Real Name: Joel Flood
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: None
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Kenneth Anderson, Ben, Adrienne Bowen, Joy Bowen, Saul Bowen, Danny, Stan Finley, Bradley Gideon, Karla Faye Gideon, Walter Griffin, Marvin, Henry Mayhew, Matt Murdock, Jack Ollsen, Daniel Shawcross, James Spregner, Ruby Stevens, Sheriff Stonehouse, Judge Stoughton, Arthur Woods
Enemies: Howard Gideon
Known Relatives: Emily (mother), Great-Grandfather/father (name unrevealed, deceased), Great-Grandmother (name unrevealed, deceased), Amos (step-father), Daniel (son)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Redemption Valley, Alabama
First Appearance: Daredevil: Redemption#1 (April, 2005)
Powers/Abilities: None.
(Daredevil: Redemption#4 (fb)) - Joel grew up with his parents Emily and Amos Flood, and Amos preached at the local church. Years after Joel's birth, Emily's grandfather confessed to her grandmother on his deathbed that the baby was his. She rushed down to the church and called out Emily's sins in front of the congregation. Amos had a destabilizing stroke, after which he was nearly paralyzed and incapable of speech, and Emily and Joel were shunned by the town ever after. Emily took care of Amos for the following years. Emily loved Joel with all her heart, despite all the pain she'd been through.
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb) - BTS) - As a teenager, Joel, no longer believing in the Christian god, started looking into other religions. The town pegged him as a Satanist.
(Daredevil: Redemption#3 (fb) - BTS) - Amos dedicated one room in his house to be a prayer room, where members of the family could hammer six-inch iron nails into the wall for each sin they committed each day around a crucifix. Emily and Amos went in there for hours every day until Joel learned to hate it.
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb) - BTS) - Joel would spend hours talking to Amos over the years, though Amos could never respond. Joel fell in love with Adrienne Bowen and wrote in his journal, which he kept in a box in the church, of his plans to take her to New York some day and support her while she went through art school, but he knew he couldn't just leave her brother Saul behind.
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb) - BTS) - The night of the murder of Bradley Gideon, Joel was talking to Amos, who was unable to corroborate Joel's alibi when Joel was accused of the murder.
(Daredevil: Redemption#1 (fb)) - Three days later, the police, including Danny and Ben, surrounded an old church, which was called by teenagers the Church of the Damned, and arrested Joel Flood and his friends, Adrienne and Saul Bowen. The police promised Joel he would burn in hell for what he did. A month later, Emily secured the services of lawyer Matt Murdock, who went to see Joel at the Kramer County Jail. Joel was elusive and frustrated with Murdock, who peppered him with questions about his interests and the murder. Joel did admit to taking an anti-depressant, not knowing that it stopped Murdock from being able to gauge whether he was telling the truth as it also proved to make the lie detector test results inconclusive.
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb) - BTS) - With Matt Murdock acting as Joel's counsel, Henry Mayhew was assigned as counsel for Adrienne and Stan Finley was assigned as counsel for Saul Bowen. A knife was found in the church and several townsfolk stated that they heard Joel bragging about the murder before the arrest. Though she didn't tell anyone, Adrienne found out she was pregnant.
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb)) - When Murdock told Joel that Adrienne was pregnant, Joel finally started taking things seriously. Joel told Murdock that Bradley had a reputation for being abused and that no one had questioned Bradley's parents.
(Daredevil: Redemption#3 (fb)) - Murdock asked Joel what Sheriff Stonehouse meant about Joel being born bad, but Joel didn't want to say, telling him that Emily would tell him when she was ready. Joel told Murdock about the prayer room.
(Daredevil: Redemption#4 (fb)) - When Murdock questioned Emily, she took Murdock to the jail, where they sat before Joel. He told her she didn't have to do this and that he didn't judge her, but she went ahead and told Murdock her whole story.
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul sat at the trial while attorneys Constance, Murdock, Sprenger, Finley, Ollsen, and Mayhew questioned witnesses Kenneth Anderson, Daniel Shawcross, Sheriff Stonehouse, Ruby Stevens, Walter Griffin, Arthur Woods, and Howard Gideon. Joel finally asked to testify himself. He was questioned about his spiritual beliefs and he denounced Satanism. The entire cross-defense asked whether Joel believed in the Christian god and Joel said he didn't, shaming Emily. Murdock and Sprenger later gave their closing testimonies. On the 26th day of the trial, Joel told Adrienne of his plans to be the best dad he could. They soon received the verdict.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul were found guilty; while Adrienne and Saul were given life in prison, Joel was given the death penalty due to aggravating circumstances.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - Adrienne soon gave birth to her son, Daniel, who went to live with Emily and Amos. Constance became Joel's attorney and tried to appeal the court's decision more than once, but never successfully. Joel was able to see Daniel in the visiting room often. Seven years later, Joel heard reports that Murdock was in fact Daredevil himself. He asked Emily to contact Murdock before his execution could take place.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6) - Murdock (who'd been accused of being Daredevil in the tabloids) heard from Emily, who invited him to the upcoming execution. Murdock met with Joel, finally able to tell that Joel was indeed innocent. Joel asked Murdock if Daredevil might break him out and confessed that he didn't want to die. Emily hosted family visits before the execution and Daniel saw his father for the last time.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6) - As Emily, Amos, Murdock, Howard, and others watched and protesters stood outside, Joel was strapped in for lethal injection. He gave his last words, stating that he couldn't make peace with God or forgive his offenders, and asking everyone keep fighting for Adrienne and Saul and to make sure Daniel knew the truth. In his final moments, he whispered to Daredevil for help, but the injection soon claimed his life.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 - BTS) - When Howard Gideon was convicted for the murder, Adrienne and Saul were allowed to go free.
