Type: Divergent Earth
Environment: Earth-like
Usual means of access: Presumably vibrational
Dominant Life Form: Humans
Significant Inhabitants:
John Carmody,
David Castle,
Barbara Castle,
J. Jonah Jameson,
Punisher (Francis "Frank" Castle),
First Appearance: What If? II#10 (February,
History: (What If? II#10) - During a
picnic with his family in Central Park, Frank Castle helped his son retrieve
his kite from a nearby bush, not realizing that members of the mob were about
to perform an assassination. A storm soon approached and the Castle family
packed up, never witnessing the assassination that eventually went down.
That night, Castle couldn't sleep and when his wife Maria asked what was
wrong, he announced that he had applied to the police force and was accepted.
Months later, Officer Castle and his partner McGuire arrested a criminal
that had been captured by Spider-Man and his partner explained that despite
their help by the superheroes, the crook would go free due to his connections.
Castle refused to believe that until at the crook's court date, he witnessed
Judge Marimon being bribed and then watched in shock as Marimon then returned
hours later, ruling that the police search was illegal and dismissing the
case. Following the court case, Castle and his partner went for some coffee
at Welishulski's Deli, where the owner Bruno asked if McGuire wanted his
payment. McGuire then told Castle to wait outside while he handled the situation.
With Castle outside, his partner accepted a bribe and then returned to the
car. When Castle was the situation was about, McGuire put some money in Castle's
pocket and told him that they were paid to turn their head and that he should
go buy something nice for his kids. That night, Frank spoke with his wife
about the bribe and while he was angered knowing the bribers were selling
drugs, his wife told Frank to just let it go and not cause trouble. The next
day, Castle decided to speak to Captain Carmody at the Precinct House about
the bribe and Carmody told Frank that he needed his help to bring down the
crooked justice system. Agreeing to help, Frank left with his faith in the
system renewed, not realizing that as he left, Carmody phoned the Arranger
and asked to speak with the Kingpin about the "problem" he had just discovered.
As time passed, Frank collected a great amount of evidence against
the crooked policemen and judges while his children continued to grow up,
his son looking up to his father and the numerous superheroes in New York.
Months later, Frank returned home to find his wife sewing his son a "super
hero suit" for Halloween and when his son tried it on, he laughingly claimed
to be "Captain Punisher" when Frank made a comment about going back to capital
punishment as he read the paper. Eventually, Castle turned copies of his
evidence over to Captain Carmody and when he left, Carmody commented to himself
that soon, Castle would be unable to tell anyone about the evidence. That
night, Maria's cousin Jake stopped by to visit and Frank's asked to sleep
in their parents' room because they kept having nightmares. In the middle
of the night, Castle's daughter asked for a drink of water and when Frank
got up to get a glass of water, mobsters opened fire on Castle's bedroom
killing Castle's family. The mobsters then tossed a grenade inside to destroy
the bodies but Castle secretly survived under a piece of debris. Going to
find his gun after the blast, Castle discovered the bodies of his
Days later at the Castle family funeral, as Captain Carmody said the
eulogy at Frank Castle's funeral, he was shot dead by Frank Castle using
a sniper rifle. The next night, Castle targeted Judge Marimon as he was leaving
a house of ill repute, killing him sniper-style as well. The following morning,
Frank read in the Daily Bugle that he was being called an "Angel of Death"
and determined to make sure he didn't get a bad rep like Spider-Man, Castle
mysteriously sent the evidence he had gathered on the corrupt officers to
Joe Robertson at the Bugle and to the Kingpin himself. Despite the Kingpin
ordering his death, Castle continued his killings with his new reputation
as an Avenger of Corruption instead of Angel of Death and eventually, Castle
confronted his old partner McGuire as he was leaving Welishulski's Deli.
Shocked to see Castle alive, McGuire tried to figure the situation out but
he was shot by Castle, who announced that Frank Castle was dead and that
he was the Punisher.
Comments: Created by Doug Murray, Rik Levins, and Bob
This reality diverged from the Punisher origin story seen in Marvel
Preview#2 (1975).
A couple of things of note: 1.) Frank's children were never named
in this story, but since his wife was named Maria in the story, I ASSumed
that his children would also be named the same as their Earth-616 counterparts.
2.) Frank's son had a poster of the Human Torch on his wall, suggesting that
the Human Torch also had a counterpart in this reality.
Profile by
The Arranger was the Kingpin's right-hand man, just like his 616
counterpart. He often bribed police Captain John Carmody so that he ignore
the crimes of the Kingpin. Unknown to him, the Arranger was photographed
handing money to Carmody.
--What If? II#10 (seen only in a photo)
Bruno was a deli owner who allowed drug dealers to work within his
deli. He bribed Officer McGuire with money to ignore the dealers and became
very nervous when Castle began killing corrupt policemen.
--What If? II#10
Captain America was the same as his Earth-616 counterpart. Frank Castle's
son had a newspaper clipping of a time when Cap stopped a bank robbery.
He presumably had the same peak human physical abilities and longevity
that his 616 counterpart had.
--What If? II#10 (seen only in a newspaper clipping)
Police Captain John Carmody was a former 2nd U. S. Marine who served
in Phu Bai in 1968 and was the head of the 54th Precinct in New York. When
Frank Castle was offered a bribe, he came to Carmody to gage his opinion.
