with
Anarchist. The Orphan explained that he was glad to step down as leader
and the
Orphan then made up with the Anarchist. That night, the Orphan walked
Venus to
her room, where he attempted to kiss her goodnight. Venus shyly turned
but secretly wished she had kissed the Orphan. The next day, X-Statix
again set out to stop the Bad Guy, with Venus once again teleporting
and Bad Guy to a place where they could be alone. The Bad Guy once
again tried
to drain the life out of the Venus, but Dead Girl had hitched a ride on
teleportational waves and aided Venus in destroying the Bad Guy by
him. After the battle, the Orphan and Venus relaxed by the pool until
O'Sullivan arrived with an injured Sharon Ginsberg, asking for
X-Statix's help
in her recovery.
- X-Statix went on a
mission to Africa, where they battled a rebel army. When they returned
they shared a dinner together as Sharon Ginsberg recovered. The team
then set
out on a visit to the set of X-Statix: The Movie,
where they were
introduced to the movie crew and one of its stars, el Guapo. The set
was soon
attacked by a deranged Sharon Ginsberg, who had escaped her room and
insane due to the loss of her mutant wings. She attacked and killed
many of the
film's stars, thinking them to be the real X-Statix, until the Orphan
and battled her. El Guapo managed to stop her by slamming into her head
his flying skateboard, which prompted X-Statix to consider him as a
new recruit to replace the now-dead Mysterious Fan Boy. Soon after,
held a press conference to explain their most recent mission to Africa,
the film footage was altered to show them battling a group of Caucasian
militants instead of the African rebels that they actually fought.
Unlimited I#41/2) - The male
members of X-Statix were chased by hordes of fans until they made it
onto a
train, where they were introduced to the Anarchist's grandfather. Their
P. R.
guy, Victor Filson, soon arrived on the train and explained that they
about to reach their hotel. At the hotel, Filson informed them that he
scheduled an interview with the press, but when Filson left, the male
of X-Statix snuck out of the room to a party downstairs. Filson
caught them and tried to pull them to the interviews, but they managed
to sneak
out again and mess around with each other outside until a janitor told
them to
get off the grass. They eventually arrived onstage, where they did a
presentation of their powers until the female members of X-Statix and
arrived from a day of shopping. The team then grouped together and
back home.
- BTS) - When a rash
of latent mutants began exhibiting psychosomatic mutant powers, the
were dubbed Pink Psychos, three of which were taken into X-Statix
custody and
held at their Santa Monica headquarters. After the Orphan examined one
of the
mutants, Doop agreed to accompany the X-Man Wolverine in investigating
origins of the Pink Psychos.
- When Doop returned
from his mission with Wolverine, X-Statix threw it a poolside party to
it back.
- X-Statix finally agreed
to allow el Guapo to join them and threw him a party to welcome him
onto the
team. During the party, a problem in Malaysia sprung up and X-Statix
leapt into
action, where el Guapo was injured by first hurting his knee, then
into a tree. After returning from Malaysia, X-Statix spoke with el
Guapo about
his reservations about joining the team, explaining that once you
X-Statix, the only way out was in a body bag. They also explained to
him how
they use pills that sober them up, so that they could party all the
time and be
instantly ready for battle should the need arise. El Guapo eventually
agreed to
join them despite his reservations and even visited night clubs with
them in
their down time. When Doop caught el Guapo on film with a group of
women and
turn the photos over to the press, el Guapo's girlfriend was furious
with him.
El Guapo soon attacked Doop in front of X-Statix as they partied at a
bar. The
Orphan quickly broke up the fight, explaining that el Guapo would get
used to
Doop's prying.
