Real Name: Unrevealed; presumably Hexus
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (EarthN/Earth-10002) parasitic entity
Occupation: Parasite
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Alchemax (represented by Liz Allan), Fujikawa Industries, NYPD (Julia Gao, others), Oscorp (represented by Norman Osborn), Rand Corporation, Roxxon, Stark Unlimited, Swarm (Fritz von Meyer), Taskmaster (Tony Masters);
enslaved Claire, her fathers, the various Mr. Greepy and many others
Enemies: Avengers Academy (Bloodline/Brielle Brooks, Captain America/Aaron Fischer, Kid Juggernaut/Justin Jin, Moon Girl/Lunella Lafayette, Red Goblin/Normie Osborn, Escapade/Shela Sexton), Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers), Devil Dinosaur, 18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt, Hae-Ran Jin, Noh-Varr, Stanley Osborn, Plex Intelligence, Sinister Six (Apostate/Ailouros, Lizard Boy/Billy Connors, Mysteriant/Qaari Beck, Rhinoceress/Cindy Shears, Squid Kid/Calvin Cuttle, Willow-Wisp/Ignacio Fuentes), Walpurgis
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Brand Hex, Living Corporation
Base of Operations: Earth-616;
formerly imprisoned in the dimension-schooner Marvel;
originally EarthN (D2K1) from the Sunken Galaxy
First Appearance: (BTS) Marvel Boy II#1 (August, 2000), (seen) Marvel Boy II#3 (October, 2000)
Powers/Abilities: Hexus was a living idea that had turned into a ferocious parasite. It grew by hiring new employees and by devouring its rivals. It adapted quick to the needs of its target world and imitated what people wanted. It hypnotized them with advertising and then turned them into employees. The people would then serve Hexus without knowing what it really was until everything was Hexus and the planet was turned into D2K1 (Digital Koncentration Kamp 1). Mindless workers would then build spaceships to carry Hexus' logo-spores to new worlds. On the original host Hexus would then continue to replicate and consume everything and itself. After having spored its life cycle was completed and Hexus died, leaving behind mass extinction.
(Marvel Boy II#1 - BTS) - Hexus escaped with one of Dr. Midas' men from the Marvel when they raided it.
(Marvel Boy II#3 (fb) - BTS) - Hexus became the corporation Brand Hex and began to enslave humans for its purpose. It soon was one of the fastest growing corporations on Earth.
(Marvel Boy II#3) - One day a musician and a computer software specialist went to Brand Hex to get a job. They were both surprised at the multitude of genres Brand Hex was involved with. A secretary then told them that Mr. Greepy would see them now. The two men were shown around by Mr. Greepy, who didn't want to hear the musician's demo tape. When the software specialist asked what the D2K1 ads meant, Mr. Greepy told them that this would be the future name of Earth when Hexus was finished with it. The two surprised men were brought away by two guards to be turned into loyal servants of Hexus.
One month later the Plex Intelligence told Noh-Varr that Hexus had escaped from the Marvel's Concept Dungeon and that Noh-Varr had the responsibility to stop it. Hexus had already become a successful and powerful conglomerate. Noh-Varr entered the former Hexus HQ only to find it empty because Hexus had already found a newer, bigger place. Earth's people suspected nothing. Hexus then started the D2K1 event by marking Earth with a bioluminescent logo that could be seen from space to warn off other celestial predators.
Noh-Varr started his attack on the new HQ and managed to get through police and security to Hexus' CEO and prime servant Mr. Greepy (the musician seen in the flashback earlier). Noh-Varr was ready to shoot him, but Mr. Greepy attacked him first with an energy beam from his eyes fueled by his own body heat until he burnt himself out and died. A new female CEO entered the office seconds later to continue the attack and four more followed. Noh-Varr jumped out the window because he was finished linking the Plex Intelligence with Hexus' computer network.
