Membership: Bosede, Damola, Mr. J'Baro, M'Chata, Man-Ape (M'Baku), Man-Ape (Mandla), N'Gamo, N'Taka, Naraba, Queen Divine Justice (Chante Brown), others
Purpose: To worship the Gorilla God (Ghekre) and provide autonomy for their tribe
Death Tiger,
Djali Elpadaro, Farin Biri tribe, Jabari, Kingpin, Malice (Nakia),
Midnight Angels (Aneka, Ayo), Moeswe, Ngi the Gorilla-God, Shuri, Thandiwe, Vibraxas,
Enemies: Adversary, Black
Panther (T'Challa), Hatut Zeraze, Knull, the People, Ramonda, the Revealer
(Zenzi), the Shaman (Tetu), Symbiote Dragons, Toyosi, Wakandan tribes;
Base of Operations: Crystal Forest, Wakanda
First Appearance: (Man-Ape and N'Gamo) Avengers I#62 (March, 1969); (Jabari tribe) Black Panther III#33 (August, 2001)
(Marvel Comics Presents III#2/3 (fb)) - Before they became the Jabari, a small clan in Wakanda existed with many enemies. To protect themselves, they summoned the spirit of the Gorilla God, Ngi, and created a Gorilla-Man, a hybrid between man and god. The tribe thrived for years until the Gorilla-Man went mad and began killing humans. The elders cast magics that would summon someone from across the world to come to Wakanda and kill the god-man, taking his powers upon himself and becoming the new Gorilla-Man, who would slowly go mad over time. Eventually this curse passed to Ken Hale in America.
(Black Panther VI#10 (fb) - BTS) - Ages ago, Jabari gave his life for his people, the Farin Biri, and they took his name as their new tribe. Djali Elpadaro predicted the land would one day fall.
(King in Black: Black Panther#1 (fb) - BTS) - Years ago, in the martial arts class of Moeswe, young T'Challa sparred against three members of the Jabari clan.
(Marvels II#8 (fb)) – A delegation of the Shi’ar arrived on Earth and landed in Wakanda, where they soon met the Jabari Tribe. One of the tribe, Bosede, was a psi-sensitive and helped the group, with his tribesmen, guided the Shi’ar around the regions so they could explore Earth, and he mated with the female commander of the Shi’ar, and they soon had the child they would call Warbird.
(Black Panther III#35 (fb)) - After King T’Chaka of Wakanda was murdered, the Jabari took to worshipping the sacred White Gorilla, a practice that had long been outlawed in Wakanda where the tribes mostly worshipped the Panther God, and the Jabari sought to conquer all of Wakanda. Many tribes went to war, and many of the more fundamentalist tribes denounced the Jabari as war-mongers and traitors. To keep the peace, the new King T’Challa, the Black Panther condemned the tribe and dispersed them throughout Wakanda, but many others took that as an edict to shun the Jabari and hunt them down. The Jabari chieftain, Damola, chose to flee Wakanda to America with his wife rather than face this persecution. They were still hunted down and murdered, leading to Damola’s infant daughter an orphan in Chicago, Illinois. The orphan, Chante Giovanni Brown, was raised in Chicago by a Wakandan, Toyosi.
(Black Panther III#34 (fb) - BTS) - When King T’Challa of Wakanda shunned the worship of the White Gorilla, the Jabari, called the Clan of the White Gorilla, were shunned outcasts, and moved to dwell in the forbidden frozen lands of the Jabari, including the Crystal Forest and the large Gorilla Palace. Man-Ape, the Chieftain of the Jabari, grew to hate the Wakandans, their worship of the Panther, and their reliance on technology. The leaders of the Jabari were exiled from Wakanda and eventually killed.
(Avengers I#62 (fb) - BTS/Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#8) - Though forbidden, M’Baku, the chieftain of the Jabari, slew a sacred white gorilla and ate its flesh, an act which mystically bestowed upon him super strength. He turned its garb into a costume and reformed the White Gorilla Cult, all in secret.
(Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes II#1 - BTS) - The first of Wakanda’s warrior command, M’Baku was appointed acting chieftain while T’Challa was acting with the Avengers in the United States.
(Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes II#2) - When T’Challa introduced Wakanda into the United Nations and took upon himself an American identity, M’Baku, through his second-in-command, N’Gamo, authorized three Wakandans in America, N’Taka, M’Chata, and Naraba, to make a move against T’Challa.
(Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes II#3) - At M’Baku’s command, N’Taka hired the Death Tiger to deal with T’Challa.
(Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes II#7 - BTS) - The Death Tiger attacked T’Challa, but was killed by a young student with a gun who saved T’Challa’s life.
(Avengers I#62) - Black Panther and the Avengers defeated Man-Ape and Black Panther resumed rule of Wakanda.