- As Dead Girl attempted
to start a modeling career, the rest of X-Statix ventured to the
border, where they found a group of dead bodies. When the Orphan
realized that
Dead Girl was not present, the team returned to Santa Monica to watch
Girl's modeling on television. The team was later called in to stop
Gutman, the daughter of their mortician, who had went on a shooting
spree. Dead
Girl managed to talk Britney out of her shooting spree, but the police
Britney dead anyway. As Britney died, her mother begged Dead Girl not
to let
Britney's father, Brad, get to his daughter. Knowing what Brad was up
with the
corpses that came to him, Dead Girl later confronted Brad and ripped
his heart
out in front of the entire X-Statix team. After Brad's death, Dead Girl
accompanied X-Statix back to the India/Pakistan border where she spoke
with the
corpses and found that they wanted to stay where they were instead of
moved and buried somewhere else.
- X-Statix was called
together to retrieve the recently-resurrected popstar Henrietta Hunter
from her
home country of Europa before she could be killed yet again. Despite
how the
team argued against saving her, they eventually agreed to do so and
to Europa to battle the Europan government agents sent to kill
Henrietta a
second time. X-Statix made quick work of the agents and brought
Henrietta back
to Santa Monica, where it was revealed that she was a mutant with
abilities. Much later, Spike Freeman met with Henrietta over dinner and
announced to the public that Henrietta was officially joining X-Statix,
much to
the anger of the members of the team, who threatened Spike. In
Spike met with Europan agents, Dicky and Reggie, and gave them film
footage of
mutants they could use to form a team to stop X-Statix. Much later,
accompanied Henrietta to New York, where they were attacked by the
mutant team, the Euro-Trash, who grabbed up Henrietta.
- X-Statix continued to
battle the Euro-Trash until they retreated into a local X-Statix Store
Henrietta in tow. Thinking that the battle could be a set-up to ruin
image, X-Statix decided to return to Santa Monica until they could come
up with
a better plan to save Henrietta. As they relaxed at X-Statix Tower and
discussed what to do about Henrietta, Doop revealed a tape of Spike
speaking to the Europan agents about how X-Statix had gotten complacent
washed up. Deciding to rescue Henrietta to spite Spike for his deal
them, they tied up Spike for later and teleported into the X-Statix
where they killed each member of the Euro-Trash. After the fight with
Euro-Trash, X-Statix held a press conference, where Henrietta revealed
plans to use X-Statix to help various charities. As the camera zoomed
in on
Henrietta, the Anarchist whispered to the Orphan that he had the
feeling they
had created a monster...
- As a rash of random
shootings began to erupt across the United States, X-Statix decided
that they
wanted to kill Henrietta Hunter. They soon teleported aboard her yacht,
they knocked her servant Omar overboard. Before they could kill
however, Lacuna appeared and convinced them to spare Henrietta's life.
after, X-Statix were called on a mission to Afghanistan to help stop
Taliban present in the country. During the mission, Phat accidentally
a missile meant for Henrietta into a trench containing el Guapo. The
cost el Guapo his legs and caused a huge fight when the team returned
their mission. With the random killings continuing, X-Statix held a
conference to announce that Henrietta was to be their new team leader.
Henrietta also announced that she was taking the position of U. S.
Secretary of
Homeland Defense and that X-Statix would stop the random killings.
- Instead of stopping the
killings, Henrietta had X-Statix model for her new costume designs.
After the
modeling shoot, Henrietta had Venus Dee Milo teleport X-Statix to
random places in the U. S. in an attempt to find the person responsible
for the
random killings. Since the team had no luck, they returned to Santa
where Henrietta threw darts at a map of the U. S. and let the darts
where they should check next. As Henrietta attempted to communicate
with the
ghosts of those killed to help her find the location of the killer,
Dead Girl,
in an attempt to make Henrietta look bad, did her best to tell the
ghosts not
to help her. After the anarchist Mister Code revealed that he was the
mastermind behind the killings, the team discovered that Lacuna had in
possession documents that incriminated nearly every member of X-Statix.
soon hinted that he might have Lacuna killed to keep the documents from
reaching the press and the Orphan knew that Spike had to be connected
to Mister
Code. Refusing to allow Lacuna to be hurt due to Spike's machinations,
Orphan kicked Spike in the head, snapping his neck and killing him. The
then left to try to save Lacuna but he arrived just in time to see her
- After Lacuna was rushed
to the hospital, X-Statix discovered that the incriminating documents
were at
the offices of Lacuna's lawyers. They quickly teleported to the law
where the lawyer John Williams informed them that he had copies and
that the
team was finished. Once the documents were revealed to the press,
public image took a dramatic fall. In order to save face, the team
determined to stop Mister Code and win back the public's affection.