Comments: Created by David Hine and Michael Gaydos.
This series is based on the true story of the Robin Hood Hills murders. Look here for more information.
Profile by Chadman.
The Flood family has no known connections to
The Gideon family has no known connections to
Sheriff John Stonehouse has no known connections to
The Bowen family has no known connections to
Henry Mayhew has no known connections to
Jack Ollsen has no known connections to
Walter Griffin has no known connections to
Kenneth Anderson has no known connections to
Arthur Woods has no known connections to
Ruby Stevens has no known connections to
(Daredevil: Redemption#4 (fb)) - Young Emily's mother died when she was seven and she was taken in by her grandparents after her father left. When she was 12, her grandfather started sexually abusing her, and she began thinking he was possessed by a demon during those times, even when he called her his princess. Trying to keep him away, she started eating vast amounts of food and he started calling her a fat lump, but the abuse didn't stop. At 16, Emily started attending the church where Amos Flood preached. She sat in the back, but he took an interest in her, claiming her beauty was on the inside. They married two weeks after she turned 17, and she soon learned she was pregnant with her grandfather's baby. She told Amos that Joel was his and was only a bit premature. Years later, her grandfather confessed to her grandmother on his deathbed that the baby was his. She rushed down to the church and called out Emily's sins in front of the congregation. Amos had a destabilizing stroke, after which he was nearly paralyzed and incapable of speech, and Emily and Joel were shunned by the town ever after. Emily took care of Amos for the following years. Emily loved Joel with all her heart, despite all the pain she'd been through.
(Daredevil: Redemption#3 (fb) - BTS) - Amos dedicated one room in his house to be a prayer room, where members of the family could hammer six-inch iron nails into the wall for each sin they committed each day around a crucifix. Emily and Amos went in there for hours every day until Joel learned to hate it.
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb) - BTS) - The night of the murder of Bradley Gideon, Emily was at a prayer meeting until midnight.
(Daredevil: Redemption#1 (fb) - BTS) - When Joel and his friends Adrienne and Saul Bowen were accused of murdering Gideon, Emily was completely helpless to help him, ridiculed by the town and unable to find any local help.
(Daredevil: Redemption#1 (fb)) - Emily went to New York to seek the help of Matt Murdock and she met his allies Franklin "Foggy" Nelson and Constance. She tried showing Murdock a newspaper article, learning he was blind, and then shared her theory that Joel had been framed by the police for being different. Constance got Emily coffee while Murdock contemplated, and he soon agreed to take the case. Murdock, Constance, and Emily flew into Huntsville and took a cab back to her house. The cabbie was ranting about how wicked Joel was before he realized Emily was Joel's mother. Murdock and Constance walked over the red graffiti that littered their porch. Inside, they met Adrienne and Saul's mother, Joy Bowen. Joy enthusiastically greeted the lawyers, told Emily that Amos had messed himself, then left. Emily showed Murdock and Constance to their rooms, then went to clean Amos up.
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb)) - Emily attached Amos' feeding tubes the next morning, explaining to her guests that Amos was able to hear everything, but unable to move or communicate on his own except to tap his finger. Emily was worried about Saul having confessed and thought that Sheriff Stonehouse was behind it. Murdock asked Constance to go through some things he'd found at Joel's church headquarters, including a plastic skull and a journal. Emily drove Murdock and Constance to the police station in her van, which had been marked with graffiti in scripture verses.
(Daredevil: Redemption#3 (fb)) - Emily found Murdock in the prayer room and invited him downstairs, where Constance revealed that bite marks had been discovered on the body. She figured that a forensic orthodontist could check them. They also ordered a voice simulator that would allow Amos to speak through a machine. On Sunday, Emily invited Murdock and Constance to church with she and Amos, where the pastor lectured on evil of the devil, commending the Gideons for their loss. He called for the town to collect every evil thing from their homes and burn them in a large bonfire later. As they left, Emily put sunglasses on Amos to shield his eyes and remembered what a fine pastor he had been. Howard shouted out to Murdock that Daredevil didn't scare him at all. They told Howard about the teeth casts they would be seeking from him.
(Daredevil: Redemption#4 (fb)) - The next day, the voice simulator arrived and Amos learned how to use it, being taught by Marvin. He immediately started quoting scripture, expressing the punishment of sinners. When Murdock questioned Amos, he claimed he had no son. Emily left the room, ashamed. Murdock followed her to the prayer room, where she told him it was time she was honest with him. She took Murdock to the jail, where they sat before Joel. He told her she didn't have to do this and that he didn't judge her, but she went ahead and told Murdock her whole story.