(Avengers I#78 (fb) - BTS) - Man-Ape and N'Gamo fled to the United States, where Man-Ape would remain for the following years in exile.
(Black Panther III#14) - Black Panther recruited Chante, who now referred to herself as Queen Divine Justice, to serve in his Dora Milaje, ceremonial wives-in-training.
(Black Panther III#34 (fb) - BTS) - Man-Ape was freed from prison by Malice (Nakia), former Dora Milaje of Black Panther. He was entreated to kidnap Ramonda (Black Panther's mother) and
(Black Panther III#32) -Man-Ape stole aboard Ramonda’s ship in the cargo bay. When Queen Divine Justice, of the Dora Milaje, investigated, Man-Ape struck out, knocking both she and Ramonda unconscious. He then took control of the ship, shooting down the other Wakandan aircrafts that flew nearby. He crashed the ship in the Jabari lands. When Justice woke up, she was startled to find herself in Man-Ape’s clutches and in the Crystal Forest.
(Black Panther III#35 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Man-Ape discovered a suspended animation chamber containing the Black Panther in the Crystal Forest. He assumed this was the original Black Panther and the other was an imposter.
(Black Panther III#33) - Man-Ape explained his mission to Justice, defending the rights of the Jabari and counting them separate from other Wakandans. Justice struck Man-Ape with the soles of her Vibranium boots, then fled, but Man-Ape did not pursue, knowing she could not escape from the Crystal Forest. N’Gamo rushed to check on Man-Ape, and was shocked to learn that Man-Ape planned to kill Justice. N’Gamo told Man-Ape that Justice was the Jabari Dora Milaje, shocking Man-Ape. Man-Ape and the rest of the Jabari knelt before Justice when she was apprehended by them.
(Black Panther III#34) - The Crystal Forest surrounded the Gorilla Palace, and the temperature of the land surrounding was around -47 Celsius at night. Vibraxas entered the Gorilla Palace, seeking Justice, and subdued several guards on his way in. He found Queen being attended to by a few tribal members. Man-Ape entered and removed the headband that gave Vibraxas control over his abilities, then knocked him out and ordered him killed, but Justice refused. Man-Ape had Vibraxas wrapped in a burial shroud of Kurieto mud that would block his powers, then coached Justice on the responsibilities of her new office. The Jabari prepared the March of Lights, the ceremony that would proclaim Justice as their new ruler and declare war on Wakanda. Justice laid down the condition that she would not marry Man-Ape, and he scoffed, revealing he was her cousin. Black Panther then attacked, demanding that the Jabari follow his laws. Man-Ape moved to attack, though knowing that Justice had ordered no harm to Black Panther, but the king appointed the American bureaucrat Henry Peter Gyrich to fight Man-Ape in his place.
(Black Panther III#35) - Gyrich declared combat by skill instead of violence, invoking a tribal law, but Man-Ape knocked Gyrich over, taking a bite out of his government ID. While he held Gyrich in his hand, the bureaucrat announced that he believed Man-Ape only wanted Justice in power because that would give Man-Ape more power and bring greater prowess to the Jabari. Tiring of Gyrich’s antics, Man-Ape grew increasingly furious and swore to slay Gyrich. Black Panther returned and Man-Ape unleashed his fury on his former friend, battling him while demanding the Jabari be allowed to annex from Wakanda and accusing Black Panther of starting the war he was claiming to stop. When Vibraxas lost control of his powers, much of the Crystal Palace shattered. Man-Ape laughed as Justice and Panther saw the suspended animation container holding the other Black Panther.
(Black Panther III#48) - Imprisoned in Wakanda, Man-Ape received a visit from Queen Divine Justice, who was seeking information on the Black Panther who’d been in the stasis tube. She told Man-Ape that version of the Panther was in stasis again, and sought Man-Ape’s held to save him, telling Man-Ape that maybe his assistance would reflect well on him at his trial. Man-Ape laughed, knowing he would get no trial. Queen and Vibraxas later freed Man-Ape, and she ordered him to return to the Jabari to await trial, and made him promise not to seek vengeance on Black Panther. Man-Ape immediately donned his costume, though, and attacked Black Panther. Stating that he had promised not to harm Black Panther, Man-Ape instead smashed the stasis tube, killing the other Panther (a future version of T’Challa).