Soon after,
the team found the headquarters of Mister Code in relative suburbia and
an attack on it. During the battle with Mister Code and the Random
Henrietta was killed by Code, who snapped her neck. The Orphan then
waged a
one-on-one against Mister Code, eventually killing him. When the Orphan
attempted to remove Code's mask, Mister Code exploded.
- As Mister Code
exploded, Phat wrapped himself around Code's body and contained the
at the cost of his own life. Soon after, Henrietta's record producers
an after-death single that began to mysteriously kill those who sung it
While X-Statix held a funeral for Phat, many people fell victim to
single. In order to get to the bottom of the deaths, X-Statix
teleported to
Henrietta's record company and caused the producer to suffer a fatal
X-Statix soon returned to their Santa Monica Tower to discuss what to
do about
Henrietta's killings, as el Guapo sung the song to himself. El Guapo
soon saw
Henrietta's corpse and accidentally flew his skateboard into a plate
glass window,
impaling himself on his own skateboard. Determined to find out what was
the deaths, the team had Dead Girl sing the song which caused her to be
hit by
Phat's severed foot that had been blown into space by the explosion of
Code. While Dead Girl was recovering, she also saw Henrietta's corpse
communicated with it, finding out that Henrietta was trying to gain
revenge on
those who had originally killed her. In order to halt the deaths,
teleported to the offices of the Europan President and forced him to
Henrietta's single. As they teleported away, the President was
confronted with
- Most of X-Statix
visited the movie premiere of Teen Bump, starring
Vivisector's current
lover, Brandon Cody. After the premiere, Vivisector contemplated the
removal of
his powers by Dr. Alex Finlay, while the rest of X-Statix angrily
protested the
removal of Lacuna's life support on national television. Lacuna's life
was removed anyway, but she sat up, healthy, claiming that the prayers
of her
audience healed her of her gunshot wound. When the team returned,
revealed his plan to have his mutant powers removed, causing the
Anarchist to
smack him around, triggering Vivisector's wolf-like transformation.
After the
transformation, Vivisector attacked his teammates and explained that
his savage
rampages were just the thing he was trying to avoid by removing his
Once the powers were removed, Vivisector appeared on Lacuna
& the Stars
with Alex Finlay to prove his powers were really gone, as his X-Statix
teammates watched on television. Vivisector soon returned to the team,
only to
be thrown out due his lack of superpowers. X-Statix then left
Vivisector at
their headquarters as they teleported off to fight mutated lumberjacks.
- X-Statix watched in
horror on television as a savage-looking "Vivisector" went on a
killing spree. Tracking "Vivisector" down to the home of Dr. Edward
Alfred, X-Statix arrived to see "Vivisector" attacking both Myles
Alfred and his father, Edward. The Orphan opted to have the team wait
it out to
see how Myles dealt with this new Vivisector without his powers before
jumped into the fray. Eventually, Myles defeated the new Vivisector,
who was
revealed as Dr. Finlay himself, by stabbing him in the eye with an ink
After the battle was over, the Orphan asked Venus to teleport the team
with Myles included, as he pointed out to Myles that he was growing fur
on his
arm where Dr. Finlay had scratched him. The team then returned to Santa
where Myles Alfred transformed into a new and improved Vivisector form
rejoined the team. With Vivisector back on the team, X-Statix appeared
at a
charity gala for distressed mutants.
