Real Name: L'Deroh
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Shi'ar)
Occupation: Envoy of royal commission
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Baranka, Forge, Jubilee, Lilandra, Luten, Professor X, Storm
Enemies: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: L'Roy (nickname given by Jubilee)
Base of Operations: Shi'ar Empire
First Appearance: X-Men Unlimited I#5 (June, 1994)
Powers/Abilities: L'Deroh possesses the standard abilities of a Shi'ar.
(X-Men Unlimited I#5) - L'Deroh, an envoy of royal commission, was sent by
Lilandra, who was then stationed on the planet Kree-Lar (then newly Shi'ar
territory), to Earth to retrieve the X-Men. The arrival of his starship
disturbed the sleep of Professor X, Jubilee, Forge, and Storm. He beamed the
four mutants aboard his ship without explanation, and moved toward the Kree
galaxy. He played a hologram of Lilandra ordering their presence. When they
arrived, he turned them over to Baranka and Luten to prepare for the ceremony.
Comments: Created by John Francis Moore, Liam Sharpe, and Kevin Conrad.
Profile by Chadman.
has no known connections to
(X-Men Unlimited I#5) - Baranka escorted Jubilee, Forge, Storm, and Professor X of the X-Men from L'Deroh's transport ship to Luten, who saw that they were dressed for the ceremony Lilandra had summoned them to.
--X-Men Unlimited I#5
images: (without ads)
X-Men Unlimited I#5, p3, pan1
p4, pan4 (face)
p10, pan3 (Baranka)
p10, pan3 (Luten)
X-Men Unlimited I#5 (June, 1994) - John
Francis Moore (writer), Liam Sharpe (penciler), Kevin Conrad, Steve Moncuse,
Robbin Riggs, Matthew Ryan (inkers), Kelly Corvese (editor)
Last updated: 06/12/07
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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