(Black Panther III#49) - Reunited with the Jabari, Man-Ape and his people stood defensively on the borders of their land as Black Panther led the combined tribes of Wakanda in war against them. Man-Ape postured, telling Black Panther that all the things the Jabari believed about him were being proven true, until Queen silenced him with a snowball. She and Vibraxas pleaded for Black Panther to stand down, but the king refused, stating that both Man-Ape and Queen would be sentenced to death. Black Panther attacked Vibraxas and Queen, severely injuring her, then seemed to have a seizure, collapsing on the ground. Man-Ape, shocked, ordered his men to attack, and savagely led a bloody battle against the Wakandans. When Queen gained enough coherence, she commanded her people to stop the war, and pleaded to Black Panther again to free her people. The war resolved, though the decision of Black Panther was not made clear.
(Black Panther IV#16-18) - Man-Ape nearly organized the Jabari into war against Black Panther when he felt slighted for not being invited to Black Panther's wedding.
(Civil War: Battle Damage Report#1) - Man-Ape represented the Jabari tribe in the Pan-African Congress to the Treatment of Super humans in response to the recent enforced registration of heroes in the USA.
(Black Panther: the Most Dangerous Man Alive I#527) – Mr. J’Baro, of the Jabari Clan, member of the Wakanda Board of Directors, was engaged in criminal activity and seeking to barter with Kingpin, but T’Challa stopped him.
(Black Panther VI#4 (fb) - BTS) - After the death of M’Baku, his brother Mandla took up as leader of the Jabari, and built White Gorilla armor for he and his soldiers.
(Black Panther VI#3) - The Midnight Angels (Aneka and Ayo) sought refuge in the Jabari-Lands with refugees, including Mbali and Thandiwe. Mandla attacked them.
(Black Panther VI#4) - The Midnight Angels killed Mandla and declared the Jabari-Lands free. They began holding free elections and passing laws, and word soon reached Black Panther.
(Black Panther VI#5) - In the Jabari-Lands, the Midnight Angels heard news of Black Panther.
(Black Panther VI#6) - The Hatut Zeraze attacked the Jabari-Lands, leading the Midnight Angels and Dora Milaje to fight against them. Just as they were overwhelmed, the Revealer (Zenzi) used her emotion-manipulating powers to defeat the men, who were soon imprisoned. The Revealer and the Shaman (Tetu) then allied with the Angels.
(Black Panther VI#9) - The Midnight Angels struggled to keep rule in the Jabari-Lands.
(Black Panther VI#10) - Shuri petitioned the Midnight Angels for an alliance, threatening that they would be razed if they rebelled. Agreeing to the alliance, the Angels ended their connection to the Shaman, who promised revenge.
(Black Panther VI#14) - The Dora Milaje battled Vanyans (horned white gorillas) in the Jabari-Lands.
(Black Panther VI#15) - The Dora Milaje, Midnight Angels, Black Panther, Shuri, and Zawavari battled the Vanyans in the Jabari-Lands. Shuri called on the spirits of the Farin Biri and Jabari to help her close the portal of the Vanyan.
(Black Panther VI#16) - M’Bali represented the Jabari-Lands in a council meeting.
(Black Panther VI#168) - In the Jabari-Lands, M’Bali and the Dora Milaje heard about the capture of the Midnight Angels, and she called Ramonda in Birnin Zana to ask for support, but Ramonda reminded them that the Constitutional Council had to plan how to act now, and that Wakanda would enforce the law if the Dora Milaje tried taking matters into their own hands. Ramonda soon delivered a series of Midnight Angel armors to the Dora Milaje.
(Black Panther VI#172) – The Jabari joined Wakanda in channeling faith to defeat the Adversary.
(Marvel Comics Presents III#2/3 - BTS) - Black Panther took Ken Hale, the Gorilla-Man, to the Jabari-Lands to confront a vision of Ngi and the past Gorilla-Men, helping Hale reclaim his powers.
(King in Black: Black Panther#1 - BTS) - When Knull's symbiote dragons attacked Wakanda, the Jabari were overtaken.
Comments: Man-Ape and N'Gamo created by Roy Thomas, John Buscema, and George Klein. Jabari named and expanded upon by Christopher Priest, Sal Velluto, and Bob Almond.
The Originators' Vanyan descended from Ghekre. There was a theory that the Vanyan could be ancestors of the White Apes, just like in the Black Panther: Protectors of Wakanda: A History and Training Manual of the Dora Milaje from the Marvel Universe (2022) RPG adaptation, which interestingly, I also collaborated on the part about the god of the Jabari. The Annotations from Wakanda #1 and #2 mentions the cults of Ghekre and Ngi and says that the White Apes were mutated by Vibranium.
--Quiof Thrul
See the Man-Ape profile for more information.
Profile by Chadman.
Jabari has no known connections to
(Black Panther III#35 (fb)) - The Jabari chieftain, Damola, chose to flee Wakanda to America with his wife rather than face this persecution. They were still hunted down and murdered, leading to Damola’s infant daughter an orphan in Chicago, Illinois. His daughter would grow up to be Queen Divine Justice.
