Type: Alternative Earth
Environment: Earth-like
Usual means of access: Unknown
Dominant Life Form: Humanity
Significant Inhabitants: Action Jackson, Aquaman, Bat-Girl, Batman, Kit Carson, Captain America, Catwoman, Dracula, the Frankenstein monster, Joker, the Mummy, Mr. Mxyzptik, Penguin, Riddler, Robin, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Supergirl, Superman, Tiger Jack, Werewolf, Kit and Tex Willer, Wonder Woman
First Appearance: Baravelli advertise on L'Uomo Ragno I#104 (April 25th, 1974)
(L'Uomo Ragno I#127/Capitan America I#51/Albi Super-Eroi I#48) - In the Old West, the Sioux had captured Kit Willer and
Kit Carson. Tex Willer and Tiger Jack, with the help of Action Jackson, fought the
Sioux and freed their
(Albi Super-Eroi I#30) - In the African jungles, Tarzan and Action Jackson were attracted by the hypnotic power of the Leopard Men.
(I Fantastici Quattro I#94/Albi Super-Eroi I#41/L'Uomo Ragno I#119) - Dracula, the Mummy, the Frankenstein monster, and Werewolf captured Action Jackson. In a laboratory beneath a castle, they tried to transform Action Jackson in an evil robot.
(I Fantastici Quattro I#94 - BTS) - Action Jackson managed to remain human.
(L'Uomo Ragno I#104/Capitan America I#53/Albi Super-Eroi I#49/Conan e Ka-Zar#1/L'Uomo Ragno I#128) - A comet was pointing to the Earth. Its impact would have destroyed the planet. From a satellite in orbit, Action Jackson, Captain Marvel, Captain America and Spider-Man studied the Comet.
(L'Uomo Ragno I#104 - BTS) - The heroes managed to save the Earth.
(L'Uomo Ragno I#105/Albi Super-Eroi I#28) - Mysterious terrorists had an atomic bomb explode. Then, they menaced NY to launch another bomb on the city. Action Jackson and his friends, Superman, Batman and Robin investigated and found them.
(L'Uomo Ragno I#106/Albi Super-Eroi I#29/Capitan America I#52/L'Uomo Ragno I#129) - Prehistoric beings revived in the polar ices. Action Jackson, Aquaman, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel and Captain America went there to defeat them.
(Albi Super-Eroi I#42/Capitan America I#43/L'Uomo Ragno I#120) - Catwoman, Super Girl, Bat Girl, Wonder Woman and Action Jackson went into a pyramid of the ancient Egypt. But the curse of a pharaoh was still present and they had to overcome the deadly traps of stone and sand, which also harmed Bat Girl.
(Albi Super-Eroi I#43/Capitan America I#44/L'Uomo Ragno I#121) - The criminals Mr. Mxyzptik, Penguin, Riddler and Joker joined their forces and, using some deadly laser handguns, tried to disintegrate Action Jackson. He easily avoided them.
Comments: Created by unknown.
Observing the drawing trait,
I reckon that the penciler/inker was the same for all the episodes.
The one-panel stories appeared on some Italian
comics advertising Baravelli's superheroes. Baravelli was the official
distributor of Mego, an US company selling toys. Mego/Baravelli's superheroes were nice
jointed puppets
made in plastic and rubber. Baravelli's ad campaign created a series of original
adventures where Action Jackson teamed up with the greatest super-heroes of various comics
publishers. The stories were willingly left open, inviting the
reader to complete the story using his fantasy and, of course, Mego/Baravelli's
puppets. Action Jackson was always present and changed suit in almost every story, and so
did his puppet.
In the stories appeared characters from DC Comics, Marvel
Comics, Bonelli (an extremely popular Italian comics house) and other
publishing companies. If you are interested in more details about
Mego/Baravelli's superheroes here is a good resource:
I'm quite sure that I mentioned all
the events of this Earth even if I didn't check all the issues where
those events appeared. I checked only some issues among the 1000 and more of
Editoriale Corno, which printed Marvel Comics in Italy in the 70ies.
