The Mandate

Type: Alternate future/reality

Environment: Essentially Earth-like, though most of civilization has been wiped out

Usual means of access: Vibrational attunement; time travel

Dominant Life Form: Humanity;
    formerly the Mandate

Significant Inhabitants: Anti-Mandate Armored Corps, Colonel, Fusa, Takeo, Yaa;
    formerly the Primogenitor (destroyed)

Significant Locations: The Compound

First Appearance: Wolverine: Snikt#1 (July, 2003)

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb) - BTS) - An unidentified group of researchers sought to develop a microorganism that would naturally decompose the toxic materials poisoning the Earth, an environmentally safe way to save the ever-deteriorating ecosystem.

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb) - BTS) - The researchers spent years studying strains of flesh-eating bacteria. By altering its genetic makeup, they hoped to maintain the organic properties of the bacteria, while mutating it to secrete an enzyme that would decay environmental toxins, not flesh, at a tremendously accelerated rate.

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb)) - Eventually appearing to succeed, the scientists struggled to find a way to contain the new bacteria, which became known as the Mandate, outside of the lab. They finally synthesized an organic orb-like  containment unit in which to store and transport it. They then learned that their mutations had granted the Mandate sentience, while containment within the orb-core effectively concentrated their sentience into a brain. It soon began to form bodies from materials around them.
    This first Mandate, which would become known as the Primogenitor, conceived new orb-cores and created new bodies for new Mandates; however, the offspring did not inherit the ability to procreate.

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb)) <2047 AD> - The Mandate spread quickly. Their flesh-eating properties clearly still intact, now combined with their toxic decomposition abilities, and enabled the Mandate to destroy everything in their path.It was only a matter of days before the Mandate had completely wiped out the city where it was created.

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb)) - The Mandate continued to multiple in number, rapidly spreading across the country unchecked before humanity had any idea of what was going on or that the Mandate's replication was dependent on the Primogenitor.

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb)) - By the time humanity realized what was happening and tried to form a defense strategy, the Mandate had already taken over a large part of the World.

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb)) - Even the Anti-Mandate Armored Corps, developed specifically to combat the Mandate, stood no chance against these ever-evolving warriors.

(Wolverine: Snikt#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Mandate swiftly wiped out most of the population.

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb)) - A small band of human survivors relocated to an underground Compound in Japan, protected from the Mandate because it was composed of the one substance the Mandate could not penetrate: Adamantium.

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb)) - While the Primogenitor continued to produce orb-cores and build massive colonies of Mandate warriors, the human survivors were unable to produce the weapons and ammunition that they needed to combat them.

(Wolverine: Snikt#2 (fb) - BTS) - The survivors lost almost all technical knowledge and data over the years, as well as any kind of labs or raw materials. They had a limited supply of the Adamantium bullets required to destroy the Mandate's orb-cores and were unable to produce more

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb) - BTS) - Those in the Compound had to burn their dead, but they still marked their passing with "headstone" markers.

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb) - BTS) - There was another group of survivors in a base like the Compound, but those in the Compound lost contact with them "long ago."

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb) - BTS) - Fusa had a vision of Wolverine (Logan/James Howlett); though she didn't know him, everything he was came flowing into him. She realized he was the only person who could save her world.

(Wolverine: Snikt#1) <2058 AD> - Fusa confronted Wolverine in Earth-616's modern era's New York City and asked him to take her hand. Upon contact, she transported them back to her timeline, but he became suspicious of what was going on and let go in mid-transfer, causing him to emerge on Earth-3071 at a point distant from her target destination, the Compound, where she arrived. Fusa explained what had happened, and Yaa sensed that something still living was present by the Shikishiro river.
    Exploring the area, Logan was confronted by one of the Mandate, which arrived in the form of a compact sphere and then morphed into giant form and attacked him. After some struggle, he hacked it apart, but then it simply reconstructed itself and confronted him anew.

(Wolverine: Snikt#2) - Wolverine battled the Mandate until the Colonel arrived and blasted its orb-core, killing it. The Colonel introduced himself to Logan, identifying the creature as a Mandate and telling him that they would re-form themselves from any injury unless you destroyed their orb-core. Fusa, Takeo, and one other then arrived and transported the group back towards the Compound.

