Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (race of origin unknown)
Occupation: Member of Shi'ar Imperial Guard
Group Membership: Shi'ar Imperial Guard
Affiliations: Astra,
Berman, Blackthorn,
Gamora, Gladiator, Hobgoblin/Shapeshifter,
K'tor, Manta,
Lilandra Neramani, Nightside,
S.W.O.R.D., Titan,
Vulcan, Warden Daak, Warstar,
formerly Black
Light, Magic/Magique,
Praetorians (Pn'zo, Strontian,
Symbiote, Uncreated), Smasher
(Vril Rokk), Smasher
(Salac Tuur), Starbolt
Enemies: Captain Atlas, Cerise, Deadpool ("Wade Wilson"), Doctor Minerva, Excalibur
(Captain Britain (Brian Braddock), Lockheed, Meggan, Nightcrawler,
Shadowcat, Phoenix (Rachel Summers), Widget), Eson, Gambit (Remy LeBeau), Guardians of the
Galaxy (Angela, Drax the Destroyer, Gamora, Groot, Rocket Raccoon,
Inhumans (Black Bolt, Crystal, Gorgon, Karnak, Lockjaw, Maximus,
Medusa, Triton), Kree, Jason of
Spartax, Quasar (Wendell Vaughn), Nova Corps (Josh, Malik
Tarcel, Suki Yumiko, others), Rogue (Anna LeBeau), Ronan the Accuser, Starfox, Starjammers
(Ch'od, Corsair, Cr+eee, Havok, Hepzibah, Korvus,
Marvel Girl (Rachel Grey), Lilandra Neramani, Polaris, Raza), Thanos,
Xandra, X-Men (Banshee, Colossus, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Phoenix (Jean Grey),
Storm, Wolverine), X-Men (Angel (teen), Beast (teen), Cyclops (teen),
Jean Grey (teen), Iceman (teen), Shadowcat, X-23);
formerly Vulcan
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Pulsar
Base of Operations: Mobile throughout Shi'ar Empire
First Appearance: (Unidentified) X-Men I#107 (October, 1977); (named) Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#5 (May, 1983)
Powers/Abilities: Impulse is an energy being that is contained in a special containment suit that, when ruptured, dissipates him, seemingly to death. Through his suit, he can fire concussive energy blasts of vast power, through his hands or visor. He can fly, either under his own power or by using a Shi'ar anti-gravity device. It is unknown if his abilities are possessed by his entire race or solely him. The full extent of his abilities are likely unknown.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: Indeterminate
(X-Men I#107) - Members of the Imperial Guard fought the X-Men (Banshee, Colossus, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Phoenix (Jean Grey), Storm, Wolverine) and Starjammers (Ch'od, Corsair, Cr+eee, Hepzibah, Raza) at the M'kraan Crystal, in order to stop them from rescuing Lilandra from D'ken and Davan Shakari. When the X-Men arrived, Astra demanded to know who they were. During the battle, Impulse was scattered by Banshee's scream, and later he and Cyclops fired optic blasts at each other, and both were knocked out in the resulting feedback. D'ken was rendered comatose and Lilandra took over as the new Majestrix. Members of the Guard in this mission: Astra, Electron, Fang, Gladiator, Hobgoblin, Impulse, Magic, Mentor, Midget, Nightside, Oracle, Quasar, Smasher, Starbolt, Tempest, and Titan.
(X-Men I#108) - The Guard lay unconscious as the battle resolved.
(X-Men I#109 (fb) - BTS) - The Guard was stopped by Lilandra from killing the X-Men. Later the Guard watched the X-Men return to Earth.
(Deadpool: Badder Blood#3) - The Imperial Guard (Astra, Titan, Starbolt, Smasher, Fang, Electron, Impulse, Tempest, Oracle, Hobgoblin, Gladiator) were shocked to see Deadpool pass through their space.
