Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Earth-78411 - Dinosaur World) magic user
Occupation: Keeper of the Pits
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Moon Boy, Devil Dinosaur, Godzilla, Eva Quintero, Julian Quintero, Reptil (Humberto Lopez)
Enemies: Lizard-Warriors
Known Relatives:
Sarsen (son)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: The Pits region, Dinosaur World
First Appearance: Devil Dinosaur I#9 (December, 1978)
Powers/Abilities: The Hag from the Pits has mystical powers that allowed her to summon the transdimensional energies of the Pits, which can transport those who fall in to other worlds or just elsewhere on Dinosaur World. She uses her mystical powers to sometimes create powerful crystals, including one that enables the wielder to manipulate matter. The Hag sometimes embeds lesser powerful crystals into staffs, including one that could shoot concussive energy blasts or be wielded as a club, She communes with the "Fire Spirits" of the Pits. She appears old and haggard but had dreams of power, yet has a sense of responsibility to her world and feelings of destiny. The Pits' time and space warping power sustain her, so she is likely even older than she appears; the Pits also protect her from capture.
Height: 5'
Weight: 110 lbs.
Eyes: Black
Hair: White; formerly auburn
I#2 (fb)) - While younger with auburn hair, the Hag lived amongst the
Pits on Dinosaur World and communed with Spirits there, protected from dinosaurs. But
her lone son Sarsen was fearful as the Spirits did not protect nor
commune with him.
(Devil Dinosaur I#9 (fb) - BTS) - Years passed and the Hag from the Pits developed a fearful reputation on Dinosaur World, so much so that even the Killer-Folk feared her.
(Devil Dinosaur I#9) - Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy stumbled accidentally upon the the region of the Pits and saw the Hag of the Pits seeking to replenish her powers from the smoking and flaming holes. However, Devil Dinosaur saw her as a threat and roared at her before giving chase. The Hag evaded them and warned them that they should leave. She then disappeared into luminous smoke from near one of the Pits. Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy sought to leave the area of the Pits but Devil Dinosaur slipped and fell down one of the portals while Moon Boy was barely able to save himself. He cried out for aid and was helped back up by the Hag and her son. Moon Boy pleaded with the Hag to help rescue his red dinosaur. Despite initially being satisfied that Devil Dinosaur had vanished, she reneged and they went into the great cave there. Inside, the Hag and her son pushed rounded boulders into the Big Pit, the only place where those lost in the Pits' dimensional depths could have a chance to return. After each pushed a rock in to trigger a reaction from the Pit Spirits, they ran for cover and watched as the Big Pit glowed and Devil Dinosaur returned once more. Grateful but also fearful, Moon Boy and Devil Dinosaur quickly departed as the Hag cackled. Although her son was troubled that they remained among the Pits, the Hag dreamt of hopes for future power.
(Reptil I#2 (fb)) - The Hag grew concerned about her world, so she created a large crystal that would give its wielder power over prehistoric fauna and flora to protect it from extinction, possibly from the Celestials' judgment. But Sarsen's fear had since turned to anger; now a young adult, Sarsen violently tried to claim the crystal's power for himself, so the Hag communed with the Pit Spirits, which advised her to cast the crystal into the fiery pits, and she did so.
(Reptil I#3 (fb) - BTS) - The crystal broke in two
and was intended to be found by chosen saviors;
the dinosaur power part found its way to Humberto Ramos on Earth-616
(who became the
adventurer hero Reptil) while the rock-plant controlling section was
eventually claimed by the devious Sarsen, who had since left Dinosaur World and eliminated Ramos'
parents to gain the other crystal part. Sarsen created the new identity of Megalith and
pursued the other part of the crystal to gain greater destructive power.
(Godzilla I#22) - Fleeing the
attacking Lizard-Warriors, Moon Boy, Devil Dinosaur and the
dimensionally displaced and partly shrunken Godzilla ran toward the
Pits, with Moon Boy
rushing ahead to speak with the Hag of the Pits. She agreed with
Moon Boy's plan to lure the invaders into a camouflaged Pit, but she
could not say where they would arrive once they had fallen in. The Hag
watched as the all the Lizard-Men were swallowed into the Pit. The Hag,
Moon Boy and Devil Dinosaur then watched helpless as Godzilla,
partially affected by the transdimensional properties of the
Pits, grew back to
his original massive size and vanished via the portal (to appear back
(Avengers Academy I#6) - When scientist Hank Pym used
a device to analyze the amulet-crystal embedded in Reptil's chest, it
triggered a burst
of telepathic information in Reptil's mind, including the Hag's
creation of the crystal.