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)) - Emily sat at the trial while attorneys Constance, Murdock, Sprenger, Finley, Ollsen, and Mayhew questioned witnesses Kenneth Anderson, Daniel Shawcross, Sheriff Stonehouse, Ruby Stevens, Walter Griffin, Arthur Woods, Howard Gideon, and Joel. The verdict was later reached.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul were found guilty; while Adrienne and Saul were given life in prison, Joel was given the death penalty due to aggravating circumstances. Adrienne soon gave birth to her son, Daniel, who went to live with Emily and Amos. Constance became Joel's attorney and tried to appeal the court's decision more than once, but never successfully. Joel was able to see Daniel in the visiting room often. Seven years later, Joel asked Emily to contact Murdock before his execution could take place.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6) - Murdock (who'd been accused of being Daredevil in the tabloids) heard from Emily, who invited him to the upcoming execution. Emily hosted family visits before the execution and Daniel saw his father for the last time. As Emily, Amos, Murdock, Howard, and others watched and protesters stood outside, Joel was strapped in for lethal injection. He gave his last words, stating that he couldn't make peace with God or forgive his offenders, and asking everyone keep fighting for Adrienne and Saul and to make sure Daniel knew the truth. In his final moments, he whispered to Daredevil for help, but the injection soon claimed his life. Later, Emily looked over her son's ashes, wondering why her son had to die. She opened the windows in the prayer room for the first time in years and forced Amos to look out on the garden. She told him that he wasn't invited to Joel's burial. Emily, Adrienne, and the others had Daniel help scatter his father's ashes in the garden. Amos, meanwhile, looked directly into the sun for a long period and it made him go blind.
--Daredevil: Redemption#1 (4 (fb), 3 (fb) - BTS, 2 (fb) - BTS, 1 (fb) - BTS, 1 (fb), 2-5 (fb), 6 (fb) - BTS, 6
Amos Flood
(Daredevil: Redemption#4 (fb)) - Amos Flood preached in Redemption Valley, Alabama, where 16 year old Emily started attending his parish. He grew attracted to her despite her weight and they married two weeks after she turned 17. She became pregnant immediately and gave birth to Joel slightly premature. Years later, her grandfather confessed on his deathbed that Joel was his son, and Emily's grandmother called out Emily's sins in front of the entire congregation. Amos had a destabilizing stroke, after which he was nearly paralyzed and incapable of speech, and Emily and Joel were shunned by the town ever after. Emily took care of Amos for the following years.
(Daredevil: Redemption#3 (fb) - BTS) - Amos dedicated one room in his house to be a prayer room, where members of the family could hammer six-inch iron nails into the wall for each sin they committed each day around a crucifix. Emily and Amos went in there for hours every day until Joel learned to hate it.
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb) - BTS) - Joel would spend hours talking to Amos over the years, though Amos could never respond. The night of the murder of Bradley Gideon, Joel was talking to Amos, who was unable to corroborate Joel's alibi when Joel was accused of the murder.
(Daredevil: Redemption#1 (fb)) - While Emily traveled to New York to get attorney Matt Murdock and his assistant Constance for Joel, Joy Bowen watched Amos, who messed himself when Emily returned. She took him to the prayer room to clean up him.
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb)) - Emily attached Amos' feeding tubes the next morning, explaining to her guests that Amos was able to hear everything, but unable to move or communicate on his own except to tap his finger.
(Daredevil: Redemption#3 (fb)) - On Sunday, Emily invited Murdock and Constance to church with she and Amos, where the pastor lectured on evil of the devil, commending the Gideons for their loss. He called for the town to collect every evil thing from their homes and burn them in a large bonfire later. As they left, Emily put sunglasses on Amos to shield his eyes and remembered what a fine pastor he had been. Howard shouted out to Murdock that Daredevil didn't scare him at all. They told Howard about the teeth casts they would be seeking from him.
(Daredevil: Redemption#4 (fb)) - The next day, the voice simulator arrived and Amos learned how to use it, being taught by Marvin. He immediately started quoting scripture, expressing the punishment of sinners. When Murdock questioned Amos, he claimed he had no son. Emily left the room, ashamed.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul were found guilty; while Adrienne and Saul were given life in prison, Joel was given the death penalty due to aggravating circumstances. Adrienne soon gave birth to her son, Daniel, who went to live with Emily and Amos. Constance became Joel's attorney and tried to appeal the court's decision more than once, but never successfully. Joel was able to see Daniel in the visiting room often.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6) - Murdock (who'd been accused of being Daredevil in the tabloids) heard from Emily, who invited him to the upcoming execution. Emily hosted family visits before the execution and Daniel saw his father for the last time. As Emily, Amos, Murdock, Howard, and others watched and protesters stood outside, Joel was strapped in for lethal injection. He gave his last words, stating that he couldn't make peace with God or forgive his offenders, and asking everyone keep fighting for Adrienne and Saul and to make sure Daniel knew the truth. In his final moments, he whispered to Daredevil for help, but the injection soon claimed his life. Later, Emily looked over her son's ashes, wondering why her son had to die. She opened the windows in the prayer room for the first time in years and forced Amos to look out on the garden. She told him that he wasn't invited to Joel's burial. Emily, Adrienne, and the others had Daniel help scatter his father's ashes in the garden. Amos, meanwhile, looked directly into the sun for a long period and it made him go blind.
--Daredevil: Redemption#1 (4 (fb), 3 (fb) - BTS, 2 (fb) - BTS, 1-4 (fb), 6 (fb) - BTS, 6
Howard Gideon
(Daredevil: Redemption#4 (fb) - BTS) - Howard Gideon occasionally posed as a small-time drug dealer for the police, helping them make busts. Howard and Sheriff Stonehouse decided to keep some cash for themselves from time to time.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - The abusive Howard Gideon and his wife Karla Faye had one son, Bradley. As a teenager, Bradley got into dirty magazines and was caught by Howard, who furiously beat Bradley to death. The murder was blamed on local teens Joel Flood and Saul and Adrienne Bowen.