(X-Men: Spotlight on Starjammers#2) - At Deathbird's orders, a large group of the Guard attacked the Starjammers and Excalibur (Captain Britain (Brian Braddock), Lockheed, Meggan, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Phoenix (Rachel Summers), Widget) on Earth, but they retreated when Deathbird was put at risk. During the battle, Impulse fought against the small dragon, Lockheed. Guard members who participated in this assault: Astra, Black Light, Blackthorn, Earthquake, Electron, Gladiator, Hobgoblin, Impulse, Magik, Mentor, Midget, Nightside, Oracle, Smasher, Starbolt, Tempest, Titan, and White Noise.
(Quasar#32) - Impulse, Magique, and Manta were sent to a
moon of Saturn to retrieve the Nega-Bands from Captain Marvel's corpse,
but found Atlas, Minerva, Quasar, and Starfox there. Magique cast an
illusion that the entire Imperial Guard were attacking, distracting the
foes. Impulse managed to pierce a quantum-bubble of Quasar's, but could
not pierce Quasar's quantum armor. When Quasar accidentally breached
Impulse's containment suit, Impulse's energy began dispersing until
Quasar held Impulse's smaller form in a bubble. The other two were also
(X-Men Legends I#2) - The Imperial Guard was summoned to the Blue Area of the Moon by Corsair and the Starjammers, and they helped return X-Treme (Adam-X) to Chandilar for judgment.
(Inhumans IV#4) - Lilandra represented the Shi'ar Empire on the planet Kritnah in the marriage ceremony with Emperor Eson of the Spartoi while the Imperial Guard stood by. Black Bolt moved to attack Lilandra, who set up a shield and activated the Guard against the Inhumans. When it seemed Black Bolt had slain Lilandra, Hussar briefly battled Medusa. The Inhumans teleported away, escaping. Lilandra's form was revealed to be Hobgoblin, who appeared to be dead. Lilandra, as a hologram, revealed herself and told the Spartoi that the union was off due to their atrocities. Jason of Sparta was blamed for being behind it. Members of the Guard in this mission: Astra, Delphos, Earthquake, Fang, Flashfire, Gladiator, Hobgoblin, Hussar, Impulse, Mentor, Neutron, Nightside, Oracle, Smasher, Starbolt, Titan, Warstar, and others.
(JLA/Avengers#1) - The Imperial Guard fought Lobo. Members of the Guard in this mission: Astra, Fang, Electron, Flashfire, Hobgoblin, Hussar, Impulse, Magique, Manta, Mentor, Neutron, Nightside, Oracle, Scintilla, Smasher, Starbolt, Titan, Warstar.
(Uncanny X-Men I#477) - The Imperial Guard was dispatched to defeat Vulcan, who'd been destroying ships in Shi'ar space. Gladiator, Impulse, Smasher, and Starbolt flew ahead of the attack ship.
(Uncanny X-Men I#480) - The Guard finally defeated Vulcan (keeping him alive at the orders of K'tor) after a deadly battle which left some Guard members, including Cosmo, Smasher, and Titan, seemingly slain. During the battle, Impulse's suit was breached and he was believed dead as well. Guard members in this mission: Astra, Cosmo, Electron, Gladiator, Hobgoblin, Impulse, Manta, Mentor, Neutron, Nightside, Oracle, Plutonia, Scintilla, Smasher, Starbolt, and Titan.
(War of Kings#1 (fb) - BTS) - He either somehow survived or was replaced by another member of his race.
(War of Kings#1) - Vulcan surveyed, with Gladiator, the assembled Imperial Guard. Mentor reported they were all battle ready and Vulcan announced his intentions to attack the Kree. They soon engaged in a massive battle with the Inhumans and Starjammers, successfully capturing Lilandra before retreating. During the battle, Impulse severed one of Gorgon's legs with a power blast. Members of the Guard in this mission: Astra, Black Light, Earthquake, Electron, Fang, Flashfire, Gladiator, Hussar, Impulse, Magique, Manta, Neutron, Nightside, Plutonia, Schism, Scintilla, Shapeshifter, Smasher, Squorm, Starbolt, Titan, Voyager, Warstar, and White Noise.
