Real Name: Krakkan
Identity/Class: Extradimensional magic user
Occupation: Mystic entity; mystic principality
Group Membership: Octessence (Balthakk, Cyttorak, Farallah, Ikonn, Raggadorr, Valtorr, Watoomb)
Affiliations: Conquest (Bridget Malone);
invoked by Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange), Clea,
Dormammu, Magnus
and presumably other mystics;
some association with Set; see also the Catalogue
of Correspondences for Set from Ian McNee's reading of the First
Enemies: Elsa Bloodstone, Cullen Bloodstone, Lyra Bloodstone, Ulysses Bloodstone;
spells used against numerous beings
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Krakkan the Jailer, Kraken (Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme#1)
Base of Operations: Extradimensional realm;
possibly active on Earth in what would become
Northern Ireland.
First Appearance:
(Invoked in-story) Marvel Premiere I#7 (March, 1973)
(Seen) Iron Man III#22 (November,
Powers/Abilities: Krakkan is an entity who grants
magical power to those who invoke him, typically in spells. Krakkan
typically grants power to those invoking the Chains
of Krakkan, which generally serve to entrap and hold others, often
preventing them from utilizing their powers.
Loki defined Krakkan as "an odd, tedious and particularly smelly
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History: (Iron Man III#22 (fb)) - <Millennia ago> Eight great mystics gathered, and a disagreement arose as to which was the most powerful. To settle the argument, they entered into the Wager of the Octessence: Each created a totem, with each totem holding a fraction of its creator's vast power and possessing the ability to transform the first human who touched it into an Exemplar, a living embodiment of that power. (Thor II#17 (fb) - BTS/Avengers III#25 (fb)) - Krakkan
placed his totem, the Kestrel
of Krakkan, within a cavern in what would become the Northern
Ireland. |
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(Death of Doctor Strange: Bloodstone#1 (fb)) - <10,000 years ago> The magical warlord Krakkan had temples all over the isles of Britain and Ireland. His devoted priests kept him empowered so that his chains would wrap around the land to claim it for his own.
Ulysses Bloodstone made a deal with the gods and sacrificed the Nullgem, which stabilized and amplified his powers, and his first daughter Lyra to them. In return he was granted the power to banish Krakkan from Earth for the time being. As payment Lyra and the Nullgem were sealed in stone and sucked deep into outer space where she remained for millennia. Over time the Nullgem merged with Lyra. She remained in outer space guarded by whoever the Sorcerer Supreme was at the time and was fed anything with magical energy because the Nullgem ate magic.
(Thor II#17 (fb)) - <Modern Era> The Kestrel Key of Krakkan attracted Bridget Malone to the hidden cavern. She touched it and was transformed into Krakkan's Exemplar, Conquest.
(Death of Doctor Strange: Bloodstone#1) - After the death of Doctor Strange Ulysses' daughter Lyra returned with the Nullgem to Earth. As a result Krakkan was no longer sealed away and returned to Earth to take his revenge on the Bloodstone family. He attacked Bloodstone Manor and went after Ulysses' children Elsa, Cullen and Lyra with an army. Lyra formed a circle in Bloodstone Manor's attic that absorbed magic while Elsa and Cullen fought Krakkan and his army. Elsa dished out a beating to Krakkan, ripped off his helmet and then shot him several time, but it only annoyed Krakkan, who got even madder at the Bloodstone's for reuniting and using the Nullgem and Bloodgem against him. He got ahold of Lyra, who used the power of the Nullgem until Krakkan went boom (?).
Comments: Name invented by Gardner Fox. First use
in spells by Chris Claremont.
Form revealed by Kurt Busiek & Roger Stern, Sean
Chen, Rob Hunter, Rags Morales, Nelson & Eric Cannon.
It is absolutely right that there exist at least a Key where there are
so many locked Chains.