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb) - BTS) - Howard rushed home and changed his clothes before the police could get there. Karla Faye gave this information to the police.
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb)) - Howard angrily questioned Karla Faye about Murdock's visit and she said she didn't tell Murdock anything, but she timidly admitted that Howard had hit Bradley a few times. Furious, Howard slapped her and then ordered her to get a phone book so he could beat her without bruising her. He hit her once, then ordered her to bed. Howard then noticed Daredevil standing outside in a tree.
(Daredevil: Redemption#3 (fb)) - Howard woke up the next morning, wondering where the devil had gone from his tree. Constance expressed her frustration with photos missing from the autopsy file, and she soon learned that the sheriff had them. As they left their temporary office, they saw a crowd of people lead by Howard and Karla Faye Gideon and including police standing outside. Howard verbally accosted Murdock, claiming he'd brought Daredevil with him to town, but Murdock refused to give in and departed peacefully. On Sunday, Emily, Amos, Murdock, Constance, and the Gideons were all at church, where the pastor lectured on evil of the devil, commending the Gideons for their loss. He called for the town to collect every evil thing from their homes and burn them in a large bonfire later. Howard shouted out to Murdock that Daredevil didn't scare him at all. They told Howard about the teeth casts they would be seeking from him. Howard met with John Stonehouse later as he shot at a pumpkin, picturing it as Joel. Stonehouse asked Howard if the teeth cast would be any problem, and Howard said no. Howard asked Stonehouse to put in a good word for him with Judge Stoughton. Karla Faye later checked on Howard to tell him she was going to bed. He responded sarcastically, took painkillers, and then saw Daredevil in the tree again. He went inside and yanked out most of his teeth himself.
(Daredevil: Redemption#4 (fb)) - Howard taunted Daredevil and called the police, claiming that Daredevil had done that to his teeth. Karla Faye screamed and Stonehouse opened fire as Daredevil ran for it. At the book burning the next day, the preacher called on Howard to set the evil books and videos on fire while Stoughton questioned Stonehouse on Howard's connection to him. Stonehouse admitted the connection and Stoughton agreed to keep Murdock occupied when Stonehouse staked his badge on Joel being guilty of the murder. When Howard noticed Constance there, he spit on her and planned to harm her further, but Daredevil jumped in and the crowd began casting stones. He grabbed Constance and jumped to the roof for safety. The next day, the trial started and a protest crowd gathered around.
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)) - Howard sat at the trial while attorneys Constance, Murdock, Sprenger, Finley, Ollsen, and Mayhew questioned witnesses Kenneth Anderson, Daniel Shawcross, Sheriff Stonehouse, Ruby Stevens, Walter Griffin, Arthur Woods, and Joel. When he was questioned, wearing his new dentures, he was questioned by Murdock about his convictions in assault, his potential abuse of his child, and his behavior on the night of Bradley's murder, as Karla Faye watched from the audience. Howard broke down crying, claiming he'd never found his son in the woods. The verdict was soon reached.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul were found guilty; while Adrienne and Saul were given life in prison, Joel was given the death penalty due to aggravating circumstances.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb)) - Seven years later, the night before Joel Flood was scheduled to be executed, Karla Faye was packing when she heard Howard downstairs. She looked in his cupboard and found dirty magazines and Bradley's missing shoe. She suddenly realized that Howard had killed her son and she called Murdock for help. Howard hung up the phone and told her that he never meant to hurt their son.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6) - As Emily, Amos, Murdock, Howard, and others watched and protesters stood outside, Joel was strapped in for lethal injection. He gave his last words, stating that he couldn't make peace with God or forgive his offenders, and asking everyone keep fighting for Adrienne and Saul and to make sure Daniel knew the truth. In his final moments, he whispered to Daredevil for help, but the injection soon claimed his life. Howard soon stood before the press and he told them that his wife couldn't be there because she was depressed.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6) - Howard returned home with a shotgun for his wife, meaning to kill her, but he found Daredevil there instead. Daredevil pinned Howard down just as Sheriff Stonehouse came in to arrest Howard. Howard complained innocence and threatened to turn Stonehouse in for his deeds, but Stonehouse was willing to turn in his badge and Karla Faye was willing to testify against her husband. Stonehouse let Daredevil go free, saying that he never saw him there.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 - BTS) - When Howard Gideon was convicted for the murder, though Joel had already been killed, Adrienne and Saul were allowed to go free. Later, Howard sat in his cell, suffering delusions that Daredevil was there with him. Howard was later found guilty and sentenced to execution.
--Daredevil: Redemption# 1 (4 (fb) - BTS, 6 (fb) - BTS, 5 (fb) - BTS, 2-5 (fb), 6 (fb) - BTS, 6 (fb), 6, 6 - BTS
Bradley Gideon
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - The abusive Howard Gideon and his wife Karla Faye had one son, Bradley. As a teenager, Bradley got into dirty magazines and was caught by Howard, who furiously beat Bradley to death. The murder was blamed on local teens Joel Flood and Saul and Adrienne Bowen.