(Nova IV#24) - The Imperial Guard (Earthquake, Electron, Flashfire, Gladiator, Impulse, Manta, Warstar) attacked a faction of the Nova Corps on a Shi'ar fringeworld, killing many. The Nova Prime, Malik Tarcel, battled Gladiator directly until the rest, including Suki Yumiko and Josh, surrendered. Strontian and the Praetorians came to take over, then, killing all but Tarcel, who was taken in for interrogation.
(War of Kings: Who Will Rule?#1) - Under Mentor's lead several Imperial Guard members (Astra, Black Light, Earthquake, Fang, Hussar, Impulse, Neosaurus, Neutron, Plutonia, Schism, Smasher, Squorm, Starbolt, Titan, Warstar) attended Lilandra's funeral. In front of the Inhuman Royal Family Mentor declared the Imperial Guard rulers of the Shi'ar Empire. Medusa attacked Mentor and Smasher, causing a big brawl between the Inhumans and the Imperial Guard. Gladiator hit the ground with a devastating punch, knocking out everyone around him, and asked everyone present to show some resepect for Lilandra. Crystal then gave Gladiator the sceptre and asked him to rule the Shi'ar Empire. The Imperial Guard bowed before him, accepting his rule.
(All-New X-Men I#23) - The Imperial Guard (Astra, Oracle, Titan, Impulse, Manta, Smasher, Electron, Plutonia, Mentor, Hussar, Flashfire, Scintilla, Warstar) and the Shi'ar Death Commandos (Krait, Flaw, Devo, Offset, Sega, Colony, Hypernova, Warshot) were ordered by Gladiator to stand by while they put the young teenage Jean Grey on trial for crimes she would commit in the future as the Phoenix.
(All-New X-Men I#24) - The Imperial Guard (Oracle, Warstar, Impulse, Mentor, Manta, Hussar, Flashfire, Plutonia, Smasher, Astra, Electron, Titan, Scintilla) stood by at the trial, debating among themselves the guilt of Jean Grey, who pushed her powers to the limits and briefly defeated the entire team. When the X-Men, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and the Starjammers arrived, they fought the Guard.
(Thanos II#2) – The Imperial Guard (Flashfire, Smasher (Izzy Kane), Starbolt, Fang, Impulse) showed up on the Shi’ar planet, Nulla, to arrest Thanos.
(Thanos II#3) – On Nulla, the Imperial Guard (Flashfire, Starbolt, Fang, Smasher (Izzy Kane), Impulse, Neutron, Plutonia, Manta, Hardball, Hobgoblin, Nightside, Oracle, Titan, Gladiator) savagely attacked Thanos, with more members backing them up. Though Thanos fought hard, they soon realized he was bleeding and wounded, and Gladiator delivered the final blow. Thanos was apprehended.
(Thanos II#5) – The Imperial Guard (Impulse, Hardball, Smasher (Izzy Kane), Nightside, Manta, Titan, Fang, Neutron, Hobgoblin) delivered Thanos to a secure Shi’ar prison, where Warden Daak saw his safe imprisonment.
(Guardians of the Galaxy IV#17) - S.W.O.R.D. turned Gamora over to the Imperial Guard (Gladiator, Titan, Manta, Watstar, Oracle, Impulse, Astra) for containment, but she had changed places with Crewman Berman and escaped.(Mr. and Mrs. X#4) - The Imperial Guard (Astra, Electron, Flashfire, Hussar, Manta, Nightside, Pulsar, Titan, Warstar) attacked Rogue, Gambit, Cerise, Xandra (the hatched egg), and the Starjammers on the Artsturd 'Kle moon over Chandilar. Deathbird and her rebel army arrived soon after wounding Gambit, then Rogue and Xandra seemed to explode.
