Type: Alternate Earth
Environment: Earth-like
Usual means of access: Vibrational attunement
Dominant Life Form: Similar to Universe-616
Significant Inhabitants: Protectorate (Citydweller, Nightfighter, Professor X, Technocrat, Thor, White Bird, Nicola Zeitgeist)
Significant Locations: Australia, Manhattan, Nairobi, Osaka, Reykjavik, Washington DC
First Appearance: X-Man#71(January, 2001)
(X-Man#71 (fb) - BTS) - Earth-253 is an alternate Earth in which the
Protectorate was the major union of superhumans. They were based at in a
sub-space headquarters, the Foldcastle.
(X-Man#71 (fb) - BTS) - The Protectorate stopped alien invasions.
(X-Man#71 (fb) - BTS) - The Protectorate ended hunger.
(X-Man#71 (fb) - BTS) - The Protectorate rebuilt time.
(X-Man#71 (fb) - BTS) - Three members of the Protectorate -- Professor X (Nate Xavier), Thor, and Zeitgeist -- undertook a mission to alternate Earths.
(X-Man#71 (fb) - BTS) - Qabiri arrived on Earth-253, intending to destroy it. Though only Professor X and Zeitgeist were the direct threats because they could travel interdimensionally, Qabiri realized that once one of them could do something, that others would want to do it as well.
(X-Man#72 (fb)) - Qabiri appeared above Manhattan. Fatally
beautiful, he was thought to be an angel by many. He hovered there for a minute,
covered in flames, then released his flames and Manhattan burned; soon Manhattan
was destroyed and its people dead.
Having been in the Foldcastle,
Earth-253's still-present members of the Protectorate (Citydweller, Nightfighter, Technocrat,
White Bird) then arrived and found Qabiri waiting for them. He told them to give
him the "world-walkers" but acknowledged that they all had to die anyway. He
blasted and injured Nightfighter and White Bird, but Technocrat shielded himself
and Citydweller. Professor X, Thor, and Zeitgeist then returned
from their mission, and Zeitgeist demanded that Qabiri leave
their world alone. Qabiri flew up into the atmosphere, and Zeitgeist sent Thor
and Professor X after him while Technocrat took Nightfighter and White Bird back
to the Foldcastle to heal them. Technocrat named him Burning Tiger for his
striped face and for the way he set the cities aflame.
(X-Man#72 (fb) - BTS) - Moscow and the White House began arming their missiles, but Qabiri swiftly leveled Washington DC, Reykjavik, Osaka, Nairobi, and apparently all of the major cities.
(X-Man#71) - Earth-253's Professor X and Thor confronted
Qabiri. Ignoring Professor X and Qabiri's advice to the contrary, Thor flew into
Qabiri at full speed and was destroyed by the energies swirling around him.
Qabiri identified Professor X as the cause of his assaults and one of the ones
he was looking for. Professor X formed a dreamball to short out Qabiri's psyche
but as the fearless Qabiri allowed him to get close enough, Professor X released
Technocrat from the dreamball. Having analyzed Qabiri's force field as pure
energy, Technocrat released scorpion-like techno-toys she had concocted to devour
that energy. Qabiri destroyed the dreamball, blowing off Technocrat's legs and
Professor X's right hand in the process, and then began crushing the techno-toys
that swarmed over him. Zeitgeist unleashed an energy blast at Qabiri who then
blasted her in return, neutralizing her powers. As Zeitgeist fell, she was
caught by Nate Grey-295 (active as a hero on Earth-616) who had been given a
vision of Qabiri's threat by Sister Perpetua-616, an apparent counterpart to
Qabiri was furious at the arrival of another "world-walker"
and prepared to end this Earth. Nate brought Zeitgeist to Citydweller and the
crippled Technocrat (plus
Sister Perpetua), and they found that Professor X had
died from shock and blood loss. The heroes of Earth-253 had no reason to trust
him, but Nate told them they needed to tell him what he needed to know or they
would all die.
