Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Gang leader
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Pedro, Ric;
Formerly Black Tarantula (Carlos LaMuerto)
Enemies: Black Tarantula (Carlos LaMuerto)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York City , New York
First Appearance: Daredevil Annual II#1 (December, 2007)
Powers/Abilities: Little Loco, though small in size, led several gang members who had access to vast cash resources and artillery.
(Daredevil Annual II#1 (fb)) - Gang leader Carlos LaMuerto, who became the Black Tarantula, took a wager from his second-in-command, Ric, that he couldn't turn young Luis Rodriguez into one of them. LaMuerto took Luis under his wing, giving him whatever he wanted and turning him to gang violence. Luis took the name Little Loco.
(Daredevil Annual II#1 (fb) - BTS) - After LaMuerto was incarcerated, Loco took over a section of the gang. Loco was angry when he heard that LaMuerto had been released from prison and hadn't contacted him. Loco was hired by a building owner to murder an old woman at the Biltmore, and Loco did so, making it look like a suicide.
(Daredevil Annual II#1) - Loco and his gang found LaMuerto on the streets of Hell's Kitchen and confronted him. LaMuerto tried posturing, but Loco's men drew their guns to hold him off and stated that they owned the streets now. LaMuerto later roughed up Pedro to get information on Loco's activities. LaMuerto eventually learned about the murder of the old woman and stormed a club where Loco was being entertained by strippers. Loco admitted to the crime, then had his men open fire on LaMuerto, who took down the men single-handedly. Loco offered LaMuerto a place in the gang, but LaMuerto, furious, choked Loco with money, killing him.
Comments: Created by Ed Brubaker, Ande Parks , Leandro Fernandez and Warren Simons.
Profile by Chadman.
Little Loco has no known connections to
(Daredevil Annual II#1 (fb)) - Gang leader Carlos LaMuerto, who became the Black Tarantula, took a wager from his second-in-command, Ric, that he couldn't turn young Luis Rodriguez into one of them. LaMuerto took Luis under his wing, giving him whatever he wanted and turning him to gang violence. Luis took the name Little Loco.
--Daredevil Annual II#1 (Daredevil Annual II#1 (fb)
(Daredevil Annual II#1) - A gang member of Little Loco's, Pedro was roughed up by Carlos LaMuerto, who was looking for information, until Matt Murdock interrupted them. Pedro ran for it.
--Daredevil Annual II#1
images: (without ads)
Daredevil Annual II#1, p34, pan1 (main)
Daredevil Annual II#1 (December, 2007) - Ed Brubaker, Ande Parks (writers), Leandro Fernandez (penciler), Scott Koblish (inker), Warren Simons (editor)
Last updated: 11/14/07
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