Real Name: Igor Grozick
Identity/Class: Human mutate (Russian, Pre-Modern era)
Occupation: Spy
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: His masters in the Soviet Union
Enemies: Decadent, capitalistic American fools
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "The Beast-Man" (in story title)
Base of Operations: Mobile throughout the United States; originally from the U.S.S.R.
First Appearance: Journey into Mystery I#59/4 (July, 1960)
Powers/Abilities: As a normal human, Igor Grozick wore an extremely life-like bear costume to disguise himself as an intelligent bear (see comments).
Following exposure to radioactive fallout from an atomic explosion, Grozick's body was mutated into a bear-like form (...because "with atomic radiation, ALL things are possible!").
Height: 6'; (transformed) 7' (both by approximation)
Weight: 180 lbs.; (transformed) 700 lbs. (both by approximation)
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Blond; (transformed) brown
(Journey into Mystery I#59/4) - In 1960, the Soviet Union wanted to show the rest of
the world how stupid and gullible Americans were, so they hatched a
master-plan employing their top spy, Igor Grozick. From a submarine off
the Atlantic seacoast, Grozick paddled in a raft to the site of an
American atomic bomb test, then put on a bear costume as part of the
scheme. After the test was conducted, a survey team was sent to inspect
the site, where they discovered a TALKING bear ("Holy smoke! An
animal that can talk!") -- actually, it was Grozick in costume.
The team guessed that the bear's intelligence was due to the effects of
the radiation mutating it.
The team took the "bear"(Grozick) to a hospital, where his secret was almost discovered, if not for the "bear" refusing to let doctors examine him -- "I have rights like man! No poking and looking...no examination!" Seeing that they had no legal right to subject the bear to anything he didn't want now that he had human-level intelligence, the doctors relented. However, they did test his mentality, and were quite impressed that he knew his multiplication tables.
The "mutant bear" became a media darling across the country, making television appearances and even delivering lectures on such topics as hibernation (No, I am not making this up).
Back in the U.S.S.R., Grozick's masters behind the Iron Curtain gloated over how Grozick had fooled the Americans -- soon the United States would become the laughing stock of the world! (Lousy Commies!)
As the evil plan came to fruition, Grozick thought of the Americans, "I'm building you up for the big fall! The more you believe, the bigger will be your shame when the truth becomes known!"
Finally, the day came for Grozick to reveal himself, so the "bear" called a news conference. Laughing over his triumph, the"bear" excused himself to the reporters and went into an adjoining room, where Grozick would remove the suit and emerge as a man -- "This hoax will do more damage to the United States than a hundred atomic bombs could have done!"
Removing his costume for the first time since the atomic explosion, Grozick pulled the mask off, looked into the mirror, and was horrified when he saw (yep, you guessed it) a BEAR'S face looking back at him! The radiation had affected Grozick after all, for he had changed into a REAL bear!
Comments: Created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, and Don Heck.
Since he was able to survive the radiation following the atomic explosion (see third image), Grozick's bear suit probably also had some sort of protective anti-radiation shielding.
And maybe Grozick returned to normal and was deported back to Russia, where he would eventually pass his mutated genes along when he fathered a child who would be known as Mikhail Ursus (see CLARIFICATIONS) -- Ron Fredricks
At one point in the story, after hearing the news of the intelligent "bear," a man on the street came up with the idea of creating an army of intelligent bears so humans would never have to die in battle again -- he must have been thinking about the Second Amendment of the Constitution -- you know, "The right to keep and arm bears..."
I just hope those scientists didn't eventually subject poor Igor to vivisection -- I couldn't BEAR to think of him suffering such a GRIZZLY fate.
Could the precursor of Ursa Major that was part of the
alpha gen Soviet-Super Soldiers awoken in The Order II#1 actually be
Igor Grozick?
--Adam Craik
And a big THANK YOU to Dennis Giansante for originally scanning this story for me! New scans by Ron Fredricks!
Profile by John Kaminski
Igor Grozick/"The Beast-Man" has no known connections to:
![]() |
Two unidentified Russian government officials, these sinister Soviets plotted the destruction of democracy and the downfall of the free world by using...a guy in a bear suit (Igor Grozick) -- for this "ingenious" scheme, they were probably "rewarded" with an all-expenses-paid, one-way trip to Siberia. --Journey into Mystery I#59/4 |
images: (without ads)
Journey into Mystery I#59/4, p1, pan3 (Main Image - Igor Grozick in bear costume, aboard Russian submarine)
Journey into Mystery I#59/4, p2, pan1 (Headshot - Igor Grozick removing bear costume)
Journey into Mystery I#59/4, p3, pan1 (after atomic explosion, scientists discover talking bear (actually Igor Grozick))
Journey into Mystery I#59/4, p5, pan6 (Igor Grozick removes mask and looks into mirror, to find he's changed into a bear!)
Journey into Mystery I#59/4, p4, pan1 (Igor Grozick's Soviet masters)
Journey into Mystery I#59/4 (July, 1960) - Stan Lee (plot/editor), Larry Lieber (script), Don Heck (pencils/inks), Dave Hunt (inks), Stan Goldberg (colors), Artie Simek (letters)
First posted: 11/17/2006
Last updated: 12/23/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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Special Thanks to www.g-mart.com for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!