Krakkan, the first time he was named, the balloons were wrong. |
First print in the USA: Marvel Premiere I#7 (March, 1973) | First print in Italy:
L'Uomo Ragno#107 (June, 1974) |
Example of correct
juxtaposition. |
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(on the right) was almost unconscious after a cosmic-horrible
encounter. She was babbling something about a "she", but
the only female on the scene was herself! What? Is there the microscopic possibility that Krakkan was or was able to take a female form and that "she" called by inter-dimensional means inferior beings for "her" own purposes? Gordon (at the center) hearing Shuma-Gorath's call lasted the error! |
The error was duplicated in the Italian
translation. Of course the translator and the editor knew nothing
about Krakkan. Given it was the first time he was mentioned, they
had no clue. |
Please note that Blondine was the reincarnation of
a high priestess of Dagoth
and agent of Shuma-Gorath, priestess dead thousands of years
before. Who knows? She could have had great arcane knowledge, thus
knowing about Krakkan. However, exchanging the dialogues, and correcting the direction of the balloon, everything makes sense, and connects perfectly with the rest of the story. |
Writers say "millennia" all the time, as if they were really an ancient time. It's possible that it was hundreds of thousands of years ago, or even millions or billions.
Loki, called the entities involved in the Octessence "Cyttorak's brothers." I do not believe there is a blood connection among Krakkan and the others entities, the word "brothers" was probably used with the meaning of "brothers-in-war" or "brothers-in-magic" or other.--Spidermay
Per David Sexton
Occasions in which Krakkan's power was used by mystics for
their spells.
I'm sure there are some not included here. Please let me know what I
missed, preferably specifying the issue, the situation it was used in
(by whom, against whom, accomplishing what), and then quote the spell
Krakkan and Pohldahk and Mehroth unbending.
Let all barriers fall... 'fore this
one I'm sending!
Fiery Balthakk, dread Krakkan,
Join thy powers now in chorus.
Open wide these works of man--
that those within may quail before us!
Profile by Spidermay. Update by Markus Raymond (Bloodstone).
Krakkan has no known connections to:
Classification: Magic Spell
Creator: Krakkan.
User/Possessors: Doctor Strange, Clea,
Norman Osborn, Umar
First Appearance: (Named) Marvel
Premiere I#7 (March, 1973);
used for the first time in Doctor Strange II#45
(February, 1981)
Version: Conjuration
Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Chains of Krakkan were mostly used to entrap, to bind, or to capture one or more enemies.
Casting Time: Few seconds
Range: Short (30 feet) at least
Components: A mandatory component, probably at caster's choice among:
Duration: Maximum time
unrevealed, at least a minute
Primary effects: A chain, material, apparently of
iron or metal, entangling the targets. Once conjured, the Chains can
also be used by others that can materially interact with them.
Apparently, the Chains cannot be dispelled by the caster using a
simple command or gesture.
Collateral effects: None.
(Marvel Premiere I#7) - Doctor
Strange invoked the Chains of Krakkan surprised by Blondine's
while she was unconscious.
(Doctor Strange II#45) - Clea
conjured the Chains of Krakkan entrapping Wong, Sarah
Wolfe and Mr. Sanderson with that single spell. She gained
precious time, but after seconds the N'Garai servants were free. They
were probably helped by their armors, impervious to some spells.
(Doctor Strange II#47) -
The Chains of Krakkan were conjured by Doctor Strange and bound the
demon Ikonn
for the time needed to probe a little part of the demon's memories.
However, in that lapse of time, Ikonn was feeding on the power granted
to him by his Bell, thus, he easily broke the Chains, and probably could
have even before. Moreover, Ikonn used the same Chains of Krakkan
against Strange, binding him. It took some seconds, to Strange, to cast
another spell, and the Eye of Agamotto
to crush the Chains.
(Defenders II#8) - During a squabble with the Grey
Hulk, Strange started to conjure the Chains of Krakkan with the purpose
to restrain him. However, the spell was not completed, because Namor
stopped the two.
(Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme#1) - Doctor
Strange invoked the "Chains of the Kraken" surprised by Merlin's
(Amazing Spider-Man IV#32) - In a vision of a possible future helped by
the Emerald Oracle of Ikonn, Norman Osborn invoked the Chains of
Krakkan. The Chains were not visible, nonetheless Spider-Man was
Comments: Name created by
Gardner Fox (writer). Graphically created by Gene Colan (pencils) and Frank
Giacoia/Daniel Green/Allen Milgrom/Thomas Palmer/Wendy Pini/Josef
Rubinstein/Walter Simonson/Bob Wiacek (inks).