- X-Statix went on a
mission to Moscow, where Doop was captured by Russian militants and
used as a
weapon against the team. The team eventually agreed to ask the Avengers
help, who reluctantly agreed. Once the two teams retrieved Doop,
America decided that the Avengers should take Doop in their custody, as
X-Statix were not responsible enough to care for such a weapon. The two
started to fight until Thor pulled his hammer from Doop's brain,
causing it
explode into pieces and scatter across the universe. Both teams soon
plans to retrieve the pieces with X-Statix doing it to save Doop, while
Avengers still wanted Doop in their custody.
- X-Statix teleported the
Anarchist to Thailand where he battled Captain America and lost the
brain piece
there. They then left to drop Dead Girl onboard the U. S. S. McKinley
to battle
the Scarlet Witch for another piece of brain, which she retrieved.
- BTS) - The team had
Venus teleport Vivisector to Azania to unsuccessfully battle Hawkeye
for yet
another brain piece and then teleport herself to Anarctica so that she
battle Ant-Man.
- BTS) - X-Statix had
Venus teleport the Orphan to southern France, where he battled Iron Man
and won
a piece of Doop's brain, only to let Iron Man have it.
- After a battle between
Thor and Doop awakened the ancient Fatal Sisters in Asgard, the
members of the Avengers and X-Statix arrived to stop them. The combined
of the two teams drove off the Fatal Sisters, but the two teams
resumed their fighting for Doop's brain until Doop collapsed due to
lack of
brain power. When the Orphan reacted quickly to save his teammate,
America agreed to let X-Statix keep Doop and the team returned to Santa
to question whether or not they wanted to retire.
(fb)) - Deciding to retire
from their life as heroes, X-Statix threw themselves a going away party
was attended by nearly all of the famous superheroes. While there, the
was contacted by a man who offered them a huge sum of money for one
mission. The team agreed to enter a mansion filled with murderous
gunmen as one
last mission before retiring.
- During the mission,
Dead Girl perished due to an unknown illness, and Vivisector and Doop
were soon
taken out by helicopter fire. Venus soon exploded, taking the
helicopters with
her, leaving only the Orphan and the Anarchist left. The two decided to
go out
as heroes and were instantly mowed down by militant gunfire,
effectively ending
X-Statix's time in the limelight.
Presents: Dead Girl#1) – Having
descended into a version of Hell, the Anarchist was later resurrected
by the
deceased villain, the Pitiful One, who had acquired the mystic Creme du
Profundis that allowed him to resurrect himself and others for brief
As part of the Pitiful One’s group of resurrected heroes and villains,
Anarchist helped terrorize the U. N. building to draw Dr. Strange into
fray, the Pitiful One demanding that Strange resurrect him permanently.
Presents: Dead Girl#2) – Realizing
that he needed help to defeat the Pitiful One and his group of
superhumans, Dr. Strange summoned the spirit of Dead Girl, having her
placed in a body made of various meat. Dr. Strange then informed Dead
Girl that
he needed her help to venture into Hell and asked if she could help him
assemble a small band of deceased heroes to defeat the Pitiful One. As
Anarchist continued aiding the Pitiful One’s reign of terror, Dr.
Strange and
Dead Girl ventured into the afterlife on a recruitment drive. While
Strange and
Dead Girl managed to recruit the Phantom Rider (Carter Slade) and
(Scott Lang), Dead Girl also led Strange to her former teammate, Mr.
(also known as the Orphan). When the Creme du Profundis began wearing
off the
Anarchist, his mind descended into Hell, causing him to see terrible
With the help of a demon posing as Dr. Strange’s mentor, the Ancient
One, the
Anarchist returned fully to the Earthly plane and aided the Pitiful One
kidnapping Dr. Strange’s manservant, Wong.
Presents: Dead Girl#3) – While the
Pitiful One met with the President to warn him that things would get
worse, the
Anarchist and resurrected 1940s heroine Miss America terrorized a major
baseball game at Yankee Stadium on behalf of the Pitiful One. As the
and Miss America returned to help torture the captured Wong, Dr.
