the HUN
Real Name: Djordji Zindelo Hungaros
Identity/Class: Human, limited
Latverian, Zefiro
Occupation: Caretaker of the Talismans of Khyscz, street musician
Group Membership: Zefiro
KISS, Cynthia von Doom, Werner von Doom;
formerly Victor von Doom
Enemies: Dr. Doom, Fringe and his gang
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile
First Appearance: Marvel Comics Super Special#1 (1977)
Powers/Abilities: Apparently physically blind, Dizzy was as functional as any sighted man, presumably via extrasensory perception. Despite his being apparently 60-70 years old, he was strong enough to hold his own against a dozen young men. He had mystic knowledge of an unspecified degree.
(Marvel Comics Super Special#1 (fb) - BTS) - A mystic among the Latverian
traveling tribe known as the Zefiro, the man who would later use the alias
"Dizzy the Hun" trained Cynthia von Doom in sorcery.
(Marvel Comics Super Special#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Latverian mystic who would later use the alias "Dizzy the Hun" spoke Cynthia's eulogy.
(Marvel Comics Super Special#1 (fb) - BTS) - The
Box of Khyscz was among the implements
of Gypsy sorcery with Victor von Doom inherited after his mother's death. There
were those among the Zefiro (von Doom's tribe) who deemed its power too immense
for him to possess. During his sojourn to Tibet, these Zefiro stole the Box of
Khyscz, and one of the Zefiro's mystics brought it to the USA where he devoted
his life to its safekeeping.
Posing as a street musician on Time Square, the man became known as Dizzy the Hun.
(Marvel Comics Super Special#1) - While fighting off a gang of
a dozen muggers (including Fringe) trying to steal the Box of Kyscz, Dizzy
glimpsed Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley and instantly knew they were the ones
destined to receive the Box. He hurled the box to them, telling them that it
contained their true selves -- thy love and thy rage, thy grace and thy power!
The truth and the mystery of mind and body, intellect and emotion, time and
space -- and that they must take the Box and flee. They did so, and later opened
with Box with their friends Ace Frehley and Peter Criss. The four young men used
the Talismans to assume human form, and they fought off Dr. Doom's efforts to
reclaim the Box.
After an interdimensional odyssey, the four young men
returned to Earth, arriving in the Latverian Alps where they were met by Dizzy
who told them that they needed to face Doom, though Doom would try to enslave or
destroy them, and that raw power and brute force would be insufficient to defeat
Doom. As the four men battled Doom, Dizzy called out to him, telling Doom to
cease the conflict because he admired the men's valor. When Doom refused, Dizzy
questioned whether his father would be proud of his violent ways. Doom raised
his fist to strike Dizzy for his insolence, but then realized that he could not
strike the man who had been so close to his mother. Nonetheless, Doom banished
Dizzy from Latveria; Dizzy told Victor that he had actually won more than he
suspected that day.
Teleporting back to New York, the four men returned to
normal, and Dizzy instructed them to return the Talismans to the Box of Khyscz.
Based on that name, the four men took the group name KISS.
(Marvel Comics Super Special#5) - Dizzy met with the four KISS
members, telling them of the sorcerer
Khalis-Wu, the
Darklord, who dwelled in
from which their powers originated. He gave them the Talismans of Khyscz, they
turned back into KISS, and he directed Ace to guide them to track Khalis-Wu
across the decades he had traveled.
After KISS had defeated Khalis-Wu, Dizzy acknowledged that
they had each learned more about themselves, then instructed them to return the
Talismans to the Box until next time they were needed. As they departed, he told
them that their KISS personae were the true ones, and that their greatest
challenge would be to merge their four dissimilar identities into one purposeful
entity: KISS!
Comments: Created by Steve Gerber & Alan Weiss.
Dizzy's real name was revealed in Marvel Atlas#1.
Profile by Snood.
No KNOWN connections to:
images: (without ads)
Marvel Comics Super Special#1, p2, panel 1 (full body)
panel 4
(mouth open)
last page, last panel (so be it)
Marvel Comics Super Special#1 (1977) - by Steve Gerber (writer/editor), Alan
Weiss, John Buscema, Rich Buckler, & Sal Buscema (pencilers), Al Milgrom (inker)
Marvel Comics Super Special#5 (1978) - by Ralph Macchio & Alan Weiss
(co-scenarists), Ralph Macchio (writer), John Romita Jr. (penciler), Tony
DeZuniga (inker), Richard Marschall (editor)
Last updated: 07/07/07
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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