(X-Man#72) - After telling Nate of Qabiri's assault on
Manhattan, Citydweller perished, and as Technocrat finished the story,
Citydweller crumbled into pieces. As Nate went to confront Qabiri, a healed
Nightfighter reported that they had the rest of Australia was wiped out, but
that he had found perhaps 100 Aborigines and were shunting them back to the
Foldcastle. From Idaho, White Bird reported that she was being fired upon by
survivalists she had found in Idaho, and was losing interest in saving them.
Nate confronted Qabiri and warned him against fighting him,
but Qabiri blasted him, to no effect. Reading Qabiri's mind, Nate told him he
was mad, but Qabiri read Nate's mind in return, then told that every world
beneath the Brilliant City was broken and must be destroyed. Nate and Qabiri
battled, and after an explosive struggle, Nate was defeated, and he fell to the
Earth. Figuring it was Qabiri, Zeitgeist had Technocrat transport them to the
projected site of impact in South Central Nebraska to make sure he was
dead, after which Technocrat's badly damaged form exploded. Zeitgeist rushed
down the crater to slay Qabiri but was shocked to find that it was Nate.
Meanwhile, Qabiri unleashed his power on the Earth, destroying Nightfighter and
White Bird as he blew the planet into rubble.
(X-Man#73) - Zeitgeist and Sister Perpetua's powers
interfaced, enabling them to escape Earth-253 with Nate Grey, arriving in a
downspiral world, a "broken," improperly formed world with an acid sea and
exploding acid air. Nate's power protected them from the planet long enough for
them to encounter Hassan, champion and explorer from the Emirate, who was also
an apparent counterpart to Zeitgeist and Perpetua.
Nate then brought the three women to Earth-616 on the
Himalayas, away from civilization so that they wouldn't risk anyone else while
confronting Qabiri. Nate then noted the connections between the three women and
determined that they were not alternate dimensional counterparts of each other
but rather fragments of the same woman, and he merged them back to their true
Comments: Created by Steven Grant and Ariel Olivetti.
Apparently it never occurred to Qabiri that there might be other planets in the universe? And that there might be dimensional travelers elsewhere?
Multiple people have pointed out to me that the Protectorate was blatantly based on Wildstorm's Authority series (I guess I'm the only one who doesn't read the Authority):
Profile by Snood.
No known connection to:
The Protectorate has no connection to:
Professor X's similarities to the following remain unclarified:
Technocrat has no known connection to:
Technocrat ( ) - Kymellian engineer, transferred his consciousness into the station's computer system, created a pseudoplasmic duplicate of his original body to physically interact with others, replaced Alex Power with a pseudoplasmic duplicate that believed itself to be the real Alex--Power Pack Holiday Special#1
other "Techno" characters
Thor's similarities to the following remains unclarified:
Thor of Earth-616 - Asgardian god of thunder--Journey into Mystery I#83
other Thors
Jerry (last name unrevealed).
He harbored romantic feelings for
Technocrat and planned to act on them one day, though it seemed as if Technocrat
was actually unaware of this. By the time he returned to Earth from the
Foldcastle, he was devastated to find that Manhattan was already gone, Brooklyn
was sobbing, Queens was catatonic with shock, and the Bronx just flashed him a
rude gesture; he informed Nightfighter that the damage was total. When Qabiri
unleashed his power against the heroes, Technocrat shielded Citydweller.
It was not long before Citydweller senses that all of the
cities were burning and dying, and he predicted that Earth would not survive
this assault.
Shortly after meeting Nate Grey, he lost his vision, then
embraced the injured Technocrat, revealing that he had always hoped someday
there would be time for them (she had no idea what he was talking about). He
then perished and crumbled into pieces.
Apparently composed of mortar, he could sense everything going on in any of the cities of the world. He also drew power from the cities, and though he suffered no direct injuries from Qabiri, he died after Qabiri destroyed all of Earth's cities.