In the same
years, Editrice Cenisio printed DC material in Italy. I have very few issues
among them and I cannot check them.
I reckon the ads appeared between April,
1974 and April, 1975. Anyone who find other different adverts is pleased to
write me, and if I have that issue I'll add the event. Here is a list of issues
I checked, starting from the years 1974-75, and looking chronologically
"around" and farer.
I had wondered if this reality might
actually be part of Earth-Crossover, but Madison, the Crossover expert, thought
not: "Given its date and some other situations within
it, I'm tempted to suggest leaving it as is. With it being such a unique
edition, it kinda deserves its own world - an Earth-Action Jackson, which just
happens to be populated by all these characters. Would definitely need a note on
E-C pointing it out and suggesting a connection.
BTW, that's not the Mummy in it, just the the Mummy, aka Imhotep or Karis or
whichever one they based it on from the Universal series."
Editoriale Corno:
Editrice Cenisio:
If it weren't for the ultra-modern outfit, I would have initially suggested that this was particular Jackson was a U.S. Cavalry scout helping to rescue these captive frontiersmen. So, I would second-guess that he somehow returned to the Old West via time machine. Most likely, Dr. Doom's!
Assuming of course, that he was being held captive in Transylvania when he escaped the Legion of Monsters. The giant dinosaur battled by Action Jackson, Aquaman, and Captain "Shazam" Marvel was
probably a Remcosaurus (from the roughly contemporaneous "Warlord of
Skartaris" line of toys).
Profile by Spidermay.
No known connection to:
Action Jackson was trained in handling very difficult and dangerous situations, even those involving super-heroes.
He was present in the old west and on an artificial satellite orbiting around Earth: he was long life-spanned or he had access to a time machine and other incredibly advanced devices.
He was affiliated to a lot of super-heroes and helped them in many missions, so important that super-criminals assembled and try to kill him.
--L'Uomo Ragno I#127 (Albi Super-Eroi I#30, I Fantastici Quattro I#94, L'Uomo Ragno I#104, L'Uomo Ragno I#105, L'Uomo Ragno I#106, Albi Super-Eroi I#42, Albi Super-Eroi I#43
Willer, Kit Willer, Kit Carson, Tiger Jack and the Sioux
Tex, Tiger, Kit Carson and Kit Willer were identical to their alternate counterparts in the Bonelli Universe.
--Albi Super-Eroi I#48/L'Uomo Ragno I#127/Capitan America I#51
and the Leopard Men
Tarzan was strong, agile and well-fitted for survival in the jungle, as was his counterpart in many other alternate Universes.
--Albi Super-Eroi I#30
The Mummy, Werewolf, the Frankenstein monster, Dracula
Dracula and the Mummy were rather different from their counterparts in the Marvel Universe. Dracula had yellow skin and unsuspected knowledge in chemistry and/or robotics. The Mummy seemed to be more cunning and evil.
Werewolf wore dresses, so he had a certain degree of intelligence and control in his canine form.
--I Fantastici Quattro I#94/Albi Super-Eroi I#41/L'Uomo Ragno I#119
Captain America and Spider-Man
Captain Marvel was identical to his version of the DC Universe in the '70ies.
Captain America used a slightly different costume from his Earth-616 counterpart, his elbows were naked.
Spider-Man was identical to his version of the Earth-616 Marvel Universe and had probably the same powers.
They saved the Earth from a comet and fought against mysterious prehistoric beings in the polar ices, helped by Action Jackson and Aquaman.
--L'Uomo Ragno I#104/Albi Super-Eroi I#49/Conan e Ka-Zar#1/L'Uomo Ragno I#128/Capitan America I#53 (L'Uomo Ragno I#106/Albi Super-Eroi I#29/Capitan America I#52/L'Uomo Ragno I#129
Batman and Robin
All they seemed identical to their counterpart in the pre-Crisis DC Universe of the '70ies.
--L'Uomo Ragno I#105/Albi Super-Eroi I#28
Aquaman participated to the mission against the Dinosaurs but was not seen, probably he was swimming underwater.
