Real Name: Avios
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Shi'ar)
Occupation: Royal aid
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Avengers (Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau), Jack of Hearts, Moondragon, Quasar (Wendell Vaughn), Starfox, Thor, Tigra), Cadre K (Fiz, Nuro, R’Tee, Spunje, Z'cann), Cerise, Guardian, Intergalactic Council (Alberik, Bartos of Krylor, Balsatar, Dibdeb, Kreddik, Manat, Nelet Pa, Fayrelyte Strongheart, Wibbow), Lilandra, Professor X
Enemies: Ego the Living Planet, Ruul (Sintariis), Supreme Intelligence
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet#1 (October, 2000)
Powers/Abilities: Avios possesses the standard abilities of the Shi'ar.
(Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet#1) - On the neutral planet of Selendiar, Lilandra
acted as Grand Council to an intergalactic delegation of other races
(representatives included Alberik, Bartos of Krylor, Balsatar, Dibdeb, Kreddik,
Manat, Nelet Pa, Fayrelyte Strongheart, and Wibbow). The Skrull Kreddik
petitioned that the council vote to contain humans on Earth for their various
atrocities (including Professor X’s leading of the Skrull rejects, Cadre K),
demanding M’Ndavian Justice. Lilandra conceded to do that at a future date, then
petitioned that they allow the Ruul to enter their council, with representative
Sintariis representing them. Avios received news that Ego the Living Planet had
destroyed the planet Krylor, and Lilandra reluctantly delivered the news to
Bartos. Gladiator stood by through these proceedings. The Council continued over the following weeks,
and efforts to contain Ego were unsuccessful. Lilandra decided to keep news of
the Time Keepers’ involvement on Earth (a fact that Shi’ar chronal researchers
had only recently discovered) to herself for the time being. Ego soon attacked
Selendiar, and P’kar informed Lilandra that the evacuation ships were prepared
but that the various delegates refused to depart, which did not surprise
Lilandra. She learned from Avios that the Imperial Guard would not make it in
time to defend them. Professor X and Cadre K (Fiz, Nuro, R’Tee, Spunje, Zcann),
with help from the Silver Surfer, managed to contain Ego, and Professor X drew
upon the minds of all the delegates in order to defeat Ego. They departed,
escaping Shi’ar fire, but Zcann was captured. The delegates (Gladiator had
returned) demanded more that the humans were made to pay, and Zcann’s small
defense didn’t help. Just as Lilandra was going to reveal her knowledge of the
Time Keepers, she Avios told her that the Imperial Chronal Institute had
informed him that Kang the Conquerer had been learned to have murdered the Time
Keepers at the end of time. Given no choice, Lilandra agreed they must act
against the humans. That night, she listened to ideas Sintariis presented to
(Maximum Security#3) - Lilandra agreed to allow the delegation of Avengers to speak before the council, silencing the dissension directed from the delegates. Moondragon mentally revealed that they’d discovered the Supreme Intelligence to be behind the council’s actions, working through the Ruul (who were evolved Kree). Avios gave a call from Cerise to Lilandra, and Cerise revealed that many of Earth’s heroes and the alien captives were joined together against Ronan (who was acting for the Intelligence), and that Ego was taking over Earth and the Kree were draining that power for themselves. The Supreme Intelligence then revealed himself, stating that the Kree had already taken back Hala and other Kree worlds (throwing off the Shi’ar there), and that they planned to rule the universe. USAgent called the Avengers home to aid them. The humans managed to defeat Ronan and repel Ego.
Comments: Created by Kurt Busiek, Jerry Ordway, Will Blyberg, and Paul Ryan.
Profile by Chadman.
has no known connections to
(Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet#1) - When Ego the Living Planet attacked Selendiar, P’kar informed Lilandra that the evacuation ships were prepared but that the various delegates refused to depart, which did not surprise Lilandra.
--Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet#1
images: (without ads)
Maximum Security: Dangerous
Planet I#1, p9, pan4 (main)
p24, pan3 (face)
p23, pan5 (P'kar)
Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet#1
(October, 2000) - Kurt Busiek (writer), Jerry Ordway (penciler), Will Blyberg,
Paul Ryan (inkers), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Maximum Security#3 (January, 2001) - Kurt Busiek (writer),
Jerry Ordway (penciler), Will Blyberg, Mark McKenna, Paul Ryan (inkers), Tom
Brevoort (editor)
First Posted: 06/17/2007
Last updated: 06/15/2007
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