--Daredevil Redemption#6 (6 (fb) - BTS
Karla Faye Gideon
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - The abusive Howard Gideon and his wife Karla Faye had one son, Bradley. As a teenager, Bradley got into dirty magazines and was caught by Howard, who furiously beat Bradley to death. The murder was blamed on local teens Joel Flood and Saul and Adrienne Bowen.
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb) - BTS) - Howard rushed home and changed his clothes before the police could get there. Karla Faye gave this information to the police.
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 - BTS) - Murdock visited the home of the Gideons and talked to Karla Faye about Bradley's bruises, but she refused to talk to him.
(Daredevil: Redemption#3 (fb)) - Howard woke up the next morning, wondering where the devil had gone from his tree. Constance expressed her frustration with photos missing from the autopsy file, and she soon learned that the sheriff had them. As they left their temporary office, they saw a crowd of people lead by Howard and Karla Faye Gideon and including police standing outside. Howard verbally accosted Murdock, claiming he'd brought Daredevil with him to town, but Murdock refused to give in and departed peacefully. On Sunday, Emily, Amos, Murdock, Constance, and the Gideons were all at church, where the pastor lectured on evil of the devil, commending the Gideons for their loss. He called for the town to collect every evil thing from their homes and burn them in a large bonfire later. Howard shouted out to Murdock that Daredevil didn't scare him at all. They told Howard about the teeth casts they would be seeking from him. Karla Faye later checked on Howard to tell him she was going to bed. He responded sarcastically, took painkillers, and then saw Daredevil in the tree again. He went inside and yanked out most of his teeth himself.
(Daredevil: Redemption#4 (fb)) - Howard taunted Daredevil and called the police, claiming that Daredevil had done that to his teeth. Karla Faye screamed and Stonehouse opened fire as Daredevil ran for it.
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)) - Karla Faye sat at the trial while attorneys Constance, Murdock, Sprenger, Finley, Ollsen, and Mayhew questioned witnesses Kenneth Anderson, Daniel Shawcross, Sheriff Stonehouse, Ruby Stevens, Walter Griffin, Arthur Woods, Howard Gideon, and Joel. The verdict was later reached.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul were found guilty; while Adrienne and Saul were given life in prison, Joel was given the death penalty due to aggravating circumstances.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb)) - Seven years later, the night before Joel Flood was scheduled to be executed, Karla Faye was packing when she heard Howard downstairs. She looked in his cupboard and found dirty magazines and Bradley's missing shoe. She suddenly realized that Howard had killed her son and she called Murdock for help. Howard hung up the phone and told her that he never meant to hurt their son. After Joel's execution, Daredevil rushed to the Gideon home and found Karla Faye sedated and strapped to the bed. She told him of her discovery.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6) - Howard returned home with a shotgun for his wife, meaning to kill her, but he found Daredevil there instead. Daredevil pinned Howard down just as Sheriff Stonehouse came in to arrest Howard. Howard complained innocence and threatened to turn Stonehouse in for his deeds, but Stonehouse was willing to turn in his badge and Karla Faye was willing to testify against her husband. Stonehouse let Daredevil go free, saying that he never saw him there.
--Daredevil: Redemption#3 (6 (fb) - BTS, 5 (fb) - BTS, 2 - BTS, 3-6 (fb), 6
Sheriff John Stonehouse
(Daredevil: Redemption#4 (fb) - BTS) - Howard Gideon occasionally posed as a small-time drug dealer for the police, helping them make busts. Howard and Sheriff Stonehouse decided to keep some cash for themselves from time to time.
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb) - BTS) - Saul and Adrienne Bowen and Joel Flood were accused of murdering Bradley Gideon. Sheriff Stonehouse privately promised Saul that if he confessed to the murders, he would let Saul go home and that he would not get the death penalty. Stonehouse gave Adrienne the same offer, but she refused.
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb)) - Sheriff Stonehouse questioned Saul Bowen about he murders, getting him to admit on tape that Joel and Adrienne had been involved in the murder, but that Joel had done the most damage. Joel, in tears, stated that even his sister had stabbed the boy. Finley sat by during the questioning.
(Daredevil: Redemption#3 (fb)) - Constance and Murdock picked up the pictures from Stonehouse, who described the grisly contents of the photos, including the stab wounds, mutilation, and tearing off of the genitals. Stonehouse claimed that Joel Flood was just born bad. Howard met with John Stonehouse later as he shot at a pumpkin, picturing it as Joel. Stonehouse asked Howard if the teeth cast would be any problem, and Howard said no. Howard asked Stonehouse to put in a good word for him with Judge Stoughton.
(Daredevil: Redemption#4 (fb)) - Howard taunted Daredevil and called the police, claiming that Daredevil had done that to his teeth. Karla Faye screamed and Stonehouse opened fire as Daredevil ran for it. Stonehouse angrily questioned Murdock about whether Daredevil was in his employ, but Murdock and Constance expressed that he was not. At the book burning the next day, the preacher called on Howard to set the evil books and videos on fire while Stoughton questioned Stonehouse on Howard's connection to him. Stonehouse admitted the connection and Stoughton agreed to keep Murdock occupied when Stonehouse staked his badge on Joel being guilty of the murder. When Howard noticed Constance there, he spit on her and planned to harm her further, but Daredevil jumped in and the crowd began casting stones. He grabbed Constance and jumped to the roof for safety. The next day, the trial started and a protest crowd gathered around.
