Insert joke about being 'handy'


Type: Divergent Earth

Environment: Earth-like

Usual means of access: Presumably vibrational attunement

Dominant Life Form: Alien symbiotes, demons, Eternals, humans

Significant Inhabitants: Doctor Octopus, Electro, Green Goblin, J. Jonah Jameson, Lizard, Mephisto, Mister Fantastic, Morbius, Ben Parker, May Parker, Joe "Robbie" Robertson, Sandman, Spider-Man, Gwen Stacy, Thanos, the Thing, Venom, the X-Men (Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Iceman, Marvel Girl, Professor X)

First Appearance: What If? II#42 (October, 1992)

History: (What If? II#42 (fb)) - While trying to rid himself of his spider-powers, Peter Parker drank a chemical concoction that backfired and caused him to grow four extra arms.

 (What If? II#42) - As Spider-Man searched desperately for a cure for his condition, Morbius the Living Vampire was attacking a freighter. After draining each passenger of their blood, Morbius dove overboard in a bloodlust. His blood-soaked clothing immediately made him prey for the sharks that torn him limb from limb. Back at the lab of Dr. Curt Connors, Spider-Man worried that all was lost when Dr. Connors, angry that he was unable to help, began to transform into the Lizard causing Spider-Man to battle him. During the battle, the Lizard leapt at Spider-Man but Spidey managed to hold the Lizard in midair using five of his arms while he punched the Lizard with his free hand. Once the Lizard had transformed back into Curt Connors, Dr. Connors suggested to Spider-Man that before he gave up on a cure, he should see Professor Charles Xavier. Soon after, while sneaking into the Xavier Mansion, Spider-Man was attacked by the X-Men. Spider-Man managed to defend himself from the X-Men until Xavier appeared and demanded that the fighting stop. Once those involved had calmed down, Professor X examined Spider-Man using Cerebro and determined that his mutation was now permenant. Wanting a second opinion, Spider-Man visited Reed Richards who also told Spider-Man it was permenant. The Thing soon came in and announced that Doctor Octopus was holding hostages at City Hall, demanding to see Spider-Man. Spider-Man immediately left to confront Doctor Octopus, who he made short work of using his six arms. Following Doctor Octopus's defeat, Spider-Man was summoned back to the Baxter Building by Mister Fantastic, who showed Spider-Man an invention of his. The arm sheaths invented by Mister Fantastic would render Spider-Man's extra arms invisible as long as they were wearing the sheaths, therefore allowing Spider-Man to resume his normal life as Peter Parker. Years later, after May Parker died of natural causes, Spider-Man had become a celebrity for the handicapped after battles with Thanos, Mephisto, Sandman, and Electro. He even managed to prevent the death of Gwen Stacy at the hands of the Green Goblin and participated in the Secret Wars where his new alien costume became the villain known as Venom.

(Edge of Spider-Verse I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Spider-Man was recruited into Earth-616's Spider-Man (Otto Octavius)'s group of alternate universe Spider-Men that Octavius had assembled to combat the threat of the extradimensional Karn and his spider totem-hunting family.

Comments: Created by Michael Gallagher, Kevin West, and Ian Akin.

This reality diverged from the events seen in Amazing Spider-Man I#100-101 (September-October, 1971).

Profile by Proto-Man.

Earth-Spider-Man Had Kept His SIx Arms has no known connections to


Angel was the same as his Earth-616 counterpart excepting a brief battle between the X-Men and the six-armed Spider-Man.

Angel had feathery wings capable of flight, like his 616 counterpart.

--What If? II#42


Beast was the same as his Earth-616 counterpart excepting a brief battle with the six-armed Spider-Man before being halted by Professor X.

Beast had superhuman strength, agility, and dexterity, like his 616 counterpart.

--What If? II#42


Cyclops, like his Earth-616 counterpart, was a member of the X-Men. His life was the same as his 616 counterpart excepting a brief battle between the X-Men and Spider-Man.

Cyclops could project optic energy blasts.

--What If? II#42

Doctor Octopus

Doctor Octopus was basically the same as his Earth-616 counterpart up until he challenged Spider-Man to a duel at City Hall. Not realizing Spider-Man had gained four extra arms, Doc Ock was taken down fairly quickly.

Doctor Octopus was bonded to a mechanical set of octopus-like arms.

--What If? II#42


Electro was the same as his Earth-616 counterpart up until Spider-Man gained four extra arms. Every time he battled Spider-Man following Spider-Man's transformation, Spider-Man gained a quick victory.

Electro could manipulate electricity, like his Earth-616 counterpart.

--What If? II#42

Green Goblin

Green Goblin was the same as his Earth-616 counterpart up until he tried to kill Gwen Stacy. With four extra arms, Spider-Man managed to save Gwen Stacy and defeat the Green Goblin.