At this point Hexus was already in negotiations with NASA. Outside the building Noh-Varr jumped onto a Hexus helicopter. He contacted the newest Hexus CEO Mr. Greepy to inform him that he had found a way to defeat Hexus. He explained that he had just kept Hexus busy while Plex had hacked the Hexus database to send all its secrets to rival corporations. Hanging upside down from the helicopter Noh-Varr used a cosmic bullet to destroy the Brand Hex HQ and Hexus' control over its employees. With no more slaves and all its secrets handed to its enemies the living corporation was defeated. In fast manner the living corporation was taken apart by other corporations. It tried to survive by releasing as many employees as possible, but each minute another disaster hurt the corporation even more. Former employees that survived the HQ's explosion told the media that their minds had been controlled by the corporation. Soon the Brand Hex shares fell, teenagers had their Brand Hex tattoos removed and nobody wanted anything from Brand Hex anymore. The next day nothing was left of the living corporation as it went bankrupt.
(Children of the Vault I#1 - BTS) - Cable's Nurse Hetty tattoo suite identified a 46% similarity between the mind virus used by the Children of the Tomorrow and Hexus the Living Corporation.
(Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#97 (fb) - BTS) - At some point Hexus acquired an airline.
(Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#99 (fb) - BTS) - At some point Hexus acquired Oscorp stock.
(Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#100 (fb) - BTS) - At some point Hexus founded Hex Coffee. Their coffee beans were patented for disease resistance and a long shelf life.
(Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comics#5) - At some point Hexus founded Hexus Pharmaceuticals. They stockpiled medicines for months until they expired and their prices soared.
(Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comics#10 (fb) - BTS) - At some point Hexus bought the Clikclok app and deactivated the ability to block others on the app.
(Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#95) - At some point Hexus acquired an empty lot under the Brooklyn Bridge, but vagrants turned the area into an encampment. The NYPD sent in a squad led by Anti-Vigilante Act supporter Julia Gao and Cape Killer Taskmaster to round up the vagrants and remove them from Hexus' private property. Taskmaster found some opposition in the Captain America of the Railway (Aaron Fischer), who also lived at the encampment, but the young adventurer was no match for him.
With the vagrants gone the property was fenced off and marked by Hexus as its private property. Captain Marvel (Danvers) returned to the property to retrieve Fischer's shield after recruiting him for the new Avengers Academy.
(Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#96) - At some point Hexus acquired a property in Georgia including a lake. Bloodline entered this private property owned by Hexus to save her friend Jayden from a sunken ship that was used by the Temple of the Shifting Sun vampire cult and Agatha Harkness as their headquarter. Bloodline succeeded after Harkness turned on the vampires, tried to form an alliance with Bloodline and left her with her familiar Ebony's kitten Walpurgis. Shortly after leaving the property with Jayden, Bloodline was recruited by Doctor Voodoo for the new Avengers Academy.
(Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#97) - Hexus flight 678 was hijacked by Hydra agents. Incidentally the mutant Escapade was aboard and opposed the terrorists, but because an ongoing hostage situation was worse P.R. than a deadly terror attack Hexus allegedly remotely detonated an onboard E.M.P. that short-circuited the plane's navigation system. Escapade took control over the plane, but was forced to abandon the seat to safe Gabrielle Keeler, an innocent woman that fell off the plane after a Hydra agent opened the cabin door in mid-flight. Nightcrawler saved Escapade while the mutants D-Cel, Emma Frost, Iceman and Magik helped bring down the plane safely in a lake in Central Park. After the incident Emma Frost recruited Escapade for the new Avengers Academy.
(Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#98) - Two Hexus representatives attended the Young Minds Science Expo sponsored by Tony Stark in New York City to look at the presentations of various children. They were part of a group of corporate representatives that got offended by Luna Lafayette's presentation for a gadget that could patch the broken code in old mobile phones and thereby fix them. The Hexus employees even threatened Luna that they would keep a close eye on her.
They were presumably still present when the Expo became the victim of an attack by child genius Squid Kid (Calvin Cuttle) and his Octobots, who joined A.I.M. in the aftermath. After the event Lunella was recruited for the new Avengers Academy by Shuri.
(Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#99) - Claire, whose fathers worked as executives at Hexus, attended Oscorp's Bring Your Kids to Work Day with her Hexus branded teddybear Mister Bear. During a speech by Norman Osborn the event was attacked by Willow-Wisp, who sought revenge on Norman Osborn for his past crimes. In the process Willow-Wisp dropped a series of documents that proved Oscorp's culpability in some of Norman's past actions. Claire was disappointed and revealed to Normie that Hexus would divest some of their Oscorp stock because demographic research showed that younger portfolio builders wanted to feel like they were investing ethically. Claire then decided that it would look better for Hexus' third quarter if they took some tragic and sympathetic losses and while Normie as his symbiote-empowered alter ego Red Goblin saved his grandfather Norman from Willow-Wisp, Claire exploded after telling Stanley to claim that she was killed by Willow-Wisp.
(Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#100) - A Hexus representative approached Hae-Ran Jin, the owner of Vancity Buns in Vancouver and mother of Kid Juggernaut (Justin Jin), Canada and offered her to franchise with Hexus. He was aware of her financial situation and pointed out how expensive Gastown was and that Hexus could just wipe away her mortgage debt. Hae-Rin ripped apart the contract because Hexus' coffee tasted like burnt plastic to her and she didn't want to become part of their chain with donuts shipped frozen weekly. She then asked the Hexus representative to leave her bakery.
(Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comics#14 (fb)) - Upon leaving the representative assured Hae-Ran that Hexus Financial would be in touch with her.
(Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#100) - Later Kid Juggernaut was recruited to the new Avengers Academy by Charles Xavier and Angel invested in Hae-Rin's bakery instead of Hexus.
(Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comics#2 (fb) - BTS) - Hexus mass-cloned the skull of Fritz von Meyer, the former Nazi villain known as Swarm.
(Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comics#1 - BTS) - On the behest of Hexus a bunch of bees put one of Fritz's cloned skulls in Kid Juggernaut's bag before he left Canada for Avengers Academy. The skull later attracted bees to reform Swarm and attack Avengers Academy.
(Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comics#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Avengers Academy students defeated Swarm when Bloodline's familiar Walpurgis enveloped the sun and the bees fell asleep because it had turned dark. Red Goblin tossed the cloned skull into the space surrounding Avengers Academy, but it was later found and returned by Captain Marvel, who wanted some explanations. Moon Girl discovered Hexus' logo on the skull and surmised that someone must have cloned it as an infiltration weapon.
In the aftermath Normie was recruited for the new Avengers Academy by Spider-Man (Miles Morales).
(Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comics#5) - Mysteriant stole drugs from a Hexus Pharmaceuticals warehouse in New York City and received some help from Captain America (Aaron Fischer), who sympathized with Mysteriant's plan to give the drugs to the poor that were denied access because they didn't have insurance or the money to afford them. They delivered the stolen drugs to Night Nurse's Orchard Street Clinic.
(Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comics#7) - Hexus was among the Manhattan companies attacked and set ablaze by Squid Boy's Sinister Six.
(Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comics#9 (fb) - BTS) - The Sinister Six stole some of Hexus' inventory.
(Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comics#8 (fb) - BTS) - Hexus brought back Claire because she was still under contract and part of the corporation.
(Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comics#8) - Norman Osborn invited several representatives of big corporations that had been attacked by the Sinister Six to Oscorp for an emergency meeting. Hexus sent Claire and her fathers, even though Hexus was in the process of a hostile takeover of a biolab that evening and Claire had piano lessons. The two Hexus executives attended the meeting while Claire had a playdate at Oscorp's day care with a surprised Stanley Osborn, who had not too long ago seen her die. Claire's fathers fled the meeting when it was attacked by the Sinister Six and told Osborn that they would send a car to pick up their daughter in case she survived. Meanwhile Claire did nothing to prevent Stanley Osborn's abduction at the hands of Lizard Boy because a child victim was exactly what was needed to turn this P.R. nightmare caused by the burning corporations, which people cheered for, around.
(Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comics#9) - The Sinister Six kept boxes full of items from corporations including Hexus on the cargo ship they used as headquarter.
(Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comics#12) - Hexus had rented one of the digital billboards on Times Square. Mysteriant used all digital billboards on Times Square to leak the information stolen by the Sinister Six on Hexus and other corporations to the public.
