main image

Type: Divergent Earth

Environment: Earth-like

Usual means of access: Presumably vibrational attunement

Dominant Life Form:  Humans

Significant Inhabitants: Ka-Zar, Zabu

First Appearance: What If? I#34 (August, 1982)

History: (What If? I#34/17) - After waking one day in the Savage Land, Ka-Zar realized that he had grown bored with the life of a savage. He then decided to visit New York to get electrolysis in order to save himself from shaving with a dull stone for the rest of his life. On his way out of the doctor's office, Ka-Zar noticed a matchbook about a mail-order public accountant course. A few weeks later, Ka-Zar was proud to find that he had his diploma and certification as a public accountant.

Comments: Created by Brent Anderson.

This reality diverged when Ka-Zar got electrolysis.

Profile by Proto-Man.

Earth-Ka-Zar Were a Middle-Aged Accountant Instead of a Savage has no known connections to


Ka-Zar was the same as his Earth-616 counterpart up until he grew tired of the life of a savage. He then decided to get electrolysis to save himself from shaving and found a matchbook with an ad for mail-order public accountant certification. Weeks later, Ka-Zar had his diploma and a new tie.

--What If? I#34/17


Zabu, like his Earth-616 counterpart, was Ka-Zar's sabretooth tiger pet and companion. During the course of Ka-Zar's public accountant course, Zabu continuously thought that Ka-Zar was not too bright.

--What If? I#34/17

images: (without ads)
What If? I#34, p7, pan1 (Zabu)
 p7, pan4 (Ka-Zar)
 p7, pan8 (Ka-Zar receiving diploma, main pic)

What If? I#34 (August, 1982) - "What if Ka-Zar Were a Middle-Aged Accountant Instead of a Savage?" - Brent Anderson (writer, artist)

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

Last Updated: 08/16/04

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