(Wolverine: Snikt#2) - Takeo was apparently infected with micro-nucleate Mandate parasites during this trip.

Wounded in battle and apparently weakened by the teleportations, Logan passed out, and the Colonel carried him. Upon their return, Takeo noted that he wasn't feeling well after being above ground. He soon morphed into one of the Mandate and slew another member of the underground resistance.
    Logan recovered soon after, and Fusa gave him some background on the Mandate and the current situation. Before she could finish, Takeo's attack was reported. They rushed out after him, and the Colonel fired a blast at the Takeo-Mandate, but he missed, and it fled to the upper levels. It confronted an unarmed couple, but Wolverine caught up to it and landed on its back, shoving his claws into its orb-core, destroying it. He then demanded answers.

(Wolverine: Snikt#3) - Fusa told Logan the history of the Mandate and revealed their weakness to Adamantium, which was why she had recruited him. Logan walked off to ponder this, and he soon came upon the headstones of for the Compound's lost members. Fusa then told him of her vision, and shared that she had no idea if there were other survivors in other places outside of the Compound. Logan agreed to help eliminate the Mandate.
    Logan was soon outfitted with a device that allowed him to see the Compound's display screens, to make out the rest of the group's positions, and to detect any mandate within a 30 meter radius of his position. The Colonel then announced their plan to try to infiltrate a Mandate colony via an underground passage in order to take out the Primogenitor. Logan was to destroy the Primogenitor's orb-core, and Yaa was to help Logan tell the difference b/t the Progenitor and the other Mandate. Fusa insisted on accompanying the mission, but she was forced to stay back by the Colonel, as she was too important to the future, and Logan, as she was needed to return him to his timeline. Logan and the others departed in a small ship soon after.

(Wolverine: Snikt#4) - Wolverine and the Compound's warriors approached the heart of the Mandate colony. An immense Mandate soon appeared and attacked their ship, eventually nailing it with an energy blast and destroying it. The passengers escaped in two person jet-cycle-type flier crafts. The Colonel leapt from his craft atop the Mandate, and fired 4 shots into it, destroying its orb-core, though he was seemingly lost in its explosion. The others continued on but were soon confronted by multiple Mandate. With their weaponry only able to injure the Mandate until they could regenerate, the Compound members began to fall before the Mandate's onslaught. Aboard the last flier, Logan entered the lair of several Mandate, after which they destroyed his craft and slew its pilot. As Wolverine slaughtered the Mandate, Yaa sensed that the Primogenitor was not part of the colony, but instead she actually was the colony. She further noted that the Primogenitor's orb-core was directly above Logan.

(Wolverine: Snikt#5) - As the Primogenitor tore itself from the ground in which it had entrenched itself, Fusa explained the situation to Logan, after which a number of other Mandate rushed in to attack him. Fighting his way past them, he saw its orb-core. Meanwhile, the recovered Colonel learned from Fusa that everyone else had perished save Wolverine, but he also located the orb-core and used his jet pack to get close enough to attack it. As he contacted it, however, it blasted him away. He used the last of his arsenal, shattering the core's outer casing, though he failed to destroy the core itself. He then fell a great distance to the Earth below, and as a number of Mandate rushed him, he self-destructed, destroying them.
    Wolverine then leapt at the core, ignoring a blast that burned all the tissue from his right arm, and plunged his claws into the core. The Primogenitor then fell apart, apparently dead, and the rest of the Mandate followed suit.
    The next morning, Fusa took a flier and located Logan. She thanked him for destroying the Mandate and invited him to stay with them, but he refused; he said he wished he could say that it had been fun, but he hoped he never saw them again. Fusa then took his hand and sent him back to his time.

Comments: Created by Tsutomu Nihei.

    Snikt, for those who don't know already, is the noise made when Wolverine extends his claws.

Profile by Snood.

The Mandate have no known connection to:

The Colonel has no known connection to:

The Primogenitor has no known connection to:

Anti-Mandate Armored Corps


(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb)) - The Anti-Mandate Armored Corps were developed specifically to combat the Mandate, wearing Adamantium armor and using weapons that fired Adamantium bullets. However, they stood no chance against the ever-evolving Mandate. The Colonel was the only long-term survivor of the Corps.