(Mr. and Mrs. X#5) - Oracle joined the Imperial Guard (Astra, Electron, Flashfire, Hussar, Manta, Nightside, Pulsar, Titan, Warstar) in mourning the seemingly lost Xandra. Oracle secretly gave condolences to Cerise, then the Guard departed peacefully.
Comments: Created by Chris Claremont, Dave Cockrum, and Dan Green.
Impulse is pictured in OHotMU I#5 and has a partial entry in OHotMU Deluxe Edition#6.
The Imperial Guard members are generally based on
DC's Legion of Super-Heroes. Impulse is based on Wildfire.
Profile by Chadman.
Impulse has no known connections to
images: (without ads)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#6, p18, pan1
(main image)
Quasar#32, p14, pan3 (vs Quasar)
p18, pan2 (true form)
Uncanny X-Men I#480, p4, pan1 (2nd full)
Uncanny X-Men I#480, p4, pan3 (suit breached)
X-Men I#107 (October, 1977) - Chris Claremont (writer), Dave Cockrum
(penciler), Dan Green (inker), Archie Goodwin (editor)
X-Men I#108 (December, 1977) - Chris Claremont (writer), John Byrne
(penciler), Terry Austin (inker), Archie Goodwin (editor)
X-Men I#109 (February, 1977) - Chris Claremont (writer), John Byrne
(penciler), Terry Austin (inker), Archie Goodwin (editor)
X-Men: Spotlight on Starjammers#2 (1990) - Terry Kavanagh (writer),
Dave Cockrum (penciler), Jeff Albrecht (inker), Kelly Corvese (editor)
Quasar#32 (March, 1992) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Greg Capullo
(penciler), Harry Candelario (inker), Kelly Corvese (editor)
Inhumans IV#4 (September, 2000) - Carlos Pacheco, Rafael Marin
(writers), Jorge Lucas (penciler/inker), Mark Powers (editor)
JLA/Avengers#1 (September, 2003) - Kurt Busiek (writer), George Perez
(artist), Tom Brevoort & Dan Raspler (editors)
Uncanny X-Men I#477 (October, 2006) - Ed Brubaker (writer), Clayton Henry
(penciler), Mark Morales (inker), Mike Marts (editor)
Uncanny X-Men I#480 (January, 2007) - Ed Brubaker (writer), Clayton Henry
(penciler), Mark Morales (inker), Mike Marts, Nick Lowe (editors)
War of Kings#1 (May, 2009) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
(writers), Paul Pelletier (pencils), Rick Magyar (inks), Bill Rosemann
Nova IV#24 (June, 2009) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (writers),
Anrea DiVito (artist), Bill Rosemann (editor)
War of Kings: Who Will Rule?#1 (November, 2009) - Dan Abnett & Andy
Lanning (writers), Paul Pelletier (pencils), Andrew Hennessy (inks),
Bill Rosemann (editor)
All-New X-Men I#23 (April, 2014) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer),
Stuart Immonen (penciler), Wade Von Grawbadger (inker), Nick Lowe
All-New X-Men I#24 (May, 2014) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Stuart
Immonen (penciler), Wade Von Grawbadger (inker), Nick Lowe (editor)
Thanos II#2-3 (February-March, 2017) – Jeff Lamire (writer), Mike Deodato Jr (artist), Jordan White (editor)
Thanos II#5 (May, 2017) – Jeff Lamire (writer), Mike Deodato Jr (artist), Jordan White (editor)
Guardians of the Galaxy IV#17 (April, 2017) - Brian
Michael Bendis (writer), Valerio Schiti (artist), Jordan White (editor)
Mr. and Mrs. X#4-5 (December, 2018 - January, 2019) - Kelly Thompson (writer), Oscar Bazaldua (artist), Darren Shan (editor)
X-Men Legends I#2 (May, 2021) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Brett Booth (penciler), Adelso Corona (inker), Mark Basso (editor)
Deadpool: Badder Blood#3 (October, 2023) - Rob Liefeld (writer/artist), Chad Bowers (writer), Mark Basso (editor)
First posted: 07/20/2007
Last updated: 12/20/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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