Strange and
Dead Girl continued trying to the convince Mr. Sensitive to help them.
sharing a brief kiss with Miss America, the Anarchist opted to steal
remainder of the Creme du Profundis so that he could enjoy being alive
enough for a vacation but Miss America fought him over it until the two
stopped, sharing an intimate moment together. Finally gathering his
together, Dr. Strange and his group of deceased heroes (Phantom Rider,
Mr. Sensitive, Dead Girl and new recruit, the Piano Player) ventured
into Hell, where they were attacked by the returning Kraven the Hunter
Mysterio. Barely defending themselves, Dr. Strange’s group was rescued
by the
arrival of Mr. Sensitive’s former lover, U-Go Girl, who was brought
there by
Dead Girl’s Dead Sisters group. As U-Go Girl teleported them all to
safety, the
Ancient One demon prepared to torture Dr. Strange’s unconscious Earthly
Presents: Dead Girl#4) – Arriving in
Hell’s level for dead bureaucrats, Mr. Sensitive began sniveling at
seeing U-Go
Girl once again. When U-Go Girl threatened to leave him forever, Mr.
ran away in an overly sensitive fit. Quickly locating him, U-Go Girl
to boost Mr. Sensitive’s courage and he admitted that in the afterlife,
he was
less physically sensitive as he was on Earth but he was more
sensitive. Claiming he would never lose her, U-Go Girl then admitted
that she
could not commit to Mr. Sensitive when it was for eternity. Soon
noticing the
Phantom Rider looking for him, Mr. Sensitive asked him what to do if
his lover
stopped loving him the way she used to and the Phantom Rider replied
perhaps he should be more like the man his lover used to love,
prompting Mr.
Sensitive to muster his courage. While Mr. Sensitive rejoined Strange’s
Kraven the Hunter returned to Earth to find the Anarchist and Miss
America in
each other’s arms. Slapping the Anarchist aside for his inability to
guard the
Creme du Profundis, the Pitiful One caused the Anarchist’s mind to
enter a
private Hell. Mr. Sensitive, U-Go Girl, Dead Girl and the other
deceased heroes
continued to venture further down into Hell, where Wong managed to
contact Dr. Strange and reveal the Ancient One demon’s plot to destroy
physical body. When the “Ancient One” managed to break Strange’s
Shield of Seraphim, Strange collapsed.
Presents: Dead Girl#5) – As Strange
was pulled back into the land of the living by the Ancient One demon’s
spells, Dead Girl revealed to him that her first name was Moonbeam.
Strange gone, U-Go Girl suggested that she and the newly-confident Mr.
Sensitive teleport to an island in the Sea of Heavenly Dreams but Mr.
commented that he had been reminded of the man he was in life and was
determined to not walk away from the mission until it was complete.
Strange battled the resurrected Ancient One demon on Earth, Mr.
Sensitive, Dead
Girl, U-Go Girl, Ant-Man and the Piano Player made their way to the
Self-Loathing, where the Pitiful One was rumored to be staying. Once
Ant-Man, tiring of the Piano Player’s goofy powers, punched the Piano
who shortly thereafter was resurrected by the law of rebirth. Hearing a
further down the Hotel’s hallways, Mr. Sensitive led Ant-Man, U-Go Girl
Dead Girl towards the noise, where they located the Pitiful One and his
of superhumans. Coming out of his private Hell, the Anarchist attacked
Sensitive on behalf of the Pitiful One while U-Go Girl battled Kraven
Mysterio. Dead Girl managed to punch the Pitiful One’s guts out,
pushing the
Pitiful One into a lower level of Hell where Dead Girl claimed he would
have reason to feel sorry for himself. With the Pitiful One defeated
and the
mission successful, the Anarchist decided to venture towards Heaven
with Miss
America while U-Go Girl and Mr. Sensitive went their separate ways.
Using the
Creme du Profundis, Dead Girl resurrected herself to spend some time
with Dr.