Carmody agreed that something had to be done and asked Castle to gather evidence
against the corrupt policemen, not telling Castle that he was corrupt himself.
As soon as Castle left, Carmody phoned the Arranger and had explain to the
Kingpin was Castle was working on. Months later, when Castle turned in his
evidence, Carmody made sure the evidence never went public by having Castle
and his family killed. Not realizing that Castle himself had actually survived,
Carmody gave the eulogy at his funeral where he was shot dead by Castle using
a sniper rifle.
--What If? II#10 (#10d,
Frank David Castle was son of Frank Castle. He idolized superheroes
and hoped to one day be like his father, fighting the good fight, even going
as "Captain Punisher" for Halloween. One night when his uncle Jake was visiting,
Frank was shot dead by mobsters who were targeting his father for gathering
evidence of corrupt policemen.
--What If? II#10 (#10d,
Lisa was the daughter of Frank Castle and was Castle's oldest child.
She was killed by mobsters targeting Frank when they tried to kill Frank
for gathering evidence against the corrupt policemen.
--What If? II#10 (#10d,
Maria was Frank Castle's wife and was worried when Frank was offered
a bribe. She continuously supported her husband but was killed when mobsters
targeted Frank for gathering evidence against the corrupt policemen.
--What If? II#10 (#10d,
Miss Collins was Joe Robertson's assistant at the Daily Bugle. Following
the death of his family, Frank Castle dropped off a package with Miss Collins
with specific instructions that only Robertson was to open the package. She
immediately delivered it to Robbie.
--What If? II#10
Jake was the cousin of Maria Castle and was a merchant mariner. When
he was between ships, he paid the Castles a visit at their home in New York,
only to be killed along with them when Frank Castle was targeted by
--What If? II#10 (#10d,
The Kingpin was basically the same as his Earth-616 counterpart up
until he was shown Frank Castle's evidence of his involvement in the bribery
of New York's policemen. When the evidence of his involvement was given to
him by Frank Castle himself, the Kingpin ordered his death. Despite that,
Castle continued killing the corrupt officers and politicians.
The Kingpin, like his 616 counterpart, relied his own size and strength
if he was forced to get physical.
--What If? II#10
Judge Marimon was a corrupt judge, who often let criminals go as long
as they paid him off. When Spider-Man captured a criminal who was arrested
by Officers Castle and McGuire, Judge Marimon dismissed the case when he
was given money. Months later, he was killed by Frank Castle after a night
of debauchery at a house of ill repute in the suburbs.
--What If? II#10 (#10d,
Officer McGuire was Frank Castle's senior partner when he joined the
police force. He was corrupt, often accepting bribes from Bruno so that he
would ignore the drug dealers who were peddling in Bruno's deli. Months later,
he was killed by Frank Castle after Castle's family had been killed while
Castle was gathering evidence against corrupt cops.
McGuire was a police officer, so he was trained for the job and carried
a handgun.
--What If? II#10 (#10d,
Officer Francis "Frank" Castle was a decorated Marine and Vietnam
veteran. Upon returning home and sharing a day in Central Park with his family,
Frank joined the New York Police Department, where he was shocked at the
amount of corruption within. Explaining the cases of bribery to Captain Carmody,
Frank was asked to gather evidence against them and when he presented the
evidence to Carmody, his family was killed by mobsters in retaliation. Surviving
the assault with scars, Castle began killing corrupt officials and when he
finally confronted his old partner McGuire, Castle announced that he was
only the Punisher.
Punisher used various conventional weaponry, like his Earth-616
--What If? II#10
Joe Robertson was just like his Earth-616 counterpart. When Castle
began hunting down corrupt officials, he opted to improve the Daily Bugle's
image of him by sending a copy of his evidence against the officials to Joe
--What If? II#10
Spider-Man was the same as his Earth-616 counterpart. He foiled a
criminal by webbing him to a lamppost where he was arrested by Officers McGuire
and Castle. Frank commented on how Spider-Man was always helping them and
how he was being given a bad name by the Daily Bugle. He was later seen
web-swinging through New York as Castle thought to himself about the Bugle
was starting to give him a bad rep as well.
Spider-Man presumably had the same superhuman strength, agility,
spider-sense, and ability to adhere to solid surfaces that his 616 counterpart
--What If? II#10
Other Appearances:
Any Additions/Corrections? please
me know.
Last Updated:
Copyright info
Earth-The Punisher's Family Hadn't Been Killed has no known connections
Captain John
Frank David
Lisa Barbara
What If? II#10, p1, pan2 (Frank Castle w/ Family, main pic)
p6, pan5 (Spider-Man)
p9, pan8 (Bruno)
p13, pan1 (Captain Carmody)
p14, pan3 (Captain America)
p14, pan6 (Maria Castle)
p14, pan8 (Frank David Castle)
p16, pan6 (Jake)
p17, pan4 (Lisa Barbara Castle)
p22, pan1 (Judge Marimon)
p24, pan2 (Miss Collins)
p24, pan3 (Joe Robertson)
p24, pan5 (Arranger)
p24, pan7 (Kingpin)
p27, pan2 (McGuire)
p27, pan5 (Punisher)
What If? II#10 (February, 1990) - Doug Murray (writer), Rik Levins (penciler),
Bob McLeod (inks)
All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and ©
1941-2099 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you like this stuff,
you should check out the real thing!
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