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)) - Stonehouse sat at the trial while attorneys Constance, Murdock, Sprenger, Finley, Ollsen, and Mayhew questioned witnesses Kenneth Anderson, Daniel Shawcross, Ruby Stevens, Walter Griffin, Arthur Woods, Howard Gideon, and Joel. Stonehouse played Saul's confession for the jury, though the attorneys questioned him about the questionable details of the tape. The verdict was later reached.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul were found guilty; while Adrienne and Saul were given life in prison, Joel was given the death penalty due to aggravating circumstances.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6) - After Joel was executed seven years later, Howard returned home with a shotgun for his wife, meaning to kill her, but he found Daredevil there instead. Daredevil pinned Howard down just as Sheriff Stonehouse came in to arrest Howard. Howard complained innocence and threatened to turn Stonehouse in for his deeds, but Stonehouse was willing to turn in his badge and Karla Faye was willing to testify against her husband. Stonehouse let Daredevil go free, saying that he never saw him there.
--Daredevil: Redemption#2 (4 (fb) - BTS, 2 (fb) - BTS, 2-5 (fb), 6 (fb) - BTS, 6
Adrienne Bowen
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb) - BTS) - Joel Flood fell in love with Adrienne Bowen and planned to take her to New York some day and support her while she went through art school, but he knew he couldn't just leave her brother Saul behind. The night of Bradley Gideon's murder, Saul and Adrienne were watching TV alone.
(Daredevil: Redemption#1 (fb)) - Three days later, the police, including Danny and Ben, surrounded an old church, which was called by teenagers the Church of the Damned, and arrested Joel Flood and his friends, Adrienne and Saul Bowen. The police promised Joel he would burn in hell for what he did.
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb) - BTS) - With Matt Murdock acting as Joel's counsel, Henry Mayhew was assigned as counsel for Adrienne and Stan Finley was assigned as counsel for Saul Bowen. Sheriff Stonehouse privately promised Saul that if he confessed to the murders, he would let Saul go home and that he would not get the death penalty. Stonehouse gave Adrienne the same offer, but she refused. A knife was found in the church and several townsfolk stated that they heard Joel bragging about the murder before the arrest. Adrienne found out she was pregnant. With Matt Murdock acting as Joel's counsel, Henry Mayhew was assigned as counsel for Adrienne and Stan Finley was assigned as counsel for Saul Bowen. Sheriff Stonehouse privately promised Saul that if he confessed to the murders, he would let Saul go home and that he would not get the death penalty. Stonehouse gave Adrienne the same offer, but she refused. Adrienne found out she was pregnant.
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb)) - Constance soon interviewed Adrienne, who told her of the sheriff's actions. Adrienne learned about Saul's withdrawn confession. She offered her statements and told Constance about the pregnancy.
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul sat at the trial while attorneys Constance, Murdock, Sprenger, Finley, Ollsen, and Mayhew questioned witnesses Kenneth Anderson, Daniel Shawcross, Sheriff Stonehouse, Ruby Stevens, Walter Griffin, Arthur Woods, Howard Gideon, and Joel. On the 26th day of the trial, Joel told Adrienne of his plans to be the best dad he could. They soon received the verdict.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul were found guilty; while Adrienne and Saul were given life in prison, Joel was given the death penalty due to aggravating circumstances. Adrienne soon gave birth to her son, Daniel, who went to live with Emily and Amos. Constance became Joel's attorney and tried to appeal the court's decision more than once, but never successfully. Joel was able to see Daniel in the visiting room often.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6) - Murdock (who'd been accused of being Daredevil in the tabloids) heard from Emily, who invited him to the upcoming execution. Emily hosted family visits before the execution and Daniel saw his father for the last time.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 - BTS) - When Howard Gideon was convicted for the murder, though Joel had already been killed, Adrienne and Saul were allowed to go free.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6) - Later, Emily, Adrienne, and the others had Daniel help scatter his father's ashes in the garden.
--Daredevil: Redemption#1 (2 (fb) - BTS, 1 (fb), 2 (fb) - BTS, 2 (fb), 5 (fb), 6 (fb) - BTS, 6, 6 - BTS, 6
Saul Bowen
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb) - BTS) - Joel Flood fell in love with Adrienne Bowen and planned to take her to New York some day and support her while she went through art school, but he knew he couldn't just leave her brother Saul behind. The night of Bradley Gideon's murder, Saul and Adrienne were watching TV alone.
(Daredevil: Redemption#1 (fb)) - Three days later, the police, including Danny and Ben, surrounded an old church, which was called by teenagers the Church of the Damned, and arrested Joel Flood and his friends, Adrienne and Saul Bowen. The police promised Joel he would burn in hell for what he did.
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb) - BTS) - With Matt Murdock acting as Joel's counsel, Henry Mayhew was assigned as counsel for Adrienne and Stan Finley was assigned as counsel for Saul Bowen. Sheriff Stonehouse privately promised Saul that if he confessed to the murders, he would let Saul go home and that he would not get the death penalty.
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb)) - Sheriff Stonehouse questioned Saul Bowen about he murders, getting him to admit on tape that Joel and Adrienne had been involved in the murder, but that Joel had done the most damage. Joel, in tears, stated that even his sister had stabbed the boy. Finley sat by during the questioning. Murdock visited the jail and angrily confronted Finley on letting the illegal questioning go on. Murdock and Finley questioned Saul, who confessed that the sheriff's promises. At Murdock's demands, Finley directly asked Saul if he killed Gideon and Saul said no. Finley promised to withdraw the confession and Saul tearfully asked them to convey his apologies to his sister.