Strange, whom she had developed feelings for during the course of the
(Nation X#4) – A
somehow resurrected Doop
had a dream in which he was Wolverine, driven to murder Doop, who was
the Head
of Criminal Investigation on the mutant island of Utopia. Waking from
dream, Doop shared coffee with a beautiful woman.
Comments: Created by Peter Milligan and
Michael Allred.
Filson created by Nick
Derington and Mike Allred.
Ostinato & Vulpine
created by Peter Milligan and Philip Bond.
The first name for
Filson as well as the real
names and codenames for Cupric, Ostinato & Vulpine were
revealed in
X-Statix's profile in OHotMU A-Z HC#13.
Since Doop
eventually went on to join the
Jean Grey School for Higher Learning adjunct staff in Wolverine
& the
X-Men, I decided that he further adventures following his
resurrection should be chronicled in his own profile, rather than the
group entry. Also, many of the X-Statix members met new affiliations
enemies in their further appearances but those would be chronicled in
respective entries not this group entry, since the team was essentially
disbanded following their deaths.
Henrietta Hunter offered the injured boy Jesus Diaz honorary membership and gave him a sweater with the logo, something the rest of the team just humored her on, as at that point she was just an incredibly annoying publicity stunt to them.
He was not an official member, nor did he have any official government approval.
has no known connections to
Cupric (Derek
Zheng) was yet another original
X-Force member who accompanied them into their headquarters on March
19. He
also presumably died sometime before the "Boyz R Us" mission. While
he did not show any superhuman powers, it was probable that he had
powers since he was on a mutant superteam. My guess is that
he had some sort
of "eye laser" powers, similar to the X-Men's Cyclops.
--X-Statix#10 (fb)
Mister Filson was
the X-Statix Public
Relations man. He organized for the male members of X-Statix to do
with the press and a presentation with a crowd of fans. After they got
on the
train to their hotel, Filson informed the guys that they had arrived
explained what he had planned for them. He also informed Vivisector
that the
fans only wanted to see Phat, the Orphan, and the Anarchist. When
Filson left,
the guys snuck out to party, but Filson eventually caught them goofing
off and
tried to pull them to the interview session. The guys snuck off again
eventually made their way to the stage in time for Filson to introduce
them to
the crowd.
--X-Men Unlimited
Ostinato (Rodrigo
de Smith) was one of the original
mutants to join X-Force when they first hit it big. On March 19, he
the team into their headquarters when Zeitgeist met Edie Sawyer. Given
mortality rate of X-Force, Ostinato more than likely died before the
infamous "Boyz R Us" mission. He did not display any superhuman
powers, although he probably had mutant powers, given that X-Force was
a mutant
--X-Statix#10 (fb)
Vulpine (Roja
Sanford) was another original
X-Force member when they first became popular. She also accompanied the
team to
their headquarters on March 19 and more than likely was killed before
infamous "Boyz R Us" mission.
She had the
appearance of a humanoid fox,
complete with tail and razor-sharp claws.
--X-Statix#10 (fb)
Hank Zlotty was a
franchise-holder of the
south Des Moines X-Force Cafe. He was interviewed when X-Force was in
battling the Bush Rangers and when he was asked how business had been,
explained that it had been busy as usual when there was news of death
X-Force. He then took the microphone and explained that he wanted to
talk about
encroachment, as when he had bought the X-Cafe, he was promised that he
be the only one in town. Before he could continue, he was pulled away
from the
microphone by security.