Claire and her fathers watched the interview Norman Osborn and Liz Allan gave after they were reunited with Stanley and Normie. They showed some vast interest in Normie Osborn because he was not only the heir to two major corporations, but also part of the Klyntar empire, a possible future Avenger and lived at an interdimensional way station that could grant Hexus access to thousands of new worlds Hexus could infect.
Comments: Created by Grant Morrison and J.G. Jones.
I'm not sure if female CEO's of Brand Hex were called Mr. Greepy too or if they were called Ms. or Mrs. Greepy. To be honest, I don't think Hexus cared too much about its slaves to be interested in such minor details.
I don't think Hexus was able to travel to other dimensions. The Sunken Galaxy was the place of Hexus' origin and because only Hexus survived in the reality I'm sure that EarthN was part of the Sunken Galaxy.
I never saw a Earth designated with a letter, but I can't argue with it. If this is the way Kree number their alternate realities, it is the way it is.
I'm not sure, but I think the Core Continuum Designation of this Earth was something like Earth-10002.
Hexus rocked! The whole Marvel Boy series rocked!
If you don't have it yet -- BUY IT!
As Hexus would say:
A new slogan and some marketing research was all it needed to rebuild! Good luck to Hexus in the Marvel Universe and beyond! All should be part of it because
Profile by Markus Raymond.
Hexus should not be confused with:
Claire, her fathers & Mister Bear
(Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#99) - Claire, whose fathers worked as executives at Hexus, attended with Mister Bear Oscorp's Bring Your Kids to Work Day. The event was attacked by Willow-Wisp, who sought to expose Norman Osborn and his company for their evil deeds and punish them. Claire revealed that Hexus would divest some of their Oscorp stock due to the revelations because demographic research showed that young investors wanted to invest ethically. Claire then decided that it would look better for Hexus' third quarter if they took some tragic and sympathetic losses and blew herself up after telling Stanley Osborn to claim that she was killed by Willow-Wisp.
(Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#8 (fb) - BTS) - Hexus brought back Claire because her contract applied extended past death, throughout the Multiverse and all space and time.
(Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#8) - Claire's fathers attended an emergency meeting at Oscorp after the new Sinister Six attacked multiple corporations in Manhattan, including Hexus. They made it clear that they had not much time because Hexus oversaw the hostile acquisition of a biolab that evening and Claire had piano lessons later. Meanwhile Claire had a play date at Oscorp's day care with Stanley. She wanted to be the bank manager while Stanley and Mister Bear would be the couple facing imminent foreclosure. Stanley didn't know how she could be back because he saw her horrible death and Claire gave him an explanation that didn't make much sense to Stanley.
When the Sinister Six attacked the meeting Claire's fathers fled and told Osborn that they would send a car to pick up Claire in case she survived.
At the day care Claire watched Lizard Boy abduct Stanley. He asked her for help, but Claire did nothing because a child victim was exactly what they needed to turn around the P.R. nightmare caused by the burning corporations and people cheering for it. She assured Stanley that dying was easy though she hoped for him that it wouldn't hurt.
(Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#12) - Claire and her fathers watched an interview with Liz Allan and Norman Osborn after they had been reunited with Stanley and Normie. They considered Normie Osborn interesting because he was the heir to two major corporations, connected to the Klyntar empire and was a possible future Avenger that lived in an interdimensional way station that could grant Hexus access to thousands of new worlds to infect. Claire was happy that Red Goblin could take them to the stars after Earth's demise.
--Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#99 (Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#99, Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#8, 12
Mr. Greepy was the CEO of Brand Hex, director of their global operations, the voice of Hexus and therefore the Prime Servant of the Living Corporation.
As soon as one Mr. Greepy had died it was replaced by a new one. Hexus used the body heat of Mr. Greepy to create energy beams that where released through the eyes. Using this attack was lethal within seconds to the attacker him/herself.
(Marvel Boy II#3) - Mr. Greepy led two men around in the current HQ of Brand Hex. At the end of the tour Greepy had the two men brought away by guards to turn them into slaves of Hexus.