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul sat at the trial while attorneys Constance, Murdock, Sprenger, Finley, Ollsen, and Mayhew questioned witnesses Kenneth Anderson, Daniel Shawcross, Sheriff Stonehouse, Ruby Stevens, Walter Griffin, Arthur Woods, Howard Gideon, and Joel. On the 26th day of the trial, Joel told Adrienne of his plans to be the best dad he could. They soon received the verdict.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul were found guilty; while Adrienne and Saul were given life in prison, Joel was given the death penalty due to aggravating circumstances.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 - BTS) - When Howard Gideon was convicted for the murder, though Joel had already been killed, Adrienne and Saul were allowed to go free.
--Daredevil: Redemption#1 (2 (fb) - BTS, 1 (fb), 2 (fb) - BTS, 2 (fb), 5 (fb), 6 (fb) - BTS, 6 - BTS
Joy Bowen
(Daredevil: Redemption#1 (fb)) - Joy Bowen, whose children Adrienne and Saul were being accused, alongside Joel Flood, of the murder of Bradley Gideon, watched Amos Flood while Emily Flood traveled to New York to get attorney Matt Murdock and his assistant Constance for help. When they returned, Joy told them that Amos had messed himself.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul were found guilty; while Adrienne and Saul were given life in prison, Joel was given the death penalty due to aggravating circumstances.
--Daredevil: Redemption#1 (1 (fb), 6 (fb) - BTS
Henry Mayhew
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb) - BTS) - With Matt Murdock acting as Joel's counsel, Henry Mayhew was assigned as counsel for Adrienne and Stan Finley was assigned as counsel for Saul Bowen. The three teens had been accused of the murder of Bradley Gideon.
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul sat at the trial while attorneys Constance, Murdock, Sprenger, Finley, Ollsen, and Mayhew questioned witnesses Kenneth Anderson, Daniel Shawcross, Sheriff Stonehouse, Ruby Stevens, Walter Griffin, Arthur Woods, Howard Gideon, and Joel. During the trial, Ollsen and Mayhew yelled at Finley for grandstanding. Murdock talked to Mayhew about calling Gideon to the stand. Anderson approached Murdock and told him of his suspicions that Howard was guilty, but he refused to testify himself; he revealed Howard's shady connections to the police to Murdock. Murdock questioned the judge about the drug information, and the judge said that he knew about it and refused to let it be brought to the stand, threatening to hold Murdock in contempt if it was brought up. They soon received the verdict.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul were found guilty; while Adrienne and Saul were given life in prison, Joel was given the death penalty due to aggravating circumstances.
--Daredevil: Redemption#2 (2 (fb) - BTS, 5 (fb), 6 (fb) - BTS
Danny and Ben
(Daredevil: Redemption#1 (fb)) - Three days later, the police, including Danny and Ben, surrounded an old church, which was called by teenagers the Church of the Damned, and arrested Joel Flood and his friends, Adrienne and Saul Bowen. The police promised Joel he would burn in hell for what he did.
--Daredevil: Redemption#1 (1 (fb)
Stan Finley
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb) - BTS) - With Matt Murdock acting as Joel's counsel, Henry Mayhew was assigned as counsel for Adrienne and Stan Finley was assigned as counsel for Saul Bowen. The three teens had been accused of the murder of Bradley Gideon.
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb)) - Sheriff Stonehouse questioned Saul Bowen about he murders, getting him to admit on tape that Joel and Adrienne had been involved in the murder, but that Joel had done the most damage. Joel, in tears, stated that even his sister had stabbed the boy. Finley sat by during the questioning. Murdock visited the jail and angrily confronted Finley on letting the illegal questioning go on. Murdock and Finley questioned Saul, who confessed that the sheriff's promises. At Murdock's demands, Finley directly asked Saul if he killed Gideon and Saul said no. Finley promised to withdraw the confession and Saul tearfully asked them to convey his apologies to his sister.
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul sat at the trial while attorneys Constance, Murdock, Sprenger, Finley, Ollsen, and Mayhew questioned witnesses Kenneth Anderson, Daniel Shawcross, Sheriff Stonehouse, Ruby Stevens, Walter Griffin, Arthur Woods, Howard Gideon, and Joel. During the trial, Ollsen and Mayhew yelled at Finley for grandstanding. They soon received the verdict.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul were found guilty; while Adrienne and Saul were given life in prison, Joel was given the death penalty due to aggravating circumstances.
--Daredevil: Redemption#2 (2 (fb) - BTS, 2 (fb), 5 (fb), 6 (fb) - BTS
Jack Ollsen
(Daredevil: Redemption#2 (fb)) - Murdock and Constance met with Jack Ollsen, who informed them that the judge had agreed to let Murdock practice in Alabama for the case, that Henry Mayhew had been assigned as counsel for Adrienne and that Saul had been given Stan Finley, who was a corporate lawyer and did not care much about the case. Ollsen pulled out the tape and transcript of Saul's confession. As they listened to Stonehouse's questions, they noticed a few discrepancies in the report and believed that Saul was coached.