(Avengers Academy I#28) - The Hag watched from a
cliff top as the two teams of Avengers Academy (including Reptil) and
the youthful Runaways resolved their differences. Moon Boy commented
the humans were not gods and the Hag confidently stated she recognized
true gods, glancing at a nearby massive Celestial standing silently.
She spoke of the "tainted lizard from the other world" (presumably
Godzilla) and how she had successfully manipulated events to draw in
Reptil to Dinosaur World so she could observe his progress as wielder
of the crystal.
(Avengers Academy I#36) - Alongside several other
Avengers Academy members, the depowered Reptil had to fight the
formidable multi-armed magic thief Coat of Arms to take back the
crystal amulet. In grabbing back the crystal, Reptil briefly
telepathically communed with the Hag, who challenged him on his
worthiness to accept the crystal--that he must be ready to die for the
creatures whose strength he possessed. Reptil fully accepted and
regained the crystal, instantly returning to full consciousness.
(Reptil I#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Hag received a message
from the Spirits that the Chosen (Reptil) was soon to arrive in the
(Reptil I#2) - Reptil, seeking information on new foe Megalith (secretly Sarsen), jumped into Dinosaur World via a portal generated by cousin Eva Quintero, whose powers increased in proximity to Reptil's amulet; Eva and her twin brother Julian quickly followed. The Hag used her magic staff to blast away aggressive dinosaurs pursuing them. The Hag revealed the origin of the amulet and and its connection to her son. The Hag commented that the youths feared their powers gained from the crystal but that they lacked faith. She then passed small nearby stones to help Eva and Julian to amplify their power for a one-off use. A sudden renewed attack by dinosaurs caused chaos and the Hag ordered the youths depart.
(Reptil I#3) - The Hag fended off the dinosaurs as the trio of youths escaped via another of Eva's portals.
(Reptil I#4) - Reptil and his friends defeated
Megalith, shattering their foe's crystal in a fierce battle. Reptil
activated a gate-portal that sent Megalith and his summoned dinosaurs
and golems back to Dinosaur World where his mother the Hag was angrily
waiting for him. The Hag thanked Reptil for saving both their worlds
from the destruction that Megalith would have wrought.
Comments: Created by Jack Kirby & Mike Royer.
In Avengers Academy I#28, the Hag suggests she
created the crystal to save her world from the Celestials' judgment,
but that angle seems to have been lost by the Reptil miniseries. Maybe
an after effect from the 2015 Secret Wars III reality adjustment?
She has the physical characteristics of Moon Boy's
people known
as the Small-Folk on Dinosaur World.
Kudos to Christos Gage for bringing the character
back and Terry Blas for expanding on her son.
Profile by Grendel Prime.
The Hag from the Pits has no known connections to:
(without ads)
Reptil I#2, p13, pan5 (main image)
Devil Dinosaur I#9, p13, pan3 (head shot)
Reptil I#2, p15, pan1 (when younger, auburn hair)
Devil Dinosaur I#9, p2, pan4 (green skirt)
Devil Dinosaur I#9 (December, 1978) - Jack Kirby (writer &
pencils), Mike Royer (inks), Jack Kirby (editor)
Godzilla I#22 (May, 1979) - Doug Moench (writer), Herb Trimpe
Jack Abel (inks), Allen Milgrom (editor)
Avengers Academy I#6 (January, 2011) - Christos Gage (writer), Mike
McKone (pencils), David Meikis, Andrew Hennessy, Rebecca Buchman,
Rick Ketchum (inks), Bill Rosemann (editor)
Avengers Academy I#28 (June, 2012) - Christos Gage (writer), Karl
Moline (pencils), Jim Fern (inks), Bill Rosemann (editor)
Avengers Academy I#36 (November, 2012) - Christos Gage (writer), Andrea
Di Vito (pencils & inks), Bill Rosemann (editor)
Reptil I#2 (August, 2021) - Terry Blas (writer), Enid Balam (pencils),
Victor Olazaba (inks), Lauren Amaro (editor)
Reptil I#3 (September, 2021) - Terry Blas (writer), Enid Balam
(pencils), Victor Olazaba (inks), Lauren Amaro (editor)
Reptil I#4 (November, 2021) - Terry Blas (writer), Enid Balam
(pencils), Victor Olazaba (inks), Lauren Amaro (editor)
First Posted: 09/02/2008
Last updated: 07/09/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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