--X-Force I#127
(seen only a television
images: (not counting ads)
X-Force I#116, front cover (X-Force group shot, pre-Boyz R Us massacre)
X-Force I#117, p16, pan1 (X-Force group shot, post-Boyz R Us massacre)
X-Force I#125, p21, pan4 (X-Force group shot, in space suits, final
before name change)
X-Force I#127, p2, pan5 (Hank Zlotty)
X-Statix#5, p14, pan1 (X-Statix group shot, first roster after name
X-Men Unlimited I#41, p26, pan5 (Mister Filson)
X-Statix#10, p15, splash page (original X-Force lineup pic, Vulpine
Ostinato pic, Cupric pic)
X-Statix#15, front cover (X-Statix group shot, roster w/Henrietta
& El
Guapo, main pic)
X-Statix#26, p22, pan5 (X-Statix group shot, final roster)
X-Force I#116-119
(May - October, 2001) -
Peter Milligam (writer), Mike Allred (artist), Axel Alonso (editor)
Thunderbolts I#57 (October, 2001) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Patrick
(pencils), Al Vey (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
X-Force I#120-123 (November, 2001 - February, 2002) - Peter Milligam
Mike Allred (artist), Axel Alonso (editor)
X-Force I#124 (March, 2002) - Peter Milligam (writer), Darwyn Cooke
Axel Alonso (editor)
The Brotherhood#8-9 (February-March, 2002) - X (writer), Sean Phillips
(pencils), Kent Williams (inks), Axel Alonso (editor)
X-Force I#125-129 (April - August, 2002) - Peter Milligam (writer),
Mike Allred
(artist), Axel Alonso (editor)
Weapon X II#1/2 (2002) - Frank Tieri (writer9, Georges Jeanty
(pencils), Dexter
Vines (inks), Mike Marts (editor)
X-Statix#1-4 (September - December, 2002) - Peter Milligam (writer),
Allred (artist), Axel Alonso (editor)
X-Statix#5 (January, 2003) - Peter Milligam (writer), Paul Pope
(artist), Axel
Alonso (editor)
Marvel Encyclopedia Vol. 2: X-Men (2003)
X-Statix#6-9 (February - May, 2003) - Peter Milligam (writer), Mike
(artist), Axel Alonso (editor)
X-Men Unlimited I#41 (March, 2003) - Mike Allred (writer), Nick
(artist), C.B. Cebulski (editor)
X-Statix#10 (June, 2003) - Peter Milligan (writer), Phillip Bond
(artist), Axel
Alonso (editor)
Wolverine/Doop#1-2 (July, 2003) - Peter Milligan (writer), Darwyn Cooke
(pencils), J. Bone (inks), Axel Alonso (editor)
X-Statix#11-13 (August - October, 2003) - Peter Milligam (writer), Mike
(pencils), Mike Allred (#11, 13) & Philip Bond (#12) (inks),
Axel Alonso
X-Statix#14-19 (November, 2003 - June, 2004) - Peter Milligam (writer),
Allred (pencils), J. Bone (#14-18) & Nick Crane (#19) (inks),
Axel Alonso
X-Statix#20 (May, 2004) - Peter Milligan (writer), Nick Dragoth
(artist), Axel
Alonso (editor)
X-Statix#21-22 (June-July, 2004) - Peter Milligan (writer), Mike Allred
(pencils), Nick Craine (inks), Axel Alonso (editor)
X-Statix#25-26 (September - October, 2004) - Peter Milligan (writer),
Allred (pencils), Nick Craine (inks), Axel Alonso (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Teams 2005 (2005)
X-Statix Presents: Dead Girl#1 (March, 2006) – Peter Milligan (writer),
Dragotta, Mike Allred (art), Warren Simons (editor)
X-Statix Presents: Dead Girl#2 (April, 2006) – Peter Milligan (writer),
Dragotta, Mike Allred (art), Warren Simons (editor)
X-Statix Presents: Dead Girl#3 (May, 2006) – Peter Milligan (writer),
Dragotta, Mike Allred (art), Warren Simons (editor)
X-Statix Presents: Dead Girl#4 (June, 2006) – Peter Milligan (writer),
Dragotta, Mike Allred (art), Warren Simons (editor)
X-Statix Presents: Dead Girl#5 (July, 2006) – Peter Milligan (writer),
Dragotta, Mike Allred (art), Warren Simons (editor)
Nation X#4 (May, 2010) – “Dooptopia” story – Peter Milligan (writer),
Allred (art), Jody Leheup (editor)
First Posted: 09/05/2005
Additions/Corrections? please let me
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