--Black Panther III#35 (fb)
(King in Black: Black Panther#1 (fb) - BTS) - In Wakanda, years ago, Moeswe taught a martial arts class that included students T'Challa and members of the Jabari clan.
--[King in Black: Black Panther#1 (fb)]
M'Chata, and N'Taka
(Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes II#1 - BTS) - The first of Wakanda’s warrior command, M’Baku was appointed acting chieftain while T’Challa was acting with the Avengers in the United States.
(Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes II#2) - When T’Challa introduced Wakanda into the United Nations and took upon himself an American identity, M’Baku, through his second-in-command, N’Gamo, authorized three Wakandans in America, N’Taka, M’Chata, and Naraba, to make a move against T’Challa.
(Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes II#3) - At M’Baku’s command, N’Taka hired the Death Tiger to deal with T’Challa.
(Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes II#7 - BTS) - The Death Tiger attacked T’Challa, but was killed by a young student with a gun who saved T’Challa’s life.
--Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes II#1 (Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes II#1 – BTS, 2-3, 7 – BTS
(without ads)
Black Panther III#48, p22, pan1 (main)
Black Panther III#34 , p10, pan5 (Gorilla Palace)
Black Panther III#35, p12, pan3 (Damola)
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes 2 I#2, p13, pan5, 6 (M'Chata,
N'Taka, and Naraba)
Avengers I#62 (March, 1969) - Roy Thomas (writer), John Buscema
(penciler), George Klein (inker), Stan Lee (editor)
Avengers I#78 (July, 1970) - Roy Thomas (writer), Sal Buscema
(penciler), Tom Palmer (inker), Stan Lee (editor)
Black Panther III#14 (January, 2000) - Christopher Priest (writer), Sal
Velluto (penciler), Bob Almond (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
Black Panther III#32-33 (July-August, 2001) - Priest (writer), Sal
Velluto (penciler), Bob Almond (inker), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Black Panther III#34-35 (September-October, 2001) - Priest (writer), J.
Calafiore (penciler), Livesay (inker), Mike Marts (editor)
Black Panther III#48-49 (October-November, 2002) - Priest (writer), Sal
Velluto (penciler), Bob Almond (inker), Mike Marts (editor)
Black Panther IV#16-18 (July-September, 2006) - Reginald Hudlin
(writer), Scott Eaton (penciler), Klaus Janson (inker), Axel Alonzo
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes II#1-3 (December, 2006-February,
2007) - Joe Casey (writer), Will Rosado (penciler), Tom Palmer (inker),
Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes II#7 (May, 2007) - Joe Casey
(writer), Will Rosado (penciler), Tom Palmer (inker), Tom Brevoort
Civil War: Battle Damage Report#1 (2007) - Anthony Flamini, Ronald Byrd
(writers), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
Panther: the Most Dangerous Man Alive I#527 (February, 2012) – David
Liss (writer), Michael Avon Oeming, (penciler/inker), Bill Rosemann
Black Panther VI#3-4 (August-September, 2016) - Ta-Nehisi Coates (writer), Brian Stelfreeze (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
Panther VI#5 (October, 2016) - Ta-Nehisi Coates (writer), Chris Sprouse
(penciler), Karl Story, Walden Wong (inkers), Wil Moss (editor)
Panther VI#6 (November, 2016) - Ta-Nehisi Coates (writer), Chris
Sprouse (penciler), Karl Story (inker), Wil Moss (editor)
Black Panther VI#9-10 (February-March, 2017) - Ta-Nehisi Coates (writer), Brian Stelfreeze (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
Panther VI#14 (July, 2017) - (Ta-Nehisi Coates (writer), Wilfredo
Torres, Jacen Burrows (pencilers), Terry Pallot (inker), Wil Moss
Panther VI#16 (September, 2017) - Ta-Nehisi Coates (writer), Chris
Sprouse (penciler), Karl Story, Walden Wong, Dexter Vines (inkers), Wil
Moss (editor)
Panther VI#168 (February, 2018) - Ta-Nehisi Coates (writer), Chris
Sprouse (penciler), Karl Story, Walden Wong (inkers), Wil Moss (editor)
Black Panther VI#172 (June, 2018) – Ta-Nehisi Coates (writer), Leonard Kirk (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
Marvel Comics Presents III#2/3 (April, 2019) - David Lapham (writer/artist), Maria Lapham (artist), Chris Robinson (editor)
King in Black: Black Panther#1 (April, 2021) - Geoffrey Thorne (writer), German Peralta (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
Marvels II#8 (April, 2022) - Kurt Busiek (writer), Yildiray Cinar (artist), Martin Biro (editor)
First posted: 05/28/2007
Last updated: 03/09/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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