Green Goblin had drug-induced superhuman strength, like his Earth-616 counterpart.

--What If? II#42


Iceman was the same as his Earth-616 counterpart excepting a battle between the X-Men and Spider-Man.

Iceman could manipulate cold for various effects.

--What If? II#42

J. Jonah Jameson

J. Jonah Jameson was exactly the same as his Earth-616 counterpart. His desire to destroy Spider-Man only grew after Spider-Man was accepted despite his extra arms.

--What If? II#42


Dr. Curtis Connors was pretty much the same as his Earth-616 counterpart up until Spider-Man accidentally grew four extra arms. Using Dr. Connors' lab to search for a cure, Spider-Man was attacked by the Lizard when Dr. Connors lost control while angry over not being able to help Spider-Man. Dr. Connors eventually suggested that Spider-Man speak with Professor Charles Xavier.

Whenever Dr. Connors became angry, he transformed into the reptilian Lizard.

--What If? II#42

Marvel Girl

Marvel Girl was essentially the same as her Earth-616 counterpart excepting a battle between the X-Men and Spider-Man, which she helped break up with Professor X.

Marvel Girl had telekinesis, like her 616 counterpart.

--What If? II#42


Mephisto was the same as his Earth-616 counterpart up until he battled the six-armed Spider-Man. In a battle for his own soul, Spider-Man managed to halt Mephisto's plot.

Mephisto presumably had the same demonic powers that his Earth-616 counterpart.

--What If? II#42

Mister Fantastic

Reed Richards was the leader of the Fantastic Four, like his Earth-616 counterpart. Spider-Man came to him for a second opinion when Professor X told Spider-Man his mutation was permanent. Reed seconded Xavier's statement but before he could further help Spider-Man, Spider-Man was called into a duel with Doctor Octopus. When Spider-Man returned, Reed had devised a set of arm sheaths that Spider-Man could put his extra arms in to make them invisible, thereby allowing Spider-Man to continue his normal life as Peter Parker.

Mister Fantastic had the same stretching powers that his Earth-616 counterpart had.

--What If? II#42

Morbius the Living Vampire

Like his Earth-616 counterpart, Morbius was given vampiric powers and bloodlust by an experiment gone wrong. When he attacked a freighter and drained the entire crew of their blood, Morbius dove into the ocean in a bloodlust where he was devoured by the sharks attracted by the blood on Morbius' costume.

Morbius had various vampiric abilities, including strength and bloodlust.

--What If? II#42 (#42d,

May Parker

May Parker was the same as her Earth-616 counterpart up until Spider-Man grew four extra arms. May had no idea what had happened to her nephew Peter due to the arm sheaths given to Peter by Mister Fantastic. May eventually died of natural causes years later and was buried next to her husband, Ben.

--What If? II#42 (#42d,

Professor X

Professor Charles Xavier was the leader of the X-Men, like his Earth-616 counterpart. Spider-Man came to him for help with his mutation at the behest of Dr. Curt Connors. Xavier used Cerebro to determine that Spider-Man's mutation was permenant and suggested that Spider-Man become an icon for the disabled. Angry at his situation, Spider-Man left to see Reed Richards for a second opinion.

Professor X had telepathy, like his Earth-616 counterpart.

--What If? II#42

Joe "Robbie" Robertson

Joe Robertson was the same as his Earth-616 counterpart and was skeptical when J. Jonah Jameson announced that Spider-Man's extra arms would further ruin the wall-crawler's image.

--What If? II#42


Sandman was the same as his 616 counterpart up until Spider-Man grew four extra arms. Afterwards, Sandman was easily taken care of by Spider-Man.

Sandman's body was composed of sand that he could manipulate, like his counterpart.

--What If? II#42


Spider-Man was the same as his 616 counterpart up until he was unable to rid himself of his four extra arms. He searched for a cure for days with Dr. Curt Connors until Dr. Connors transformed into the Lizard due to stress. After easily subduing the Lizard, Spider-Man was told to check with Professor Xavier about his mutation where he discovered that it was permanant. Wanting a second opinion, Spider-Man visited Reed Richards who said the same thing. His meeting with Richards was interrupted when Doctor Octopus demanded to see him at City Hall. After making quick work of Doc Ock, Spider-Man returned to Reed where he was given arm sheaths that would render them invisible, allowing him to continue a normal life. Years later, Spider-Man had become a celebrity for the disabled after participating in numerous battles against supervillains. Spider-Man was later recruited into a group comprised of various alternate universe Spider-Men by Earth-616's Spider-Man (Otto Octavius) to combat the extradimensional Karn and his spider totem-hunting family. As part of that group, Spider-Man-92100 visited realities to watch over the Spider-Men of other realities. Eventually meeting a second group of Spider-Men led by Earth-616's Spider-Man, Spider-Man-92100 aided both groups against the Inheritors until being forced to flee to Earth-928 with Earth-928's Spider-Man 2099 and Earth-803's Lady Spider. Taking the Inheritor Daemos' cloned corpse with them for autopsy, Spider-Man-92100, Spider-Man 2099 and Lady Spider took refuge at Spider-Man 2099's apartment after hiding the corpse. When a newly cloned Daemos tracked them to the apartment, Spider-Man-92100 attempted to stall Daemos while the others escaped but Daemos quickly forced Spider-Man-92100 to the ground and fed on him, tossing his corpse out of the apartment from several stories up.