    I'm not sure how the Mandate blew them apart if they wore Adamantium armor. Perhaps only the Colonel wore such armor, while the others wore lesser armor but still used weapons firing Adamantium bullets?


--Wolverine: Snikt#3 (3 (fb - destroyed)











    The sole survivor of the Anti-Mandate Armored Corps, the gun on his hand was the only weapon the underground had that could destroy the Mandate's orb-cores, but they were running out of ammunition for it. He destroyed the first Mandate that Wolverine encountered, and he led the assault on the Primogenitor. He used the last of his bullets to crack her orb-core's outer casing and then fell to the ground far below, after which he self-destructed and took out a number of Mandate that had gathered around him.


    His armor, weapons, and bullets were made of Adamantium.


    If the Adamantium bullets were in short supply, why didn't the Colonel retrieve them after using them to destroy a Mandate's orb-core? They should have still been around after being used, since Adamantium is essentially indestructible. Similarly, how did he blow himself up at the end?


--Wolverine: Snikt#1 (3 (fb), 1-5










    An Adamantium underground bunker, it was home to a group of resistance fighters, and it was unable to be penetrated by the Mandate. However, one of their number, Takeo, was infected with micro-nucleate Mandate and then transformed into a Mandate and attacked the others before being destroyed by Wolverine. Many of them perished in the final assault on the Primogenitor, though there were others who stayed behind and thus survived.


    It is uncertain whether the Compound represented the last life on Earth. There was another group of survivors in a base like the Compound, but those in the Compound lost contact with them "long ago."


--Wolverine: Snikt#3 (3 (fb), 1-5







    After having a vision of Wolverine, she traveled to his time and brought him to hers, after which she convinced him to aid her allies in destroying the Mandate. After their success, she asked Wolverine to stay, but he declined, and so she sent him back.

     She can teleport across time, space, and dimensions by concentrating on a feeling of where she wants to be. She can take others with her, though if they break contact with her in mid-journey, they can be separated by her in space...and possibly in time or in other dimension.
    She apparently had some other ESP powers, such as precognition.


--Wolverine: Snikt#1 (3 (fb) - BTS









(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb) - BTS) - An unidentified group of researchers sought to develop a microorganism that would naturally decompose the toxic materials poisoning the Earth, an environmentally safe way to save the ever-deteriorating ecosystem.

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb) - BTS) - The researchers spent years studying strains of flesh-eating bacteria. By altering its genetic makeup, they hoped to maintain the organic properties of the bacteria, while mutating it to secrete an enzyme that would decay environmental toxins, not flesh, at a tremendously accelerated rate.

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb)) - Eventually appearing to succeed, the scientists struggled to find a way to contain the new bacteria, which became known as the Mandate, outside of the lab. They finally synthesized an organic orb-like  containment unit in which to store and transport it. They then learned that their mutations had granted the Mandate sentience, while containment within the orb-core effectively concentrated their sentience into a brain. It soon began to form bodies from materials around them.
    This first Mandate, which would become known as the Primogenitor, conceived new orb-cores and created new bodies for new Mandates; however, the offspring did not inherit the ability to procreate.

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb)) <2047 AD> - The Mandate spread quickly. Their flesh-eating properties clearly still intact, now combined with their toxic decomposition abilities, and enabled the Mandate to destroy everything in their path.It was only a matter of days before the Mandate had completely wiped out the city where it was created.

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb)) - The Mandate continued to multiple in number, rapidly spreading across the country unchecked before humanity had any idea of what was going on or that the Mandate's replication was dependent on the Primogenitor.

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb)) - By the time humanity realized what was happening and tried to form a defense strategy, the Mandate had already taken over a large part of the World.

(Wolverine: Snikt#3 (fb)) - Even the Anti-Mandate Armored Corps, developed specifically to combat the Mandate, stood no chance against these ever-evolving warriors.

(Wolverine: Snikt#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Mandate swiftly wiped out most of the population.

(Wolverine: Snikt#1) - Fusa brought Wolverine forward in time. He battled one of the Mandate, tearing it apart, but it re-formed itself.