When, in Marvel Premiere I#7, Doctor
Strange heard Blondine naming Shuma-Gorath,
he learned the missing link from his investigation on arcane matters.
His consequent exclamation "Yes, by the Chains of Krakkan!"
could be a metaphore related to the (arcane) links forming the Chain.
It is unrevealed whether the Chains of Krakkan can be also used to
discover hidden (and/or difficult to retrieve following logical links)
information. In that case the version of the spell would be part of
the Divination school.
Osborn/Oracle's flash-forward in ASM4#32 must be
taken with a high level of criticism. Ikonn is renown for his
illusions and trickery, so, the reliability of what was seen is very
low. Moreover, the happenings were also driven by Norman Osborn's
delusions of grandeur, thus utterly inventing things and outcomes.
The Enchanted Chains of Krakkan can also be used to bind the word
given, to strengthen the pacts taken. The consequences of the
breaking the vows, the promises, the contracts and so on, are
Casting Time: Few
seconds to make the vow, excluding the preliminary part, during which
the targets decide the terms of the deal.
Range: Any, provided that the contractors are able to
communicate between them.
Components: A
verbal component containing the invocation to the Chains. It is
probable that the contract would be valid in written form, once
written the invocation.
Duration: Until the
contract is not resolved or broken by the parts.
Primary effects: Forcing the subscribing targets to
follow an agreed course of action. In some cases, the assent could be
given keeping silence.
Collateral effects: None.
(Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#24)
- Umar and Dormammu reached an agreement, Umar swore to hold her vow
upon the Enchanted Chains of Krakkan, as requested by Dormammu.
Comments: Being confirmed this kind of use of the Chains (to uphold a pact), would imply an alignment of Krakkan toward the sphere of Order.
Death of Doctor Strange: Bloodstone#1, p19, pan1 (main)
Death of Doctor Strange: Bloodstone#1, p24, pan1 (head shot, no helmet, modern)
Avengers III#25, p1, pan2 (head shot)
Death of Doctor Strange: Bloodstone#1, p10, pan1 (in full armor, fighting)
Iron Man III#22, p17, panel 5 (back view)
Marvel Premiere I#7, p12, pan6 (Strange, Gordon and Blondine)
Doctor Strange II#45, p15, pan3 (Clea conjured the Chains of Krakkan)
Doctor Strange II#47, p18, pan2 (Ikonn broke the Chains and re-used them)
Iron Man III#22 (November, 1999) - Kurt Busiek & Roger Stern
(writers), Sean Chen (pencils), Rob Hunter, Rags Morales, Nelson &
Eric Cannon (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Avengers III#25 (February, 2000) - Kurt Busiek (writer), George
Pérez (pencils), Al Vey (inks), Tom Smith (colors), Breevort &
Harras (editors)
Death of Doctor Strange: Bloodstone#1 (March, 2022) - Tini Howard (writer), Ig Guara (artist), Tom Groneman (editor)
Appearances of the Chains of Krakkan:
Marvel Premiere I#7 (March, 1973) - Gardner F. Fox (writer), Craig Russell (pencils), Mike Esposito, Frank Giacoia & David Hunt (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Doctor Strange II#45 (February, 1981) - Chris Claremont (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Frank Giacoia, Daniel Green, Allen Milgrom, Thomas Palmer, Wendy Pini, Josef Rubinstein, Walter Simonson & Bob Wiacek (inks), Mary Jo Duffy (editor)
Doctor Strange II#47 (April, 1981) - Roger Stern (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Daniel Green (inks), Mary Jo Duffy (editor)
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#24 (December, 1990) - Roy & Dann Thomas (writers), Butch Guice (pencils), Doug Hazlewood (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Defenders II#8 (October, 2001) - Kurt Busiek, Erik Larsen & Eric Stephenson (writers), Ron Frenz (pencils), Al Vey (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme#1 (December, 2016) - Robbie Thompson (writer), Javier Rodriguez (pencils), Alvaro Lopez (inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man IV#32 (September, 2017) - Dan Slott (writer), Greg Smallwood (pencils and inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
First Posted: 10/15/2007
Last updated: 10/12/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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