--L'Uomo Ragno I#106 - BTS/Albi Super-Eroi I#29 - BTS/Capitan America I#52 - BTS/L'Uomo Ragno I#129 - BTS
Batgirl, Catwoman and Wonder Woman
All they seemed identical to their counterpart in the pre-Crisis DC Universe of the 1970s.
--Albi Super-Eroi I#42/Capitan America I#43/L'Uomo Ragno I#120
Joker, Mr. Mxyzptik, Penguin
They all seemed identical to their counterparts in the pre-Crisis DC Universe of the '70ies with the exception of Mr. Mxyzptik who had a slightly different name.
--Albi Super-Eroi I#43/Capitan America I#44/L'Uomo Ragno I#121
L'Uomo Ragno I#129, page 38, panel 1 (Spider-Man, Captain America, Action
Jackson and Captain Marvel)
L'Uomo Ragno I#128, page 48, panel 1 (Action Jackson)
Albi Super-Eroi I#48,
page 48, panel 1 (Tex Willer, Action Jackson, Kit Willer, Kit Carson and Tiger
Albi Super-Eroi I#30, page 43, panel 1 (Action Jackson, Tarzan and the Leopard
Albi Super-Eroi I#41, page 48, panel 1 (The Mummy, Action Jackson,
Werewolf, the Frankenstein monster, Dracula)
L'Uomo Ragno I#128, page 48, panel 1 (Captain Marvel, Captain America
and Spider-Man)
L'Uomo Ragno I#105, page 22, panel 1 (Batman, Superman, Action Jackson and
L'Uomo Ragno I#129, page 38 (Aquaman puppet, he was BTS in the panel)
L'Uomo Ragno I#120, page 48, panel 1 (Supergirl, Batgirl, Catwoman, Action
Jackson and Wonder Woman)
L'Uomo Ragno I#121, page 48, panel 1 (Riddler, Action Jackson, Joker, Mr.
Mxyzptik, Penguin)
Baravelli ad on L'Uomo Ragno
I#104 (April 25th, 1974)
Baravelli ad on L'Uomo Ragno I#105 (May 9th, 1974)
Baravelli ad on Albi Super-Eroi I#28 (May 15th, 1974)
Baravelli ad on L'Uomo Ragno I#106 (May 24th, 1974)
Baravelli ad on Albi Super-Eroi I#29 (May 29th, 1974)
Baravelli ad on Albi Super-Eroi I#30 (June 12th, 1974)
Baravelli ad on I Fantastici Quattro I#94 (November 12th, 1974)
Baravelli ad on Albi Super-Eroi I#41 (November 13th, 1974)
Baravelli ad on
Capitan America I#42 (November 20th, 1974)
Baravelli ad on
L'Uomo Ragno I#119 (November 21st, 1974)
Baravelli ad on Albi Super-Eroi I#42 (November 27th, 1974)
Baravelli ad on
Capitan America I#43 (December 4th, 1974)
Baravelli ad on
L'Uomo Ragno I#120 (December 5th, 1974)
Baravelli ad on Albi Super-Eroi I#43 (December 11th, 1974)
Baravelli ad on
Capitan America I#44 (December 18th, 1974)
Baravelli ad on
L'Uomo Ragno I#121 (December 19th, 1974)
Baravelli ad on Albi Super-Eroi I#48 (February 19th, 1975)
Baravelli ad on Albi Super-Eroi I#49 (March 5th, 1975)
Baravelli ad on
L'Uomo Ragno I#127 (March 13th, 1975)
Baravelli ad on Conan e Ka-Zar#1 (March 19th, 1975)
Baravelli ad on Capitan America I#51 (March 26th, 1975)
Baravelli ad on
L'Uomo Ragno I#128 (March 27th, 1975)
Baravelli ad on Capitan America I#52 (April 9th, 1975)
Baravelli ad on
L'Uomo Ragno I#129 (April 10th, 1975)
Baravelli ad on Capitan America I#53 (April 23rd, 1975)
Last updated: 03/19/14
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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