(Wolverine: Snikt#2) - The Colonel destroyed that Mandate's orb-core, and Fusa and others transported Wolverine back to the Compound. One of their number, Takeo had been infected with micro-nucleate Mandate material, which transformed him into a Mandate. He attacked those in the Compound until being destroyed by Wolverine.

(Wolverine: Snikt#4-5) - Wolverine and the Compounds agents assaulted a Mandate colony and destroyed the Primogenitor, causing the remaining Mandate to fall apart.

    The Mandate are sentient bacterial colonies contained with a protective "orb-core." The orb-core of each Mandate uses an enzyme-soluble synthetic process to create and maintain its cybernetic body. As long as its orb-core continues to function, it can regenerate itself and any of its appendages. The orb-core could only be destroyed by Adamantium.

    A Mandate can adapt its form to anything it wants, depending on what is needed for the situation. Some of them can develop wings to fly, while others arm themselves with any type of weapon imaginable.

    They can destroy flesh, plastics and other synthetics, and possibly metal. They can also teleport.   

--Wolverine: Snikt#1 (3 (fb), 1-5



    The Primogenitor is the original Mandate, and it was the only one that could reproduce, yielding other Mandate. The Colonel shattered its orb-core's outer casing, and Wolverine destroyed the material, slaying it and destroying the rest of the Mandate.


    It was larger and more powerful than the other Mandate. For a time, it actually served as the immense set of caverns in which a Mandate colony dwelled.

    As with the other Mandate, it could re-form its body from injury as long as its orb-core was intact, and the orb-core could only be destroyed by Adamantium.


--Wolverine: Snikt#3, (actually seen) #4 (3 (fb), 4-5










Takeo was part of the underground resistance at the Compound.

(Wolverine: Snikt#2) - Fusa, Takeo, and one other arrived and transported Wolverine and the Colonel back towards the Compound.

(Wolverine: Snikt#2 - BTS) - Takeo was apparently infected with micro-nucleate Mandate parasites during this trip.

    Upon their return, Takeo noted that he wasn't feeling well after being above ground. He soon morphed into one of the Mandate and slew another member of the underground resistance.
    Takeo's attack was soon reported to the others. They rushed out after him, and the Colonel fired a blast at the Takeo-Mandate, but he missed, and it fled to the upper levels. It confronted an unarmed couple, but Wolverine caught up to it and landed on its back, shoving his claws into its orb-core, destroying it.



--Wolverine: Snikt#1, (identified) #2







    Yaa was part of the underground resistance at the Compound. It wasn't 100% clear, but Yaa appeared to be the name for the two women seen at the right. They had certain extrasensory perception, enabling them to sense the presence of humanoids (as opposed to Mandate) at distant sites. They were also able to determine the entire Mandate colony in which the others were searching was in fact the giant Primogenitor itself.


--Wolverine: Snikt#1 (2-5







images: (without ads)
Wolverine: Snikt#1, p9, panel 2 (Compound; single room, with council)
        p10, panel 3 (Yaa)
        p12 (Earth-3071)
        p16 (humanoid Mandate)
    #2, p5, panel 2 (Colonel)
        p9, panel 2 (Compound, inner structure)
        p10, panel 5 (Takeo)
        p17 (Takeo Mandate)
    #3, p1, panel 2 (Fusa face)
        p8 (Anti-Mandate Army)
    #4, p?, panel ? (arthropod-like Mandate)
        p?, panel ? (Mandate group)
    #5, p2 (Primogenitor body)
        p3, panel 1 (Primogenitor face)
        p22, panel 2 (Fusa body)

Wolverine: Snikt#1 (July, 2003) - Tsutomu Nihei (story & art), Stephanie Moore (assistant editor), C.B. Cebulski (editor)
Wolverine: Snikt#2 (August, 2003) - Tsutomu Nihei (story & art), Stephanie Moore (assistant editor), C.B. Cebulski (editor), Ralph Macchio (consulting editor)
Wolverine: Snikt#3-5 (September-November (I think), 2003) - Tsutomu Nihei (story & art), Mackenzie Cadenhead (assistant editor), C.B. Cebulski (editor)

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

Last Updated: 10/05/08

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