--X-Man#71 (72 (fb), 71, 72d)
Real name unrevealed
The apparent strategist of the team, his cerebral cortex and nervous system were replaced by an interlocking chain of microscopic subcomputers. Despite his quick thinking and mastery of combat, he could not find a strategy that could best Qabiri, who blasted him into submission. Technomancer returned him to the Foldcastle where he was healed, and then he returned to Earth to try to gather and save the survivors of Qabiri's assault. He found about 100 Aborigines and began shunting them back to the Foldcastle, but he was apparently slain as Qabiri destroyed Earth-253.
He could allegedly calculate a billion different fights before most of his opponents could even blink, and then choose the scenario with the outcome he liked best.
--X-Man#71 (72 (fb), 71, 72d)
Nate Xavier
He apparently had a strong relationship
with Nicola Zeitgeist, possibly even a romantic one.
He returned from a mission to alternate Earths alongside Thor
and Nicola Zeitgeist, and Nicola sent he and Thor to engage Qabiri. Making a
joke after Thor was consumed by Qabiri's energies, Nate then created a dreamball to short out Qabiri's psyche
but as the fearless Qabiri allowed him to get close enough, Professor X released
Technocrat from the dreamball. Having analyzed Qabiri's force field as pure
energy, Technocrat released scorpion-like techno-toys she had concocted to devour
that energy. Qabiri destroyed the dreamball, blowing off Technocrat's legs and
Professor X's right hand in the process, and then began crushing the techno-toys
that swarmed over him.
Professor X soon died from shock and blood loss.
A telepath, Professor X could also traverse dimensions and form "dreamballs," which can allegedly short out a target's psyche, rendering him or her catatonic for life.
--X-Man#71 (72 (fb), 71d)
Kim (last name unrevealed)
She was possibly a cyborg, referring to her form as a "mecha-ganic" body. She shielded Citydweller and herself from Qabiri, then transported Nightfighter and White Bird to the Foldcastle to heal them. Subsequently hiding out inside Professor X's dreamball, she analyzed Qabiri's force field, noting it was the purest energy she'd even seen, and then concocted scorpion-like techno-toys to devour it. Qabiri then destroyed the dreamball, blasting off Technocrat's legs in the process. She wasn't worried b/c she knew her body could rebuild itself, though she did seem surprised as the dying Citydweller apparently professed his secret love for her. After Nate Grey was cast from the sky during a battle with Qabiri, Nicola had her teleport both Nicola and Sister Perpetua to projected site of impact in South Central Nebraska, after which Technocrat's badly damaged form exploded.
She could teleport, analyze energy forms, create technology at well, and heal herself with nano-machines.
--X-Man#71 (72 (fb), 71, 72d)
Real name unrevealed, possibly Thor.
Whether the Asgardian god or not, he was one of Protectorate's more powerful members. He returned from a mission to alternate Earths alongside Professor X and Nicola Zeitgeist, and Nicola sent he and Professor X to engage Qabiri. He launched himself against Qabiri, and was instantly obliterated upon contacting Qabiri's force field.
He was highly strong and durable and could fly.
--X-Man#71 (72 (fb), 71d)
Her origins unrevealed, she was wounded in Qabiri's first assault against the Protectorate, but was taken back to the Foldcastle where Technocrat healed her. She subsequently returned to Earth to try to gather and save the survivors of Qabiri's assault. From Idaho, White Bird reported that she was being fired upon by survivalists she had found in Idaho, and was losing interest in saving them. She was apparently slain as Qabiri destroyed Earth-253.
She possessed large bird-like wings and could fly.
--X-Man#71 (72 (fb), 71, 72d)
images: (without ads)
X-Man#71, p14, panel 3 (Professor X and Thor)
p17, panel 4 (Technocrat)
#72, p4, panel 4 (White Bird, Technocrat, Nightfighter,
p7, panel 3 (Thor, Professor X,
Nicola Zeitgeist)
p9, panel 3-4 (Citydweller, body and
p12, panel 3 (Nightfighter)
p13, panel 2 (White Bird)
Other Appearances:
X-Man#71-73 (January-March, 2001) - Steven Grant (writer), Ariel Olivetti
(artist), Lysa Hawkins (assistant editor), Jason Liebig (editor)
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Last Updated: 09/04/10
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