One month later Noh-Varr attacked the new HQ of Brand Hex and one of the two men that had been capture a month ago was the current CEO. Hexus used the body heat of the current Mr. Greepy to attack Noh-Varr with energy rays from Greepy's eyes until Greepy burnt himself out and died.
Succeeded by a female Mr. Greepy, who explained to Noh-Varr, that Hexus could promote and waste as many employees as it wanted, the attack on Noh-Varr was continued. She used the same techniques and died by burning herself out.
Four more followed her in the position as Mr. Greepy. They attacked Noh-Varr with energy rays as well, but he jumped out the window. They soon burnt out and died without doing any damage.
The next Mr. Greepy was contacted by Noh-Varr, who informed him how he was defeating Hexus by making its enemies stronger. This Mr. Greepy could only watch as the secrets of the living corporation were given to their rivals. He told Noh-Varr that he could still dismiss him and that the hunger of the living corporation couldn't be opposed. Noh-Varr used a cosmic bullet to destroy Mr. Greepy and the upper floors of the Hexus HQ to proof him wrong.
--Marvel Boy II#3
images: (without ads)
Marvel Boy II#3, p9, pan3 (Hexus logo on Earth)
Marvel Boy II#3, p6, pan2 (Hexus logo spores on spaceships)
Marvel Boy II#3, p4, pan1 (Brand Hex is everywhere)
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#96, pan1 (private propery sign)
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#98, pan9 (Hexus representatives)
Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#12, pan39 (Claire & fathers)
Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#8, pan6 (Claire & Mister Bear)
Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#8, pan3 (Claire's fathers)
Marvel Boy II#3, p3 (Mr. Greepy)
Marvel Boy II#3, p2, pan2 (Mr. Greepy before transformation)
Marvel Boy II#3, p14, pan3 (female Mr. Greepy)
Marvel Boy II#3, p15, pan2 (four Mr. Greepys)
Marvel Boy II#3, p18, pan1 (last Mr. Greepy)
Marvel Boy II#1 (August, 2000) - Grant Morrison (writer), J.G. Jones (artist), Joe Quesada (editor)
Marvel Boy II#3 (October, 2000) - Grant Morrison (writer), J.G. Jones (artist), Joe Quesada (editor)
Children of the Vault I#1 (October, 2023) - Deniz Camp (writer), Luca Waresca (artist), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#95 (April 3rd, 2024) - Anthony Oliveira (writer), Bailie Rosenlud (artist), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#96 (April 10th, 2024) - Anthony Oliveira (writer), Julian Shaw (artist), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#97 (April 17th, 2024) - Anthony Oliveira (writer), Cara McGee (artist), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#98 (April 24th, 2024) - Anthony Oliveira (writer), Alba Glez (pencils), Elisabetta D'Amico (inks), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#99 (May 1st, 2024) - Anthony Oliveira (writer), Eleonora Carlini (artist), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#100 (May 8th, 2024) - Anthony Oliveira (writer), Minkyu Jung (artist), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#1 (June 26th, 2024) - Anthony Oliveira (writer), Carola Borelli (artist), Sarah Brunstad (editor) (Swarm was sent by Hexus?)
Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#2 (July 3rd, 2024) - Anthony Oliveira (writer), Carola Borelli (artist), Sarah Brunstad (editor) (Swarm's skull with Hexus logo)
Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#5 (July 24th, 2024) - Anthony Oliveira (writer), Carola Borelli (artist), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#7 (August 7th, 2024) - Anthony Oliveira (writer), Carola Borelli (artist), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#8 (August 14th, 2024) - Anthony Oliveira (writer), Carola Borelli (artist), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#9 (August 21st, 2024) - Anthony Oliveira (writer), Bailie Rosenlund (artist), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#10 (August 28th, 2024) - Anthony Oliveira (writer), Carola Borelli (artist), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#12 (September 11th, 2024) - Anthony Oliveira (writer), Ig Guara (artist), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic#14 (September 25th, 2024) - Anthony Oliveira (writer), Pablo Collar (artist), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
First Posted: 07/03/2007
Last updated: 02/07/2025
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