Spider-Man had superhuman strength, agility, a spider-sense, and four extra arms.

--What If? II#42 (Edge of Spider-Verse I#1, Superior Spider-Man I#32-33, Spider-Verse Team-Up I#1, Amazing Spider-Man III#10-11, Spider-Man 2099 II#6d,

Gwen Stacy

Gwen Stacy was similar to her Earth-616 counterpart up until Spider-Man gained four extra arms. Despite being able to hide his arms, Peter Parker grew into a reclusive lifestyle which alienated Gwen from him. Spider-Man did manage to save Gwen's life however, when the Green Goblin tried to kill her.

--What If? II#42


Thanos was the same as his Earth-616 counterpart up until Spider-Man grew four extra arms. At some point in the years following his mutation, Spider-Man played a major role in the defeat of Thanos.

Thanos could manipulate energy and presumably had the other Eternal-based powers that his Earth-616 counterpart had.

--What If? II#42


Ben Grimm was the same as his 616 counterpart up until Spider-Man came to Reed Richards for help concerning his mutation. While there, the Thing came in to speak with Spider-Man but an addled Spider-Man told Thing to stow it. Angered, the Thing punched Spider-Man and the two began to battle until Reed broke them up. Once they both calmed down, the Thing explained that Doctor Octopus was wanting to meet Spider-Man at City Hall.

The Thing had superhuman strength and durability, like his 616 counterpart.

--What If? II#42


Venom, like his 616 counterpart, was created when Spider-Man gained a new costume during the Secret Wars. The costume was actually an alien symbiote who, in turn, created the villainous Venom which Spider-Man managed to defeat thanks to his extra arms.

Venom presumably had superhuman strength, agility, web generation, and could dampen Spider-Man's spider-sense like his 616 counterpart.

--What If? II#42

images: (without ads)
What If? II#42, p3, pan1 (Morbius)
 p6, pan4 (Lizard)
 p10, pan3 (Beast)
 p11, pan1 (Cyclops)
 p11, pan3 (Iceman)
 p11, pan4 (Angel)
 p12, pan5 (Professor X & Marvel Girl)
 p16, pan3 (Thing)
 p20, pan3 (Doctor Octopus)
 p22, pan5 (J. Jonah Jameson & Joe "Robbie" Robertson)
 p23, pan2 (Gwen Stacy)
 p24, pan2 (Mister Fantastic)
 p25, pan1 (May Parker)
 p25, pan3 (Spider-Man)
 p26-27, splash page (Thanos, Venom, Electro, Mephisto, Sandman, & Green Goblin)

Other Appearances:
What If? II#42 (October, 1992) - Michael Gallagher (writer), Kevin West (penciler), Ian Akin (inker), Craig Anderson (editor)
Superior Spider-Man I#32 (October, 2014) - Dan Slott (plot), Christos Gage (script), Giuseppe Camuncoli (pencils), John Dell (inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Edge of Spider-Verse#1 (November, 2014) - David Hine, Fabrice Sapolsky (writers), Richard Isanove (art), Nick Lowe (editor)
Superior Spider-Man I#33 (November, 2014) - Christos Gage, Dan Slott (writers), Giuseppe Camuncoli (pencils), John Dell (inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Spider-Verse Team-Up I#1 (January, 2015) - "The Luck of the Parkers" story - Roger Stern (writer), Bob McLeod (art), Nick Lowe (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man III#10 (January, 2015) - Dan Slott (writer), Olivier Coipel (pencils), Wade von Grawbadger (inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Spider-Man 2099 II#6 (January, 2015) - Peter David (writer), Will Sliney (art), Ellie Pyle (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man III#11 (February, 2015) - Dan Slott (writer), Olivier Coipel (pencils, inks), Wade von Grawbadger, John Livesay, Victor Olazaba, Mark Morales (inks), Nick Lowe (editor)

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

Last Updated: 02/20/07

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