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul sat at the trial while attorneys Constance, Murdock, Sprenger, Finley, Ollsen, and Mayhew questioned witnesses Kenneth Anderson, Daniel Shawcross, Sheriff Stonehouse, Ruby Stevens, Walter Griffin, Arthur Woods, Howard Gideon, and Joel. During the trial, Ollsen and Mayhew yelled at Finley for grandstanding. They soon received the verdict.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul were found guilty; while Adrienne and Saul were given life in prison, Joel was given the death penalty due to aggravating circumstances.
--Daredevil: Redemption#2 (2 (fb), 5 (fb), 6 (fb) - BTS
James Spregner
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul sat at the trial while attorneys Constance, Murdock, Sprenger, Finley, Ollsen, and Mayhew questioned witnesses Kenneth Anderson, Daniel Shawcross, Sheriff Stonehouse, Ruby Stevens, Walter Griffin, Arthur Woods, Howard Gideon, and Joel. During the trial, Ollsen and Mayhew yelled at Finley for grandstanding. At the trial's opening, prosecuting attorney James Sprenger gave his opening statement about the guilt of the young teenagers. They soon received the verdict.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul were found guilty; while Adrienne and Saul were given life in prison, Joel was given the death penalty due to aggravating circumstances.
--Daredevil: Redemption#5 (5 (fb), 6 (fb) - BTS
Walter Griffin
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)) - At the trial of Joel Flood and Adrienne and Saul Bowen, who were suspects in the murder of Bradley Gideon, Walter Griffin testified on the nuances of Satanism, showcasing his book Darkness Falls: Satanism in the USA, but he had to admit that he didn't have an accredited diploma.
--Daredevil: Redemption#5 (5 (fb)
Kenneth Anderson
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)) - At the trial of Joel Flood and Adrienne and Saul Bowen, who were suspects in the murder of Bradley Gideon, the officer who found Bradley's body, Kenneth Anderson, testified.
--Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)
Daniel Shawcross
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)) - At the trial of Joel Flood and Adrienne and Saul Bowen, who were suspects in the murder of Bradley Gideon, trooper Daniel Shawcross then testified about finding the knife, the proposed murder weapon, as Murdock questioned him.
--Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)
Arthur Woods
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)) - At the trial of Joel Flood and Adrienne and Saul Bowen, who were suspects in the murder of Bradley Gideon, Arthur Woods testified that the bite marks found on the body definitely did not belong to the kids and were made by irregular teeth.
--Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)
Ruby Stevens
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)) - At the trial of Joel Flood and Adrienne and Saul Bowen, who were suspects in the murder of Bradley Gideon, Ruby Stevens testified that she heard Joel confess the murder at a loud party.
--Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)
(Daredevil: Redemption#4 (fb)) - Marvin delivered a voice simulator to Amos Flood and taught him how to use it. Amos immediately started quoting scripture, expressing the punishment of sinners. When Murdock questioned Amos, he claimed he had no son. Emily left the room, ashamed.
--Daredevil: Redemption#4 (fb)
Judge Stoughton
(Daredevil: Redemption#4 (fb)) - The preacher called on Howard to set the evil books and videos on fire while Stoughton questioned Stonehouse on Howard's connection to him. Stonehouse admitted the connection and Stoughton agreed to keep Murdock occupied when Stonehouse staked his badge on Joel being guilty of the murder. When Howard noticed Constance there, he spit on her and planned to harm her further, but Daredevil jumped in and the crowd began casting stones. He grabbed Constance and jumped to the roof for safety. The next day, the trial started and a protest crowd gathered around.
(Daredevil: Redemption#5 (fb)) - At the trial, Judge Stoughton presided while attorneys Constance, Murdock, Sprenger, Finley, Ollsen, and Mayhew questioned witnesses Kenneth Anderson, Daniel Shawcross, Sheriff Stonehouse, Ruby Stevens, Walter Griffin, Arthur Woods, Howard Gideon, and Joel. During the trial, Murdock talked to Mayhew about calling Gideon to the stand. Anderson approached Murdock and told him of his suspicions that Howard was guilty, but he refused to testify himself; he revealed Howard's shady connections to the police to Murdock. Murdock questioned the judge about the drug information, and the judge said that he knew about it and refused to let it be brought to the stand, threatening to hold Murdock in contempt if it was brought up. They soon received the verdict.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - Joel, Adrienne, and Saul were found guilty; while Adrienne and Saul were given life in prison, Joel was given the death penalty due to aggravating circumstances.
--Daredevil: Redemption#4 (4 (fb), 5 (fb), 6 (fb) - BTS
Daniel Flood
(Daredevil: Redemption#6 (fb) - BTS) - Adrienne soon gave birth to her son, Daniel, who went to live with Emily and Amos. Constance became Joel's attorney and tried to appeal the court's decision more than once, but never successfully. Joel was able to see Daniel in the visiting room often.
(Daredevil: Redemption#6) - Murdock (who'd been accused of being Daredevil in the tabloids) heard from Emily, who invited him to the upcoming execution. Emily hosted family visits before the execution and Daniel saw his father for the last time. Later, Emily, Adrienne, and the others had Daniel help scatter his father's ashes in the garden.
--Daredevil: Redemption#6 (6 (fb) - BTS, 6
images: (without ads)
Daredevil: Redemption#6, p5,
pan1 (main)
Daredevil: Redemption#1, p19, pam3 (Joel 2nd)
Daredevil: Redemption#1-6
(April-September, 2005) - David Hine (writer), Michael Gaydos (penciler/inker),
Jennifer Lee (editor)
First Posted: 08/03/2008
Last updated: 07/21/2008
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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