Membership: Beast, Black Panther, Captain
America, Goliath,
Man, Quicksilver, Sub-Mariner, Thor,
Purpose: To get Firestar, Justice and Hawkeye to use their powers so Taskmaster could duplicate them.
Affiliations: Albino, Taskmaster
Enemies: Firestar, Hawkeye and Justice
Base of Operations: Unrevealed warehouse
First Appearance: Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman#1 (October, 1998)
History: (Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman - "Trounced by Taskmaster") - The Taskmaster teamed with the mutagentics specialist called the Albino in order to receive super-human powers to mimic any power he were to see in addition to his photographic reflexes. Deciding to start small and work his way up to more powerful members of the Avengers, Taskmaster had the Albino set up a meeting with the Avengers Firestar, Hawkeye, and Justice. Taking the three by surprise, Taskmaster used a mix of sleeping gas with Pym Particles to subdue the trio. Once the three shrank to the size of insects, they were placed in a maze filled cylinder complete with video cameras. Taskmaster sent his group of robot Avengers to attack the trio in order to get them to use their powers while watching them utilize their powers in order to duplicate them. At first the trio of heroes believed they were fighting the real Avengers until the robot Quicksilver attacked Firestar personally, which resulted in
its flesh burning away. Once the trio realized they were not the real Avengers, they
stopped holding back and easily destroyed the first wave of robots. When the second and much larger wave or Avenger robots joined the fight, Firestar blasted a hole in the side of the container allowing the three to escape into a glass of enlarging serum. The fate of the second wave of robots are unknown as they were left in the container.
Comments: Created by Tom DeFalco and Mark Bagley.
Taskmaster's Robot Avengers should not be confused with:
The Beast robot is pretty much the same as the real Beast (Hank McCoy)and could duplicate all of the Beast's abilities. The Beast robot was part of the group left behind in the container. The status of the robot is unrevealed.
--Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman#1 "Trounced By Taskmaster"
The Black Panther robot is pretty much the same as the real Black Panther (T'Challa) and could duplicate all of Black Panther's abilities. The Black Panther robot was part of the first wave of robots and destroyed by Hawkeye after it was discovered that they were not the real Avengers.
--Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman#1 "Trounced By Taskmaster"
The Captain America robot is pretty much the same as the real Captain America
(Steve Rogers) and could duplicate all of Captain America's abilities. The robot's shield was of a similar design as the real Captain America's shield, but not of the same quality. The Captain America robot was part of the group left behind in the container. The status of the robot is unrevealed.
--Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman#1 "Trounced By Taskmaster"
The Goliath robot is pretty much the same as the real Goliath (Henry Pym), however it is unknown if it could change sizes like the real Goliath. The Goliath robot was part of the first wave of robots and destroyed by Justice after it was discovered that they were not the real Avengers.
--Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman#1 "Trounced By Taskmaster"
The Hulk robot is pretty much the same as the real Hulk (Bruce Banner) and could duplicate all of Hulk's abilities, however it is unknown if is as powerful as the real Hulk. The Hulk robot was part of the group left behind in the container. The status of the robot is unrevealed.
--Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman#1 "Trounced By Taskmaster"
The Iron Man robot is pretty much the same as the real Iron Man (Tony Stark) and could duplicate all of Iron Man's abilities, however it is unknown if is as powerful as the real Iron Man armor. The robot's armor was of a similar design as the real Iron Man's armor, but not of the same quality and it is also unknown as to the extent what the armor was capable of doing. The Iron Man robot was part of the group left behind in the container. The status of the robot is unrevealed.
--Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman#1 "Trounced By Taskmaster"
The Quicksilver robot is pretty much the same as the real Quicksilver (Pietro
Maximoff), however it is unknown if it could run as fast as the real Quicksilver. The Quicksilver robot was part of the first wave of robots and destroyed by Firestar after it was discovered that they were not the real Avengers.
--Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman#1 "Trounced By Taskmaster"
The Sub-Mariner robot is pretty much the same as the real Sub-Mariner (Namor) and could duplicate all of Sub-Mariner's abilities, however it is unknown if is as powerful as the real Sub-Mariner. The Sub-Mariner robot was part of the group left behind in the container. The status of the robot is unrevealed.
--Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman#1 "Trounced By Taskmaster"
The Thor robot is pretty much the same as the real Asgardian Thor and could duplicate all of Thor's abilities, however it is unknown if is as powerful as the real Thor. The robot's hammer was of a similar design as the real Thor's hammer Mjolnir, but not of the same quality and it is also unknown as to the extent what the hammer was capable of doing. The Thor robot was part of the group left behind in the container. The status of the robot is unrevealed.
--Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman#1 "Trounced By Taskmaster"
The Vision robot is pretty much the same as the real Vision synthozoid and could duplicate all of Vision's abilities, however it is unknown if is as powerful as the real Vision. The Vision robot was part of the group left behind in the container. The status of the robot is unrevealed.
--Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman#1 "Trounced By Taskmaster"
Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman#1 (1998), p45 panel 4 and p48 panel 4.
Last updated: 10/16/05
Any Additions/Corrections? please
let me know.
Non-Marvel Copyright
Black Panther
Captain America
Iron Man
Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman#1 "Battered By Batroc" (October, 1998) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Jeff Johnson (artist), Scott Kolins (inker), Joe Andreani (colorist), Glenn Greeberg (editor)
Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman#1 "Assaulted By Oddball" (October, 1998) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Dave Ross (artist), Tom Wegrzyn (inker), Joe Andreani (colorist), Glenn Greeberg (editor)
Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman#1 "Trounced By Taskmaster" (October, 1998) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Mark Bagley (artist), Al Milgrom (inker), Joe Andreani (colorist), Glenn Greeberg (editor)
All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and ©
1941-2099 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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